Chapter: 10
Sirius needed a few days to be completely restored and healed from his injuries. In these days he talked much with Richard and with Sniffy.
At the beginning it was hard for him to adapt to the situation of Sniffy being seen as a part of the family as only a house-elf. He did not hate or completely dismiss these beings but it was hard to shake of what he was exposed to all his life. Kreacher was on of the creatures he hated the most but he never even thought of the possibility that hous-elfs could be seen as equals to humans.
Sirius often caught himself wanting to give her some orders but was now being able to catch himself in time after he thought that and before he asked her and stopped himself in time.
He remembered the one time where he ordered Sniffy to bring him something to drink only to being shouted at by Sniffy in an angry tone that she had other things to do and he should grab himself something to drink and that she was not catering to his whims.
Seeing Sniffy react in this way, Sirius thought that she resembled a whole lot Molly Weasley.
One time he got on her bad side and was lectured for a whole 30 minutes in a more than loud tone.
Since then, he had more respect of woman in general and Sniffy.
Sniffy found out about the different treatment wizards were giving her race and was enraged at the thought of being treated like some slave.
She now was much more appreciating the treatment Richard was giving her and searched for a way that her race could feed on magic without bonding to a wizard or witch.
Sirius needed a few days to fit into his now new home while he needed to stay here for his own safety and could only go outside when they secured another amulet for him which could let him transform into another person. He got the room on the ground floor next to Sniffys.
She also took out a calendar and was beginning to write who would do which chores on which day, she now wanted to be treated like a normal being and was adamant about this.
Richard was happy that Sniffy thought more of herself and was growing up, therefore he did not mind these changes at all. He also liked to do household chores because he loved to live in a clean household where he knew that he was responsible for this cleanliness.
Sirius never liked his Family much and now that his brother and father were no longer alive and only his mother lived, he had not much of a reason to go back to his old home where he did not visit for a long time. Sirius missed his own little home in Diagon alley but that was raided by death eaters a few months ago and he had been living at the headquarters of the Orden of Phoenix for the past months.
Now knowing that the war was over and the Orden should have been disbanded by now, Sirius had not had many regrets.
On of them was that he could not meet up with his friend Lupin for some time, after all he could not explain how he was not in Azkaban right now.
The second one was that he now could not do much about his family. He found out, since Richard told him, that he was never officially disowned and he could now use his right of being the heir to reclaim his title as the Lord of the house.
But as long as his dear mother lived, he would not set one foot inside this house again, that was something he had vowed to himself.
Knowing from Richard that the old hag had not many years left, he just let that part of his goals on pause for a bit. Furthermore, he would need to get his name cleared of all the charges against him before he could help to restore his family name and let it to be reborn and soar towards the clouds.
That was his dream, to not be under the supervision of anyone. A time when nobody was saying what he could do or could not do. He could now live his life like he wanted and nobody would be able to criticize him for that.
Sirius never hated muggleborns and why would he, one of his best friends had been a muggleborn and she was an amazing witch. No one in her year at Hogwarts was able to hold a candle to her in terms of knowledge with charms and arithmancy.
He had a talk about blood supremacy with Sniffy and Richard and was shocked at the knowledge that the boy had.
Richard told him that all the muggleborn witches and wizards came into being from the abandoned squib lines of the magical world, even if the magic was dormant for one or 2 generations, after that it was easy for them to give birth to a witch or wizard.
It even could all be supported by the fact that muggleborns could make a bloodline test at Gringotts for only a few galleons and it would all come to light.
All that bullshit about muggles stealing magic and only purebloods could be powerful were complete and utter nonsensical claims without any proof to support any of this.
Most of the purebloods supported this because they feared that the newborn wizards and witches would take over their jobs and families if they did not completely suppress them.
Sirius knew nothing of the fact that most muggleborns amounted to nothing after their school life at Hogwarts ended and that they were trying to find a good job after graduation but even with the best recommendations by the teachers. Also being top students of the whole year, they could not find a decent job.
They tried again and again to begin a career in the ministry but the reply most of them got was that they were not suitable to their tastes and the same was happening even in diagon alley and every other magical place inside the British territory.
They were shunned because of the fact that the are muggleborns, it did not matter to the purebloods if they were the best in what they wanted to do or could be so much better than even them in their jobs, in fact they feared them because of that.
It was so hard for muggleborns to find a job that most of them would either work in some run-down shops in diagon alley with a contract that would make everyone else not even take the job or they would go back to the muggle world and to live a calmly but not suppressed life there.
Sirius was completely dumbfounded when he realized that the wizarding community was holding back their own community by not helping other people by inventing new things, but restrained them to live a life not worth.
Richard also had explained to him the reason the purebloods get less and less children since inbreeding did do a really good job at making children less and less strong and to give birth to less children, because the pool from which the children absorbed their traits was getting smaller and smaller with each generation having a child with yet another related person.
At this point, all the purebloods were related to each other and had at least one relative in each other family.
Hearing this from Richard, Sirius was more than only shocked at this revelation that in fact the purebloods were killing themselves. Richard said that if they lived like this for like 50 more years then their born children should all be squibs.
Thinking about all this Sirius had now set himself the goal to get the world in the know of what they were doing and to set their course right again.
He could not know that the wizarding world stood at the last steps of its existence and not help them survive this.
Therefore, he set himself the goal to at least get the knowledge out there and to support his knowledge with enough proof to shoot every non believer down.
Richard also explained to him the situation of Harry and that they would only be able to visit him when he was at least 4 years old as he should now be under the surveillance of Dumbledore.
But Dumbledore would drop his stalking eventually and to be safe they needed to wait for 2,5 years.
Richard also told him that the Dursleys were a completely loveable family and that they would treat Harry like their own son.
Sirius had not heard much of Lilly's family but he never heard anything bad about them, therefore he was content with Harry staying there since it also was completely safe. Lily's last spell should have given Harry a mystical protection and no one would be able to hurt him at this place.
Now having so much free time, he got back to study his favorite subjects. Sirius was a genius in defense against the dark arts and in magical theory, therefore he decided to go deeper into these fields and create more interesting spells.
The Marauders map was the product of the help of all his friends with the addition of Lilly.
Lilly did make all of the needed calculations in arithmancy and without her the map would have never been able to see the light of the day.
But she didn´t want to be not known as a creator of the map and not being connected to the troublemakers and pranksters, therefore they left her name out in the map.
She really was a genius witch. She had even found a way to deflect the killing curse in the last few months and nobody was ever able to do something like that.
Sirius was sad for a few days while he mourned his dead friends but soon after he came out of his slump and was now more determined than ever.
Richard helped with that a lot. He just needed to tell him that he should think of what would James say to him if he would see him downcast like this.
After Sirius heard these words, he suddenly began to laugh out loud and Richard guessed he should have remembered something funny and after that Sirius got much better.
Richard also told both Sniffy and Sirius of all the things the muggles hat invented over the years and even some things that they had not even invented yet. Sirius was a fan of some muggle things like the motorcycle and stuff but he never hears of things like this and was shocked silly.
He could not believe that muggles could fly around high up in the air and that they even went to the moon in a spacecraft.
Muggles could also communicate with people on the other end of the world instantly and do some other amazing things.
Realizing that he knew almost nothing of the other world that he was living in he was much more open minded it inspired him greatly.
Sirius was the one in their group of friends that was the experimenting one, he was the one that had the idea of the marauders map and did make some amazing things at his time in Hogwarts.
With now having heard some world changing ideas, he soon went towards the lab in the basement that he got made from Sniffy, after he asked Richard if he could have some space where he would be able to do some researching in.
Richard more than happy to see Sirius like this. He was really anticipating what amazing things Sirius could build.
Things that even if only one thing turned out working, Sirius would be rich in one day.
And Richard was sure that Sirius could invent many new and amazing things with a bit of help or ideas from him.
In the next few weeks happened nothing too world shaking and the Daily Prophet only wrote about stories of the amazing Harry Potter and if someone searched hard enough, then they could find some articles which the apprehension and the trials of death eaters in it.
Most of them got scot-free since they used the excuse of being under the imperius curse and that seemed to perfectly work on everyone who wasn´t directly seen on a crime scene. Which was not surprising since most of the influential families were part of the death eaters or had enough money to steal enough votes to prove their innocence.
Richard looked over the papers and thought while shaking his head:' Wizards are really stupid, why the hell would they let the murderers of so many people go free without any punishment at all?
How many were there of them? Like 50? How could most of them being under the imperious curse? All purebloods or all of the strong ones knew Occlumency and were strong enough to shake off the imperious curse without any trouble at all.
The curse would also leave behind some marks which could easily be seen if they were inspected by a healer.
How could all the strong and influential people have been under the imperious curse? They were stronger or at least as strong as the most influential wizards and only Voldemort personally could have taken them under his control. Which he did not need to, they came running like dogs at the chance to kill all muggles and reign supreme.
They all had the dark mark on their hands and if only one opinion of a renown enchanter would have been searched for, then they would all know that the dark mark could only be gotten by receiving a ritual. Which one must take without any outside influence and that means willingly.
Not even Dumbledore raised any fuss at their claims of innocence. He must know about the peculiarities of these claims but he did overlook all of them. It could be because of the fact that he thinks that these people can change and that they should have now found their ways back to the right path.
Which would be utter bullshit, if someone killed tens of muggles under the pretense of hating them and seeing them like inferior beings and even raping some of them because why not. Then someone like them would never change or see their faults.
If they ever did see their own errors than they would kill themselves, because they would not be able to live with these memories any longer.
They were all psychopaths and now they are free again.
They just can no longer kill and make a scene, but I am sure that many of them will do what they did but whole lot better hidden. What is more dangerous than an openly psychopath? It is a psychopath that is not known and hides his tendencies from everyone else. Nobody would ever suspect them if they don't reveal themselves.
The crazy ones are the people who nobody suspects, they are also the most dangerous ones. It forever is some Billy that has a normal job, lives a normal live, has a normal family and hobbies, but one of his hobbies is to kill children with black hair and then skin them alive to make some handbags out of their skin.
Reading this particular article in the daily prophet Richard fell into his thoughts.
'I knew something like them getting free would happen, it was not different than in the books.
The most hateful about is that I cannot do anything about it, the only good thing is that at least Bellatrix went to Azkaban because she was found right at the time where she tortured the Longbottoms to insanity.
I really don't know how such a head strong woman could fall so deep.
It could have been the doing of Voldemort but it seems much more likely to be the doing of the madam of the House Black or it was her husband's fault. I do remember how Bellatrix was a few years ago before her marriage. At this time, she would be the last one to live like a trophy wife.
I guess they could have sold her to the Lestrange`s with a slave contract or something like this.
She would not be able to go against any orders and would not even be able to kill herself or say anything about her circumstances to anyone when it was written like this in the contract. She should have been forced to accept it. I guess some really powerful potion was used to get her to accept this.
Only being a slave to a man and not being able to do anything she loves or likes. It is no wonder she was driven to insanity.
Poor Bellatrix, I need to try and help her in the future. Maybe I can do something to alleviate her pain and suffering. Would she be content to kill her mother since she should be the one who forced her to this deal?
Andromeda Black was the only one who could flee and run away with her boyfriend which she soon married. Since then, she has cut all ties with her family and should now live a happy life. She should have a daughter, if I recall correctly.
They named her Tonks and she is one of the only known metomorphmagus.
I should meet her at Hogwarts, she should be in the 5th year when I am in my first one, I am kind of interested in her abilities.
But that is for later, right now I need to continue my training. I really cannot wait to be strong enough to really to be able to do some things and cast magic. But that should be in a few years. I also need to learn some magic that let´s me alter the age of my body. I cannot run around looking like a kid.
That is also kind of disconcerting, mentally I am 30 years old and I am now only almost 4.
I would be able to live with 11 years old together as it would be at a place full of adventures and magic. There would be so many things to do and to learn so much, that I can live with them and their mentality. There should also be a few more mature ones since they lived through some hard times or were even raised up to become the hair of their family, but that will only be at Hogwarts. Till then I have a few years left.
I know that I can be childish from time to time too but to think like a 11-year-old child, no thank you. Just speaking with a few of them will bring me towards wanting nothing more then to hide myself.
I hope I will find a few friends that can understand me at least a bit.'
Thinking about his life at Hogwarts, Richard got back out in the garden and started training his magic.
It was now November and the coldness was beginning to set in but with the sun shining with all her might it was a really nice and warm day, therefore Richard decided to train outside in the fresh air and to use one of the last warm days to his advantage.
The last week it was really cold and the leaves of the surrounding trees were all over the place, but this week there was a nice warm wind current coming from the south and it was warming up everything.