
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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In the depths of the Forest of Death, within Mito's secret villa, Kirito found himself in a private meeting with Momoka, enduring her scolding like a chastised child.

"Kirito, have you lost your mind? How could you act as a mediator for that vile old man, Uchiha Homura? What could the Uchiha possibly owe you? Don't you understand how much Mito-sama despises the Uchiha clan? Have you received some sort of benefit..." Momoka flushed with anger, jabbing her finger at Kirito as she unleashed her tirade.

Receiving Momoka's verbal barrage like cannonfire, Kirito dared not retort, instead kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, accepting the reprimand meekly.

In truth, when he received the memories from the shadow clone and advocated for the Uchiha clan's participation in the Kyuubi inheritance, he was mentally prepared for Momoka's severe scolding.

Being a devout follower of first Hokage, Momoka held Hashirama in higher esteem than Mito. Consequently, her animosity towards Uchiha Madara, who hurted Senju Hashirama vitality, extended to the entire Uchiha clan following hashirama demise.

Harboring hatred towards a particular group or family was a natural human inclination, difficult to overcome, especially for individuals like Momoka, who were not saints and lacked the capacity to differentiate between love and hate, much less let go of their animosity.

However, Kirito hadn't anticipated the depth of Momoka's hatred towards the Uchiha clan.

Merely suggesting that the Uchiha clan should participate in the Nine-Tails inheritance was enough to transform Momoka's amiable countenance into one of furious indignation, followed by a relentless barrage of criticism.

If he hadn't been Mito's disciple and hadn't held a deep respect and affection for Momoka, he might have found himself at the receiving end of her wrath.

"Considering the timing, Momoka is over 60 years old and has never married. Apart from Mito-sama, Tsunade, and Nawaki, she has no other relatives. It's likely that she harbored enmity towards the Uchiha clan even before the establishment of Konoha, and it's not insignificant."

Kirito pondered silently, keeping his head bowed.

After approximately half an hour of Momoka's scolding, her fury finally abated, and her expression softened.

Sensing the change, Kirito cautiously raised his head, only to find Momoka still glaring at him with residual anger. Hastily lowering his gaze once more, he awaited her next words.

"Hmph, get up and explain yourself. What nonsense were you spouting?" Momoka demanded, her tone chilly.

Given Mito's recent predicament, she was in a foul mood. Kirito's audacity in acting as a mediator for Uchiha Homura only served to exacerbate her negative emotions.

Now that she had vented her frustration on Kirito, she felt somewhat relieved.

Regrettably, she couldn't physically thrash Kirito, much as she wished to. Otherwise, she would have found even greater satisfaction.

Nonetheless, even as her anger subsided, her rationality remained intact.

She recognized Kirito's intelligence and shrewdness, understanding that he wouldn't have acted as a pawn for Homura Uchiha without some ulterior motive, be it personal gain or nefarious intentions.

Moreover, she knew Kirito to be highly determined and resolute, his decisions unwavering once made. Even if she disagreed, he would likely proceed clandestinely without her knowledge.

Under these circumstances, she deemed it wise to hear him out, to prepare herself mentally and obtain a comprehensive understanding in advance.

"Master Momoka's insight is truly unparalleled. There's nothing I can hide from you," Kirito remarked, rising to his feet swiftly, then lifting his head to offer a flattering smile.

"Enough with the flattery, get on with it. I don't have time to waste on your nonsense," Momoka retorted, refusing to show Kirito any leniency and maintaining her stern expression.

"Then you've just finished scolding me for so long..." Kirito muttered under his breath.

In the next instant, every hair on his body stood on end as he realized Momoka was glaring at him with a deceptively gentle expression, her fists clenched tightly with bulging veins on the back of her hands. Her voice turned cold as she demanded, "What did you just say?"

"N-nothing, I simply meant to say that Momoka-sama scolded me thoroughly. I shouldn't have acted as a mediator for that old bastard, Uchiha Homura," Kirito stammered, retracting his statement hastily.

Seeing this, Kirito instinctively recoiled, taking a few steps back and chuckling nervously.


Momoka despised slick talkers, promptly issuing an order for Kirito to leave, pointing sternly towards the gate.

"Master Momoka, do you think the First Master desires the annihilation or integration of the Uchiha clan into Konoha?" 

Observing Momoka's reluctance to entertain further discussion, Kirito posed a question that caused her to pause and contemplate deeply, leaving her silent.

Upon hearing Kirito's question, Momoka's expression froze, and then she fell into contemplative silence.

In terms of personal sentiment, she harbored a desire for the Uchiha clan's demise. However, her adherence to the Will of Fire inherited from the venerable Hashirama compelled her to exercise restraint.

"What exactly are you trying to say, kid? Spit it out plainly; don't beat around the bush."

Momoka, having weathered the storms of life, maintained a composed demeanor, refusing to indulge in whims.

"It's been over two decades since the First Hokage's passing. During this time, the Uchiha clan, as collateral victims of Uchiha Madara's deeds, has endured ostracization and hostility from many within Konoha. Personally, I believe this has gone on long enough. Continued animosity will prevent the Uchiha from integrating into Konoha.

Momoka-sama, have you ever considered the Uchiha clan's current population? Over the past two decades, unlike the Senju, the Uchiha's numbers have swelled continuously. They now boast the largest ninja population and the highest count of Jonin and Chunin among Konoha's ninja clans.

During this time, the Uchiha's resentment towards Konoha has festered, giving rise to a growing faction of hawkish Uchihas whose hostility subtly influences the younger generation. 

Consider the Uchiha's formidable power; even if Konoha quells any rebellion, it will suffer heavy losses and forfeit the Sharingan's might. 

Given these circumstances, I urge you to think seriously. If left unaddressed, the Uchiha conundrum could lead to dire consequences for Konoha."

Kirito, gauging Momoka's reaction, cautiously presented his perspective on the Uchiha situation.

These words struck a chord with Momoka's, shocking her and leaving her visibly troubled.

She wasn't oblivious to the issues Kirito highlighted, but she had been evading them, unwilling to confront reality due to her deeply ingrained animosity towards the Uchiha.

Kirito's words forced her to confront these uncomfortable truths, unsettling her profoundly.

"Indeed, Momoka-sama, you may already have the answer in your heart. Should the Uchiha clan rebel, considering their current strength, even if quelled, Konoha would suffer substantial losses, potentially losing the Sharingan's advantage.

Moreover, neighboring villages would seize upon Konoha's vulnerability, possibly leading to its destruction."

Observing Momoka perturbed expression, Kirito heightened the urgency, amplifying the potential consequences of Uchiha rebellion.

While Momoka was seasoned enough not to be swayed by Kirito's words, she acknowledged their validity. The looming prospect of Mito's passing meant the loss of the Uchiha's chief suppressor within Konoha.

Without her, what choices would the Uchiha clan make? And what of Homura Uchiha, nearing his twilight years? Would he maintain order or succumb to madness?

Momoka grappled with these questions, her mind a maelstrom of uncertainty and dread.

Kirito, keenly observing Momoka's reaction, continued: "The Uchiha dilemma demands our attention. We cannot afford to remain passive. Master Momoka, consider this opportunity to mend ties between the Uchiha and Konoha."

"Hmph! You still wish for me to permit Uchiha participation in the Nine-Tails inheritance. I'll tell you now: it's out of the question. I won't entertain anything that increases the operation's risk."

Taohua's response was swift and resolute, dismissing Kirito's proposal outright.

"Do not rush to refuse, Master Momoka. I have not yet finished. There are myriad ways for the Uchiha to participate in the operation without direct involvement. They could, for instance, support border operations.

Given the operation's scale, rival villages are likely aware. Deploying Uchiha forces to bolster the borders would alleviate strain on Konoha. Despite Uchiha losses, this would benefit the operation."

Refusing to yield, Kirito elaborated on alternate methods of Uchiha involvement.

"You underestimate the Uchiha's potential. Once on the battlefield, their presence could yield unpredictable consequences."

Momoka, torn between strategic pragmatism and personal bias, hesitated. While Kirito's suggestions were tactically sound, her aversion to Uchiha involvement remained.

"What concerns you is the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Kirito identified Momoka's underlying worry.

"How do you know about the Mangekyou Sharingan?" Taohua's surprise was evident.

The secret of the Mangekyou Sharingan is known only to a select few in Konoha, and momoka did not expect Kirito to possess such knowledge. She wondered if Mito-sama had divulged this information to him.

Kirito, however, swiftly shifted the blame onto Chizuru, replying, "It was chizuru who informed me."

Momoka, accepting Kirito's assertion due to his connection with Chizuru, peered at him intently and queried, "Do you also know the conditions for the Sharingan to evolve into a Mangekyou Sharingan?"

Kirito nodded affirmatively, responding, "Yes, I do."

"Then do you trust the Uchiha clan? You are aware that they are a clan associated with darkness and evil," Momoka exclaimed vehemently.

Kirito countered with a question, "So, your solution is to either exterminate the Uchiha clan or allow them to rebel against Konoha in the future?"

Momoka fell silent once more, grappling with the weight of the decision.

The Uchiha dilemma, Kirito argued, would not vanish if ignored but would instead fester, exacerbating the problem. He emphasized that Homura Uchiha's willingness to engage him as a lobbyist indicated an acknowledgment of the Uchiha's inability to confront all of Konoha. Kirito urged Momoka to consider extending an opportunity for the Uchiha to integrate into Konoha.

Faced with Kirito's impassioned plea, Momoka remained silent for an extended period.

Finally, she sighed and asked, "But what if a Mangekyou Sharingan ninja emerges in the future, posing a threat to Konoha?"

Instead of providing an immediate answer, Kirito quietly activated the Yin Seal between his brows, unleashing a formidable chakra that enveloped him in blue flames. Natural energy converged around him, transforming the blue flames into golden ones. His hair turned golden, standing on end without the aid of wind, while strange patterns appeared around his forehead and eyes.

With Momoka watching in astonishment, Kirito responded coldly, "Should that happen, as a disciple of Uzumaki Mito, I will personally eliminate those Mangekyou Sharingan wielders."

Later, as Momoka left the room, Kirito pondered, "Chizuru, your grandfather's gift had better be worth it, or I'll have a tough time." With that, he dispelled the sealing barrier in the room, having resorted to his Immortal Mode to sway Momoka's decision.

With the successful practice of the Yin Seal, Kirito found the biggest obstacle to his cultivation of the sage Mode had vanished. He had already memorized the process of blending chakra with natural energy to form sage Chakra. Thus, when he attempted to enter the sage Mode for the first time, the process was remarkably smooth, almost effortless.

The value of the sage Physique became evident as Kirito realized there was little difficulty in cultivating the Sage Mode. With diligent practice, he was confident he would successfully cultivate and achieve immortality sooner or later. Using the potent sealing technique of the Yin Seal advanced this process significantly.

As expected, Momoka, being well-informed, immediately recognized the power Kirito wielded when he entered the chakra Mode. With no further need for persuasion, Momoka readily agreed to his request and even personally told him that she will persuad the third generation to allow the Uchiha clan to participate in the Kyuubi inheritance operation.

Reflecting on Momoka's surprised and elated expression, Kirito remarked, "Truly, the most effective way to conquer fear is to master the power that can overcome it."

He realized that despite the validity of his arguments, directly activating the Immortal Mode had a profound impact. However, he acknowledged the importance of a well-thought-out approach before activating the sage Mode to maximize its effectiveness.

As Kirito surveyed the bustling activity around the hidden villa, his thoughts turned to the task ahead. He had completed his part in persuading Momoka, but now it was up to her to successfully convince the third Hokage.

Knowing that revealing the Immortal Mode to Sandai was out of the question, Kirito trusted Taohua enough to confide in her. He understood her stubborn nature and was confident she would keep his secret safe.

Realizing he couldn't personally persuade Sandai due to his limited influence, Kirito resolved to focus solely on the Nine-Tails inheritance operation. He reminded himself of his promise to his teacher to execute the operation flawlessly.

Leaving the room, Kirito stepped outside to witness the drastic transformation of the area surrounding the hidden villa. Konoha ninjas proficient in earth ninjutsu had worked tirelessly to create a vast, flat open space, reinforced with solid stone slabs and erected with towering rock pillars bound by iron chains infused with chakra metal.

Sealing experts were busy engraving intricate sealing formulas on the surfaces of the stone slabs and rock pillars, contributing to the construction of a massive sealing altar. This altar, once completed, would significantly increase the success rate of sealing the Nine-Tails.

Around the perimeter of the sealing altar, Konoha ninjas concealed themselves, vigilant and prepared for any threat. Kirito sensed the presence of hundreds of ninja-level chakras, along with numerous chunin-level chakras, reinforcing his confidence in the operation's success.

Observing the dedication and effort of the Konoha ninjas, Kirito felt reassured. With their collective expertise and determination, he believed that Konoha would indeed succeed in sealing the Kyuubi once again.