
Last Voyage

"Last Voyage" weaves a tale of love, adventure, and sacrifice on the vast Caribbean seas. Following the footsteps of the fearless Pirate and her loyal first mate, Loike, readers embark on a journey filled with unexpected twists and unrestrained emotions. From battles on the high seas to tender moments between the protagonists, this novel transports the reader to a world of danger and passion where love conquers even the most challenging obstacles. With captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Last Voyage" is a masterpiece of adventure literature that will leave readers craving more with each turn of the page. The better experience is on Phone not on PC You can get the reading playlist on Spotify (Still In progress)

ElyandSam · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The Black Marlin and Loike's Last Stand

~{A Fisher's Son}~

In the tranquil village of Cresthaven, where the salty breeze whispered through the narrow streets and seagulls danced upon the horizon, young Loike spent his days fishing alongside his father, Eamon. As the sun dipped below the horizon each evening, casting a golden glow upon the water, Loike would listen with rapt attention as his father regaled him with tales of adventure on the high seas.

Eamon, a former pirate who had traded in his cutlass for a humble fishing net, had once sailed under the infamous Captain Blackbeard. Despite his checkered past, Eamon was a loving father, and Loike idolized him with all his heart.

From a young age, Loike had dreamed of following in his father's footsteps, of embarking on his own grand adventure upon the open ocean. His heart swelled with pride at the thought of joining his father's old crewmates and sailing beneath the black flag once more. The memories of his father's stories, filled with the thrill of the chase and the freedom of the open sea, stirred something deep within Loike's soul, igniting a passion for adventure that burned brightly in his young heart.

As they sat on the weathered dock, the sound of waves lapping against the wooden planks beneath them, Eamon would often recount tales of his days as a pirate. "I sailed with the fiercest of them all," he would say, his eyes glinting with a mixture of pride and regret. "Captain Blackbeard was a force to be reckoned with, and his crew was the most fearsome on the Seven Seas."

But amidst the tales of swashbuckling adventures and hidden treasures, there was one story that Eamon rarely spoke of—a tale of betrayal and loss that had left its mark upon him forever. It was the story of how he had lost his right hand in a fierce battle with a rival pirate captain, a wound that had ended his days as a seafaring buccaneer and forced him to retire to a quiet life in Cresthaven.

The loss of his hand was not just a physical wound but a symbol of the price paid for a life of piracy. Despite the glory and excitement of their adventures, Eamon carried the weight of his past with him always, a constant reminder of the dangers and betrayals that lurked on the high seas.

Yet, despite the hardships he had endured, Eamon remained steadfast in his love for the sea and his dreams of adventure. He instilled in Loike a deep respect for the ocean and its mysteries, teaching him the ways of the sailor and the lore of the sea from a young age.

And so, as Loike grew older, he yearned for the day when he would set sail upon the open ocean, following in his father's footsteps and forging his own destiny amidst the rolling waves. Little did he know that his dreams of adventure would soon become a reality, plunging him into a world of danger, betrayal, and ultimate redemption.

~{A Fateful Encounter}~

On the eve of his sixteenth birthday, as the village slept beneath a blanket of stars and the moon cast its silvery light upon the water, Captain Wheatley Roger arrived at their doorstep. Eamon greeted him with a knowing smile, his weathered face illuminated by the flickering lantern light.

"Loike," Eamon said, his voice tinged with pride, "it's time you learned the ways of the sea, the ways of your blood."

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursing through his veins, Loike bid farewell to Cresthaven and set sail aboard the Black Marlin, joining Captain Roger's crew as the youngest and most eager first mate the old pirate had ever seen. The promise of adventure and the thrill of the unknown beckoned to him, and Loike eagerly embraced the opportunity to follow in his father's footsteps and carve out his own destiny upon the open ocean.

As they sailed into the horizon, Eamon's words echoed in Loike's mind. "Remember who you are, son," he had said, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "You come from a long line of pirates, and the sea runs in your blood. But never forget the price of the pirate's life, and the sacrifices that must be made in the name of freedom."

Captain Roger, a grizzled veteran of the seas with a reputation for cunning and bravery, welcomed Loike into his crew with open arms. He spoke of the legacy of the Blackbeard pirates, of the glory days when they ruled the waves with unmatched ferocity and daring. Roger's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination as he shared tales of their exploits, igniting a fire within Loike's soul that burned brighter with each passing day.

But amidst the excitement of his newfound adventure, there was a shadow that loomed over Loike's journey—a shadow cast by the legend of Captain Vale and his dreaded Nightshade Reaper. Roger spoke of Vale in hushed tones, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and respect. He warned Loike of the dangers that awaited them on the high seas, of the dark powers that Vale wielded with ruthless efficiency.

Yet, despite the warnings and the looming threat of Captain Vale, Loike's determination remained unshaken. With each passing day, he grew more confident in his abilities as a sailor and a fighter, eager to prove himself worthy of the legacy that had been passed down to him from generations past.

And so, as the Black Marlin sailed ever further into the unknown, Loike embraced his destiny with a fierce determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resolve. For though the path before him was fraught with danger and uncertainty, he knew that he carried within him the spirit of his ancestors, a spirit that would guide him through even the darkest of storms.

~{The Call to Arms}~

As the Black Marlin sailed through the vast expanse of the ocean, Loike found solace and companionship in the company of his fellow crewmates, particularly in Elara, the spirited daughter of Captain Roger. From the moment they met, there was an undeniable chemistry between them, a connection that transcended the boundaries of friendship and blossomed into something more.

Together, Loike and Elara shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They navigated the perils of the sea side by side, their trust and loyalty to one another unwavering in the face of adversity.

Yet amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded them, there were moments of quiet intimacy that left Loike's heart racing and his thoughts consumed by the girl who had captured his heart. One evening, as they stood together on the deck of the ship, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, their gazes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

In that fleeting moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them standing alone beneath the stars. And as the tension between them reached its zenith, Loike leaned in close, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to seal their unspoken bond with a kiss.

But before their lips could meet, Elara pulled away, her eyes filled with uncertainty and regret. "I'm sorry, Loike," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of the ship. "It's not right. We can't... I can't..."

Her words hung in the air like a heavy fog, casting a shadow over the moment of fleeting passion that had passed between them. And though Loike's heart ached with longing, he knew that Elara was right. Their love was forbidden, their connection a fragile thread that threatened to unravel at any moment.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Loike's determination only grew stronger. He made it his new goal to prove to Elara that their love was worth fighting for, that the bond they shared was worth risking everything for. And with each passing day, he vowed to show her that no matter what trials lay ahead, their love would endure, a beacon of hope and light in the darkness of the treacherous seas.

~{The Battle Unfolds}~

As the clash between the Black Marlin and the Nightshade Reaper intensified, the chaos reached a crescendo of violence and desperation. Captain Wheatley Roger and Captain Vale engaged in a deadly dance of swords, their rivalry fueling the ferocity of their blows.

Loike, barely 17 and fighting with the resolve of a seasoned warrior, witnessed the brutal exchange from the deck of the Black Marlin. His heart pounded in his chest as he battled alongside his comrades, the stakes of the conflict weighing heavily upon him.

"Keep fighting, lads! We can't let them take us down!" Captain Roger's voice boomed over the din of battle, rallying his crew to stand firm against the onslaught of the Nightshade Reaper.

But their defiance was met with overwhelming force as Captain Vale unleashed his dark powers upon them, turning the tide of battle in his favor. Loike watched in horror as his captain fell, betrayed by the treachery of their adversary.

"No! Captain Roger!" Loike cried out, his voice filled with anguish as he rushed to his fallen mentor's side. But it was too late, the damage already done, as Captain Roger lay wounded and helpless upon the blood-stained deck.

With sadistic pleasure, Captain Vale lingered over Captain Roger's fallen form, inflicting further suffering upon him. Loike's fists clenched with impotent rage as he witnessed the agony of his mentor and friend.

"Leave him alone, you coward!" Loike shouted, his voice cracking with emotion as he brandished his sword against the looming figure of Captain Vale.

But Vale only laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that cut through the chaos like a knife. "You think you can stop me, boy? You're nothing but a whelp, a mere child playing at being a pirate. You're no match for the likes of me."

Beside him, Elara, Loike's closest friend and confidante, stood at the ready, her eyes blazing with determination. Together, they had weathered many storms, but none as harrowing as this.

As the chaos of battle raged around them, Loike and Elara found themselves standing side by side on the deck of the Black Marlin, their hearts pounding in their chests as they faced the relentless onslaught of Captain Vale and his crew.

"We can't hold out much longer, Loike," Elara said, her voice tense with worry as she gripped her sword tightly in her hand. "We need to find a way out of this."

Loike nodded grimly, his jaw set with determination. "I won't let them take us down without a fight, Elara. We'll give them everything we've got."

But even as he spoke, Loike could feel the weight of despair pressing down upon him, the odds stacked against them like a mountain they could never hope to climb.

Suddenly, without warning, Elara's lips crashed against his, catching him completely off guard. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the world fell away around them, leaving only the sensation of her soft lips against his own.

But before Loike could fully comprehend what was happening, Elara pulled away, her eyes filled with tears as she delivered a swift punch to his chest, sending him staggering backwards towards the edge of the ship.

"Elara, what are you-" Loike began, his words cut short as he stumbled over the railing and plummeted into the icy embrace of the ocean below.

As Loike struggled to regain his bearings, to swim towards the surface and the safety of the shore, he watched in horror as the Black Marlin began to sink beneath the waves. And amidst the chaos and destruction, he heard Elara's scream pierce the air, a haunting echo of the sacrifice she had made to save him.

As the tears mingled with the salty spray of the ocean, Loike felt a weight in his heart unlike any he had ever known. Clinging to a chunk of wood amidst the wreckage, he vowed to honor the memory of his fallen comrades, to carry on their legacy of bravery and defiance in the face of darkness.

With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Loike drifted away from the shattered remnants of the ship, propelled by the currents of the open sea. The wind whispered through the tattered remains of the sails, carrying him towards an uncertain future.

But as he watched the wreckage disappear into the distance, Loike felt a glimmer of hope stir within him. Though the pain of loss would never truly fade, he knew that he carried with him the memories of those he had lost, their courage and sacrifice a guiding light in the darkness of the treacherous seas.

With each passing wave, Loike felt his resolve strengthen, his determination to honor the memory of his fallen comrades burning ever brighter. And as he drifted into the unknown, he knew that he carried with him not only their legacy, but also the promise of a new dawn on the horizon.

😂——— Fun Fact ———😂


Captain Roger, despite sailing the high seas, is known for his unwavering love for coffee. Legend has it that he never sets sail without his trusty coffee beans, ensuring that even in the most tumultuous of storms, he's fueled by the comforting aroma and taste of his favorite brew.


Loike's father, Eamon, once navigated the treacherous waters of both piracy and fatherhood with equal parts grit and tenderness. Despite his past as a pirate under the infamous Captain Blackbeard, Eamon found solace and purpose in imparting his love for the sea and tales of adventure to his son, Loike. Eamon's legacy as a former buccaneer turned humble fisherman serves as a testament to the transformative power of love and redemption on the high seas.


In the fantastical world of yore, the deep ocean, akin to the abyssal zone, emerges as a realm teeming with mystery and peril. Picture this: brave souls dare to traverse its uncharted waters, grappling with treacherous currents and confronting the enigmatic depths. Yet, amidst their quest for adventure and riches, countless have met their fate, succumbing to the abyss's unforgiving embrace. Their tales serve as cautionary whispers, echoing through time, a testament to the audacious spirit of exploration and the boundless dangers lurking beneath the waves.

🐠 🪸 ——— Bestiary ———🌊🦑

In the mythical waters of legend, where tales of old pirates intertwine with the mysteries of the deep, lurk creatures of both awe and dread.


Rising from the darkest depths, the Krakenspire is a colossal cephalopod with tentacles as thick as ship masts and eyes that gleam with an otherworldly intelligence. Legend has it that the mere sight of its monstrous form strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest sailors. With a single swipe of its tentacles, it can drag entire ships to their watery graves, leaving naught but splintered wood and shattered dreams in its wake.

Siren's Lament

Enshrouded in mystery and allure, the Siren's Lament is a seductive creature whose haunting melodies beckon unsuspecting sailors to their doom. With a voice as sweet as honey and eyes as enchanting as the sea itself, she lures her prey into the depths, where they become lost to the currents forevermore. Those who resist her siren call often find themselves ensnared in her inescapable embrace, unable to break free from her enchanting spell.

Leviathan's Fury

From the abyssal depths emerges the Leviathan's Fury, a behemoth of scales and fury whose roar can shatter the strongest of ships like glass. With jaws capable of swallowing whole fleets and a hide impervious to all but the most formidable of weapons, it is said that only the bravest and most skilled of sailors dare to challenge this fearsome creature and live to tell the tale.

The Ghostly Galleon

A spectral ship that appears only during the darkest nights and the fiercest storms, the Ghostly Galleon is crewed by restless spirits of sailors lost at sea. Its tattered sails billow in the wind, and its hull is adorned with barnacles and seaweed, bearing witness to centuries of haunting voyages. Legend has it that those who encounter the Ghostly Galleon are doomed to join its ghostly crew, forever condemned to sail the eternal seas.

The Maelstrom Maw

A swirling vortex of water and chaos, the Maelstrom Maw is a fearsome whirlpool that devours everything in its path. Ships caught in its grasp are torn asunder, their crews cast into the churning depths below. It is said that the Maelstrom Maw is home to creatures of unimaginable size and ferocity, drawn to the chaos and destruction wrought by its relentless currents.

The Coral Colossus

Rising from the depths of the ocean floor, the Coral Colossus is a massive creature adorned with vibrant coral reefs and teeming with marine life. Its colossal form dwarfs even the largest of ships, and its tentacles are said to stretch for miles in every direction. Though usually docile, the Coral Colossus is known to awaken from its slumber when threatened, unleashing a devastating barrage of tentacles and spines upon any who dare to disturb its domain.

Bonus points for reading

(Spotify playlist incoming later)

Until chapter 7 🖐️😅

Author's Break: A Sloop, a Nap, and a Watery Grave

Ahoy, weary travelers and sea-faring souls alike! Come, take a respite from the tumultuous tides of our tale, and let me regale you with a yarn of misfortune and merriment—a tale of a sloop, a nap, and a watery grave!

Picture this: the bustling port of Cresthaven, where the aroma of freshly caught fish fills the air and the laughter of sailors mingles with the cries of seagulls. 'Twas on such a day, under the warm embrace of the sun and the gentle sway of the waves, that I found myself in possession of a sloop—a humble vessel, yet sturdy and true.

With the promise of adventure beckoning me forth, I set sail upon the azure waters, my spirits high and my heart filled with anticipation. But alas, dear reader, fate had other plans in store for me that day, plans that would lead to my undoing in the most unexpected of ways.

As the sun reached its zenith and the heat of the day bore down upon me, I succumbed to the irresistible call of sleep, lulled into a peaceful slumber by the gentle rocking of the waves and the soft caress of the sea breeze. Little did I know that my moment of respite would soon become a harrowing ordeal.

Hours passed like fleeting dreams, and when I awoke from my nap, disoriented and bewildered, I was greeted by a sight that chilled me to the bone—a sight that filled me with a sense of dread and disbelief.

There, lying upon the rocky shore, battered and broken beyond recognition, was my beloved sloop—a victim of my own negligence and the capricious whims of the sea. My heart sank as I surveyed the wreckage, realizing with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had unwittingly steered my vessel into treacherous waters while in the throes of sleep.

Guilt gnawed at my conscience as I scrambled to salvage what remained of my ship, but alas, it was too late—the damage had been done, and my sloop lay shattered and forlorn, a silent testament to the perils of the deep.

And so, dear reader, I confess my folly to you now, hoping that my tale of woe may serve as a cautionary reminder to all who dare to brave the high seas. For in the unpredictable world of piracy and adventure, even the most seasoned sailors can fall victim to the siren song of sleep, leading to dire consequences indeed.

But fear not, dear reader, for though I may have lost a sloop that day, I gained a valuable lesson—one that I shall carry with me on all my future voyages, wherever the winds may take me.

So let us raise a tankard to the fallen, and heed the words of this humble sailor.

ElyandSamcreators' thoughts