
Leave my trails with fragments

Xiara_Lin_5375 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 13

"Young master, should be back by 10!"

Granny Clesiel reminded me, I sighed annoyed with the curfew.

"As far as I know, I'm old enough for that!"

I left in a hurry then after, afraid she'll nag for more.

The Casino is the same as usual–Boring...

those bloodshut addicted eyes, salivating for those coins.. heck, they don't even know the casino's system... they come and win, they come back and lose.

the bigger you get, the bigger you lose then after, a perfect trap and bait for foolish nobles, who only knows how to throw money.




those loud voices irritated me, but the female voice that i recognised very well... Suzzy, her name is that of a pet dog but thats the purpose... in this casino female entertainers are pets.

I saw suzzy almost gagging but held it in well, her complection turned sour, she still held her professional smile.

"sure... but you have to make sure you win."

she fakingly tease and slipped away hastily, she made eye contact with the staff... im sure she's telling them to make him lose.

I walked closer to her, giving her some handkerchief of mine.

"Why not let me buy you?" I said without much thought, and her hand swinged to my left cheek, which i dodged.

"Leave me alone if you're just gon to disrespect me shthead!" She said in her soft and elegant voice, all while leaving my sight.

"How stubborn..." I was in a sour mood and treated myself with sum beers, not a minute passed a lady tap on my shoulder.

"Angel?" it was Angel the hottest and first rank pet of the casino, many had wanted to come close with her but her sassy attitude kept them away.

There's a rule for when you want the ANGEL to come close to you , you gotta make yourself more interesting and spend a big fortune in the casino to be noticed.

"I don't think I've spent enough here to be noticed by the ANGEL, no?" she just looked at me amused, if not money then she must have got wind of my deeds... well thats not a good impression no?

"Suzzy keeps babling bout you... and I just wanted to see, as to who my pet fell for..." she looked at me with keen eyes, up and down checking my worth. and she clicked her tongue, probably in disappointment.

"One should check themselves first before making a suggestion... I know you want yo help her, but pick you words right" And she just left me there hanging, Damn... I thought i scored this one.

I left the casino instead wandered on the street, I heard yesterday from my siblings, there's an auction happening now. I don't intend to involve myself in the casino so I soon decided to leave.

"Sorry ma'am but You need an INVITATION"

"DON'T YOU LOOK AT US?? AND WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE?" Their loudness caught my attention, making me turn back. I gasped from their breathtakingly beauty.

The tallest one, exudes sexiness and elegance, her hair half pulled up with flowers and gems, her facial features of a hunter... this combination is something I've never seen before...(sygne)

All while the other girl, she's full of mystery, and held an aura of power, she covers the girl by acting sad in the embrace of the tall girl while whispering words to her... just like how a female wolf would protect a partner acting weak and vulnerable hiding in its neck... (Astri) she's decorated with pearls and flowers. (or corals)

"Enough of this nonsense or I'll have someone drag you out" The guard wasn't merciful no matter how they hold themselve, the auction isn't taken seriously by the nobles, as this had already caused a scandalous issue before.

But them keeping the standard is really surprising...

I grinned as I wouldn't miss the chance of acting hero, I placed my hand on both of their shoulders playing cool.

"They're my guest" I winked at the guard, I've done this before, and they're used to it, as I Quinton evergreen , rules are made for me to BREAK!

I took the list of items that should be auctioned today, and mostly all seemed to be fake.. Thinking about selling the historical figures Items are ridiculously unreal.

The ladies don't seem much of a rude perosn but definitely, I was the one here... and they don't mind since I helped them.

I thought they were knowledgeable with the auction but I was wrong! This young lady is easily fooled dropping money on the white saints sword...

she seems very interested as well.

"You're interested in the white saints? or all seven?" she just looked at me confused but I continued my yapping.

"Well, since you're buying that sword let me tell you some stories about it!" those stories that my granny loves to talk over and over again, well all those repeated story telling with grandma is of good use now!

I told her everything I knew about the history of the sword, and she looked a bit down somehow.

"Is that so..."

on the next Item was still related to the saints, there seems to be no end with their pockets! even the casino would deemed them ULTRA VIPs!!

"I don't think it's worth the risk of using up all your allowances..." I try convincing them as they all are just fake items...

"Don't worry, there's no limit to our budget" the taller girl said with confidence.

I was even more surprised, maybe they're royalties???

"You seem like important people... welp since I helped you get in, why not help me sometime too??"

they just nodded, the quiet girl stood up to leave since all the items related we're won by her. we all went back stage to claim our items and as soon as she held the sword (Astri) she collapsed unconscious...

"What the hell!?" sygne caught her body and carried her to a couch, I assigned someone to take all items in a hotel my family owned.

I checked up on her again and she was holding the sword tightly...

We waited for a day, she still wasn't awake.

Four days have passed she still wasn't awake, sygne got the sword out of her grip and checking it all up again.

not until an hour passed she senses movements in Astr's room.

"ASTRI!" She jumped on her hugging her, while tears starting to pour down her cheeks.


she just giggled and asked just how long was she unconscious, and obviously she was shocked...

We left her in her room with sygne, as they meed time to catch up and private talks.