
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantaisie
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254 Chs

Time passes very fast (2)

It is true that Alexander still has part of Walter's fortune but they were only 30 million gold, Also recently his mother had just bought a luxury villa 200 miles from the capital which cost a fortune, up to 10 million golds, leaving them with only about 20 million.

When it came to making money it was difficult but spending it was very easy if one wanted they could spend more than a million gold a day easily, but earning a million in a day would take a lot of effort.

For now, he was not planning to go anywhere so he could start accumulating his wealth. Alexander thought and came to a conclusion, for now, he would give supreme grade bottles to his grandparents, sisters and their respective mothers on the condition that they do not tell their father, his status as an alchemist must be kept a secret so that his grandparents could reach the peak of body refining bidding their time.

Not to mention that his sisters could advance by leaps and bounds in their cultivation and surpass the geniuses of the region. In addition to this Alexander, prepared a few potions of superior grade marrow to cleanses and grow the talent of his sisters, he couldn't give them a supreme grade as the physical changes it produces is too noticeable and it is not for sure that they could even get Alexander's talent themselves.

According to what he studied these potions were made of blood essence of wild beasts. The beasts cultivating differently than humans and their blood essence are potent, but it did not make sense the great talent that Alexander obtained from the potion until he remembered that he had read that many powerful male beasts such as dragons, Fafnir, Phoenix, have high libido and naturally they sought numerous number of sexual partners and spreading their bloodline around the world.

Alexander imagined that the potion he was consuming had a bloodline of a demonic beast but he did not know which one since this one was so thin that it could not be distinguished much less to be used, but the most terrifying thing was that this thin line gave him such a great talent. Thinking about it, he couldn't help to imagine how powerful beast was which he has gotten the blood from. Were it not for the purification he made, he would never get such a talent.

This was his luck but were he to give his sisters a bloodline of an evil being full of intent to kill, this would make him feel awful, since the age of his sisters was very young and their personality was not fully developed, therefore he would wait until they were older and they made the decisions about this potion.

Of course, there would be potions without bloodlines and they would only be regular potions. Alexander made two supreme marrow washing potions and gave them to his mother and Audrey hoping for the best, even if that bloodline was evil in nature like that of the undead with how thin the bloodline would be and how old these women were it would be easy to control them.

So his mother and Audrey took the potions and experienced just what Alexander had in the past, his mother already have noticeable changes in her physique, she became more stunning, before she was beautiful but if compared with the beauties of her past life would be far off, Her hair was dyed in green while her pupils became emeralds. It looked as if she had returned in her early twenties.

While with Audrey something similar had happened, her beautiful face became much more attractive, rejuvenated and her pupils turned yellow while her hair turned blue.

Meanwhile, Alexander was feeling indignant, he had just wanted to improve the talent of his people but didn't want the changes to be so noticeable!

Right now he kept cursing the powerful beasts for being so lustful that they to copulate so much like rabbits, can't there be a beast without a bloodline?

But when he thought about it, he realized that innumerable generations have passed since the divine beasts were in this realm, after so many generations, all beasts must have more than one trace of bloodlines in their bodies without knowing it. Only by purifying their blood will their thin connection can be seen.

On her side Helena was tongue-tied, she could not believe that getting a bloodline was that easy, the only thing they should do was to capture the creature. She questioned Alexander if he could do that with any beast.

"If a beast wanted to have a bloodline to running through their descendants and it would at least have to be at the same level as the divine beasts, my mother's physical changes are not by the blood of the beast but the bloodline that her ancestors. However, it was so impure and thin that it could not be considered from the so-called bloodlines, as they are so thin that they could only improve their talent but nothing more".

"But what was that you did with the jar before?"

"Purifying the potion, without such a supreme potion it would be impossible."


"This is because even if an alchemist makes everything perfect the with same blood essence still has impurities, first it would have to be purified, something that with the current alchemy is impossible".

"So how did you do it?"

"With an Array that I invented"

This made Helena looked at Alexander with complicated eyes and said, "Are willing you to share it with the rest of the world?"

Listening to such a question made Alexander show an expression of mockery and said: "No way I would do it, In this world everyone kept their methods to themselves, You know in this world there are countless recipes for pills or cultivation manuals but only a few are in the public domain while the vast majority are monopolized by the great powerhouses, If they didn't share their knowledge with me must I share mine with them?"

On hearing that, Helena was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. If this method were known her beast race would be slaughtered and the strength of the human race would soar, but the strength of her race will be crippled.

Alexander knew that these women would not like to wear a mask so he considered it and so he prepared some necklaces as a precautionary measure, so he gave them the necklaces and their hair, face returned to normal. As for who gave it to him, a year ago along with the money he said it was in the name of his master, he even gave one to Helena who diminished her beauty a bit, even though Helena complained Alexander still forced her.

While the two women were happy with their physical changes, Alexander began to think about who could be his client.

Three months later

Somewhere else in the continent, there were thousands of children between the ages of 9 and 11 practicing their punching positions, while elders supervise and guide the children.

"One," said the elder.

"Haaa", a powerful sound came from the children yelled in unison, as they showed their fists facing each other in perfect coordination.


"Haa", saying this, all the children again changed position and advanced their foot without losing synchronicity.

"Sufficient," said the Elder.

When they heard him, all the children relaxed their arm, bowed slightly and said in unison: "Thank you for your guidance".

When he heard it, the Elder only said, "Remember to work hard for the Sun sect, lazy people are not allowed."

Edited by Leafking900

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