
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Teacher's First Weakest Students

In the small base of Trish, they were discussing to finish their work and how to make use to the last two eggs.

"I'm sorry dear…"

Trish apologized.

"It's…its alright, everybody makes mistakes. Just don't let it happen again…"

"I won't, I promise."

"Now then, let's get back to business."


"Take th-"

A small gust of dark mist appeared in their room and to the table then small blue eyes covered in a dark mist starts to speak to them.


the dark mist spoke

"Bhulser, why are you here?"

"I've heard that you failed at your mission…"

"Yeah yeah, I'll fix it."

"I'll take not upon your failure, Clark."

"I don't fail, I am only delayed."

"Loud mouth brat!"

"I get a lot of that, thanks for the complement. "

"Thcc…now then, your new work is no longer attacking the Kingdom of Beramuth."

"Why would we stop? We basically took their forces to ashes."

"You have not, a lot are still roaming, full of life than before."

"What? The dragon attack was-"

"There's been a massive change of plan! "


"This is an order given directly by Lord Shenru, refusing is by means death."

"I… I understand, what's the new plan?"

"Attack the holy land Rechmurn and eradicate everything."

"That's it?"

"It's not that simple Clark, the Four Generals can easily kill the earth dragons, you need to find a way to subdue them first before you can attack."

"I'll plan to did so."

"And you should, I'll be taking my leave."

"Say hi to Lord Shenru for me."

The dark mist disappeared like air.

At the moment Bhulser disappeared, Clark got furious and angry because of his failed to finish his mission.

"Dammit! Why did the dragons stop?!"



"Remember that time when we talked about a man named Luke?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"It was…him who stopped the Dragons…"

"Luke…I'll give him a little visit, I'm ganna torture him slowly until he begs for death!"

A day pasted from the Dragons attack and everything has been going really well.

It's almost noon and the Arthur are searching for Luke to honor their contract.

Arthur walked pasted some guards and asked for a tall man with a fancy clothing.

They answered no, as they haven't not seen any man walked by.

Arthur walked the infirmary and before he could walk by, he heard the voice of her daughter, Nichole and another childlike voice.

He opened the door slowly and took a small peak, there he saw Luke, Nichole, Brute and the small child before that once was held by Luke last night.

They were having a little tea party with Luke, and looked very happily.

"Do you want some more tea, Sir Brute?"

Brute then licked at their small tea pot.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Nichole then pour an imaginary tea in a cup and Brute then picked up the cup but accidentally broke it by its strong mouth.

Luke watch carefully in a small distance between them in a small chair.

"Hey, what's you name again?"


Lee went silent for a whole 5 seconds.

"Can you speak?"

The little kid was a little shy but then spoke.


"Wow, you got a great name!"


Luke smile as they seem to be having fun.

As Arthur was in the door, Qeniver was walking and saw Arthur looking in the door and got curious.

"What are you doing?"



"Their having a tea party…"

"A what?"

Luke then looked at the door for a moment as he heard a voice but as he looked back, Lee walked towards Luke and gestured both his arms her arms to Luke to tell him he wants to carried to which Luke took her.

"What is Lee?"

Luke asked.

Nichole and also went to Luke and rose her arms up.




"Do something fun!"

"Something…fun, you say?"

"Yes! Fun!"

"Very well then."


Luke then puts down Lee slowly and puts his finger to Nichole's forehead and Lee and then he's finger sparkle like golden glitter.

"What was that?!"


"A little magical spell that once taught by a magical fairy."


"A lady with wings?"

"Yes yes…now, both of you hold me hand."

The two then held Luke's hand and Luke then lift's his hand up and the two starts to be weightless.

Luke stood up and lifted his both of his hand up and the two starts to float.



Arthur and Qeniver watched as the two children float in the air like leaf's and began to create small noises to which Luke quickly notice.

The doors burst open as fast as Luke looked at the doors and Arthur and Qeniver drops on the floor.


"Owh, It's just you two."


"Ehhh…Luke…sorry for the intrusion…"

"Why are you both spying on us?


"We simply got curious…"

"Curious, you say?"

Luke lowered his hands and Nichole and Lee went down in the ground.

"Papa! Papa!"

Nichole then ran towards Arthur and hugged Arthur's leg.

"Did you see that?! I was flying!"

"Yes dear, yes you did."

Arthur pats Nichole's head.

Lee then hid herself at the back of Luke's legs and holding his pants.

"Who are they?"

Asked shyly by Lee.

"Their friends, Lee. No need to fear."

Arthur and Qeniver notice the little girl behind Luke.

"Hello, little girl…"

Lee was scared by Qeniver's size and starts to hold to Luke hand.


"Your name was Lee, was it? Done be afraid, I won't bite."

Lee then holds Luke hands tightly as she whispered papa.

Luke then smiled at Lee to make her feel safe beside him, and it worked.

"By the way Luke, we still need to talk about our deal."

"Ah…yes, of course."

"Let's head to my office, we'll talk to there."

Luke then starts to walk and felt someone grippingnhis leg and found Lee clinging.


Questioned Luke to Lee.

"Please don't leave me..."

"Dont worry, I'll be gone only for a while, plus, You'll be with Nichole and Brute."


"I'm sorry, but i have to go."

Brute suddenly tucks Lee around his head and chest.

"Arthur, let's go."

They then left the children.

As they walked away, Lee cries for Luke's name with her hand reaching for Luke as tears flow down her eyes.

"Worry Lee, Luke will be back! he promised, remember!"

Nichole spoke to Lee to try to cheer here up.

"Please... i don't want you to leave me as well."


They walked back to Arthur's office bringing Lee with them.

Take a sit Luke.ahyhca bug uqay by the hhy

Luke sat down while Qeniver stood next Arthur.

"Now then, let talk about your classmate, Alice.


"Hold on, Alice? The Flame Goddess!?"

"Yes, now let me speak with Luke."

"Okay, I'll keep quiet."

"The Flame Goddess? that's a very exaggerated claim."

Luke spoke on his mind while releasing a small grin.

"About her-"

"Hold on, before that, I'll would like to talk about a much more important subject regarding about the Earth Dragons."

"The dragons? what about them?"

"I've struck a deal with them, to find thier missing eggs."

"You spoke to the dragons?"

"I can speak many various languages, this includes dragon's tongue. So, If you may, just put your gathered information on some sort of file or documents, so I can focus more on the deal I've made with the dragons."

"Oh, Okay... but where would you even start?"

"That's a mystery, soon to be seen. For now, I need to find clues."

"Then Merlin can help with that."


"He is our top sorcerer to our kingdom, I'm sure you will find him helpful."

"Very well, and also, I would warn you about the dragon attack."

"Warn? that's sounds not good at all."

"Yes, but i assure you that the dragons will no longer at any kingdom or village."

"So what's the warning?"

"The dragons attack was planned, it is orchestrated purposely in the village so that the dragons will attack Gunruth."

"Are you saying the dragons were controlled?"

"No, manipulated. They used eggs as some sort of catalyst, to spark the attack."

"Who whole do such a thing..."

"There are 3 eggs, 2 are still on the of the perpetrators and 1 are back with its parents.

"At least there's good in that bad."

"I'll find whoever stole those eggs and pay with their crime's."

"You seem to be close to the dragons."

"Well, dragons have been a good friends with me, at least to those who can articulate a sentence."

"If you say so."

"Hey, we should tell him…"

"Right, Luke..."

On his chair, Arthur is gathering all of his courage to speak on the matter he have in mind.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"I've talked to dad and…"


"So you're the mentor of my father."

"*Sign* Loud mouth as always, even at his age, yes, I am."

"I've also talked to Qen about this…"

Luke waits for Arthur words.

"Is that…"

"Acting shy will get us nowhere, Arthur."

Arthur then puts an straight face and stood up bowed his head to Luke.

"We want you to train our son and daughter!"

"Hmm? This is surprising, and to what reason do you have for me to accept?"

"We have money to pay you."

"Dearing, but mortal currency holds no value to me."

"Anything! we give you anything!"

"You know, you shouldn't give that offer so easy, you might give that offer to a abusive dealer one day."


"Luke, we beg you!"

"If we have to bow and kiss your shoe, we will!"

"Please, dont do that. *sighs* Give me a good reason to be their mentor to them and maybe I'll think about it."

"As much as I hate to say it, Cecilia is weak… as a father, I want her to be successful more than me!"

"And that goes for Toru as well…"

"Hmm…Does Cecilia and Toru knows about this?"

"No... but they'll understand!"

"Please accept."

"Good grief…"

Luke sat in silence as Arthur continues to bow his head while Qeniver is using the puppy dog eyes technique.

"Rise you head Arthur, it's not good for kings to bow their head."


"And Qeniver, stop it, you look disgusting."

"What do we need for you to accept our request?"

"How about this, I'll test Cecilia and Toru strength, and if I like their performance…I'll…give them a chance."


"Will ready the grounds for you."

They got out to the room and left, leaving Luke behind.

"Hmm… It's only been 50 years passed and I'm back at teaching again... is it too early, right..."

As Luke was ready to get up, Brute walked in with Nichole and Lee riding his back.


"Hmm, what brings you three here?"

"We got bored, so we went to find you."


Lee shouted cheerfully as she run at Luke to hug him.

Lee hugged Lee on his leg as Luke strokes her head.

"I've only been gone for minutes and you already miss me?"

Lee continues to hug Luke.

"Lee, I have to go and meet the others and-"

Lee hugs Luke's leg tighter.

Brute smiles at Luke.

Luke sighs heavily.

"I'm sorry Lee, but I have to go, It's only for a few moment."

"Please, dont go..."

"I'll be going to the training grounds, it's not safe for little children to go."


Luke strokes Lee's head.

"Okay, You can go the training grounds."

Lee looks up.

"But you'll have to go with Brute."

"Why not with you?"

asked Lee adorably.

"Because you might hurt, you'll be there for a moment anyways, it's better than being here alone, right?"

Lee lets go Luke.

A dark mist then flows out of Luke's right sleeve and forms a staff on hus right hand.

Luke gripped his hand and the misty staff turned into a wooden staff.

"I'll see you three below and Brute, be gentle with them."

Luke stumped his staff on the ground and a dark misty circle opened on the ground and swallowed Luke from his feet to head and disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Quick to the training grounds!"

Shouts cheerfully by Nichole.

Meanwhile, Arthur and Qeniver is now on the training ground and there they find Cecilia and Toru training each other.

They rushed to towards the training grounds and found Cecilia and Toru.

The other soldiers were curious to what's happening, as they saw Cecilia and Toru getting pulled towards the open grounds.

"What are you guys doing?"

"What is this?"

"You're going to fight Luke."

"Fight Luke?! We can't defeat Luke! He laterally beat two earth dragons and made run away!"

"How can we even beat Luke?"

Then suddenly, a cold breeze slithers to their necks and can feel a strong senses of presence behind their back.

They turned around and saw a dark mist forming a humanly image and with bright eyes.

The mist then scattered and came out Luke holding his staff.

"Hello, you two."

Luke spoke with a smile.



The other soldiers watching was shock by fear as they could feel Luke's with a menacing aura.

"Hey, can we at least have a little warm up?"

"It is not for me to decide, I'll be only defending as both of you attack me. Take your time, you may attack all at once or one at the time, but I strongly suggest to attack me with both of your powers.

"That's not fair…"

"But we only shitty weapons, we can't fight you.


Luke then notice the armory beside Qeniver and Luke stumps his staff on the ground and an unknown force pulled the weapons and went to the side of the little arena.

Then a dark mist appeared at the weapons and as the mist slowly disappears, came out was a new and m and more powerful weapons.

"What the?!"

"What's that?"

"Those are Enchanted weapons that you may use against me."

"You may only take weapon to your liking only one."

"Even with such a powerful weapon's, we are still venerable."

"It's on you to defend yourself, do not depend on armor nor shield to protect you, plus, I wont hit you that hard."


"That's unfair!"

"Life is not fair, I'm sure you've heard of that."

"Not fair…"

"Grab a weapon you like and I'll wait for both you."

The two walked at the weapons and find many grand weapons that they haven't seen in the first time.

Toru is really confused to choose til' he heard the voice of many people calling his name.

He turned his head looking to the direction of the voices and saw a two-handed hammer with a symbol of a Horned Taurus on his side.

He felt the hammer voice, the voice of thousands people cheering for his name as Toru walks ever closer to the hammer.

When he touched the hammer, he felt the strength of all the mighty hero's that has lived throughout the years and slowly gaining strength valor, without Toru realizing his new found strength.

"Wow... ain't this a beaut' t."

Cecilia stares at Toru as she thought that Toru has chosen his weapon and looks back the armory of legendary weapons.

"What do I pick? there are so many to choose from."

Then suddenly something wrapped around Cecilia's wrist and burns her.

"What the?!"

A flaming lasso wrapped around her wrist and pulls her aggressively towards a weapon a meter or so far.


"What the hell is that?!"

Asked Arthur.

The flaming lasso and unwraps on his wrist lets go infront of a sword sheat on scabbard.

"A sword?"

Said Cecilia.

The scabbard of the sword design was on a shape of phoenix with its eyes glowing like a fire in the campfire.

Cecilia felt the urge to grab weapon and went on held it.

Though she felt the sensation of heat and held the handle, she felt no pain and held it anyways and braced it on her hands.

"The bird chose her? after all of the worthy potential wielders that I've offered, it chosed a girl with little experience. interesting..."

Luke spoke curiously on his mind.

"Haha! I fell so strong! Look at the size of this hammer!"

"Don't get too cocky Toru, it's Luke who's our up against."


"It's appears that the two of you are done choosing your weapons, so those weapons are no longer needed."

Luke swipe his hand and the weapons falls on the ground and turned back to normal.

"It would seem you two are ready, now come at me with all of you might!"

Meanwhile, Brute is carrying Lee and Nichole at he's back and went to watch Luke.

Arthur saw them went to Nichole and Lee.

"What are you two doing here?! Go back, it's not safe here."

"Luke gave us permission."

"Fine, but be quiet."


In the fighting ground, Cecilia held her stance along with Toru wielding their weapon.

"Isn't it dangerous for us to use sharp and heavy, weapons for sparing. This is very irresponsible!"

Said Cecilia.

"That is if you hit me."

Luke stumps his staff.

"To which I doubt."

Luke then slashed his wooden sword to his side knocking air and dust on the way.

"Well? I'm waiting."

"I take him head on!"

Toru is first to attack.

With speed matching a raging bull, Toru charges towards Luke, with each foot stepped creates dust clouds, Toru grips his hammer tightly to his side ready swing at the moment he gets in range.

Using his both weight of the hammer and his body, Toru stops as he reaches his range and swung his hammer to Luke, not caring for his safety.

"Your finished!"

Toru excitedly shouts on his energetic mind.

Just as the hammer was about to hit, Luke moved a back a foot away and dodge the head of the hammer by an inch and stopped abruptly as the hammer passed his chest smashing the air as it came through.

The miss caught Toru off guard and lost his balance due to the hammer's weight and the sudden stop he did.

He began to tip toe to try to gain control and to not get to close to Luke.

"Woah Woah!"

Toru then founds his balance and used this opportunity to secure his balance by stumping his foot on the ground.

As he did, looks to for Luke to see if his on range and found he already passed Luke and now on his side.

Caught off guard again, his muscle memory kicks in and tried to punch Luke.

Luke saw this coming dropped on the ground while ducking as his leg stretched and his left palm open facing the ground.

He drops catching his fall with palm and spun hitting Toru's leg as Luke used the momentum to his last move to get up quickly and back on his foot.

Toru falls to the ground face first with the hammer dropping to his side.


Said painfully by Toru.

"You do have the speed on foot but not enough to catch a target even though I was standing still the whole time. Well, you are targeting he me."

Luke then hears a soft step of someone's boot behind him and quickly turned around and parried Cecilia's blade.

The clashing weapon created sparks of metal that irritated Cecilia's eyes.

Cecilia the quickly retreated and moved back to her stance.

"What the hell is that staff made out of?!"

Cecilia shouted confusingly.

"Its Ironwood, and as you can see, it's living up to its name."


Luke then walks from Toru stops just five meter away.

"Again, with a plan this time."

Luke turns back at them as he stumps his staff on the ground and waits for them.

Cecilia then runs towards Toru helped him get up by kicking him and gently shouting at him to get up to which he did.


Toru murmured.

Toru grabbed his hammer and held it back to his hands glared back at Luke gripping angrily at his hammer's handle.

"Okay, lets take thia slow, how about yo-"


Toru once again charges towards Luke like bull seeing a red cloth.

He raised his hammer on his top ready to slam down at Luke to pancake him.

Dust clouds explodes with each step Toru makes as Luke looks at him with disappointment.

Luke then closed his eyes as he doesn't want to see Toru for now moved slightly to his side.

Toru's hammer smashes the ground with great strength, though he missed Luke, the ground that he slammed upon shattered and thick cloud of dust erupted blocking his sight to Luke and those who are watching them.

The hammer then digged itself deeper and boulders of rocks erupted in line that stops abruptly as fast as Toru slammed the ground.

"Woah! what just happened?!"

Shouted one of the soldiers as the others moved and running away from the rocks.

Toru then swung his hammer to a silhouette of Luke and smashed the air and lost his balance for a bit to which he regained as fast as he lost it.

On the thick smoke, A staff hits Toru on the stomach and sends him flying across and out of the thick dust cloud

Toru luckily landed on his feet but dropped his hammer inside of the thick dust cloud and tried to get quickly but felt the second wave of pain on his stomach that drops him on his knees.

A gust strong wind then takes away the cloud of dust and there, Luke stands with his staff looking at Toru and Cecilia.

"Do not let your emotions dictate your actions Toru, you will one day make a grave mistake if you keep on doing so."

Toru then gets up on his feet had plans to charged in again.

"Toru! Stop!"

Shouted Cecilia towards Toru.

Toru then stops

"Luke literally beat 2 Earth Dragons! what makes you think you can take him alone."



Luke then laughs under his breath.

"Toru, have you heard of the name Droin, Warrior of the Stone?"

"No... why?"

Answered Toru.

"Long ago, the God of Smith constructed a life in a form of a dwarf to live among the dwarf to a newly made kingdom to see if the dwarfs are truly loyal to him."

Luke then walks towards Toru's hammer.

"Unnoticed, creation feel inlove to girl and had a child they named Droin. Droin was a problem child, he used to be a very emotional child that often resorted to destructive tantrums, and worsened as he grew older."

Luke then steps Toru's hammer.

"Then, a great war broke loose that lasted for a century. Though Droin was an adult, he had a mind of child. Due to this, when the kingdom fell to ruin and both his parents died, he shattered to pieces inside as he lost both home and family."

Luke then pushed Toru's hammer with his foot towards Toru and stopped a meter away from Toru.

"One day, in a very faithful night, he was found by someone, who taught him how to use a weapon and to control his emotions. To this, he single handedly turned the tide of battles and won the war and reconstructed the kingdom he once lost."

Toru then picks up his hammer looked at it very close.

"The hammer you're holding is the same hammer he once used to win the war and inspired his army to battle. You should he honored."

"Woaw... awesome..."

Toru is amazed by the story.

"Well, don't dishonor his name, come at me."

Toru was about to charge in but was stopped by Cecilia.

"Wait, we need to think about how should we attack first."

"Right, but how?"

"I... I dont know as well..."

"So what now?!"

"Let's just attack together, from both sides, you take the left and I take the right."

"That's your plan?"

Said sarcastically by Toru.

"Got any other ideas?"


"Then just do it."

Both nods in agreement.

"If you're not come to me then I will."

Luke then began to walk slowly to the two.

"Shit! start moving."

Luke saw that the two have now made their move and stopped as the two split apart and run from left and right side of Luke.

The two finally stopped as they face each other with Luke in the middle.

The two then screamed their war cry as they charged towards Luke with Toru reaching Luke before Cecilia.

Toru slammed his hammer down at Luke to which he tapped the side of the hammer with his staff.

The tap was enough to change direction slightly off course by a foot away from Luke and slammed down but with less strength before and caused only a small puff of dust cloud.

Cecilia finally reached Luke and tried to slash Luke's shoulder to which Luke quickly parries the attack with the tip of his staff.

Luke then drove his staff and down while still parring the blade and hits Cecilia's foot that caused her to move back for a moment.

Luke then quickly turned again and saw Toru already up and and swung his hammer to Luke to which he moved back by a foot away and dodged Toru's hammer again missing in just an inch.

Luke countered attack by swinning his staff and hitting Toru's jaw.

Toru drops his hammer due the hit and wobbles backwards.


Said Toru painfully.

Luke then hears running behind him to which he quickly ducked dodge a sharp blade just above his head only cuttinga piece of hair off.

Luke then used his staff to trip Cecilia on his ankle to which she fall and ate a face full of dust.

Luke then got up already again Toru close ready and about to swing his hammer only for Luke to hit him on his hands causing Toru to let go.

Luke then spun his staff and both tips of the staff hits Cecilia's and Toru's head causing them to drop down together.


Said painfully Cecilia.


Said painfully also by Toru.

Luke stumps his staff on the ground and waits for them to get up.

"If you were a little bit fast then you may have gotten me there."

"His fast, super fast."

Said Qeniver.

"Not even Father can do that."

Said Arthur.

Toru then got up in frustration and grabbed his hammer swung at Luke.

The swing was slow and didn't even reached Luke.

Toru frustration grew as he missed and charged at Luke ready to throw hands.

Luke saw and understood to what Toru wants and the staff of his hand turned into mist and sucked back up to his sleeve.

"Oh... Is he ganna fight Luke in a hand to hand combat?"

Qeniver spoke.

Toru then swung big with his right hand and Luke parried his punch by hitting Toru's wrist with his wrist to which Toru quickly swung with his left fist and Luke quickly does the same thing.

Toru then headbutts Luke and both their foreheads clashed.

Toru then drawed back as fast as he hits Luke starts holding his forehead as he grunts in pain Luke stood there as if nothing happened.

Luke then turned once more to see Cecilia swinging his sword and Luke quickly reacted and stepped back a foot away and dodged the sword egde by a inch.

Cecilia tried to slash across Luke's stomach and to which Luke steppes backwards once more.

Another slash going up aiming to Luke's shoulders and Luke move a little to the side and dodged again.

Frustrated, Cecilia then thrust his sword forward and tried to predict that Luke will try to dodge on the side.

Luke simply stood still as Cecilia drove pass.

"What?! I thought-"

A swift kick then meets Cecilia as she turns around to try again and dropped her sword and herself on the floor eating once again the dust beneath.


Toru screams as he charges towards Luke with his hammer ready to swing and Luke move to the side a little.

Toru then saw Cecilia slowly getting up as he charged an empty way where Luke used to be and tried to stop himself.

With the combined weight of his body and hammer, Toru could not stop and hits Cecilia with his shoulder and flung Cecilia across the field.


Said to all the soldiers along with Qeniver and Arthur.

"Oh shit! Cecilia! I'm sorry!"

Said Toru to the unconscious body of Cecilia.


He cursed as he stood on Cecilia's body.

Toru then hears a step behind him and turns around to find Luke's staff already an inch close to his face.

Luke staff smacks Toru across his jaw knocking him beside Cecilia.

"It's over, take them to infirmary."

Said Luke.

Qeniver and Arthur then run towards the unconscious two and Arthur carried Cecilia while Qeniver puts Toru on her shoulder took them in the infirmary.

"At least you tried, Cecilia."

Arthur the looked at Luke who is walking away.

"I would hate to go up that guy."

Said Arthur.

"That is just my type."

Said Qeniver as she bites her lips.


"I hope his available."

An hour passed, and they took Cecilia and Toru in the infirmary.

Arthur and Qeniver went to Arthur's office.

They then opened the door and already Luke was there sitting and sipping on his tea.

"Luke! you're already here!"

They then shout the door and Arthur sat on his chair while Qeniver stood next to him.

The both of them just did nothing and waits for Luke's response.

Luke then sips his tea and puts his cup on the table.

"About your son and daughter."

"Will you take them?!"

"Are they alright?"

"Oh right, they are okay, Merlin said that its simple minor injuries. So there's nothing to be worry about."

"Good then, So about me being their teacher."

The two gulps.

"They play where they gamble rewards that are small to a large risk. For them to be in a rank to command soldiers, they lack the necessary experience both in the field and fighting. To which I blame the one who gave the authority to do so."

Arthur then lowered his head.

"However, experience can be obtained by time, their skill and ability are still fierce for their age, not to mention their stamina."

"Are you gonna..."

"I've decided, I'll accept them as my pupils."


"I'm so happy."

"However, I'll have to ask them personally whether they want to become my students or not."

"I understand Luke."

"I'll take my leave for a moment, I'll go to the two.

See you later."

A dark mist flowed out Luke hand and formed the same wooden staff.

Luke then stumps his staff to the ground and dark mist began to cover his body and disappeared in thin air.

"I'll have to tell father about this great new."

In the infirmary, Toru sleeps while snoring with a small bandage on his jaw.

He then woke up from a nightmare screaming and looked around to try to defend himself.

As he looked around, he saw Cecilia sleeping that quickly got up screaming as she also woke up from a nightmare.


Cecilia shouted.

"Owh, It's just a dream."

"Ey, Cecilia"

Said Toru.

"Oh, Toru, you're there... Where are we?"

"I think we're at the infirmary."

"Oh... we lost, ha..."


Cecilia then laid back on the bed.


Toru then also followed as he put his hand over his red forehead.

Toru then remembers what he did to Cecilia and looks back at her and gets back up again.

"Ey, Cecilia, I'm that I hit you."


"I hit you, I charged in to hit Luke with my shoulder and he moved away and hit you."

"Ah?! I thought that was Luke?! It was you!!"

Cecilia the threw her pillow Toru missis abd hit Luke who is standing next to Toru.


"When did you-"

Toru then drops on then ground, scared by Luke.

"I see you two are alright."

Luke staff then turned back into a dark mist and webt back up to Luke's sleeve.

"So, Your parents wants me to be your teacher and that fught was to test the two of you."

"We passed?"

"Did we?"

"Well, that depends, do you wish to be my students?"

"Heck yeah! after what happened, I want to learn how you do i!"

"I wouldn't mind..."

"Then the two of you are officially my new students, congratulations."

"Yeah, one day, we'll rematch and I'll win."

"When do we start?"

"Not today, I still have contract to fulfill but for the meantime, You'll be following me to whatever I go. This also means that my orders are will be taken greater yhan ever."

Luke then walked towards Toru and touched the side of his neck and some sort of mark then slowly appeared.

"Wha- what did you do?"

"Nothing much, think of it as an protection spell."

Luke then went to Cecilia did the same and a mark then appeared on her neck.

"Now then, rest, I'll see you tomorrow."

a dark mist then came from Luke's sleeve and onto his hand and form a misty staff.

This then turned into the wooden staff before.

"Sound we start calling you Master or Sir?"

Ask Toru.

"No, just call me Luke like before."

Luke then stumps his staff and he began to covered in mist and disappeared in thin air.

And there, the start of his new found weak student will be taught become the strongest of all.