
Laws of Immortality

*DAILY UPDATES* Life as an immortal is not really hard. For one thing, you don't have to worry about getting killed if you are not banished. You just have to follow three simple laws. The other laws are minor ones that you can easily bend. 1. You must obey and follow all orders and instructions that are issued by the Council of Immortals. Anyone who disobeys or questions the authority of the Council will be banished. 2. You shall not expose a mortal to the immortal world without the approval of the council. 3. You must kill your soulmate within a week of spotting them. See? Not that hard seeing as soulmates are mostly humans. All you have to do is follow three laws, but then again, laws are meant for breaking aren't they?

eryxnap · Urbain
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7 Chs

Law#2: Pray that you don't end up in Siberia

Athena's POV:

"What the hell!" I yelled as I got drenched with ice-cold water. I woke up to the smirking faces of the Davenport twins. Isiah was standing there with a bucket.

"He wanted to get revenge for you waking us up every day by throwing us out of our bed," Isaac blurted out quickly.

"You should have just thrown me out of the bed," I mumbled trying to dry myself with the dry part of my covers.

"Where's the fun in that?" Isiah asked me with a triumphant smile. I snarled and leaped at him, what can I say? I was a morning person, I just didn't like people waking me up.

Fortunately for him, he easily got out of the way and I ended up falling on the floor. I curled up into a ball to prevent damage to my precious head. I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my elbows.

Did I mention that being immortal doesn't make you immune to pain?

"Isiah that's rude!" Isaac exclaimed exasperated. Huh? Isaac's defending me?

"She is the one who has to open the portal. How will she do it properly with an injured arm?" He asked Isiah glaring at him. I snorted. Yeah, so much for friendly affection. Isaac looked at me sheepishly.

"Oh, and we got a message informing that we have to get to the clan before one pm. So we better get going," Isaac said as he lifted me up and pushed me towards the bathroom. Only then did I notice that they both were already dressed up in their trademark outfits.

An all-black, full-body suit with protective attachments on the chest, shoulders, forearms and knees. They had the same chestnut hair and amber eyes though Isaac's skin was more tanned than Isiah. But one wouldn't notice it if they didn't look closely.

The only thing that differed in their outfits was that Isaac had orange stripes on his shoulder while Isiah had blue stripes.

Those colors represented which element they specialized in.

"Are you hitting on me, Athena?" Isiah asked, smirking. I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, just thinking about how my outfit is like a thousand times cooler than yours. And either way, Isaac is the better-looking twin," I said winking at Isaac. Isiah just rolled his eyes. I shoved them both out of the room to get ready.

They both may not be the most tolerable guys I've ever worked with, but they both were the only people I had close who were close to being friends and dare I say, family.

I took a quick shower and got dressed quickly. My suit was the same but with red stripes on the shoulder. I combed my unnaturally messy hair hastily and pulled it into a top knot. I didn't bother wearing any make up as the journey was going to be a rough one. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time.

Wide brown eyes which were almost orange, looked tired showing how restless I was last night. My short red hair was poking out in all directions even after combing it several times, providing a stark contrast to my slightly tanned skin.

I sighed. My hair wasn't even curly but it was still hard to tame. I strapped my watch to my wrist, a family heirloom which I inherited from my mother and walked out of the room. Both Isiah and Isaac scowled at my suit.

"How come you get red stripes and we don't?" Isiah asked disdainfully. I grimaced.

"I really don't consider having red stripes as a privilege Isiah."

He shrugged.

"It looks cool," He said. I nodded in agreement.

"So, you guys ready?" I asked warily. I knew that even after four years of being in the immortal world, they were not used to traveling by portals. I got used to it in my second year but it was still scary nonetheless, one could end up in the Bermuda triangle without enough concentration. Isiah gulped and Isaac groaned.

"Let's just get it over with," Isaac muttered. I let out a shaky breath and looked to the heavens.

"If I get there without ending up in the middle of Siberia, I promise that I'll go to hell," I said to the big guy up there. No offense to Siberia. It's just that my Russian was not exactly great and we kinda had some... History there.

"You are really not helping Athena," Isiah snapped glaring at me. I grinned at him before going to the farthest corner of the room so that I could concentrate better. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and filled my mind with images of the fences outside the Artemis Clan headquarters.

"Άνοιξε," I muttered. I felt a sliver of power leaving my body. I peeked at the wall before me with a single eye to see if anything had happened.


I groaned as I spotted a glowing hole in the wall that was a little over the size of my head. At least, it's bigger than the last time. I thought and reassured myself. Last time it had only been the size of my fist. Needless to say, it took us nearly half an hour to enlarge it.

I decided to call the two dimwits to help. If they had helped me open it, it surely wouldn't have been this small. But of course, they had to be scared of portals.

"Isiah! Isaac! Come and help me enlarge this thing!" I yelled and they came running.

"Really Athena? I bet even I could have opened a better portal," Isiah said pointing at the portal.

"But you won't. So help me or I'll leave without you," I threatened. They both started getting to work after that. As soon as the portal was big enough for the three of us, we both looked at Isaac.

"No. No way, why don't you go first Athena? Ladies first," He said flashing me a brilliant smile. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to shove him in.

"Exactly why you are going first," I said, giving him a bright smile of my own. I entered after Isaac and Isiah came after me. I prepared myself for the godforsaken ride through the portal. Surprisingly, it was not that bad. I landed safely.

"Aargh!" I cried as two heavy bodies fell on top of me. Spoke too soon I guess. I pushed them off me and brushed the sand out of my hair and suit.

"Look what you have done!" I snapped angrily and looked at them with accusing eyes whilst brushing the dirt off my suit.

"I just washed it today!" I whined mournfully as I removed something sticky from my arm. They both ignored me.

"So much for respecting your elders," I muttered disdainfully. This got their attention as Isiah rolled his eyes at me exasperatedly.

"You are older than us by a month. A month!" He cried out. I shrugged.

"Still older," I said smugly. He just gave me the middle finger while Isaac started arguing about how we all were nearly the same age and some crap about how they both were entitled to the same things as me.

I wasn't one to argue for petty things but I too joined in this time. I didn't know why but deep down, I knew we were just stalling.

Stalling, because we didn't know what would await us once those doors opened.

I fell silent when I realized this and they did the same. I looked at the gates which we had left years ago. Now, we were back.

"Ready?" I asked them both. They gave me a hesitant nod as the huge electric wired gates opened. We stepped in together. It was a five-mile walk from here to the headquarters. No portals were allowed within a radius of five-miles of the headquarters as the clan leader and her family resided there.

The gates were monitored through the eyes of birds and were controlled by the guards at the headquarters. The minds of mortals and other lesser beings were easy to manipulate once someone mastered the skill.

I looked at Isaac and Isiah to see them just as nervous as me. Isiah took the lead while Isaac and I followed him. No one else was in the path. They must have arrived before us I thought. It took us about thirty minutes to reach our destination.

And I must say, it was the most fun I had in weeks. Who knew that sibling fights could be so amusing? Them being twins only made it better.

Isaac: *Talking to the birds like the idiot he is*

Isiah: "You are such an idiot,"

Isaac: "You are the idiot,"

Me: "You both are idiots, I'm the only sane person in this team,"

Both: *Ignores me and continues bickering as I entertain myself*

See? Such fun.

I looked at the mesmerizing city before me.

"Home sweet home," I mumbled to myself and headed into the city, anticipation burning in every cell of my body with one question in my mind.

Why the heck were the other clans here?