
Laia & The Transferee

Laia is a straight-A student. Her goal is to be the best among everyone else and would do everything to achieve that, just to graduate as class valedictorian. However, behind her helpful and kindhearted persona is a tired young girl who just wants to make her mother proud. Albeit some hindrances, her life's quite smooth sailing. No competitor for the top spot, and she's ready to be valedictorian. NOT. Everything changes when Samuel, a transferee, suddenly disrupts Laia's peaceful life, steals her top spot, and spites her to no end. How is that going to end well? ---- Please note that this is a slow-burn romance! If you're not into characters who would take LONG to actually kiss and get the whole romance getting it on, then maybe this novel isn't for you OR maybe it could be, depends on your taste but I do PROMISE to make it worthwhile if you decide to buckle up and stay for the romance you're looking forward to. Have a fun read, everyone! ---- WPC #225 Silver Prize Cover art is not mine! Credits to the rightful owner/artist!

Xianxie · Sports, voyage et activités
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150 Chs


GRACIE kisses him one last time before letting go of his shirt and pushing him, grinning at him before she finally steps out of his car.

Two hours had already passed since the meeting that Samuel was supposed to attend ended. He grabs his phone on the dashboard, which was repeatedly vibrating earlier but he ignored it for he was distracted (focused) on Gracie.

Five missed calls from Yule and a single message from Luka.

[Luka: If you had the gall to recruit us for this org then shouldn't you at least show up in the meeting where you're supposed to introduce us?]

Ah. How should he explain himself to them later without getting smacked in the face by his two roommates at the very instant that he is done talking about his latest sex escapade?

He decides to call Yule instead of Luka. Yule had always been more understanding than their other roommate.

[Luka, Vincent's calling me!]