
Laws of Immortality

*DAILY UPDATES* Life as an immortal is not really hard. For one thing, you don't have to worry about getting killed if you are not banished. You just have to follow three simple laws. The other laws are minor ones that you can easily bend. 1. You must obey and follow all orders and instructions that are issued by the Council of Immortals. Anyone who disobeys or questions the authority of the Council will be banished. 2. You shall not expose a mortal to the immortal world without the approval of the council. 3. You must kill your soulmate within a week of spotting them. See? Not that hard seeing as soulmates are mostly humans. All you have to do is follow three laws, but then again, laws are meant for breaking aren't they?

eryxnap · Urbain
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7 Chs

Law#3: Don't Mess With the Clan Heads

Athena's POV:

Both Isaac and Isiah seemed to share my concern as they sent me a questioning look. I just shrugged. All three of us held the same ranking so it's not like I knew something they didn't know already.

I scanned my surroundings quickly. Most of the other American clans were here. Even a hand full of clans from other continents were present. Whatever that was going to happen must be important if that much people were present.

A tap to my shoulder brought me out of my trance. I turned to look at Isiah who was looking like he was about to shit his pants. Well, that was new. But my expression soon changed when I caught sight of what he was looking at.

"Well, crap," I said as I saw the three intimidating men standing a few meters from us. They seemed to have sensed our eyes on them as they turned to look at us with a smile.

A chill went down my spine as the leaders of the Hades, Zeus and Poseidon clans started walking towards us.

I held my hand up signaling them to stop and started walking towards them myself. If I didn't walk to them even after noticing them then it would be considered as sign of disrespect. I've pissed off enough immortals in this world and I really didn't want to add those three to my list.

People started moving out of our paths as soon as they saw that we were walking towards them. Not out of fear of the clan leaders but out of fear of us. Let me rephrase that, out of fear for me and out of respect for the twins.

I internally rolled my eyes at the attention they gave me. We halted and bowed slightly to the three leaders. They nodded to us in return. We weren't supposed to address them with their titles if they hadn't started the conversation or if it wasn't an emergency.

Stupid rule, I know.

"I see that your reputation has increased after our last visit," Aides, the Leader of the Hades Clan remarked. I looked around to see immortals looking at me with a mixture of fear and awe in their faces.

I smirked.

"We aren't called the BloodHounds for nothing Lord Aides," I replied. The twins just nodded in agreement.

"You got new partners," A melodious voice pointed out to me. I turned to face the Leader of the Zeus Clan. Hot damn! The guy looked like a Greek god, literally.

I mean, all clan leaders were usually good looking and them even hotter, Trident had that brooding look, turquoise eyes and sandy hair, Aides was clearly the playboy with his dark hair, black eyes always twinkling with mischief and dusky skin.

Dion was just as handsome.

Wavy blonde hair that was trimmed perfectly, slightly tanned flawless skin, clean shaved, chiseled jaw adorned with delicate pink lips shaped like a perfect cupid's bow that would have made Eros jealous, a Grecian nose and eyes, those stormy blue eyes with a glimmer of gold in them looked like they could pierce through my soul.

Did I mention that his voice sounded like honey to my ears?

"Lord Dion." I greeted him politely.

"Athena, I'm surprised that you still remember me," He said. You're not the only one I wanted to say but ended up opening and closing my mouth like a goldfish. Both the Davenport twins and Aides looked at me with amused expressions.

"I was busy," I blurted out. Well, you see, Dion here, got appointed as clan leader three years ago. He told me to contact him and even gave me his private number so that I could keep in touch with him when I met him after his inauguration ceremony.

What did I do?

I kept looking at the piece of paper in which he wrote his number, squealed like a high schooler, and promptly lost it during a portal ride. How smooth.

"So busy that you couldn't even call me for a second?" He asked sounding fake hurt. My face got hot at that. Both Isaac and Isiah nudged me in my ribs at the same time and let me tell you, that hurt. Those guys were twice my size! Even Trident, the Leader of Poseidon clan looked surprised and Aides winked at me.

Thank god most immortals had already walked away and the few that remained didn't dare look at us. I was saved from answering him as the chief warrior of my clan called out for us.

"Sekhmet! Twins! We need you here!" Our chief warrior shouted. The guy never called me by my first name and insisted on calling me by my second name saying "It suited me better" even when I was getting trained to be an assassin back then. I thought he would stop calling me that now that I'm not one of his students but I guess some things never changed.

I sighed as people around me scrambled away with wide eyes. Some out of fear and others out of disgust. I didn't blame them though. Sekhmet was the Egyptian Goddess of Healing, War and Destruction, but she was also infamous for her blood thirst.

I was a blood user. Blood was one of the few elements that could be used to kill an Immortal even if they were not banished. No wonder everyone looked at me like that. Trust my parents to name their only child after a goddess of destruction. If you're wondering, the rest of my ridiculously long name was just as weird.

"I guess that you are needed elsewhere?" Dion said sighing. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He looked like he was going to say something else but Trident interrupted him. Seriously?

"It's time we got back. We need to meet the others before the final decision," Dion and Aides rolled their eyes at this. Both of them were relatively young leaders while Trident had been ruling over his clan for about a century. I was curious about what decision they were talking about but kept my mouth shut.

Trident glared at them as they made no attempt to move. Although Aides and Dion were a lot more powerful than him, Trident seemed to be the more authoritative one. I decided not to intrude in the business of these higher up immortals, we had enough trouble following us around already.

"We'll get going," I said to them and started to walk away. Trident motioned for us to stop. I raised an eyebrow at Dion. He just shrugged at me. Isiah smirked at our interaction.

What can I say? As unbelievable as it seemed, Dion was the most approachable of the big three in spite of being the leader of the most powerful of the American Clans. Aides was too flirty in my opinion.

"Athena..." He paused looking at me intensely.

"Think before you act," He said finally and turned to leave.

Aides just furrowed his brows, looked at me then at Trident before following him. Dion just stood there confused just like me, Isaac and Isiah did.

"Well, I hope I'll see you around," Dion said flashing me a blinding smile then turned to leave with the other two. Once they were out of sight, Isaac and Isiah let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Isiah do you think that oldy figured it out?" I asked, worriedly.

"You'd have been behind bars if that happened," He replied. Well, that was true. I turned to face a confused Isaac.

"What are you guys talking about?" I shook my head.

"Nothing. Just stuff that happened on a mission while you were sick."

"Oh, alright." He nodded and fell silent.

"Seems like someone's got a crush," Isiah teased seeing that the atmosphere was glum. I felt my face go hot at that. I groaned and covered my face.

"I don't have a crush on Dion," I mumbled.

"We didn't mention who," They both said simultaneously. Shit.

"Don't try to deny it Athena. Honestly, you looked like Isaac when he first saw his..."

Isiah trailed off as we glared at him. Isaac's soulmate was kind of a forbidden subject. But the damage was already done as Isaac's face turned dark.

"He's not my soulmate," I said, rolling my eyes.

"The man is immortal, soulmates are humans. And didn't you both say that my mate would be some scrawny guy living in the mountains?" I joked trying to ease the tension in the air. The last thing I wanted was to Isaac burst into flames in front of everyone.

With Isaac being the always-smiling twin, you would think that Isiah was the one who had killed his mate. But the boy's past was so dark that it surprised me as to how he managed to appear so care free and happy all the time.

"Yeah, no way that someone like Dion would be your soulmate," Isiah said, rolling you his eyes. Isaac and I looked at each other and smirked at him.

"Looks like someone's jealous," We both said teasingly to Isiah.

"Nah, I prefer women," He replied sticking his tongue out at us and started off in the direction of the chief.

"Water boy!"

"I'm coming chief!" He yelled as Isaac and I burst out laughing and followed him. The chief was already ordering around other immortals when we got there. He handed out a piece of paper to Isiah. I stood on my toes to catch a glimpse of what was in it. I whistled lowly.

Well, this was going to be a long day.