
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantaisie
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I'm bored.

A week later.

A week ago Audrey had gone to the mountains leaving his mother and other trusted assistants who had trained in charge of Anna's business.

In these six months, many things had happened, but the most relevant thing is that every day corpses arrived dressed in the Sea Palace uniform and this only stopped until two months ago when the Sea Palace was isolated from the world and even did not allow members to communicate with their family outside!

At first, it wasn't all like that. Many family ancestors of small powers lined up to try to rob and extort Anna, but they were only first level Gathering qi and at best second level, because of this the fights were not exciting and Anna crushed them easily.

Only this way they realized that Anna Webber was not someone that the small powers could get into, and the most terrifying was that all the people who attacked Anna, disappear.

When they face Anna, they only ended up badly wounded and limping but everyone who attacked her at night disappears. It was as if someone had kidnapped them.

This meant that many people no longer had bad intentions towards Anna and turned to see the members of the Sea Palace.

They knew that Anna had countless options and that many of the Sea Palace disciples were abroad on missions or gaining experience, so a sea of experts started looking for and hunting the disciples.

Anna didn't ask for names or anything, they only had to give her the corpse and the disciple's token to prove that they didn't kill an innocent, Anna only cruel to her enemies and didn't put anyone innocent in her execution.

As for the disciples, their only sin had been to choose their power wrongly. If they were disciples of another power, they would not be suffering for the decisions of their elders.

So every day hundreds of carriages left the capital with different destinations many went to the kingdom Aras or Ethova even the Sail empire but all had something in common and that was that they were all full of potions.

This angered the Sea Palace and caused many of those convoys to be ambushed but what they did not know was that it was all a trap, and many small powers came together to place a bait and hope to multiply their profits, That day the Sea Palace lost several elders and hundreds of other disciples, while many small anonymous powers were pleased. In the Sea Palace there were only black faces without talking about the disciples, many of whom were furious, could not believe that because of the direct Disciple of the Supreme Elder his head was now worth his weight in gold or more!

At this time Nicholas was receiving a lot of pressure, not only from the disciples but also from the Elders and Great Elders. No one was happy with the present situation.

Many wanted the relationship with Anna to be settled and apologized, while others wanted to launch an attack on Anna and the Alba Kingdom. All that was left was to ask the Cesoria Kingdom to summon its Army to invade.

While the Sea Palace and the Army would work together there would be no problem dealing with the Alba Kingdom but there was an error in that thought.

If war is declared, many warriors from other countries will come and participate in the war to kill and claim Anna's generous rewards. The Sea Palace could give rewards but it could not match Anna's.

So the best thing I could do was just mobilize the army and have little fights and throw empty threats hoping for the best.

All Nicholas could do was issue a return order and isolate himself.

So a small-scale war began, creating friction between kingdoms.

But there was one thing that most viewers were confused about, the main culprits of this chaos had not spoken.

Alexander didn't even expect it, but after some thought, he gave something that could explain it. They had to be in seclusion to enter Gathering qi, They had to be at the peak of Body refining right now.

This surprised him, but when he thought about it, he didn't find it wrong, After all, they were the most important disciples of their powers it is evident that they were bathed in resources and all the resources of their power would be available to them, so it was not uncommon for them to have that level at that age.

Now he was just waiting for his brother's answer, most likely that trash would get angry and go to the Alba family to complain only to run into the wall called "Adam and Beth Alba", After all his grandparents were now in the Elementary half step and the region even if the six supreme Elders united they would not be able to deal with this couple.

As for his cousin, as far as he knew his mother's sister sent her a letter explaining the situation as well as that she left her husband, Very soon she would come to the Alba kingdom but could not go immediately as she was pregnant and could not travel like this even with a newborn baby, so her reunion will have to wait.

This reassured Anna but not under her anger against his cousin.

Now he could only let things happen naturally but felt a bit bored so he chose to focus on mastering a new profession, His alchemy and Array levels were excellent and with his current strength, he couldn't refine any pill or Array that would be a challenge.

So after some thought he decided to study craftsmanship.

Craftsmanship and blacksmithing were similar but had crucial differences.

The blacksmiths were dedicated to create Weapons among other things as tools, They made the cauldrons for alchemists.

While the craftsmen created different objects like Mobilization Equipment, Training Equipment, Communication Equipment among other things.

There were legends that the best craftsmen could create treasures defiant to heaven and with surprising functions almost unthinkable for simple mortals.

And as far as he knew Alexander was right, In his previous life, he saw equipment made by 6-star artisans and was fascinated to realize why the powers so valued artisans.

Craftsmanship was formed by mixing the knowledge of blacksmithing with Arrays without giving them war use.

While blacksmiths did the same but for individual weapons as weapons of mass destruction.

So Alexander, as he learns the Crafts could become a blacksmith more easily it, would do like learning two professions at the same time.

In his previous life, he was neither a craftsman nor a blacksmith but he had killed several of them, so he had several methods of blacksmithing and with everything memorized in his mind. In the following days, he began to learn and buy blacksmithing equipment in addition to buying raw materials, hoping to improve and see how things developed.

So the days passed until three weeks later, at the Sea Palace headquarters, a twelve-year-old boy left a room.

The young man could look like any other but his cultivation was not, It was the first level Gathering qi!