
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

cortez10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 21: The Student Becomes an Apprentice

Chapter 21: The Student Becomes an Apprentice


The next day, the sun rose as usual.

Tobio Uchiha woke up, as always, under the weight of his orange cat, which was too fat.

Realizing it was hard to breathe, he opened his eyes, moved the cat from his chest to the other side of the pillow, and then, after yawning, got out of bed.


While brushing his teeth in front of the window, Tobio was reading a book titled "The Limits of Fashionable Women's Bodies."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Just as he finished brushing his teeth and was preparing to go back to sleep, someone knocked on his room door.

Before he could respond, the door creaked open.

A small head with long purple hair peeked through the door gap.

Yugao Uzuki didn't expect Tobio's door to be unlocked.

First, she was a little surprised, then she curiously looked inside and saw Tobio in the middle of the room, holding a toothbrush cup in one hand and a book clearly not meant for children in the other.

Seeing Tobio's well-formed abs and thighs, Yugao blinked and her face immediately turned red.


Bang! The young girl slammed the door shut and, leaning against it, took deep breaths.

The February mornings in Konoha were still cold, but she didn't feel cold at all; she only felt sweat pouring from her forehead.

Is there really someone who reads things like that in the morning?

But on second thought, Yugao realized that the one who should feel embarrassed for being caught reading such a magazine was him, not her.

Why should she hide?

That was very cowardly of her.

Thinking this, Yugao gathered her courage and reopened the door.

By then, Tobio had already gotten dressed and had set the magazine aside.

The Toad Sage could get rich collecting material in bathhouses, so he saw no reason why he couldn't do the same with books.

If Jiraiya's books didn't sell so well in the ninja world, Tobio would have written serious books.

Seeing the complex expression on Yugao's face, Tobio spoke bluntly.

"Hey, what's with that face? Didn't get enough?"

Saying this, he opened the fridge door, took out a box of cold milk and a pack of tonkotsu-flavored instant noodles, and continued.

"Do you know the term 'not locking doors at night'? In Uchiha territory, things are that safe. I don't lock doors or windows at night. Next time, make sure to knock first."


Yugao nodded slightly, and in her mind, the sweat on her face became the result of running too fast.


Seeing Tobio preparing water for the noodles, Yugao pointed at the cold milk with some doubt.

"Are you going to eat hot and cold together?"

"Yes, it's a way to train willpower."


Yugao touched her fingers, her cheeks blushing again, and said uncertainly.

"Actually, I know how to cook."


Tobio looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow, curious.

"Do you need something?"

"It's not that, I'm just worried you'll hurt yourself eating like that."

With a somewhat hesitant voice, Tobio tested the water temperature and then said.

"Go ahead, what do you need?"


After hesitating for a moment, Yugao gritted her teeth. "I'd better make breakfast first."

Saying this, she ran to the kitchen, took Tobio by the arm, and led him to the sofa in the living room. Then she put on an apron and started working in the kitchen.

Half an hour later.

Tobio looked at the eggs and toast with ham on the plate, then looked up at Yugao, his expression changed.

To be honest, half an hour ago he thought he was going to eat a grand feast.

It turned out not to be...

"Not bad!"

Taking a bite of the ham, which tasted the same as always, Tobio gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Very good, it doesn't taste burnt or anything! Your future boyfriend is lucky."


After giggling foolishly, Yugao remembered why she was there. Looking at Tobio, she asked expectantly.

"Sensei, I heard you learned kenjutsu."

"Yes, but after a while, I realized it wasn't what I expected and quit."

Tobio really did learn kenjutsu for a while, thinking he could launch long-distance slashes like in the One Piece world, but he found out it was just swinging a sword... much less impressive than ninjutsu.

After copying some techniques with the Sharingan, he focused on learning other things.

"Sensei, I have a request."

"Tell me, I'm pretty approachable."

Hearing this, Yugao took a deep breath, bowed, and said.

"Sensei, please accept me as your disciple."


Tobio blinked, feeling the egg in his mouth no longer tasted the same. He put the chopsticks aside and looked at Yugao.

"You want to be my disciple?"


Hearing her determined voice, Tobio felt his temples start to throb.

What could have motivated her to suddenly want to be my disciple?

After expressing his doubts, Yugao, with her legs together and a firm voice, said.

"You are the best medical ninja among those who practice kenjutsu, and the best in kenjutsu among medical ninjas. Grandpa Kousuke said that your mastery of kenjutsu is not inferior to his.

Tsunade-sama mentioned that every team should have a medical ninja to increase their survival chances.

I want to learn medical ninjutsu, but without giving up kenjutsu, and I can't have two masters at once."

Kousuke, huh? That eternal genin famous like Might Duy? Remembering who Kousuke was, Tobio frowned. He had learned a lot from him, and now it seemed it was time to repay the favor.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Yugao and spoke slowly.

"What happened to make you decide to learn medicine suddenly?"

Yugao looked at the ceiling, with an innocent expression and without saying anything.

Yesterday, during a competition, she accidentally injured someone, and her mother punished her for it.

Last night, while lying in bed, she understood why her sensei had learned medical ninjutsu.

Knowing her teacher, she was sure he also intended to heal his opponents after injuring them.

Besides, she had heard that his medical skills were superior to anyone's in Konoha except Tsunade.

To be able to injure with kenjutsu in one hand and heal with medical ninjutsu in the other... it was like a perpetual motion machine that would never get hurt.

Understanding the importance of medical ninjutsu, Yugao wanted to ask him to take her as an apprentice the night before, but her mother didn't let her leave the house.

Remembering this, Yugao couldn't help but show an excited expression. She moved closer to Tobio, her big bright eyes, but she couldn't say anything.

"Alright, alright, I get it."

Tobio saw Yugao's hopeful eyes and then looked at the half egg on his plate, speaking seriously.

"Being a medical ninja and a combat ninja are two different paths. If you've made your decision, be prepared to work hard."


"Come tomorrow at five to make breakfast, I don't want fried eggs anymore."


"Then let go of my arm and stop shaking it."


Seeing her agree so quickly, Tobio scratched his nose and looked at the ceiling.

Did I wake up too quickly today and I'm still dreaming? In less than an hour... I had accepted an apprentice.


(End of chapter)


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