
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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28 Chs

Chapter 20: I Caught Myself

Chapter 20: I Caught Myself


A detective is a professional responsible for investigating cases, specializing in crime investigation and resolution.

A private detective, on the other hand, is hired by individuals to investigate infidelities, locate people, and uncover secrets.

Tobio belongs to this latter category.

As a member of the Uchiha Clan, Tobio does not lack money. He became a private detective only as a cover to investigate some minor secrets of the Hokage.

Living in the world of Naruto, it's natural to be interested in the people and events of this world.

Comics can't narrate anyone's infidelities, who has a secret relationship, or who becomes whose lover.

For certain delicate matters that cannot be resolved through official missions, that's where his role comes into play.

Until the start of the Third Great Ninja War, Tobio used to investigate gossip about secondary characters, help people analyze treasure maps, and search for treasures.

Over time, he earned the reputation of being a great detective.

If it weren't for the sudden arrival of the Third Great Ninja War, this lifestyle might have continued for years.



At that moment, Tobio came back to himself and, leaning against the wall, shook his head.

"Recently, I've been teaching some students, so I need to rest for a while. If you need it, I can recommend some equally good private detectives."

"Tobio-kun, this task might be a challenge for others."

Hearing this, Tobio stiffened. He didn't like challenges either.

He remembered once when he accepted a rather challenging task:

"Investigate why hundreds of donkeys on a villager's farm were braying at night for no apparent reason."

When he read this task, his first reaction was that it was caused by someone... some pervert.

After investigating, he confirmed that there indeed was a pervert responsible, and this pervert was someone quite known in Konoha.

His name was Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin.

During that time, Orochimaru used to move like a necromancer, guiding a group of slow-moving humans who occasionally emitted groans while passing near the stable, which scared the donkeys.

Later, Tobio set a trap in the path of those humans and discovered they were unfinished products of the Edo Tensei technique.

Finally, an anonymous letter was sent to the Hokage, denouncing Orochimaru.


Yoshino Nara, observing Tobio in silence, realized that although he hadn't rejected the task directly, his prolonged silence indicated he didn't want to accept it.

A pity. Although the ninja war had ended superficially, disputes continued in secret.

The village's sensory ninjas were busy with important missions or defending the front, and there was no one available.

After a moment of silence, Yoshino looked at Mikoto Uchiha and silently indicated:

"Mikoto, it's up to you."


Mikoto Uchiha stood up and approached Tobio.

As someone who had lived in the Uchiha Clan for over twenty years, she understood her clan's character well.

The provocation tactic worked surprisingly well with them.


Mikoto smiled looking at Tobio. For some reason, seeing him, her fingers began to ache slightly. If it weren't for her identity and the timing, she probably would have gone to hit him long ago.

"Persuade someone to divorce."

After taking several deep breaths, she suppressed her discontent and indicated for him to follow her to the yard.

There, with her hands on her belly, she looked at Tobio suspiciously and said in a low voice:

"I remember you proposed in a clan meeting that we join forces with the Senju and other families, right?"


"Then why don't you take advantage of this opportunity today?

Or is it that you don't want to accept this task because you know that with your current skills you can't complete it in a short time?

Do you want the clan leader to do all the work of establishing relationships?"

Hearing this, Tobio looked at Mikoto with a wry smile.

Do you say I'm not capable? I think I am, but I don't want to prove it.

A normal Uchiha would fall into the provocation tactic... but I'm not a normal Uchiha.

Moreover, the work of establishing relationships with other families should be done by the clan leader, sacrificing himself for the Uchiha's honor, even offering his own body.


After a moment of waiting, Tobio noticed that Mikoto wasn't continuing with her lecture.

Looking at her, he saw that she was observing him with dark, clear eyes, like a black gem under the sunlight.

Instinctively, Tobio lowered his gaze to her belly, then turned his head, feeling uncomfortable.

He couldn't sympathize with those two brothers.


At that moment, Mikoto extended a hand, moving her injured fingers in front of his face, attracting his attention and smiling slightly.

"Fugaku, before becoming clan leader, had fewer skills than you at his age. He didn't have the reputation of a genius nor the time to learn medical ninjutsu.

But you are much more capable than Fugaku was at his age.

The Uchiha Clan's future depends on you.

If you want to change the clan's future, why not try to accept this task?

This is an opportunity to establish good relationships with other families, which will help your plan.

Although you often propose irritating ideas, I believe in you a lot.

Of course, you can reject it right now; we won't force you."


Seeing that Tobio lost his smile, Mikoto twirled a lock of her hair and, after a moment, added softly:

"Saying 'maybe later' will only make Yoshino Nara think you don't want to accept the task.

Also, that contradicts your proposal to join forces with the Senju and other families.

Was your proposal just a joke?

If so, I'd be happy to know.

Knowing one thing reveals everything.

Was your proposal for 'divorce' also a joke?

I couldn't believe that a clan member I respected could do something so despicable."

Tobio quickly covered Mikoto's mouth, seeing how the clan leader smiled maliciously.

Her mouth is venomous, he thought. If she keeps talking, will she wish me death?

And why compare me with Fugaku?

Could her son Sasuke be a result of my genes?


After a moment of silence, Tobio returned to the house.

Though he didn't fall for the provocation tactic, he remembered he had a mission from the system to befriend Shikamaru.

After seeing the women off, Tobio weighed the envelope, recalling what Yoshino Nara had described, and fell into thought.

They suspected that a cousin of the clan leader had a lover and wanted him to investigate.

Considering the mentioned time, Tobio hit his right fist against his left palm, showing an expression of understanding.

If he remembered correctly, that night he had spent all his time in Ryoko's room.

So, was the man they were looking for him?

But he wasn't Ryoko's lover.

Without ruining his reputation... how could he turn himself in?


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