
Laws of Immortality

*DAILY UPDATES* Life as an immortal is not really hard. For one thing, you don't have to worry about getting killed if you are not banished. You just have to follow three simple laws. The other laws are minor ones that you can easily bend. 1. You must obey and follow all orders and instructions that are issued by the Council of Immortals. Anyone who disobeys or questions the authority of the Council will be banished. 2. You shall not expose a mortal to the immortal world without the approval of the council. 3. You must kill your soulmate within a week of spotting them. See? Not that hard seeing as soulmates are mostly humans. All you have to do is follow three laws, but then again, laws are meant for breaking aren't they?

eryxnap · Urban
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7 Chs

Law#4: Fixing Drains are for Immortal Assassins too

Athena's POV:

Isiah looked like he wanted to break something when he read the list aloud for the both of us. Me? I wanted to break someone when he read out the fourth item.

"Fix the drains in the Artemis House and the headquarters." Even Isaac looked outraged when he heard this. Seriously? Did we look like fucking plumbers to them?

I snatched the small piece of paper and marched towards Fred, furious with the work he had assigned us. Laying out tables, receiving guests, helping in the kitchen, I can do that. But cleaning drains? Are you fucking kidding me?

He stopped talking with the other immortals as soon as he spotted me standing in front of him. When I was sure that I had got his attention, I shoved the list in front of his face.

"What?" He asked annoyed. I just pointed to the fixing-the-drain part. He gave me a bored look.

"That's what you're making all this fuss for?" He asked me deadpan.

"Chief, come on! How can you ask us to do this? We know next to nothing about fixing drains!" I exclaimed.

"Then go and learn," He said shooing me away. I stood my ground and glared at him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Would you prefer to clean the toilets Sekhmet?" I gaped at him, seriously, I knew my clan was short on staff but this was just...

"You can't be serious right? We are-"

He cut me off mid-sentence.

"It's either this or cleaning the toilets. Take your pick," I looked around for Isaac and Isiah for support but they were already getting the required tools from some guy. Kiss-ups. Fred followed my line of sight and had a pleased expression on his face.

"See? Water boy has already started his work. Such a good boy. Why can't you be more like him?" He asked me with an accusing tone. Like a traitorous butt kisser? Sure. Why not? I thought evilly. They were definitely going to get it from me today. I decided to try one last time.

"But chief, it's bad for my reputation!" I tried one last time. He didn't even look fazed.

"The toilet brush is over there," He said pointing to a dirty brush which had no one within a 2 meter radius. I gulped looking at it.

"I'll just go and clean the drains," I muttered dejectedly.

"Then why are you still standing here?" He yelled in my face. I stumbled back startled and walked away as fast as I could. That guy was a walking loudspeaker!

The look on my face must have been quite miserable because both Isaac and Isiah burst out laughing as soon as they saw me. I gave them both a death glare which made them shut up.

"You both abandoned me!" I exclaimed angrily. Isaac shrugged.

"Sorry Athena, I appreciate having two functioning ears." I looked at him in pity. I could feel him.

"And I obviously value my life more than yours," He said and shuddered. I rolled my eyes at him. He was really something. He wouldn't think twice before jumping off a cliff but he was afraid of our chief warrior.

I pushed all those thoughts away and decided to get to work. Immortals were scurrying to and forth at a fast pace. From the looks of it, we had very little time to complete our work.

"So who's doing what?" I asked them stretching a bit. Isaac answered us.

"You'll be laying out the tables, Isiah will take all the guests to their assigned rooms and I will be helping out in the kitchen."

"You don't even know how to cook," I pointed out.

"I don't but I'll at least get some good food," He replied cheekily. I saw that there was still one more thing that hadn't been split between us.

"I'm not gonna fix the drains!" We all stated simultaneously. We glared at each other but it was clear none of us would back down. I sighed.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" I asked. They agreed hesitantly. I pumped my fist in victory as Isaac lost. He widened his amber eyes and pouted, giving us a pleading look. He looked so innocent! I almost gave in before remembering that if I gave in, I would have to fix the drains. So I pointed at Isiah and shrugged.

"He's the water user. Ask him." Isiah snorted.

"Do I look like a fool?"

"Yes," I said and high fived Isaac. He flipped us the bird and started to walk away.

I looked at my watch. We had only about two hours to do everything.

"Okay Isaac, we better get started. You go to the Head Quarters and we'll go to the Great Hall. We can meet in front of the Student's Dorm fifteen minutes before the event starts," I said. He nodded in agreement as I grabbed a sulky Isiah and started dragging him towards the Great Hall which was just five minutes away.

When we were nearly halfway, I looked back to see Isaac standing still standing in the same place we had left him with a faraway expression on his face.

Guilt and sadness hit me in full force as I realized what he was thinking about. He was thinking about her. Isiah too seemed to realize this as he gave me a pitying look.

"Hey, he'll be fine. We did the right thing that day," He said trying to reassure me.

I looked away from Isaac hesitantly and started walking again. We both knew that he was lying but we couldn't have done anything else, but it still killed me to know that I did that to her.

I shook off that memory. Now was not the time to mourn. I reminded myself. She would at least be at peace. That thought managed to make me calm down. Isiah started to walk away as soon as we got inside Grand Hall as he had to receive all the clan leaders from the mansion.

"Don't do anything stupid," He said to me and gave me one last look before he walked off.