
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Fantaisie
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534 Chs

An Inferior Organic Lifeform destroys A Superior Synthetic Lifeform

As Vesuvius ascended higher, the atmosphere thinned, and the cocoon of reality began to fray at the edges. Each flap of his mighty wings brought him higher and higher, the earth below shrinking into a ball of colors.

'It is finally time.' Closing his eyes, he plunged into the darkness of his own making, where the only light came from the luminescent threads of magic weaving through his mind. Complex magical diagrams, geometric shapes, and ancient runes spun before him.

With a focused intention, Vesuvius channeled his mana and opened his eyes, igniting the spell. A brilliant aura enveloped him, its glow intensifying as he poured more of his mana into it. The fabric of reality began to distort, bending and warping under the spell's gravity influence.

The planet's once-circular horizon began to twist, colors merging and stretching as if painted by a mad artist—the space was broken and warped.