
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Another Hunt in the Forest 3

With these two lionesses dying the fight was finally over, all the soldiers were sweating in cold fear of what might have happened if they were really attacked by the lionesses, some soldiers were still trembling because of the tension and fear.

Only Jack was calmer, his only fear was that the lionesses would injure or kill a soldier, if that happened he would certainly be held responsible for that, after this fight most soldiers who suspected him could accept that Jack was the best leader for that mission and that he was skilled.

The soldiers who were jealous of Jack had not yet recognized that he deserved to lead the team, envy had blinded them and they thought they could do better than Jack in this fight against the lionesses.

"Very well soldiers, you did well in this fight and we managed to kill the lionesses and we were able to leave this fight without any injuries."

"I'm sure some of you must think that I am really skilled at killing these lionesses, but the truth is that anyone of you can do the same as me, what you lack is not skill and so experience."

"When you learn to fight wild animals you will be able to fight as well as I do, for now just focus on surviving that we will have a lot of experience after a few days walking in the forest."

Some soldiers had been embarrassed after thinking about the fight they had were 4 lionesses against 61 trained soldiers and the soldiers were scared the whole fight, Jack had to kill two lionesses and wound two other lionesses for them to win this war.

Jack understood that they were afraid of the lionesses because they had never faced wild animals before, but after a few fights, the soldiers would calm down and could fight better.

Jack's biggest fear was if they met 1 bear or 2 bears, Jack and the hunters usually climbed trees and used arrows to kill the bears, this was because a soldier or hunter would not be able to defend the bears' attacks with the shields.

It was too dangerous to also attack bears using the sword and try to dodge the bears' quick attacks, so using the bow was at least the best to hurt bears before killing them, only the best hunters could kill bears using the sword.

So if bears attacked them, some soldiers would surely die before they could kill the bears, after facing these lionesses the soldiers would be more prepared and calm to face a bear if necessary.

Jack was already much calmer knowing that he would not have to face a pack of wolves in this hunt, after this fight with the lionesses, Jack and the soldiers found only a few snakes before it started to get dark and Jack decided to start setting up the camp.

The soldiers might not know many things about how to live in the forest, but some knew how to pitch tents and make camps and some also knew how to cook, Jack was more relaxed not having to help all the soldiers to do everything.

The soldiers had different types of food in the carts, of course, they had not brought fresh meat and only meat prepared to last a few weeks without spoiling, they had bread, rice and other types of food.

Even in the capital, what the citizens of the kingdom liked to eat most was fish, so they had some fish that would not last long, that didn't matter too much because they could fish when Jack found the river in the forest.

The soldiers also ate the fruits that Jack had found which made them happier and more relaxed with a good meal, when the night came Jack chose some soldiers to do the night watch and the other soldiers went to sleep.

With 61 soldiers there would be no shortage of people to do the night watch so the soldiers would not get too tired, this time Jack did not want to be on night watch because he knew that the next few days would be much more tiring with him having to take care of 60 soldiers.

Fortunately that night, no animal decided to attack their group, but Jack did not know that his problems that day would-be soldiers and not wild animals, Jack woke up in the morning and soon woke up all the soldiers too.

They ate some fruit and bread for breakfast, so Jack told the soldiers to get ready and keep all the things that they would keep walking in the forest, some soldiers were uncomfortable with this, but they knew that was their mission.

After a few hours walking through the forest, a lion appeared alone for them to face, Jack noticed the lion when he was away and made the signs for the soldiers to be silent and prepare for the fight.

The lion was still far away so Jack took his bow and took an arrow to hit this lion before their group was noticed, Jack prepared the arrow quickly and hit the lion in the belly, injuring him.

This time Jack didn't have to tell the other soldiers that he was archer because he was just a lion, the lion roared in anger and pain when he was hit and the soldiers were tense again, Jack didn't care and walked over to where the lion was.

The soldiers followed Jack and soon realized that this time it was just a lion and Jack had already wounded the lion with an arrow, so Jack told them to do as in the past fight and the soldiers using the shield went ahead and the soldiers with the sword they were protected behind.

When the soldiers using the shield approached the fallen lion stood up and tried to attack the soldier, fortunately, he had the shield and was just startled by the sudden attack, then the soldiers behind him killed the lion using their swords.

"Very well soldiers, you did very well this time, be careful because the animals are usually treacherous and can pretend they are too wounded to attack you by surprise as this lion tried to do."

After that quick fight Jack took the dead lion's hide and meat just like he did with the dead lionesses and put it in a chest that was inside the wagon, Jack had prepared the wagons to bring back the leather and skins of the animals he kills to sell to traders.

Of course, the soldiers would also receive their share and all this was just because Jack did not like waste, this hunt was to keep soldiers safe and not to get more money for soldiers.