
Laws of Immortality

*DAILY UPDATES* Life as an immortal is not really hard. For one thing, you don't have to worry about getting killed if you are not banished. You just have to follow three simple laws. The other laws are minor ones that you can easily bend. 1. You must obey and follow all orders and instructions that are issued by the Council of Immortals. Anyone who disobeys or questions the authority of the Council will be banished. 2. You shall not expose a mortal to the immortal world without the approval of the council. 3. You must kill your soulmate within a week of spotting them. See? Not that hard seeing as soulmates are mostly humans. All you have to do is follow three laws, but then again, laws are meant for breaking aren't they?

eryxnap · Urban
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7 Chs

Law#1: Know thy Teammates

Athena's POV:

"I think we should get another method of picking victims. Spin the bottle seems rude," I pointed out as my team replaced the old set of names with new ones.

I couldn't really call them "friends" as they never failed to remind me that they'd surely kill me when the opportunity arose. Too bad, I was immortal, but so were they.

Davenport rolled his eyes at me while the other Davenport looked at me with accusing eyes. The twins stared at me with an exasperated look in their eyes.

"You literally stabbed a guy to death and burned him to ashes in front of his girlfriend, you have an interesting definition of rude," said Isiah. I huffed at that.

"And they are not really victims, they are just insane immortals who got banished. And most of them usually beg to get killed as they don't want to die an even more cruel death in the hands of their enemies," Said Isaac. I mentally face palmed at his way of seeing things.

"Firstly, the guy was cheating on his wife with that bimbo girlfriend of his and secondly aren't we supposed to be their enemies?" Both fell silent at that. But my victory was short lived.

"Well, do you have a better suggestion?" They asked in unison. They had a point and it weirded me out when they did that thing, so I retreated to my room to get some sleep before we started out on another mission. But before that, I took out my scroll to see if any new mission had popped up.

An enchanted scroll was given to every verified immortal assassin out there so that they could be informed about their assignments without humans or other immortals tracing their paths.

Each clan had its own methods to enchant it. Mine was the Artemis clan. How they did the enchantment, we never knew, as an immortal could only specialize up to a maximum of three kinds of magic and enchantment of scrolls can only be mastered if you were three hundred years or older.

It was something I did every day before I went to bed and the scroll was usually empty if I hadn't completed or reported my previous assignments.

But I was pleasantly surprised to see that a new assignment had turned up. I didn't remember reporting my latest success. Maybe one of the Davenport twins had done it. I scowled as I read the scroll.

All members of the Artemis clan are required to come back to the headquarters.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and I immediately ran back to the living room to see if the Davenport twins got the same message. They too were sitting on the couches with the scrolls in their hands.

"I guess you guys got the same message?" I asked. They both nodded.

"Does that mean that we will be going back home?" Isaac asked with hopeful eyes.

Home. It felt like a foreign word to me. Five years ago, if someone had asked me where my home was, I would have happily answered them with the innocence of a fourteen-year-old. But that was before I had chosen to become immortal.

Which meant cutting myself off from my family or in my case, the Council of Immortals killing them as they had accidentally stumbled upon the immortal world.

I understood that it had to be done but that didn't make the truth hurt any less. Now, five years later, I have been running from one place to another to eliminate immortals who posed threats to the immortal world. My world.

"Hey Athena, you okay? You zoned out," Isiah asked with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine Isiah, it's been years hasn't it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, and I'm kind of nervous about going back," Isiah admitted.

"You know, except for all the killings, we have been leading an almost human life but now..." Isaac trailed off.

"Going back means giving up the limited freedom we are allowed," I finished for him. He nodded in agreement.

"But orders are orders aren't they, if we don't go, they'll probably kill us," Isiah said.

"Well, this is not a direct order from the Council of Immortals, so I doubt that we'll face many consequences, Isiah," I mused.

"I'm not taking any chances," He said, annoyed.

"I agree with him," Isaac piped in. I rolled my eyes.

"We better get some sleep. I have a feeling that we won't be getting any after we get there," I said shivering at the thought of sleeping in those cold, stone dorms. At least, I hope that they wouldn't make me sleep there as I was no longer a student. But one could only hope.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad. Maybe we'll get treated like VIPs because of all our successes," Said Isaac teasingly. Isiah and I shot him a look and he winced.

"Okay, okay at least we won't have to sleep in those stone dorms," He said trying to convince us.

"One can only hope," I said and went back to my room. As I climbed into the bed, only one thought dominated my mind.

Goodbye freedom.

With that established, I allowed myself to fall asleep as a free girl that day, hoping that it wouldn't be my last.

The other chapters are longer don't worry heh.

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