
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Anime & Comics
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The nail left in the uchiha clan

In the Hidden Leaf Village, deep within the prison, Danzo sat in his office, his expression clouded as he reviewed the latest intelligence report. Cursing silently under his breath, he thought, "Damn Kirito, what are you up to? Sneaking into Uchiha Homura's residence... Are you planning to ally with the Uchiha clan?"

Despite recent setbacks in his control over the ANBU Root organization outside of Konoha, Danzo's influence within the village remained formidable. He still commanded a loyal cadre of operatives, diligently gathering information and executing his agenda.

Thus, even after his temporary loss of power, Danzo maintained surveillance over the Uchiha clan, monitoring their activities closely.

Upon receiving reports of Kirito's visit to the Uchiha compound under Chizuru's guidance, Danzo harbored no illusions. He didn't believe Kirito had merely gone to socialize with Chizuru. Rather, he suspected clandestine dealings between Kirito and Uchiha Homura.

Aware of the significance of the Nine-Tails inheritance, Danzo had been informed through his contacts within the ANBU Root. Seizing the opportunity, he promptly advised the Third Hokage to exercise caution, urging him to exclude the Uchiha clan from the Kyuubi inheritance operation.

Unlike previous instances, the Third Hokage heeded Danzo's counsel, displaying clarity of mind. Consequently, the Uchiha were barred from participating in the operation.

For Konoha, the Nine-Tails was a crucial asset. Considering the Uchiha's history of manipulating the beast, it was unthinkable to allow them a role in its inheritance.

It was tantamount to inviting a wolf into one's home.

Yet, the Uchiha clan remained undeterred. Uchiha Homura wasted no time in convening the clan's jonin for clandestine meetings, and now, he sought Kirito's assistance, a disciple of Mito.

"Homura Uchiha, that old fox has keen insight. If he were to leverage Kirito's talents, that insidious brat might just succeed."

As Danzo ruminated on Uchiha Homura's actions and the potential repercussions, his expression darkened further, his thoughts drifting to the Uchiha patriarch's formidable Sharingan abilities.

He was well aware of Kirito's significance in the Nine-Tails inheritance, gleaned from the reports furnished by his operatives.

Despite his disdain for Kirito, Danzo begrudgingly acknowledged the boy's genius. Kirito had successfully enhanced the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique, the Adamantine chains, making it a seal that can be learned by all, and effectively restraining the tailed beasts. With Mito's guidance, he had even mastered the Yin Seal—a potent sealing technique capable of storing vast amounts of chakra, allowing for its manipulation at will.

Though Danzo had yet to obtain detailed scrolls on the Yin Seal, he understood its immense potential. Successful mastery of this technique would grant unprecedented chakra reserves.

In Kirito, Danzo saw both a threat and an opportunity—a prodigy whose talents could tip the scales in any conflict.

With Kirito's mastery of the Yin Seal, coupled with his ability to utilize the the Uzumaki technique, he held the key to subduing the Nine-Tails during the upcoming inheritance operation. His role was undeniably pivotal, and the success of Konoha's endeavor hinged upon his capabilities.

Danzo recognized this fact keenly. If Kirito were to personally intercede on behalf of the Uchiha clan to the Third Hokage, the latter's compromising nature might yield to Kirito's persuasion. Such an outcome was intolerable to Danzo.

"No, under no circumstances can I allow this to occur. I must prevent the Uchiha clan from participating in the Nine-Tails inheritance operation. Regrettably, I must activate the hidden operatives within the Uchiha clan sooner than anticipated."

For the sake of Konoha's security and to safeguard the Third Hokage's reputation, Danzo steeled himself, resolving to enact a preemptive strike by activating key operatives he had cultivated within the Uchiha clan over the years.

"Hiruzen, you truly are a fool. Sensei erred in appointing you as Hokage."

As Danzo made this painful decision, he couldn't help but curse the Third Hokage's incompetence once more. It was the Third's ineptitude that forced Danzo's hand, compelling him to sacrifice vital assets within the Uchiha clan.

"And as for Kirito, that insidious brat... Once the Nine-Tails inheritance concludes, I must find a way to eliminate him swiftly. I cannot afford to delay any longer. His rapid growth poses a significant threat. If left unchecked, he will become a formidable adversary in the future."

Danzo's mind turned to Kirito, the brilliant prodigy of Konoha whom he suspected of colluding with the Uchiha clan, harboring a secret resentment towards him.

However, a cold smile gradually crept onto his face.

From his current standpoint, the internal turmoil within Konoha worked in his favor. Once the Nine-Tails inheritance concluded, Mito, the primary obstacle blocking his path to becoming Hokage, would be removed, along with Kirito's principal support. This would pave the way for his resurgence.

The ongoing conflict between Konohagakure and Sunagakure was far from ideal, but Danzo saw it as an opportunity. He believed the Third Hokage would soon turn to him for assistance once the situation deteriorated further, as evidenced by the clandestine contact established with members of the Root.

In his estimation, the Third Hokage's penchant for compromise was advantageous. The Third still recognized Danzo's value and trusted in his abilities.

Upon his return, Danzo planned to capitalize on the chaos, leveraging the war with the Sand Hidden to expand his influence and authority. Any threats posed by the Uchiha or Kirito would be swiftly dealt with.

Senju Momoka, the woman who had usurped his position as Hokage consultant, was also on his list. He intended to reclaim his lost authority and quash any dissenters who had aligned themselves with her.

His thoughts then turned to the mysterious opposition facing the Root organization. This shadowy force, known as the Night organisation, posed a significant challenge. Despite capturing numerous peripheral members, the organization's leadership remained elusive, and their intimate knowledge of the Root's operations was unsettling.

"Who dares to oppose me? Whoever they are, their fate is sealed. Going against me is tantamount to going against Konoha. Once the Nine-Tails inheritance concludes, I will return and address these minor nuisances."

With a cold resolve, Danzo issued orders through the Root network, directing their attention towards the Uchiha clan.


In the Konoha cemetery, a ninja of the Uchiha clan meticulously cleaned a tombstone with a piece of cloth. After wiping it clean, he replaced the vase in front of the tombstone with fresh flowers. Standing before the tombstone, he gazed at it with a sense of remorse and apology.

"Forgive me for being late today. I had other duties to attend to. Congratulations," he murmured to himself.

This ninja was Uchiha Shino, a Jōnin of the Uchiha clan and the leader of the Uchiha Guard responsible for the security of Konoha's Food Street. Though outwardly loyal to the Uchiha clan, he was actually one of Danzo's operatives embedded within the clan.

While he had no personal allegiance to Danzo, he shared the Root's philosophy and was drawn to Danzo's cause. The village, above all else, was his guiding principle—a belief instilled in him by his close friend Yamabuki, who had sacrificed his life to protect him on the battlefield.

Yamabuki, an ordinary civilian ninja, had been Shinobi's closest friend. Despite being an outsider, he loved the village and its inhabitants dearly, including the aloof Uchiha Shino. Yamabuki's unwavering loyalty to Konoha had left a profound impact on Shino, shaping his own dedication to the village.

Lost in memories, Shino's reverie was interrupted by the caw of a crow. He glanced at the bird before turning back to the tombstone.

"I must go," he said softly before leaving the cemetery.

Along the way, he encountered children tending to neglected tombstones, their innocent actions stirring a sense of warmth in his heart. With a faint smile, he continued on his way, his heavy heart lightened by their simple gestures of respect.

Upon returning to the Uchiha clan compound, Shino greeted acquaintances before purchasing food and hurrying home. Inside his bedroom, he found a note on the bedside table—a coded message that elicited a range of emotions from fear to resolve.

"For the sake of the village, the clan should not participate in the Nine-Tails Inheritance Action," he muttered, recalling the atrocities committed by Uchiha Madara, who had once controlled the Nine-Tails.

Aware of the dangers posed by Sharingan illusions, Shinobi was determined to prevent the Uchiha clan from participating in the inheritance. His resolve strengthened when Danzo assigned him a task: to protest at the Hokage Building and dissuade the Third Hokage from allowing the Uchiha's involvement.

As he prepared to carry out his mission, he was startled to find Uchiha Chizuru waiting in his living room—a presence that should not have been there.

"Miss Chizuru, it's not wise to intrude into others' homes without permission. It seems the patriarch has neglected your upbringing," Shinobi remarked, his vigilance evident as he scanned the room for hidden threats.

Unsheathing her sword, Chizuru revealed her Sharingan, ensnaring Shinobi in a genjutsu. In a flash of lightning, Shinobi's hands were severed, and he fell to his knees in shock.

"How... how could this be? Her Sharingan... it's only a second tomoe..." he gasped in disbelief before losing consciousness.

Chizuru glanced at Shino Uchiha with a cold, determined gaze, and the Sharingan in her eyes spun ominously. With a dull expression, Shino Uchiha collapsed to the ground.

After incapacitating shino, Chizuru's body suddenly went limp, and she nearly crumpled to the ground. Gasping heavily, she lay on the floor, her hands pressed against the ground, a pained expression etched on her face.

Simultaneously, the dark markings on her legs receded like a retreating tide.

"So, this is the power of the curse seal he spoke of? It's truly intoxicating, but it's merely an external force with significant side effects," Chizuru muttered, her complexion pale.

Uchiha Shinobi, a Jōnin of the clan, posed a formidable challenge, and defeating him swiftly required decisive action. To ensure victory and minimize risk, she had resorted to the strength of the curse seal.

The curse seal, bestowed upon her by Kirito a year prior, promised gradual improvement in strength and temporary surges during critical moments—a boon she had readily accepted.

Under its influence, her chakra had surged by a significant margin, elevating her strength, speed, and Sharingan prowess. Capitalizing on this boost, she had ensnared Uchiha Shino in a brief genjutsu before delivering the finishing blow with Thunder Flash, her most potent technique.

Following Shino's defeat, Uchiha Kari and Uchiha Sakura, who had been stationed outside, swiftly arrived upon hearing the commotion. They attended to the gravely injured Shino, ensuring he would not perish, before departing with Chizuru, who was visibly fatigued.

Homura Uchiha remained standing by the poolside, observing the serene movements of the ornamental fish without turning back, as Uchiha Kari knelt behind him.

"Is it done?" Homura inquired, his tone impassive.

"Yes, Lady Chizuru completed the task with remarkable efficiency," Kari responded respectfully.

"Hmm, it seems she conceals more strength than expected. Where are the others?" Homura queried, his surprise evident.

Despite being aware of his granddaughter's abilities, her recent display of power had surpassed his expectations. Facing a newly minted Jōnin, she should have faced a formidable challenge against Uchiha Shino, a veteran of several years. Yet, her victory appeared decisive and overwhelming.

"Yes, Lady Chizuru is indeed formidable. As for the other collaborators of Danzo, they have all been dealt with," Kari confirmed, a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

Homura nodded approvingly. "Very well. Tie up any loose ends and ensure the secrecy of our actions. Although these traitors are detestable, they remain members of our clan. We shall grant them an honorable demise in due time."

As he mentioned the traitors, a palpable chill crept into his voice, his disdain for those who betrayed their clan evident.

Homura, akin to Danzo, understood the significance of intelligence gathering. While he lacked the extensive network of informants that Danzo possessed, his strategic positioning within the Uchiha clan allowed him to maintain clandestine surveillance over its members.

When certain individuals under surveillance exhibited suspicious behavior, Homura swiftly discerned the hand of Danzo behind their actions. The treacherous maneuvers aimed to disrupt the Uchiha clan's involvement in the Kyuubi inheritance were unmistakable.

As a consequence, he found himself compelled to take preemptive action and eliminate these traitors.

"Hmm," Uchiha Kari responded, his tone chillingly cold.

With those words, he swiftly formed a hand seal, dissolving into a billow of white smoke that vanished from sight.

"Which holds greater sway: loyalty to the village or loyalty to the clan?" Homura Uchiha murmured to himself, raising his gaze to the solitary cloud drifting in the sky amidst a sea of clouds. His Sharingan stirred involuntarily, though the pattern within his eyes was not the conventional three-tomoe design.


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Kofi ------- /Lightofcertainity .