


Chapter: 25

Today was a rainy and stormy day, the water was pounding on the rooftops and streets and it was a typical day were nobody was really motivated to get out of bed early.

Richard and Sniffy were loving these days, it did not rain much here in Italy and when it did, it was mostly only for a few hours or a day at most. The sound that the rain drops made when pouring on solid objects, was extremely soothing to their minds and they wanted to stay in bed a bit longer.


But everything had its expiration date and their hotel door was swung open with such a force that it got thrown out of its hinges and tilted to the side. The source of this was an excited Kyle who was smiling from ear to ear, while shouting loudly.

"Goooooooooood morning, wake up you two sleepyheads. I have the best of good news to tell you."

Kyle was shouting and run with full speed to the door of their bedroom and ignored and burst right through it. He was not able to contain his excitement and it could be seen at the damage he left behind.

Richard was awake in just a bit after hearing the bang from the door. He has trained himself to be up in a second when he heard something out of the norm. He answered Kyle who appeared in front of the bed, with an annoyed and sleepy look on his face.

"What the hell Kyle, its not even past 4 am. Why are you storming in here this early? I hope you have a good reason or you will get nothing to eat from me for a whole week."

That sounded more than menacing as hell to Kyles ears and he immediately bowed his head and apologized. He did not want to miss out on any of Richard's cooking. He and Sniffy made meals that Kyle had never even heard of and they had an amazing taste to them. They were improved meals from the future who Richard remembered.

In the meantime, while the two were shouting at each other, Sniffy was also waking up slowly. She was of the heavy sleeper type and had troubles to wake up in the morning. It was usually Richard that woke her up or she set up an alarm beforehand.

Kyle then said in a sorry tone. "Sorry that I came this early but I have the best news to tell you two.

My father told me that it looks like he has found a clue, about the whereabouts for a cure for my illness and we will head out tomorrow. Hopefully to find out, if it is really what it is claimed to be. He will bring my uncle and 3 other trusted guards to help us in finding. I needed a lot of time to convince my dad that you two can accompany us.

I was also woken up a few hours ago by my father, as he got the news right before that. Right after he assured me that you two could tag along, I run all the way to you two."

Richard and Sniffy had found out about Richards illness because he had a few relapses inside the dojo or in tours throughout the city and after asking him about it, he told them everything.

It was not a secret inside the city and almost everyone knew of it, but he was too embarrassed to tell them on his own without them asking.

After they asked him about these times, when they saw him almost fall on the ground and only to steady himself at the last moment. He gladly told them.

The illness he suffered from was some strange bloodline illness that had a 100% chance of infecting the newborn of the next generation. Moreover, it could only ever affect one person, it would kill the last affected person right at the moment the next carrier was born.

This was the reason, his mother died on the day he was born and while his father has searched for over 200 years to cure his wife, he was never able to find something to help her. His father whose name was Rodolfo Night, could only look at the birth of his son with helplessness all over his face. Tears kept streaming down in this wonderful but also hateful moment when his wife breathed her last breath.

All the healers, that tended to her could not help her one bit. It was some malicious curse from centuries or even longer ago, which he had been told from his dad.

Rodolfo had sworn to himself and to his dying wife that he would one day find a cure for his son.

Anyway, remembering what Kyles's fit was all about, Richard got out of the bed and took Kyle into a hug while saying.

"That's great, hopefully we will find something useful."

"It was not easy to convince him that I wanted you two to accompany me, right after he said that we would move out tomorrow. At the beginning he was against it, because of all the danger it could involve, but I stayed adamant about it and said that we had the best and strongest guards with us anyway. After hearing that and seeing that I wanted you two to bring with me. He said it was ok. He is also quite curious about you. I have not told him much.

I knew you two would never have said no to an adventure. Also, both of you should be strong enough to handle something like this."

Explained Kyle after he let go of Richard and sat on the side of the bed.

From the other bedside sounded. "OH great, an opportunity to get a clue to a cure for you and we can go on an adventure. Nothing better could have happened.

Ohhh so much to do, we need clothes for that, cannot go without nice outfits for this." Sniffy said and then ran around the room trying to find some fabric what she could use.

Kyle and Richard saw this and began to laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha, Sniffy you have the whole day for this, we all know how fast you get these things done. You might even already have something for us in the bag of yours.

Just calm down and let's get some breakfast."

Said Richard while he put on some clothes and get ready for breakfast.

Sniffy could only answer back, after she calmed down but not entirely. "I will make us the best items I currently am able to. That should take me most of the day, therefore I have not much time. I need to get some new fabric and other stuff. Just hurry up and let´s eat something and then I will be on my way."

She said and snipped her fingers and her clothes appeared on her body and she headed out of the hotel room in a jiffy.

"There she goes, I guess we should follow her or she well be done with breakfast without us or skip it altogether." Said Richard and was running out of the door to catch up to Sniffy.

"These two are really something." Mumbled Kyle and was then also following the two to the breakfast area.

All three completely ignored the damage that Kyle had inflicted onto the room. It was normal that something got broken inside the room and the hotel staff was used to it.

Arriving at the breakfast area, they then remembered how early it was. It was a few minutes past 4am and the entire hotel was empty. Darkness was all around the city and the sun would need at least another hour to rise.

Finding the breakfast area empty and remembering the time, Richard began to take out some kitchen ware and started to prepare their typical breakfast. Sniffy set up a few candles with her magic and she and Kyle were helping him set up everything. It only took them about 10 minutes and they started their meal.

"Do you know where we will be headed tomorrow?" Asked Richard to Kyle because he wanted a few more details about their coming adventure.

Kyle looked at Richard and then answered back in an embarrassed tone while he scratched his left ear.

"Ups, seems like I did not ask anything about our trip at all, I was too excited to think about anything at all and just went off to see you two. I guess I also left my father standing inside my room. I remember he said something about some ruins or something similar to that when I was speeding away."

Hearing this Richard was more curious, but could not shake of a bad feeling he had about this.

'Something feels a bit off, we need to be as prepared as we can. We area already quite well known throughout this city. Therefore, it would not make any sense to change our appearance. Hmm it should even help us instead.

Who would take two 9-year-old seriously? Even if I look a bit older than that. Sniffy will make us some nice defense gear and I should buy some new defensive trinkets. They may be a bit pricey but we have enough money for that.'

Thinking about how they should go on about it. He then told his companions.

"I have a bad feeling about all this. Sniffy, please do your best to make these outfits, Kyle can you take me outside and to the biggest magical place inside Italy?

I need to buy a few things and they are not available here. All the items which are here can only be used by vampires. Also, can you give your dad some kind of warning? Just say that you feel that something is off and he should be extra careful about this."

Hearing how serious Richard sounded, they could only nod and say that they would give their best.

After they made these plans, they split apart and Sniffy got into the city to buy the things she needed and Kyle and Richard were heading out of the city.

A blood teleportation later, they stood inside an old little town that looked like it was from the last century and Richard was sure that he was at the right place.

"That is our magical town named Witch Town. Hopefully you can find all the things that you need inside here. I also do need to prepare some things as well, if you feel that something bad will be happening, then we cannot be careful enough. I will come and get you at around 8 pm, see you later."

Kyle said while he wished Richard a good day and then vanished.

Richard could now see how blood teleportation looked up closely and not as a participant. It looked like Kyle completely turned into blood drops, which then started spinning in unimaginable speed and were then disappearing inside the middle of where his abdomen had been.

After he marveled at this sight and could only thank the golden energy for enhancing his eyes so he could view things like that, he began to think while he started looking around.

'This looks just like diagon alley, the only difference is that here is much more space next to the houses or shops and it forms a town. Maybe Hogsmeade will kind of look like this but on a smaller scale.

On my list to get, are some defensive amulets and a few potion bottles. I will get the standard ones + a few specialized ones. But before that I should disguise myself, I don't want to get into trouble buying things I should not while I look like this.'

Richard thought and then used his age altering spell and now he looked like a 20-year-old. He took a black cloak with hood out of his pouch and put it on so no one would be able to see who he was and began walking to the shops.

It was almost 6 am right now and the sun was starting to shine brightly.

The time it took him to get all the things he wanted, was more than he had expected and it was almost 8pm when he looked at his watch.

He got this watch from Sniffy at his 9th birthday, because he always complained about not knowing what time it was and he was too lazy to buy one himself. It never came to his mind, that he was able to wear a watch, since he never wore one in his last life. His smartphone was there for things like this and he forgot about watches.

Since that day he wore the watch on his left hand. Sniffy got the watch enchanted that he was not even able to damage it in the slightest.

Remembering that he had never gotten a present for Sniffy, apart from the normal stuff, he then went back to a shop and bought her some nice-looking ribbons for her hair. They had every kind of color and he knew that she would love them.

He then started to run to the place where he was supposed to meet Kyle and many people were looking at him with strange looks on their faces. Who would not find it quite strange to see a black hooded figure running around a magical town with colorful ribbons in his hand. Richard did not see them and was just hoping that Kyle did not wait to long for him.

Richard found Kyle standing on their designated meeting place and then rushed at him, while he saw Kyles's eyebrows twitch.


Kyle then fell onto the ground while holding his hands together while he broke into a full-blown laughter and continued that for a few minutes. Richard was not getting the joke and became confused at what he was laughing at.

"What is so funny?" Richard asked but after he heard his own voice and looked down at himself and at the ribbons in his hand, he also begun laughing like there was no tomorrow. It looked just hilarious, a black hooded figure with hands full of colorful ribbons.

He was somehow embarrassed at this and put the ribbons into his pouch.

After that he canceled his age spell and reverted back to his usual self and took off his now much to big cloak.

Kyle was also able to get himself together and then he asked Richard.

"Got everything? These are for Sniffy, I imagine? I bet she will like them. Also, today I was running around the whole city and got a few good things from some friends, I am really ready for tomorrow."

Richard saw the excited and determined look in his eyes and answered back.

"Yes, I should have gotten everything and yeah they are for Sniffy. I quite forgot to give her anything special in the last few years.

Let's head back to her and eat something nice. I am really hungry, I totally forgot to eat anything today."

When he said that he had not eaten anything today, Kyles belly growled loudly and he answered with a hungry look.

"Oh Yes, same thing happened to me too, totally forgot about eating till now. We need to hurry back, I cannot wait to eat your Pizza, can we make some?"

"It's decided then, pizza it is. We have not had that since a month ago or so. I am looking forward to it. Now we only need to get Sniffy, I guess she should be at the hotel room."

Stretching his hand out to Kyle who took it, they then vanished and appeared outside of the Everlasting City in the next second.

Running through the city with speed normal people could not even imagine, they then appeared inside the hotel room where Richard and Sniffy stayed.

Sniffy was currently reviewing her latest product and was quite happy with how it turned out. Feeling the presence of Richard and Kyle she turned around and greeted them while she hid her self-made cloth behind her back.

"Welcome back, I thought you would take a bit longer. I just finished with everything. Our outfits are now ready, but I will show them to you later, after dinner."

"Hey." Said both back and wanting to see what they would get to wear, both Richard and Kyle turned their heads and looked around the room, but at the moment when they turned their heads a tiny bit, Sniffy just snipped and vanished everything, after which she said.

"No sneak peaking, you will see it later. First, let's make something to eat, I am dying to eat something."

Sniffy said that after she saw their curious looks and walked out of the living room.

"Hey Sniffy, we just wanted to take a look. Who can blame us, we are curious after all. Your clothes are the best, who would be able to hold in their curiosity, after knowing what you are able to make? But let's get some pizza ready." Kyle defended Richard and himself and then followed her along with Richard.

They then went to the table and took out some ingredients and began making 3 giant sized pizzas, all three had a lot of appetite and could something like this.

Kyle was also helping out as he got quite used to it after the last couple of weeks. The three loved to cook together and it became a time that they really enjoyed. They now did cook almost every day together and Kyle also picked up a thing or two.

But apparently, he was not meant to be a cook because it was like he was cursed in this aspect. He followed every step that Richard or Sniffy told him and the end result was something inedible every time. The only good thing at that was that it only happened when he would cook completely alone. If Sniffy or Richard were in on it, then nothing like this would happen.

Excited for their adventure ahead and to see their outfits later, they enjoyed their pizzas and cleaned everything with their magic and looked expectedly at Sniffy.