
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A Child Like Tour

In the dark misty alley, one of Trish men is waiting.

He wore a rugged and cheap business suit as he pacing back and forth.

He was sweating as if he was worried about something, perhaps his afraid of failing a mission given by Trish?

Then, a passing man then stared at him and looked around.

After he know that nobody way watching.

He then waves his hand to give a little to signal him to follow.

He catches the signal and followed the mysterious man.

After a couple of minutes of walking, they stumble upon a metal door with wooden like paint is covered all over and stinking trash in the side.

The man then knocked at the door silently with four separate tone of knocks.

The mysterious man then looks back at the man and puts his finger on his lips.

Hush he whispered.

With the sound of clicking metal from its hinges, he opens the door and there he finds a datk room.

The mysterious man went inside and he follows.

After both went inside, the door shut on itself.

"You got the money?"

"Ye-yes, I need to meet with-"

"Yes yes, I know, try not to say the boss name, we dont want to leaking out."

The man nods.

The man then lift's hand and open a dark robe in front of him.

And there, he saw was women dancing in a pole, men throwing money at the women.

In the corner with richer looking men, a woman on stage.

the woman is young, about 12 or so, caged with collars on his neck and legs attached on cage itself.

"Dance you bitch!"

"Follow me."

They went through everything with strippers and waiters alike.

"Hello there, big boy…"


"Come and spend a night with me."

"I'll…rather not…"

"Why not?"

"I…I have to go."

He then quickly rushed forward to the mysterious man til' they stopped at a black door.

He opened the door and there he witnesses a smaller version of a strip club but with major modification.

In this room, he saw a much more organised bar.

A one standing pole of each two couches in a shape of a half circle and colored black.

And even better and finer women.

"Sit in there."

The mysterious man told him to sit in a chair which in front of the bar.

He sits and waits as the bar tender slides a glass of fine wine to the him.

"It's on the house."


He then chugs down the cocktail and continues waiting.

Suddenly, he was overshadowed by a big shadow behind him and turned around to see the person casting the shadow.

"Big boss wants you inside."

A big muscular on a suit spoke with a deep voice.

He was too intimidated to move and just sat there silent.

The black man then rolls his eyes and grabs the man pulled him to a door behind him.

the blank man then opens the door and threw him in as he walks inside and closed the door.


He grunts on the pain.

"Ah! finally! You're here!"

A man spoke.

The man on the ground then slowly looked up and saw a fat black man with a big scar on his right eye in a dark suit with a golden suit and golden rings.

"Well, don't just stand there, help him up!"

the muscular man sighed and went to man on the ground and picked him forcefully.

"On your feet."

He brushed the man's shoulders as he finds his balance.

"You must've been tried on walking, trust me, I know the pain."

The muscular man then went out of their way and stood at the door.

He sits in a very comfy chair with golden gliders and golden cover.

"Now then, let's go straight to business, you got the shinies?"


He pulled out a small sack and puts it on the table in front.

The fat man giggles.

"Is this all the goods?"


The fat man gestures at the sack and one of his men came and picked up the sack on the table.

He gave the small sack to the fat man looked inside.

He giggles and smiles as he gave the sack back.

'What does he want anyway?"

"He wants both information and the head of the man named Luke."

"Luke? Who the hell is this guy? Do you know this guy? I don't know this guy?"

He then shakes his lard of fat left to right in frustration.

"I don't know this guy! What does he want from this guy anyways?"

"He…wants revenge on that man…"

"What? revenge?"


"That's unusual, Clark rarely gets angry. What did he do to make him mad?"

"He stopped his plan to destruction he village of Gunruth."

"He stops the what?"

"He stopped the dragons…"

"Dragons? Like…by his hands?"

"We don't know, but he stopped them somehow."

"Well, I can't blame him. If someone would've interfered with my plans, I would force feed them honey to death. Now then, call him."

The fat man snaps his finger the other men in dark suits starts to walk.

"I'm calling an expert on this type of job, my trusted man. He always brings me dead ones if I say dead or bring them alive when I say bring them alive. He hasn't failed me once."

"You called me, Boss?"

"Aaa… Franky, my boy."

"What is it?"

An young looking man then entered wearing a brown sleeved shirt with a blackish colored jeans, a gun strap in his waist and a knife in left leg.

"Talk to this guy, he wants someone dead."

"Dead? I can do that easily for you.

Who's the guy?"


"Any last name?"

"No… but he does go around with Cecilia and Turo and he wears a dark suit."

"Like them?"

He stares at the black men.


"Well… that's all I need."

"Hold on, maybe can you bring him alive?"

"Do you want him dead or not?"

"Clark said he wants him dead but, if you can bring him alive or just people close to him-"

"He wants to torture the guy, right? Both physical and mentally."


"My job is to kill.

If you want him alive or to bring a relative, it will cost you extra."

"Sir Clark wouldn't mind he said as long as you do his work."

"Then it's a deal."

"Hey! You done with your little talk?"

"Yeah talk to the kid, I'll do this job first."

"Kid, your young. Have this, for your troubles."

That man then gives him a small sack of silvers to him.

"Go have fun there."

The man named nicked named "Franky" then exit the club in a secret door and went outside in the balcony.

"Luke? I think I've heard that name before…"

The next day came and Luke is outside of the castle's gates and waits for someone.

He stood with his hands crossed and Brute with his side.


Luke hears a familiar voice and turned around.

He saw Nichole holding Lee by the hand and a teddy in the other.

"What brings you two here?"

"Papa said to us he can't come, so came instead!"

"You know the cities here in Beramuth?"

"Yes! As the future Queen of Beramuth, I'm oblige to know everything about this!"

"Such words from a young little girl."

"I'm not a little girl! I'm twelve!"

"Yes yes, young lady of the Beramuth."

"Now, what brings Lee here?"

"I thought Lee would be lonely if I'm not around, so I made her come along!'

"Hmm? By force?"

"No! Lee accepts it! Right Lee? Lee?..."

Nichole lost Lee and starts to look around and found her behind Luke's legs.


"What are you doing little Lee?"

"I want to come…can I?"

"Haha, of course you can."

"Luke! Can we ride Brute?"

"Haha… sure you can, and I'm sure Brute would be happy if you ride him."


Nichole then went to Brute's foot and starts to climb and failing miserably.

Luke then waves his hand and Nichole then floats and landed at the back of Brute.


"You want to go at the back of Brute as well?"

"I want to ride at your shoulders…"

"Hmm? My shoulders?"

"Can I?"

"I guess, I can't say no on a cute little girl."

With wave of Luke's hand, Lee floats at the shoulders of Luke's and their walk to in the kingdom is now set forth.

They then leave the castle's gates and went to the center of the city.

They pass to many establishment and business throughout their destination.

Upon their walks on the streets, many glared at them as they saw a massive wolf being riden by the princess.

They thought that it harmless, as they keep the little Princess if very kind and gentle.

So, they ignored the wolf as it looked very obedient towards them.

They then stumble upon a vendor and Nichole asked if they can go there for a snack.

And Luke happily agrees.

They went in the vendor to buy food.

The vendor has many colors and a sign that has "Red line Ice Cream" in the top.

"Hey there, come to buy- Oh god!"

"Don't worry, its harmless."

"Very…well…then. What is it you need?..."

"Hi! Mister vendor!"

"If it isn't Nichole, you want some ice cream?"


"Sure, you do.

Who might you be handsome gentleman?"

"I am Luke and here in my shoulders is Lee."

"Ah…hello up there, Lee, do you want some ice cream?"

"What's an Ice cream?"

"That's weird, this little girl doesn't know what ice cream is. Tsk…tsk, Ice cream is one of the sweetest foods out there! Which is here!"

"It's cold and can season your tongue with flavors of your likings, it is very popular in a young girl like yourself."

"Popular you say?"

"Yes, and it even has many flavors like what we have here are mango, strawberry and chocolate."

"This "Ice cream" is very interesting, I've never heard of such a thing before"

Luke spoke on his mind.

"Luke! I want the strawberry flavor!"

"So be it then. Lee, what will be your picking."

"Mango flavor sound delicious…"

"Mango, I see.

Whatever you recommend will do."

"Right on it, sir!"

The vendor then starts to scoop a cup of ice cream each with their respected flavours, while the four waits.

"By the way, do you bring money?"

"No… Luke looks so rich, you must have money."

"Ohh… I see."

"Mister vendor, just how much does this ice cream cost?

"It's only one silvers each."

"I see, let's see if I have that type of money."

Luke then "searches" for that money inside his suit.


He cast a spell on his mind

"As I remember, these silver coins have a circle shape and have little faces"

Luke spoke on his mind

He pulls out a bag with few silver coins.

Luke then gave 3 silver coins to the vendor and thanked Luke at the process.

Luke nodded and they walked and went on their way.

They then looked at Nichole to know how to eat this so called "ice cream" and copied her.

Nichole licks her ice cream and smiles and Lee does the same.

She smiled and continued on licking the ice cream.

"Is it good?"


"I'll try some for me as well."

Luke then licks a little on the ice and does not approve of the taste.

"He has definitely overhyped this ice cream he calls. perhaps it's only for the youth who can adore this kind of product."

Luke then saw Brute's face, with his tongue with saliva dropping down on his chin.

Luke tossed the Ice cream to Brute and completely devoured the ice cream in a single bite.

"Luke! Let's head to that next!"

"As you please, Nichole."

They run to many vendors and bought many from their vendors.

In Arthur's office, Merlin and Arthur are working on their paper works and listing to the peoples demand.

"Some of the soldiers are still dead?"

"Yes sir, we counted 36 soldiers remain are dead."

"I thought that everyone are brought back?"

"Perhaps a lose string?"

"Maybe... we'll talk to Luke later. Now what are your reports on the village of Gunruth?"

"Sir, our report says that the village is mysteriously restored, this also includes the dead brought back to life."

"Furthermore in site, only a few dead villagers are are found."

"How many are still dead."

"only 3, Sir."

"He also restored Gunruth village? Damn, this guy is going clean hot."

"Alright, any damage reports?"

"No, Sir."

"Then this conclude your report, you may go."


The solder left the room.

"By the way, where is Luke?"

"He's having a tour with Nichole."

"Who not you?"

"Work, obviously."

'I wander what are they doing right now.'

In an hour in a half later, they finally reach the center with a almost full stomach.

In the center was a statue of Alex in he's younger years and holding a sword.

The statue is also a fountain with the statue being in the middle and being encircled with water flowing down.

"Hmm…this was not here before I left."

"Luke! Can we go somewhere else now…? I'm bored!"

"So energetic? What about you Lee?"

"I'm bored…"

"Haha, alright then."

"Where do we go next then?"

"Hey! You there! With the wolf!"

Luke turned around and saw a beautiful looking girl that's around at the age of twenty.

The girl stopped in front of Luke.

She pats for air for it seems she was type of girl that has really a shortness of breath.

"Who might you be?"



Luke then notice her ears are deferent towards the other humans and come to a conclusion that she's an elf.

"Fye by any chance, are you an elf?"


She keeps on patting.

Luke had enough and he's eyes glow in blue sapphire and the Fye then regains her stamina.

"What the…?"


"Hello, Nichole."

"Miss Fye, what business do you acquire from us?"

"I came here to invite you in the adventurer's guild or just for a moment of visit."

"Visit? I'm sorry but, we are here to-"

"Sure! I want to go!"

"I want to go there too…"

"Looks like they want to come, so you can't refuse."

"What is it do you want?"

"I'll tell once we arrive. for now, follow me."

'Hmm… she seems to be a good person, I'll play along'

Fye then starts forward to the direction of the guild.

They followed her foots steps and as they go, Lee starts to feel cramps on her butt.

For she has sat at his shoulder for long.

"Luke…I want to go in Brute…"

"As you wish."

Luke then carried her down with hand and to Brute's back and there she sat.

They reached the adventurers guild and Fye stopped them to enter for a moment, then she entered through the doors.

"Wait here, I'll ready things first."

She went inside and made Luke wait for a minute.

After a moment of waiting, she said to enter and so they did.

They open the doors and in their surprise, a well-organized place, deferent from Luke's imagination.

"Hey! If it isn't Mister Strong!"

"Mister Strong?"

Questioned Luke in his mind.

"Mister…Luke was it?"


"Sit here, if you please."

Fye pointed in a very jazzily looking chair with foam like structure attacked to each corner of it's design.

Luke refuse as the chair is not for his likings.

The adventurers then gather in front of Luke with stared at him quietly.

"What is this all about, Miss Fye?"

"Bro, did you really beat Cecilia and Toru?!"

A person with ragged cloak with a sword on the side of his hip spoke followed by another man with a bow on his back.

"I heard you took a headbutt from Toru and you just took it like it was nothing?!"

Luke questioned his mind to how would've the knew about his information.

"Where did you get this information?"

They then looked at a man in shining armour with some sort of badge that has the symbol of the kingdom of Beramuth as he puts his hand over his head and started to scratch.

"I'm sorry man, I kind of watch it for a moment."

"You one of the soldiers, right?"

"Yes, and I kind of…told them."

"In another words, you failed to keep a simple rule."

"But hey! You're popular!"

The soldiers shouted.

Luke then stood back up but a middle aged woman with an oversized witch hat that's holding a wand."

"Hey there, I'm Lana. Pleasure to meet you."

"Hello but I have to go, I am getting a tour so I'm really busy."

Luke then starts to walk away from the door with Brute and the two still riding as a man that's a little larger than Toru with a giant claymore on his back stands in front of the wooden with a threatening look on his face.

"Hey now puny little man, we're still talking here."

"Hey Buck, don't do that."

Said to the soldier.

"Or what?"

"Or your own foot might get shoved your own ass."

"Do you all really believe that this little guy could just beat Cecilia and Toru?"

"Buck don't do this now."

"Only I can do those, and no one can!"

"An ego as large as a mountain but as fragile as glass, you should listen to your superiors, child."

Luke with his hand crossed.

"Ha? Is that an insult from a little guy like you?"

"Buck, stop this now or I will be forced to take action!"

"Make me!"

"Your name was Buck, was it?"

Asked Luke.

"Yeah! Remember it, shrimp."

"Tell me, Why do you do this?"

"Because I'm big and strong and you're weak and puny!"

"I see, so that's how it is."

"Buck! Stop this."

"As guild Master, obey or I'll be force to take actions."

"Guild Master my ass!"

"Obey your elder, child."

"Who are you calling a child?!"

He then curls his fist as he shouted and tried to punch Luke.

The fist midway from Luke, one of the doors suddenly opened and catches his punch.

The door crumbles and was completely destroyed but was enough to dull the punch and miss Luke by an inch.

Luke still stands there with his arms crossed and Buck sees this and took this as an insult and curled up another punch to hit Luke.

But suddenly, an invisible force flicked Buck's arms off and stopped his attack as he stood there confused for a second as another invisible force pushed him off and out the door, grabbing the last door as he fell to the ground along with the door.

"Nichole, stay with Lee and Brute. I'll have to teach manners for a moment."


As he got up slowly putting his palm on his head and trying to contemplate what just hit him, he hears Luke's foots steps and looks right at his as Luke slowly walks towards him with his hands behind his back.

He then got back up and drawn his claymore.

"Hey! What did you just do?!"

"Oh, nothing, I just pushed you a little."

Luke then sensed a feeling coming Buck and make his stance.

"Hmm... fear..."

Not knowing what to do but frustrated and angry, he runs towards Luke with his claymore and slashes down on Luke.

Luke then moved to the side dodged the claymore by an inch with Luke smacking the claymore with the back of his hand and sending it across.

Buck holds still hold his claymore after the devastating flick and moved back a little to gather back his balance.

As he found his balance again, he then slashed his claymore horizontally to Luke.


Luke then blocks the claymore with the back of his hand cracked the metal a little on Buck's massive claymore.

"Strength alone does not define a man, will power, courage and indefatigability are part of the components to man to which you have none."

Buck then slashed his claymore more times and with each slash, Luke simply flicks them off like flies.

"Have you heard of the saying Never judge a book by its cover before?"

"Shut up!!!"

Buck then gathered all his strength and slashed across Luke to which Luke grabbed this claymore's edge with his hand.

Like a fast spreading infection, the claymore turns to rubble of rocks.

With confusion on his eyes, Buck watches his favored weapon turn to piles of rubble as an invisible force suddenly pushed his down.

Buck then looked back up with fear and anger on his eyes as Luke stood there watching.

"What the fuck did you do!?"

Buck saw Luke slow walking forwards and only the sounds of Luke's steps that he's ears are focused.

"What's this?"

Luke saw the tide of his mood has changed from a arrogant to fearful.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Luke then lift's his right hand and fiery ball of flames appeared.

"For an ego the size of a mountain, you sure do fall down like a pile of rubble's you are."

Luke then fired his flames close to his feet and scared Buck.


"You're weak as a wooden plank with a fragile exterior on par with a withered log. Go, before I turn you into ash."

Buck runs away like a child and leaving the scene of his embarrassment.

Luke then turns back to the three.

"Let's go. We still have exploring to do."

"Aye aye captain! Let's go Brute!"

They then walked off and stopped back at Alex's statue.

"Where should we go?"

Asked Luke to the two

"I don't know…"

Said Nichole

"I thought you know this place like back of your hands?"

"I know…I just need a little time…"

"Hmm…how about I'll chose to where should we go, shall I?"

"Yes, you may Noble knight."

"Thank you, wise princess of Beramuth."


Then a small pocket of dark rift appeared in side of Luke.

Luke then puts his hand and for a few moments, Luke pull out an old ragged map.

"A map?"

"Yes, we need to look in bird eyes view."

"Bird eyes view?"

"Come, look."

"I want to look at it as well…"

"Haha…very well."

Luke then kneeled down and showed them the map, but for the two's surprise, it was empty.

"Why is it all blank?"

"It's just paper."

"That's because it's not yet embedded with magic."

Luke's eyes then glow in bright yellow and the map quickly began to show life.

The ragged map then began to fix itself and slowly seeing a image on the map.

The map regains its former self and the map has a whole image of the Kingdom of Beramuth.


"And that's the kingdom."

Lee then points on a castle.

"Yes yes, that's the castle."

"Now then."

Luke then lift's his hand to the map and wave his hand across and a blue and red colors appeared.

"What's that?"

"That is you two, you may wander off without me knowing. Now, let's go back shall we. What's this green part Nichole?"

"Hmm… I know! That's the park."

"Park? Let's there."

"The park is boring…"

Said Lee.

"Then where shall we go?"

"I want something to eat!"

Said excitedly by Nichole.

"But we just ate."

"That was long ago!"

"What about you Lee?"

"I'm hungry…"

"Very well then…"

"We should go here!"

Nichole then points her finger to a small café.


"Yes! Me and Sis always go here when I get a reward for doing something good!

"What's a café exactly?"

"It's where we drink tea and eat cupcakes! There're also cookies and lots of more!"

"Sounds like a good place to stop by."

"What about you Lee, you think we should go here?"

"I do like cookies..."

"Then let's go there then."


Luke then got up and looked at map and went to the direction to where the café is located.

They walked for at least 10 minutes and reach their destination.

Luke stood at the door of the café with the sign in the top that say's "Love Heart Café".

"Hmm… this place seems…joyful... too colour for my taste."

"Luke! Let go inside, I'm hungry."

"Okay, miss hungry shark."

The door opened but they opened, a woman in a maid's outfit then welcome them with a cheering voice.

"Welcome to the Love Heart Café!"

"Where shal-"

The maids then stop talking as they saw a wolf as tall as Luke.

"Hi, big sister Michelle! HI, big sister Laura and Miss Dub!"

The maids looked at the back of the wolf and saw Nichole waving at them with a cheerful smile.

The maids then also waved their hands slightly with fear.

"Fear not, the wolf means no harm.

In fact, it's kind."

One of the maids then looked at Luke and was dazzled by Luke's appearance to the point of being kind has more meaning.

She listed to Luke without hesitation.

"Sure thing…Mister…"

Spoke as she flather het eyelashes at Luke.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Follow me…"

The maid then laid them to the biggest table in the café that can fit five people.

"Here…Sir handso- I mean…Luke. I'll be right back with your orders."

"I didn't order-"

The maid left as fast as she could and went to back of the café.

"Hmm? Strange…"

"Woooo! I wanted to sit on this chair for soooooo…long!"

"Hmm? And why's that?"

"Sis always tells me to not sit here, because it's only for large amount of people only sits here."

"Haha, does she?"


"And now you sit here, enjoy it."

"Lee wants food…"

"You'll have it in a moment."

Luke then noticed Brute, struggling to fit on in.

"Brute, stop."

Brute then made a noise that is similar to a husky but with deeper voice.

The other costumers look at the massive wolf with fright on their eyes and the others are complete curiosity.

"Brute, sit in the side, your making people anxious."

Brute rolled he's eyes and sat next to the table.

The maid then came back but with slight deference on her appearance.

She has much redder lips and glistering chicks.

"My I take your order?"

"I want cupcake!"

"What kind of cupcake?"


"Strawberry cake, and you?"

"I want what Nichole said…"

"Two Strawberry cupcake…"

"And what…about…you, Sir Luke?"

She said the words with a blushful face.

"Hmm… what do you suggest on the menu?"

"For you sir, I think ME N U…"


"I mean, I think you should get a ice tea."

"Then I'll have ice tea of yours then."

"Coming right up!"

She then covered her mouth and turned around.


She then speeds run across to take their order.

"I thought maids are only found on the house or buying food."

"They're not really maids, their just dressed like maids."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, maybe they like it or something?"

"Like it?"

Then suddenly, one of the customers stood up with anger and looked at then with a furious glare.

Luke noticed this and looked back at her with a confused expression.

She then angrily walks towards Luke.

"What are you doing!?"

She said these words with an angry voice but with her cute voice and small figure, Luke just ignored her.

"Don't ignore me! Why did you bring this filthy dog on this heavenly café!?"

"My, were your talking to me?"

"Yes, I'm talking to you! Now answer my question, peasant!"

"Peasant? Foul words from a young lady such as yourself, That's very hurtful."

"Haa? Just who are you to talk to me like that?"

"I'm sorry miss but, who are you to speak in such a manner?"

"Excuse me?! I am a Noble, daughter of Duke Marthun Lhather."

"Really? I'm Luke, pleasure to meet you."

"Don't act so kindly, worm! Why did you bring this nasty dog on my presence?"

"Why did you bring you attitude on my presence?"

"How dear you! Just who are you to talk to me like that?!"

"I've said it already, I am Luke."

She then notices Nichole in the side of the table across.

"Nichole? Umm… I am Sergitha Lhather, your highness."

"What's this? Being obedient all of the sudden?"

"Thhc… I'm sorry your highness, but your slave is very disrespectful."

"Luke is not a slave, he's my friend."

"Please your highness, can you please tell your…friend to get his dog away, please."

"For hating on dogs, you sure do bark like one."

"How dear yo-"

Luke then stood up.

"Listen Miss Noble, I'm sorry to bother you with me...dog. But if it really bothers you, I suggest you just eat somewhere else or to just mind your business.


"For someone claiming to be a Noble, you act like an aggressive muppet. Having a prideful manner with a severe ignorant mind, I give little to no respect for someone's mind in par with a snow flake."

She then looked surprised to the words that came out of Luke's mouth and got insulted really bad.

She then heard a muffled laugher and looked over and saw customer trying to hold their laughter and as well as the maids.

She then went to her table and grabbed her bag and left on her defeat.

She lefts the café running in defeat and the customers are left on a burst of laughter to which Luke sat down.

The maid then came back with the order.

"Hi again Sir Luke, here's your order."

"Thank you, how much?"

"The manager Said's it's on the house."

"Hmm? Why's that?"

"It's just a little thank you and a gift for giving a little laughter, will a guess a little gift for myself as well."

"Well… thank you for your kindness."

"Yes… my I ask you a question?"

"After this delicious free food, you sure can ask a question."

"Are you single?"


The other maids then came to interrupt their conversation.

"Hey! You still have lots of work to do, do your work!"

"But I'm done-"

She then grabbed on her hair and proceed to pull her back into the back of the café.

"Hmm? Very strange…"


"Strawberry cupcake!"

"Hahaha, go on take a bait if you will."

The two then starts to eat the cake while Luke looks at his ice tea.

He then sips it to give it a teste and was surprised to the teste.

He continued to drink the tea and chug it fast to his drain.

After they were finished eating, they got out of the heavenly café.

"That was fun!"

"I want to go here again."

"We'll come back, in sometime.

Now, let's head back."


"I want to lay in bed."

"Sleepy, I see. Nichole, hold her. She might fall down."

"You got it!"

"Brute, take them back."

Brute then starts walking back to castle and leaving Luke behind as he has other things in mind.

Brute has already brought them back to the castle.

The moon has already shown itself but still Luke was in night of the city streets.

He was curious to what kind of kingdom is Beramuth and test its evils.

Luke walks in random in the night city, he walks in many places like Bars and casino.

Then Luke found himself to a nightfall stores that only opens when the sun is down.

Luke was not interested by any of this store by looking something that can take his interest.

He then went to a remote place where people bare hardly seen.

He saw a shop with it sign that has only a symbol of dark crafts.

It's store has laid out artifacts on the table and very easy to steal.

Luke then came closer to investigate and found very interesting crafts.

But one that truly took hold of him was a book that has no words on it's cover but only symbols used by the ancient time of human civilization.

Luke then picked up the book and opens it.

"This type of book still exists? I thought they were burned like the rest?"

The shop keeper then came and talked to Luke about the book.

"It's appears it has caught your eye."

"It has, how much is it?"

"It's free because it you, Zret."

Luke was then stood shocked as he heard a forgotten name, he then looked at the shop keeper.

"Where did you know that name?"

"Losing some memories, Zret?"