
King Of Limbo

Journey to the depths of hell with Aron, born of the Koliean race with a beast monger bloodline. In a world full of chaos, death, and misery, Aron learns the hard way that only the strong and cunning can survive. Note: This is the prequel to a bigger story ——————————————————————— Neutral Evil MC- Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Mature, Dark, Cold Protagonist, Strong Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Monsters, World Travel, Demons, Gore, Wars, Magic Beasts, Strength Based Social Hierarchy, Scheming, Evolution, Rivalry

God_Of_Brutality · Fantaisie
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348 Chs

Chapter 18: Strangers Manor

The sun had now set in Basttenhoven and many of its residents had now retired to their homes to rest. Just as many however still remained roaming the streets enjoying the night life.

Aron and Ariel were only now leaving the market district due to Ariel persisting she get everything she need. Had it not been for the fact she was giving Aron useful information the entire time, he'd have most likely vanished elsewhere.

"As I was saying, participants who usually pass the selection go to the capital and are given further instructions from there. However since the selections are open to everyone now, the capital is restricted to hosting only aristocrats while Basttenhoven is hosting those who got a B or higher in one or more attributes so it's not strange that you haven't seen other participants." Ariel was walking in front of Aron with a map open as she explained this to him.

"I don't really understand the point of separating us if we're going convene at the same location in the end." Aron was just a few steps behind Ariel when he shook his head at her statement. Ariel however carried on with her explanation despite this.

"Those who scored higher simply get better treatment, it's why your lodgings are in the aristocratic residential area. You're considered among the best commoners have to offer so it's only natural you get treated accordingly. When you meet other individuals there, I advise you to keep your score a secret as they will most likely do the same. Scores are only revealed to the public when the "Journey" begins." Ariel's steps soon came to a halt just as she finished explaining to Aron.

"Hierarchies built around status and titles are useles. That aside, I take it this place will be where I'm lodging correct?" Aron too came to a halt before turning to his right and asking casually.

To his right was a large silver gate with the initials G.A carved into it. From where they stood, it was impossible to see what was on the other side by normal means as the gate and walls where far too high.

"Yes, this will be your lodging for the night before you and the other participants are picked up by an airship tomorrow morning. This is where we part ways until you reach the academy, participants pursuing a scholar based program use a much more fitting and less violent route. I look forward to the show you'll put on" Ariel showed a mischievous smile before closing the map in her hands and turning to Aron.

'Violent route?' Aron thought but didn't inquire, before giving Ariel a nod and turning away to knock on the gate.

Ariel didn't look happy nor irritated by Aron's lack of words and simply walked passed him without uttering another word. She did however still wear an almost victorious smile as she left Aron at...

"Welcome to Strangers Manor... Contender Aron." The tightly closed gates that Aron stood in front of suddenly opened and a slim deathly pale woman in a long robe with the initials G.A on its chest area walked out and bowed politely at Aron.

'She doesn't seem to be a threat' Aron thought after making a quick assessment

"Please follow me." The deathly pale woman said in a plain lifeless tone before turning and walking back into the gate. Aron remained to look relaxed on the surface despite all his senses being on high alert.

Aron was still seeing and experiencing a great many things for the first time despite having theoretical knowledge on most. He had read about humans for example but interacting with them and walking among them was something he still wasn't used to.

What met Aron on the other side of the gate was a large beautiful manor with an equally beautiful surrounding. Aron would only glance at something once and if it wasn't anything he found odd then he wouldn't bother looking there again.

The deathly pale woman in front of him also didn't utter any words and simply led the way. It was only when they reached the front of the manor that she spoke again.

"Your room is on the second floor and is labeled ten. If you are in need of anything simply ring the bell on your dresser. You are free to roam wherever you but no guests are allowed." The deathly pale lady gave a small bow after telling Aron what he needed to know about his lodgings.

'It's rule after rule in this society...' Aron very uncomfortable being in such a society with rules, laws and morals that bound people. He considered them extremely constraining and an inhibitor to progress.

Due to basically being part beast, Aron naturally found freedom attractive. Beasts didn't follow any laws or rules after all, even most of those that had evolved to gain intelligence still largely stuck to their habits.

Aron knew he'd encounter a large so called civilized society at some point during his travels but he hadn't expected it to be this early. He could only curse Argos in a low tone as he got ready to ascend the stairs and go to his room. However before he could take a single step forward, Aron saw a familiar face.

"Hoh? It's the fool." Aron called out mockingly to the blonde haired contestant he had met in Sachire and later had a run in with, Lucas.

"Tsk, Well I happen to be contestant number two which means I have the second best overall score. That makes me the second strongest person here!" Lucas didn't know why but the instant he heard Aron's voice, he felt like all the pent up anger he held within him was about to burst so he couldn't help but try boasting in an attempt to bring Aron down a peg.

"No, it just means there's an even bigger fool than you in first. Haven't you wandered why you're the only one outside his room or the only person loudly revealing their results. If you think a rank given based on a test dictates your actual battt strength then I'm sorry to tell you that life isn't so straightforward. Now move, I find your face anger inducing." Aron showed a slight grin as he walked up the stairs while speaking in a cold uncaring tone.

Once again Lucas was left unable to respond. He could only watch as Aron walked into his room completely unbothered about the number placed on top of it. A ten.


Little did Lucas know that Aron's words had provoked not only him but everyone present.

In the first room, a large figure could be seen standing by the door with a closed fist. This figure however wasn't human. Snow white fur from top to bottom, a large muscular frame and the head of a wolf. This figure could only be Komi from the Komi Islands.

'How dare someone who came in tenth call me, Jagu The Fierce a fool. A human no less, Grr.. I'll make him eat those words in due time" The wolf like Komi growled ferociously as he made this mental declaration.

In the third room was another figure that carried features unique to the habitats of the Komi-Islands. Although this figure in particular was much smaller in stature compared to the one called Jagu.

This figure had no visible fur on her but instead only smooth pinkish skin. The only two features she had that really stood out where her odd ears and a pair of short black horns on top of her head. Her hair was a creamy white and her eyes a cloudy grey while her figure was petite yet chubby and curvy on the lower half.

'Hmph, serves them right getting called idiots for scoring higher than me. Wait, doesn't that make me the 3rd biggest idiot here...' The short Komi female showed an annoyed look as she came to this self realization and began to internally curse contestant number ten.

In the fourth room, two figures in robes were seated next to each other on the edge of the bed. These two figures were the same two that had caught Aron's attention in the lower market district. The only difference now was that their faces were out in the open and saw their race could be guessed at first glance. Elves.

"Sounds like a weakling upset over the place he scored. Tsk. We'll see if he can maintain the same arrogance when the Journey begins" The taller elf who was addressed as Sharla by the other couldn't help but comment on the matter.

Sharla had an appearance that matched most elves in Pesia. Long blonde hair, fair skin and a perfectly balanced upper and lower body. Her eyes however unlike most elves were black.

"Whatever the case Sharla, it does not concern us. You should return to your room and get some rest." The slightly shorter elf that went by the name Mirai once again wore a gentle smile on her face despite her tone being dismissive.

Although most elves were generally considered beautiful to humans, Sharla could be considered to be slightly above that while Mirai was on a completely different level.

Her face looked to be devoid of any form of malice and looked as gentle as could be while her features remained very much exceptional. She had long white hair with a light green undertone, sparkling crystal green eyes and a curvy figure on top of it all.

In the sixth room was a crimson haired human girl with a frown on her face laying on the bed that rested in the center of the room. She soon raised her hand up towards the ceiling and stared at a tattoo like mark on it.

'He's right, I never showed my full capabilities during selection. Seems I wasn't the only one.' She thought to herself as she moved the hair that covered her face, revealing yet another mark on her forehead while her hazel eyes remained fixated on the mark on her hand.

The seventh room housed another human. A man of large stature and tone frame while his eyes and long hair where both a grayish black. This man was seated on the ground in meditative pose, taking slow deep breaths without uttering a word or thought. His scars and sense of discipline were something one would notice even at first glance.

The eighth room had its owner sitting on the ledge of a balcony staring up at the night sky in silence. The figure was a human who had silky smooth long black hair and very dark brown eyes. Her body had average measurements although more well toned than most women.

As for the ninth room, it was in complete darkness. Within this darkness, only a pair of dim green human eyes could be seen. However soon four more bright blue eyes appeared far above the green ones. Who or what they belonged to was unknown.

The tenth belonged to Aron who had simply laid back on the soft comfortable bed at the center of the room with a small frown on his face.

'Tomorrow will prove to be quite the interesting day.' As Aron thought about this, he slowly closed his eyes and began to ponder more on his situation.