
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

As the bell rings

(Commence epic intro)

Luke swipes down with his right hand and released the air within his right hand with his palm slowly opening.

Luke's clothes repulse along with Ray's as the air slowly vanishes.

Luke then looks over to Cecilia with her hands right below her chin.


Cecilia spoke under her breath.

Luke then smiled and heard a familiar grunt.

Luke then looks over only to find a hole in the wall with Toru pinned down on the other side with his eyes spinning unconsciously.

(A few minutes later)

Luke then lowered his right hand to the former busted wall and fixed everything as if nothing happened.

Toru lays on the side with his eyes still spinning and the two girls are talking to each other.

"So you two went to your mother and found out the cure of the disease?"

"Luke didn't specify that he knows the cure…"

The two then heard a shock and immediately looks at what made the noise.


They saw Toru shouting with his left hand on the left side of his neck with Luke's right hand standing.

Luke then lowered his hand and stood up then turned around to walk towards the two girls.

As he walks, the staff disappears on a dark mist.

"I'm not entirely sure of the cure but I know of someone who can help. With that said and done, tell me the details of the situation."

Cecilia talks to Luke and Ray about what Merlin said to them on the carriage.

"Hmm… an invitation of peace...I see..."

Suddenly, they heard footsteps and metal clanking outside running towards the door.

The footsteps stop's right in front of the door where they stayed followed by someone knocking loudly.

"Princess Cecilia, is everything alright there?"

A worried man spoke.


A familiar voice spoke outside the door.


The familiar voice cast a spell directly on the door handle and burst open the door.

The explosion created a thick gray smoke that covers everyone's sight.

"Is everything alright?"

The smoke disappears shortly and found Cecilia, Toru, Luke, and Ray looking towards them.

"Luke? When did you get in here?"

Three guards then burst inside swiftly and pointed at Luke with their spears.

"Who are you, intruder!"

One of the knights shouted.

Cecilia then jumps on in front of the knights with her hands waving in the air.

"Wait! He's my teacher!"

The knights stood confused and looks at each other.

Merlin then starts walking in front of the guards.

"He's a friend and a teacher of our princess, you can lower your weapons."

The knights lowered their weapons to the sides leaned forward a little to gestor for forgiveness.

"I'll speak with them, you knights wait outside."

The knights' nod at Merlin and steep outside.

"What happened?"

Asked Merlin.

"We heard a loud explosion coming from here, is everything alright?"

"Right…I forgot to tell you that the orb explodes when used… but yes, everything is fine."

"Well, I've seen a lot already, an exploding orb wouldn't make me flinch. Now, come with me."

Merlin went to the door and opens.

"Bring the tw- three?"

Merlin looks at the girl with a big hat and staff that is Ray.

"Ah right, this is Ray our guild leader."

"Merlin is here?!"

Ray shouted on her mind.

"She's small for a leader… well, follow me."

Merlin went out of the room walks on the hall with them following Merlin.

Luke stood next to Merlin and holds a conversation with him with the other three simply following.

"So why are we here exactly?"

"You should ask Arthur about that, he the one who said to bring you and the two."

"Right… where are we hiding?"

"We are going to the gathering to meet king Clark to introduce you. Clark said that he wants to meet you specifically."

"Why's that?"

"He said that he has heard about you and wants to meet you for hell knows what."

"I thought I kept myself I'm low profile…"

"Then you didn't keep it low enough. We're almost there."

As they're walking, a man in a tuxedo with a monocle walks and was walking towards them.

They stopped as the man stopped in front of them.

"I am the adviser of king Clark, I come to redirect your way to the place where they stood now."

"They're no longer in the dining area?"

Asked Merlin.

"Yes, follow me please."

The man turns around and walks elegantly.

Luke and Merlin look at each then Merlin simply gestures both of his shoulders up to say that he doesn't know as well then walks along with Luke doing the same as well.

The same goes for the three at the back.

They followed the man with a slight distrust as they went along to a long hallway.

As they got close to the end of the hall, they could hear the cheering of the people and the sound of metals hitting each other.

They reached the place and saw nobles sitting down on a fancy-looking red sit.

They looked down and saw fighters fighting each other with one of the fighters badly wounded and falling nose-first to the ground.

A voice shouted the name victor and the crowd starts to boo the victor.

The victor smiles and hits his chest with his right palm and starts walking with both of his arms wide open.

"Gentleman's please, follow me."

Distracted, the man with a monocle spoke to catch their attention and starts walking to which they follow.

As they walked, they saw Arthur sitting down next to a man with a tuxedo with two golden rings with each ring finger and holding a glass of red wine.

The man with golden rings saw them and went close to Arthur to whisper.

The man whispers and points towards Merlin's group with the wine glass in hand.

Arthur then looks at where he's pointing and saw Merlin and the others.

Arthur smiles and waved at them awkwardly then sips his wine.

Arthur looked back at the man and nodded.

He grinned as he slowly turn his head to what he assumed was Luke to which he is.

The man with a monocle finally reached where Arthur sits with Merlin behind.

"Sire, they are here."

Arthur was about to stand up to greet them, The man stood up with his arms wide open to greet them.

"Welcome! It's great to have you all today! I am Clark Drangien Lancer."

As he lowers his arms, Clark walks towards Luke and stops in front of him.

"You must be Luke, Arthur and Merlin spoke of you so I wanted to see you in person."

"Wait, we did?"

Arthur and Merlin spoke on their minds.

Clark offered his hand towards Luke for a quick shake to which Luke agrees.

The quick handshake however was not so quick but a slow shake with Clark staring directly at Luke's eyes.

An awkward pause of shake.

The man with the monocle then came close and spoke.

"Sir, perhaps you should tell what is happening out there."

"Ah Right."

Clark lets go of Luke's hand and start walking up then looks down on the arena.

"This is the place where the people enjoy their afternoon, this day however is an offering of peace."

Clark then puts his wine on the balcony.

"This is a tournament for our entertainment! The tournament of strength!"

"Tournament, you say."

Luke answered.


Clark smiles looking down at the people to which they cheered Clark's name.

Clark turns around and looks directly at Luke.

"Perhaps you want to fight?"

"No no, I'm not good at fighting…"

"Just give it a try, you should know a few magic's or two."

"No no, I really shouldn't."

"Maybe! I can let out one of my fighters."

Arthur interrupts the conversation.


Clark answered.

Arthur went close to Toru and puts his hand on Toru's left shoulder.

"This big guy likes to fight, he can let loose on the field. Don't you agree Luke?"

"Perhaps… would you like to fight Toru?"

Toru has both his knuckles are on his stomach level with his eyes glitters in excitement along with a great smile.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I want to fight as well!"

Cecilia shouted.

"I can fight! I've grown a lot since Luke came around."

"Grown is not really the right word but you can fight none the least."

Luke spoke with his arms crossed.


"Then that's settled it then, you two will fight!"

Clark spoke.

"Follow me."

The man with a monocle spoke to the two and bowed a little to Clark.

"Where are you taking them?"

Asked Arthur.

"In the arena, sire, but we'll first ready the two for the fight and to whom they're fighting."

The monocle man turned around to continue but just before he turns, Luke spoke.

"I shall go with the two."

"I thought you're not fighting? Did you perhaps change your mind?"

"No, I'll be there to… make sure of their safety."

The man with the monocle then looks at Clark and Clark nods.

"Ray, stay with Merlin, we don't want you to get in trouble."

"I'll…do that."

The man turns around and walks off and the three follow leaving Ray behind.

They walked along and steep halls with small cracks on the walls.

As they walked, they heard Clark voice announcing on the people of the arena

"Today! We have a guest! The two of them are great fighters!"

Clark then leans towards Arthur.

"Her name was Cecilia, right? You're daughter?"

Arthur nods.

Clark came back up.

"The first is the daughter of King Arthur himself and the other…"

Clark leans back to Arthur

"Toru right?"

"Qeniver's son, yes."

"Red General Qeniver?"

"Yes, that one."


Clark came back up.

"And the other is the son of Qeniver, the Red General."

The crowd cheers.

They could hear the cheers of the people below but did not know why.

The three still follow the man with the monocle with Luke waling in front of the two.

Luke observes the surroundings as they walk in down to the stairs and the hallways.

Dust, dust gush around with abandoned spider webs dangling on the ceiling.

Clearly the place has not been cleaned for a long time.

Finally, they stopped at a door with the sounds of loudly talking right behind the wooden door.

"Perhaps we walked in a secret hallway."

Luke spoke within his mind.


Luke then look to where someone called his name and found it was the man with the monocle.

"Sir, we are here. I'll be leaving now."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll go back to my king, you're names will be announced in the fight and one of you two will enter the arena."

"Are we just going to wait?"

"Yes, so just find a place stay for the time being."

The man bowed a little and kindly moved over to the side of them then walks off.

The three looks at each other as the sound on the man's shoes slowly fade away in the dark hall.

"I shall watch on the shadows while you fight, I'll investigate this so-called King Clark."

"Are you letting us fight, for real?"

"I know that boredom will exceed within your patience in time soon, moreover, you two would make a great distraction."

"We'll do our best."

Toru spoke loudly while Cecilia nods.

Luke let out a muffled laugh followed by a smile and opened the door.

Inside were many fighters ready for their next fight.

Some holds an axe, some hold a sword, and many more.

Many wore heavy armored plates with some wears

The place stench with sweat and blood with one getting carried on away in a fight with a large wound on his chest.

Luke entered followed by the two and immediately they noticed the three.

Some laugh under their breath and continued talking, some continued walking, some continued to sharpen their weapon and a hand full keeps on staring at them.

Luke then leans closer to the two.

"Don't do anything, just stay behind me and never lose sight of me."

Luke continued walking with the two following in his footsteps.

As they walk, a man almost the same height as Toru blocked their way.

The man is muscular from neck to toe and has a thin cloth on his crotch.

Luke then tried to move to the side but the man drops the glass that holds the water in the side where Luke was about to go.

"Lil' guys like you aren't supposed to be here."

"Thank you for your concern but we can take care of ourselves."

Luke then moved to the other side and the man lowered his other hand to block Luke's way once more.

"I'm telling you to leave, Lil' man."

The man spoke with a threatening voice while leaning a little close to Luke's face.

"You got some problem with hi-."


Toru tried to get in the conversation but was quickly denied by Luke.

The man then stood up straight and focused his attention on Toru.

"Yo' big man, why don't you bring your little sassy and your girl out of here before anyone gets hurt."

Toru snapped and tried to punch the man.

As he punched, a loud thud smashed on Toru's knuckles and blocked his fist.


Toru shouted while massaging his damaged fist.

"I told you to stop, now holt."

"What was that?"

The man asked.

"None of your concern, now if you please, move."

Luke spoke his last word threateningly.

"Concern my ass!"

The man grabbed Luke's collar aggressively and pulled Luke closer to him.

The man grinned his teeth as if to intimidate Luke and let out a wave of air through his nose.

The man then feels something grasping his hand that holds Luke's collar.

He feels a small touch trying to pull his hand away and looks at his hand.

He looks back towards Luke staring daggers at him to which he stares back.

He ignores it and tightens his grip.

The touching sensation that the man felt on his hand began to tighten with clear visibility that something is holding the man's hand.

He looks at his hand and sees a dint as if someone is holding his hand.

It slowly tightens till the man can no longer ignore it and looks at Luke in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Luke stayed silent.

Suddenly, the man's hand snapped back.

Twisted with the sound of broken bones and ligaments stitching.

The man screamed in pure agony which echoes on the place sharply.

His hand continues to twist as his flesh slowly rips.

It twisted in a flash once more with his bone now piercing through his flesh and drops of blood spilling on the floor.

Muscles and fibers ripe and tare with him dropping on his knees as the result.

"Let's go."

The twisting stops and the man drops to the floor while screaming in pain.

A force pulled the man on the floor in the side and makes way for Luke and the two to walk straight.

Luke walks while brushing his clothes with his fingers with the two following his steps.

Before the two could get close to Luke, Toru let out his middle finger to the man and Cecilia whispered "suck it" to him.

The men moved aside to make way for Luke due to fear and the two ran back to Luke.

Moments later, they found an empty room with boxes on the sides and a small window to view the bloody arena.

The two sat on the boxes while Luke is standing in front of the two.

Luke closes his eyes and a dark mist suddenly came out on his feet and went up till the mist swallowed Luke.

Seconds after that, the mist disappears and came out as one of the guards of the place.

Luke still wears his face but now clothing that the guards wore.


Said to Toru.

"Once one of your names are called we-."

"For the next fight, a due competition! Toru with his partner Cecilia!"

An announcer spoke loudly.

"Well… fighting as a partner is also an option…"

"Against our undefeated champions! Tur n' Ta!"

The announcer spoke once more but with people cheering.

Luke sighs.

"We'll talk on the way, come you two."

They went out with Luke in disguise with the two following.

As they walked, they meet a guard that is searching for two specific people for the fight that is about to begin.

"It's them two right?"

"Yes… it's them…"

"Great! bring him to the gate and wait for the fight to start."

The man then walked past them but before he could, Luke stopped him.

"I'm… new here… could you tell me where is the gate located?"

"Ah, so you're the new guy, just go down… you know what, just follow me."

He walks back with the three following the guard.

Luke then whispers to Toru.

"There is no need to win, but if you can, win."

"You got it."

Toru answered with Cecilia nodding.

Minutes later, they reached the so-called gate and found many fighters on the side.

"Here it is, just wait for the announcement for your fight."

The guard left.

As the guard walks, he saw the original recruit on the side and looks back at Luke with confusion.

"I thought they were only one new guy?"

The guard shrugs the confusion off and continues his walk.

At the gate, Luke stood next to Toru and Cecilia.

"Don't try anything funny, if you finish the fight early, do it early."

"Don't worry, we got this."

"Take care of Toru while I'm gone, hopefully, I'll be away shortly… can you do that for me, Cecilia?"

"Yes, sir."

Luke smiled and walks off.

At the top, Clark looks down at the gate where Toru and Cecilia were waiting but is confused why he could not find Luke.

Worried, Clark went to the man with a monocle and whispered.

"He's probably alone now, since he's not with them, find him and get him in the cage. I want him alive."

The man with a monocle nods and walks off.

A petite man when went to Clark and whispered to him.

"Everything is ready, sire."

The man bowed a little and walks off.


Clark then went to the balcony and looked down to the announcer, nods and the announcer nods back then nods to the men at the controls of the gate.

The gate on the right side then opens where Toru stood and ready's for a fight.

"Hey! You two! Get ready, we're about to open the gate!"

The two nod.

A loud clank disturbs the two and looked at where the noise came from.

A large metal gate went up as thick chains goes down.

"It's the fight you've been waiting folks!"

The gate stops followed by a loud clank as the chains of the gate stop moving.

"In the right corner, The son of Qeniver! The Red Toru! And the daughter of King Arthur! Cecilia!"

"Red Toru?"

Asked Cecilia on her mind.

Cecilia looks at Toru for confirmation but even Toru does not know.

The same goes for Merlin and Arthur as Ray stood still not knowing what is happening.

Arthur and Merlin looked down to the two with Toru swinging his hammer left to right as if to train and hitting the wall instead.

"You think they'll win?"

Asked Merlin to Arthur.

"Depends on who's their up against…"

Toru then waits in the arena with a hammer I'm hand and is fully ready for what kind of man is behind that gate.

The gate on the left side opens with an even louder clanking noise followed by the crowd cheering.

"In the left corner! Our undefeated champions! Tur n' Ta!"

A large humanoid slowly steps out with a large club on his shoulder along with a massive cheer and applause on the audience.

He has pale gray skin, tattoos going down from his bald head till his chest, a two piercing on his nose and to his right ear, and thick leather pants made from a mammoth along with aiming at his eyes towards Toru.

A little guy peeks on the shoulder of Tur. A tiny head looks down with a grinding smile with one golden fang.

The little guy was Ta.

Ta hops with on his feet to Tur's shoulder.

Ta is a small, gray skin like Tur yet small and skinny. He has two piercings like Tur one on his nose and the other is on his left ear.

He carries a dagger tipped is some sort of dark substance in the end with a blow dart and darts on his sides.

"Place your bets and see who will win this fight!"