
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Bright red light

"Who will win on this fight?! Will it be our champions, Tur n' Ta the Brothers of Destruction! Or will it be Cecilia and Toru!"

"Place your bets!"

Shouted by the loud commentator.

Cecilia and Toru went into the arena while holding their weapons and stayed close together.

"You got a plan."

Toru whispered.

"Don't have any, just swing for as long as you can till I can think of a strategy."

"Alright, just swing."

The two slowly and consciously walk forwards as the other two walks towards the two with the small guy grinning his teeth.

Luke looks at them with a worried look on his face but knows that he proceed with the plan he sought.

He continued investigation and starts walking and took another glance at the two and smiled as if to bless them on their fight.

A loud thud smashed on the floor of the arena caused by the monstrous club with the grayed-skinned giant putting his thumb on his neck and crossed over the side to intimidate then two.

"Ohhhh I'm gon' stick my thumps up yer' eyes and hang on till your dead!"

Shouted by the small grayed-skinned midget.

"I'll smash down like my mother's apples on her pies."

Said the grayed-skinned giant as he cracks his knuckles.

Toru lifted his right hand with a fist.

"Oh yeah!? I'll shove my foot far up your ass you'll-."

Cecilia then hits Toru with her elbow softly.

"Focus, we don't want to disappoint Luke."

Toru nods angrily and held his hammer firmly close to his stomach.

Cecilia is ready to draw her sword out and clave it onto them.

The giant gray-skinned smirked and put his massive club on his shoulder and wiped the underside of his nose with his left thump.

The little grind and puts a dart on his pipe.

Cecilia looks back at the gate to glance at Luke but sees only guards.

As she expected.

She looks back at the two with fury and waits.


A loud bell rang and the crowd starts cheering.

Both Cecilia and Toru charge towards the two with the gray-skinned gain charging forwards as well.

In a crowded place where many fighters look down on the battle beneath, Luke walks with a guard's clothing while glancing at the duo.

Though he is worried for the two, he must press on his investigation.

As he walks, he noticed a familiar face across the hall with the fighters still looking down to the fight.

It was the man with a monocle.

The monocle man speaks to the guards in front while pointing left and right to order something to them.

Luke is far but fears that he will be recognized if he continues walking towards them.

Luke then turns right to enter another hall and accidentally bump into a guard.

Luke apologized and tried to walks past the guard but he spoke.

"It's you again! Why are you here? You should be waiting for the two to finish their fight."

Luke turns his head a little to have a glimpse and found that it was the same guard that guided them towards the gate beneath.

Luke turns his head back.

"A… fighter complained about something…"

Answered Luke.

"You mean the guy who had his hand twisted? Yeah, we've been looking for their suspect."

"Witnesses said he was with the two down there-."

"Yes! He was, that's why I'm trying to search for him now."

"No need to, they said the guy assaulted them first. That was cleared just a moment ago, you weren't there?"

A suspension glare lets loose on the guard's eyes and starts to walk towards Luke.

Luke turns around lifted his right hand towards the guard.

The guard fell unconscious and drops down swiftly but was caught by something invisible as Luke moved his hand toward him back to himself.

The guard's body drifts towards Luke and stops right in front of him.

Luke then saw in the side, a door with a pink and golden design.

Desperate for a place to hide the guard's body, Luke opens the door and entered.

A room filled with elegance and beauty along with lit scented candles in front of two mirrors with dashing design and colorful dresses in the side ready to wear.

Luke assumed that this is a dressing room of women but still went inside with the guard's body.

He puts the guard's body on a chair and was about to leave him there.

He then saw a shining piece on his upper uniform, a pocket that holds a badge of some sort.

Luke took the badge unknowingly but assumes that his rank is above the usual guards.

A dark most opens beside him and puts the badge inside.

Since his rank is higher than a normal guard, Luke thoughts that they will surely try to find him.

Asleep he was, along with him snarling, Luke puts a lasting curse on his mouth to shut him up.

Once more, his body floats and went on the side close to the dresses.

One of the beautiful dresses flew down towards the guard and laid on his stomach to act as a blanket.

Luke planned to make him look like slacking off on his job.

Luke then opens the door and comes out as the guard that he puts asleep with the badge on his uniform.

In the arena, a gray-skinned giant swings his club left to right towards Cecilia to force her to jump around to dodge to take a glimpse on his thighs.

Cecilia of course knows this and jumped as far as she can to get space between the gray giant.

"You perverted freak!"

Shouted Cecilia towards the monster.

As the gray-skinned giant pulled back his club, he smiles not hiding his intentions.

Disgusted, Cecilia tries to use the sword's abilities.

She tries to focus but it only stayed silent.

"Come on dammit! I know that you can something else!"

The gray-skinned giant charges towards Cecilia and crashed down his club with Cecilia dodging.

The giant knows that she would do that and grabbed her, almost missing her, the giant took hold of the left foot and hangs her upside down.

The giant smiles as he reaches on her hips to touch her.

Suddenly, a hammer struck the giant's left cheek and drops Cecilia.

The hammer drops on the ground with Toru cheering with his right hand.


Celebrated by Toru.

Cecilia then looks for her sword but her place has too much smoke because of the previous hit of the club the falling of the giant.


Toru yelled as a dart hits his left leg.

Tour then pulls the dart out and tossed it away.

"Why'z he still standin? I've shot him multiple times now."

The little gray-skinned talked on his mind.

"How many time's do you blow on that pipe!?"

Toru then charges toward the little guy.

The little gray-skinned then dodged Toru perfectly and cut a tiny wound on Toru.

Tour did not feel the cut turns around to try to catch him.

Once more, Toru tries to charge towards the little guy but once again the little gray-skinned dodge cuts a tiny wound that he did not feel.

"Why'z yuz still standing!? Those cuts n' darts are all poisons!"

"Ha? You mean those mosquito bites?"

Toru taunted the little guy.

Frustrated, he takes a special dart he hid under his belt of darts puts it inside his blowdart.

He blows once more on his blowdart and completely misses Toru.

"Ha! You missed!"

"Did I?"

The gray-skinned spoke with a grin.

As the dust on the arena disperse, Cecilia finally found her sword right beside the knocked-down giant.

As she runs to grab her sword, the giant unconscious moved and caused Cecilia to stop her tracks.

The giant letter his right hand up and down to Cecilia unknowingly and got up slowly as dust runs down his body.

Toru then turns around to find the gray-skinned giant rising with his muscles growing rapidly.

"Ahhh… is that normal?"

The little gray-skinned then laughs like a gremlin and loads another dart on his pipe.

Suddenly, the giant was pushed by an unknown force and only moved him for a meter.

The sword and the hammer were suddenly pulled and stopped right in front of them.

Cecilia then picks up her sword as she saw the little gray-skinned aiming at her and shots to which she blocked with her sword.

Standing motionless, the giant gray-skinned stares blankly with his mouth wide open.

Confused, Toru picked up his hammer looking towards the giant.

The little guy then shoots Toru with his dart but was blocked by Cecilia.

"Don't just stare at it!"

Cecilia then dashed towards the little guy with him flawlessly dodging her swings.

The gray-skinned giant then moves with gazes anger towards the two.

The little gremlin laughs and starts running towards the giant then jumps high and lands on his shoulder.

"Sick 'em, Tur!"

The giant growls and shouts with saliva gashing out followed by the cheers of the people.

Up top, Arthur went close to Merlin and whispered.

"What happened to the big guy?"

"I don't know… but I think it has to do something about that dart."

Merlin answered.

"It's a drug that makes one's body so overly masculine that also rise his feelings of anger."

Clark answered with his back turned.

"He can't do that, that's cheating."

Arthur complained.

"Well, that's too bad."

"Stop the fight, Clark."

Clark then turns with a grinning smile.

"There's no point hiding it now…"

"Stop the fight, Clark!"

Arthur angrily yelled.

Merlin then feels something, the presence of mana.

The presence of mana is now too extreme for any normal spell that he comes across and looks around everywhere only to find a terrifying discovery.

Arthur was about to walk towards Clark but Merlin stopped him by gripping his left arm

"What are you doing?"

Asked the furious Arthur.

"We can't fight back, you'll only make it worse."

Clark then looks over to Merlin as he finds that Merlin gets it to how much of laying ducks they are.

Clark laughs hysterically as if he cracks a really good joke.

Ray stood there confused and unknowing but feel completely terrified towards the weird laughs of Clark.

Clark slowly giggles out of laughing and stops with a serious face.

Clark then snaps his finger.

Trish and her gang then stormed inside and pointed their weapons towards them.

"What are doing, Clark!?"

Merlin then holds his shoulder.

"Don't… you'll get us killed."

In the place where the fighters look down on the fight below, Luke stood overseeing Cecilia and Toru on their fight and turns away to continue.

Luke walks carefully as he fears that he might bump with the man with a monocle or the guards that he last spoke to.

He did not see the man with the monocle but saw the previous men that talked to the man with the monocle.

Luke then continued his walk and looks up to where Arthur and Merlin stood and found more people.

People that Luke does not recognize with along with a sight Arthur's face filled with anger.

Luke then cast an invisibility spell on himself.

As he cast, the spell shocked his right hand as if the spell was disabled.

Suddenly, Luke feels that someone is watching him and looks up to where Clark stood and found him looking back at him with an innocent smile with darkened aura radiating.

Clark then turned back and walked away with Arthur, Merlin, and unknown faces that Luke did not recognize.

Luke starts to run whilst casting his other spells but it is as fruitless as a withered tree.

Realizing how greatly this damage his abilities, Luke fears for the worse and question the cause.

"What is the cause of this?"

Luke asked himself.

"He definitely has something to do with this."

As he was running, he came to an empty hall, a silent hall that only his footsteps is the loudest.

He then saw a flight of stairs going up to the part his running but stops in suddenly as he sees a familiar silhouette of a man.

Luke turns around and found that it was with the monocle but now holding a saber on his left hand and some kind of artifact on his right hand.

"What has he done?"

The man with the monocle stayed silent but continues walking.

Luke knows that he wants to fight but since he cast his spells, his efforts will be doubled.

Luke then lets go of the mana around his clothes and went back to his normal clothing.

A dark mist then came out to Luke's right hand and there was an image of a staff materialize which Luke grabbed.

The mist turned into the staff but not slimmer than the staff he use to cast his spells.

"Come with me and nobody will get hurt."

Said the man.

"Leave me be and you will not get hurt."

The man with the monocle then points his artifact and pulled some kind of trigger and shoots a small ball towards Luke.

Luke then simply moves away for an inch and dodged the bullet.

As the bullet went past Luke, the man with the monocle was directly in front of Luke with his sword almost inches away from Luke's neck.

Luke staff then moved in an instant and blocked his attack.

A roar then comes out of the arena followed by the people's cheers and claps then the guards placing bets on the fight.

Gray-skinned giant roars and locks his murderous gazes towards the two.

"The hell?! What do we do now?!"

Toru shouts in a panic.

"I don't know but we should get moving!"

The gray-skinned giant roared once more and charged towards the two with the little guy laughing.

"Do the thing with your hammer, quick!"

Cecilia shouted to Toru.


Tour then smashed down his hammer towards the ground to which it burst mighty fissures towards the giant.

The giant was hit with the rushing fissure pushed back the giant.

The gain then smashed aside the fissure and continued charging towards them as the tiny prelim laughs at them.

Out of nowhere, a bullet unexpectedly shoots out from the air and hits the head of the giant, and bounced off to hits the little guy, knocking him out.

The giant was also abruptly stopped by the shot and shrugged off the rock.

The giant looks around and tries to find his prey but finds only dust.

He continues to look around until he heard Toru's voice above which he looked up.

Toru's hammer smashed down the giant's skull and plugged his head down to the ground.

Cecilia then jumped in and tries to attack the giant but it suddenly pulled his head up followed by a piercing roar to which he slammed his fist in the ground at random.

Cecilia backed off as well as Toru.

They then stood close to each other as they watch the beast rise from the ground with dust and debris flowing down his head.

It roared once more and stared at them angry as ever before.

Back in the no longer silent hall, Luke swings his staff with mastery and blocks all of the attacks of the man with a monocle.

The man then shoots Luke and hits Luke's left shoulder to which Luke backed off next to the stairs.

Blood slowly gushes along with Luke's curiosity about that man's artifact.

"Though we are fighting, may I ask what is that artifact you using?"

Luke speaks as he puts his hand on his wound then lowers his hand once more to find the wound is no longer there.

The man with a monocle let out a muffled laugh for a moment and answered.

"This artifact is a gun created by someone I can't tell."

"A gun?"

"I think that's all you need to know."

The man with a monocle points his gun once more to Luke.

A dark mist covers the long staff of Luke and began to grow like the usual staff that he uses.

"No longer you'll stand in my path. If you wish to live, move."

"Make me."

The man keeps his finger on the trigger of his gun ready to pull whatever Luke will do.

The dark mist on the staff then came out and disappears.

"One last chance, move."

The man with a monocle pulls the trigger and stops in an inch of Luke's head.

"What the?"

Said with confusion to the man with a monocle.

The bullet then turns around and points towards the man.

He shoots once more and Luke's bullet flew as well with greater speed, they hit each other in the air with Luke's stolen bullet having an upper hand.

The man's bullet curves down and hits the floor while Luke's bullet flew as fast as lightning and pierced the man's shoulder.

The man grunts in pain and point his gun once more at Luke.

The bullet then curves back and hits the man's hand that's holding the gun.

He drops the gun and grunts in pain once more.

He drops his sword and holds his wounded hand.

The sound of heavy breathing echoes softly in the silent hall with drops of sweat flowing on his face.

He moves his eyes to see Luke's feet still pointing towards him and looks up.

There he saw Luke with his arms still crossed and looking down with a disappointing look.

A force then moves the man softly on the side of the wall to which Luke came closer.

"Stay there, heal up if you can."

Luke then turns around and was about to walk off.

Just when Luke turned around, the man got up in pure anger and with the attention of murder.

Just before he got close to Luke, the bullet shot down piercing his skull and coming out down his jaw.

His body stood in a second as happy and bad memories flash before his eyes.

Blood went down his down and drops followed by a single stump sound from his lifeless body.

Luke sighed and was about to go up the stairs.

Before he could turn around, he saw a slip of paper on his right glove.

The paper was pulled by an invisible force and flew right at Luke's hand.

A picture it was. A one-by-one picture.

A red-haired girl with a brown dress like a village girl and wears a bright smile across her face.

Luke sighed and put slides it inside his inner pocket.

Luke then turned around and starts walking towards the stairs.

In the arena, a giant no longer but a raging beast, it smash left and right hoping to hit Cecilia and Toru but his the ground instead.

The beast then saw Toru and charged a punch towards him.

Toru did not dodge but instead hits his fist with his hammer.

The hammer broke the pinky finger of the beast and pulled away.

It growls a little then fixes his pinky as if it was nothing and roars once more.

Cecilia then jumps and plunges her sword towards the beast's hand.

Cecilia then tries to pull out the blade but the blade is now formerly stuck.

Deep within the bone of the beast's left hand it was stuck.

The raging beast switched its attention towards Cecilia and clumped his hands together and was about to plunge down.

As the beast's hands drop close to Cecilia's face, it stops.

The beast forces his hands to continue but something is blocking his clumped-up hands as if it was an invisible wall on the way.

The beast pulled back his clumped-up hand but the same happened.

It was stuck.

His giant hands then move but not because of the beast, it was something else.

The beast was confused and afraid as he does not know what to do.

Then, the clumped-up hands of the beast bashed up his head and took his balance however did not fall but only wobbles backward and slammed on the wall of the arena.

Cecilia and Toru know that ability and look everywhere to find Luke.

Up above, overlooking the arena below, they Luke and was struck by joy.

They waved their hand towards to which Luke points at top of the balcony where Clark and the other watch.

They look at where Luke points but found nothing except for an unknown face of a woman with pink hair.

The pink lady was Trish.

Trish then went away and hide her face as she saw that Toru and Cecilia were staring at them and went to Clark to warn him.

"What do we do about those two?"

"Don't you touch them, You-."

Arthur shouted but suddenly a man tapped his mouth.

Arthur, Merlin, and Ray are tied up with thick ropes that are attached to a single pole.

"Let them be, it's not like they can do something."

A man then approaches Clark with an anonymous staff with a bright red glowing gem on the tip.

"Boss, That old guy is still not making any sounds."

"Probably his ass was handed by Luke."

Trish answered.

"No loss. Put that staff far away here, That gem is fragile, we can't let this wizard use their spells.

"You do realize that you cant cast your spell as well."

Merlin answered.

Clark then starts walking toward Merlin.

Clark then crouched down looks Merlin in his eyes.

"Do I look like I need spells?"

A bright red light appears right below the tied-up three.

"I don't, do I?"