Visit at the Dursleys
Chapter: 11
A few years went by and by now Richard lived in this world for 7 years.
He was now 9 years old and since nobody knew of the date when his birthday was, he decided to use his old one from his last life.
Richard's birthday was from then on, on the 15th March and he was never really the type of guy who cared about his own birthday. He never forgot it, but he liked it a lot more to live his birthday like every other day and not let it stand out too much or give it too much meaning.
Richard was thinking that you should not celebrate your birthday like it is a special day because it would be much better and would make your life much more enjoyable if you lived while thinking that every day was special or had something special going on even if you had to search to find it.
This was a much better thing to do because you did not take each day for granted and it would let you be happier and much more enjoy the smaller things in live.
You could think of it in the way that if you started your day while thinking that today would happen something and that would let yourself feel happy about, then you would be much happier overall than if you just lived your life like every day would be the same.
It is not much doing things in that way of living. Besides you just would become depressed of your life and you would be hateful and jealous of every other person that, in your eyes, had a better live.
Never judge a person if you don´t really know them completely. Just because you work with them or be acquainted with them doesn't mean you know them.
Every person is struggling in one or another aspect of their daily life.
Nobody is perfect and some people just go into the day with more positive thoughts and others don't.
It is completely different if you start your day while thinking that something unexpected will happen today and that it will make you smile or even laugh, other than to start your day with thinking: Uff, another day at the same boring work where I will never achieve something and which one I hate. I only work there to just make enough money to come by.
These two mindsets are worlds apart.
There is no good or bad day, it is all in our head and how we perceive our surroundings, our thinking is never set in one line and it can even swap from one to another emotion in seconds.
Therefore, you never should think negatively as it will affect you, and not in a good way.
Just be and stay positive.
Even if no great thing happens on a day, all you would need is one thought that you never had before or even do some daydreaming it could make your day, I am sure of that.
It surely helped me a lot and now that I appreciate every day a little bit more, I don't need one special day were everyone pretends that everything is fine, while it is not and not to celebrate my birthday.
If I want to make a party or celebrate something, then I just do it and not wait for some day to make excuses for it. I just live like I want to live. I only live for one time and I try to make the best out of it.'
After he explained his reasoning to Sniffy and Sirius, they seemed to understand albeit not completely. They now thought a bit different of days like birthdays and were just happy that they lived under the same roof with Richard and had not too much real troubles in their live.
After Sniffy answered to Richard's explanation that if you would not need a reason to celebrate something, she would just take the reins in her own hands and announced that on each Sunday from now on they will have a come together while having a tea party to enjoy themselves.
Finding nothing against her reasoning and liking the idea to be together at some time and not just their meals, Richard really liked this idea of Sniffy.
Sirius was the first on board since he could never say no to sweets at all.
Enjoying their Sundays from then onwards, they were talking more to each other than before and our little group soon grew a lot closer together.
At first, Sirius used most of his time to get over the deaths of Lily and James and was most of the time in his lab to study or do some experiments but after Sniffys tea parties started, he soon grew more used to them and their accompany and began to open up to them.
After Harry turned 4, they visited the Dursleys together and after some little introductions they were welcomed inside.
They all had a nice day at the Dursleys and Harry loved the fact that he also had a godfather which would be now showing up much more. He also became friends at the little curious creature that was Sniffy and the boy which was called Richi from this day onwards by him.
While they were making small talk about some stuff, Vernon started with the topic of magic and since he had not seen any magic for years, he asked Sirius if he could show them some little bits.
Sirius more than happy to be able to entertain the group took out his wand and was showing them all kinds of things.
At first, he was moderate with his spells and only did some small little things like showing them the light spell lumos or transfiguring a plant into a little soldier that was pacing around the room.
The kids were completely dumfounded for a second and were then running around the room to catch the little soldier while shouting and being full of excitement. After that they began chasing Sirius throughout the whole house and were urging him on to do all kinds of things.
It was havoc, there was a little war going on while countless soldiers were running around and manning some tanks to wildly drive around and shoot flowers all over the place. Planes were flying around and landed on the kitchen table since that place was changed into a military base.
Some princess cried out of in some tower in the middle of the hallway, that someone should help her and a big beansprout and some clouds were in the bathroom.
It was mayhem and the kids loved every second of it. Vernon and Petunia were loving it too since their little child was coming out and Vernon yelled orders to some soldiers and Petunia was baking a cake in the kitchen with the help of some fairies while some of them did braid her hair.
At the beginning Sniffy and Richard were watching all of this but after the kids urged them they also joined the circus.
Richard was making his own little sect of cultivation with all kinds of little beings he had found upstairs and did teach them the way of live and how that someone should be able to reach immortality and Sniffy was in the guestroom teaching mini orcs and giants how to make some clothes. At first, they could not even use the pins Sniffy gave them but after about half an hour they were now making some fine clothes for the two boys.
It was a beautiful day, all people let out their inner child and were having fun. Sirius magicked all kinds of things and turned the house into something never had seen before.
Vernon was now completely different then in the books and loved his whole family very much. His son Dudley was best friends with Harry, or more like brothers. Petunia spoiled them very much but was also a stern and caring mother to both of them. They were also really outgoing and everyone in the neighborhood now them and the 2 bundles of joy.
This day was remembered forever by everyone and after they wished their goodbyes and only after promising the two boys that they would soon visit again their tears were stopping to flow the were on their way home.
today was only a short chapter since I had a looooooong day and the time skip will continure tomorrow.
I got a little poethical in here but I hope that it is not too out of the world as I kinda liked it.
Everyone have a good night and see ya tomorrow.