
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · Urbain
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39 Chs


      " I want Aziel " the cockiness in her voice is alarming.

    I burst into a fit of laughter and a little tears from too much laughing 🤣 " He is not a toy to be passed around. If you want him, go get him. But listen I will not sit still " I glare at her threatening.

     Kaelie crosses her arms behind her back " Do not act too proud and mighty. For him, you are only a Schnook, a fling and other words to describe mistresses "

   I slap her in the face twice until my hand hurts. My face glows in satisfaction when I see my finger marks on her lovely cheeks.

    In fury, she shuts her eyes tightly and shrills " You think he loves you. God, you are dumber than I thought. The only person who stands a chance against me for Aziel's heart is Daniela King, not you." She touches my nose slightly.

   A fledgling emotion makes me shiver. Kaelie's words douse out any glimmer of hope in me. I am back to square one of doubt.

   " Why do you think she is here? To reunite with Aziel and wait for it ... He proposed to her in a mall and I bet you saw the pic when she said yes and hugged him " the excitement in her voice makes me realize how much she hates me.

    My thoughts shift to when I saw the pictures and what Aziel said in the car. Subconsciously, I wriggle the new ring he gave me.

   " Next time you see her, look out for a ring " she throws a glance at my ring and takes possession of it. " Wow, he is so generous bestowing a five million dollars worth ring to his mistress. It makes me wonder what he gave Daniela "

       Five million dollars diamonds My head is so mushy but I would not believe her.

       " I'm sure it's for the quick sex because I don't think you guys have a real connection except that.. " she sneers sliding the ring on her finger and then admiring it.

   These words dawned on me. Am I the mistress here. Is that my status to him. 

   " For my Pearl, so sweet. " she reads the words engraved on it.  "This is all in your head,  sister. You have two choices divorce Aziel or... stay married and let Daniela carry the crown of the mistress in the world's eyes and you, in our eyes "

  " Why are you telling me this?, Wouldn't you lose if Daniela is his future? " I asked coldly.

    Again she laughs and places the ring 💍 on my palms and sneers " If Daniela gets him, it would hurt but not as much as when you get him " 

   Does she hate me so much to this extent? Now, I am pregnant what would I do if any of these turns out to be true. Where will I go? Over my dead body will I let my child grow up in such a toxic environment. I will rather live hand to mouth than let my child grow up in such an environment. I can feel the hatred for my child before the acknowledgement of anyone.


   In a cafeteria in the next floor. I crouch lost in thoughts. For the first time tears refuse to leave my eyes. Was this another conspiracy to make me divorce Aziel? Last time this Daniela faked a pregnancy and now a proposal.

  I stare down at the mashed potato and juice in front of me. I am not supposed to think so much, especially in my state. Images of Aziel and Daniela kissing pop up in my head, these images I saw in Ifamous (a social media site ) a few years back when they were dating.

     My mind becomes empty when warm lips crush against mine. This tongueless kiss assures me that he loves me or maybe I'm only being paranoid. His manly fragrant fills my nose pleasantly.

  Pulling his lips away, he takes a seat opposite mine. " Are you ok? "