
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Another Hunt in the Forest 4

After a few more hours walking in the forest Jack finally found a river, he knew which direction the river was in, but he didn't know when he could find the river walking in the forest with 2 carts.

Jack's goal on this hunt was to find a river where there were usually more wild animals that showed up to drink water, so Jack and the soldiers would continue walking in the forest near where the river was and would kill as many wild animals as they could.

So they too would always have water to drink and to treat injuries if anyone needed it, Jack let the soldiers go to the river to drink water and do whatever they wanted for a few minutes before they continued to walk in the forest, while the soldiers rested Jack explained what they would do in the forest.

"Our mission this time is to kill as many wild animals as possible in this forest so that they could make soldiers safer in the future, unfortunately, I don't know this part of the forest well."

"Robert and Captain Max also say that they don't know where the wild animals may be and nobody has a map of the forest, so I decided that they had to find a river after all the river is the place where several wild animals have to go to drink water."

"From now on we will always walk deep into the forest always close to the river, so if we find some wild animals in the forest or in the river we will kill them, we will also always camp near the river, so we will never be thirsty."

"Before nightfall, some soldiers who want to can go fishing in the river to bring food for all the soldiers, always go in a group when you come near the river because you can find a wild animal nearby."

Jack spoke to the soldiers and after a while, they started walking again, Jack didn't know, but some more envious soldiers were already talking bad about Jack because he said he didn't know where the wild animals were and that he didn't know the forest.

Captain Max passed this mission on to Jack and they followed Jack's lead into the forest because they wanted the wild animals to be killed and because Jack would know how to lead them in the forest.

But now they knew that Jack didn't know the forest and he didn't even know how they were going to complete this mission, of course, it was just the envious soldiers talking, to Captain Max who was desperate to kill the wild animals and protect the soldiers, just Jack he could trust.

Jack was the only one who had been a hunter and knew how to walk in any forest and could track wild animals and fight them, for Max, even if Jack killed only the 3 lionesses would be very good for this mission.

But with envious soldiers distorting the truth, some soldiers who didn't know Jack started to suspect him too, even so, the soldiers would still obey Jack's orders because all soldiers learned how important hierarchy was.

They walked for a few more hours in the forest and found no wild animals, so Jack found a place to camp where it was not so far from the river, but it was also not close, with Jack's orders the soldiers quickly set up their tents.

As Jack promised he let the soldiers go to the river if they wanted, but they would have to bring fish to all the other soldiers after a few hours, the soldiers agreed and listening to what Jack said the soldiers who knew how to fish went to the river.

Among the soldiers who went to the river was the group of envious soldiers, Jack and the other soldiers stayed in the camp and after a few hours the soldiers returned, a group of soldiers came with many fish for everyone to roast and eat.

But the group of envious soldiers returned without bringing any fish and the soldiers realized by their fullness that they had roasted some fish and eaten by the river without bringing fish for everyone, Jack realized this and went to talk to these soldiers.

"Where are the fish you went to get?"

"We didn't find any fish, Private Jack, we tried to fish for a while, but we couldn't find anything, isn't it, folks?"

" ""Yes, we didn't find anything." ""

Of course, Jack and the other soldiers realized that these soldiers were lying, anyone could smell smoke and fish on them, and no one would stay several hours by the river and not be able to fish.

But no one could prove that they had actually managed to catch several fish, roasted and eaten those fish, if he were Captain Max he could punish the soldiers just for suspecting it, but Jack was not the captain.

"Very well, but since you are unable to fish tomorrow you cannot go to the river and you have to keep helping the other soldiers here at the camp while those who know how to fish go to the river."

The envious soldiers did not expect Jack to resolve this matter in such an intelligent way, so Jack was punishing them and still avoiding conflict while they were in the forest, for soldiers to go on the river it was a way to relax from the tension of walking in the unknown forest. the whole day and even the envious soldiers wanted it.

"This is not fair, Private Jack, we also want to go to the river to relax some of the stress of being in the forest all day."

"I understand that I'm sure that many soldiers here also wanted to go to the river to relax, but everyone understood that only those who knew how to fish and could bring food for everyone was allowed to go to the river."

"You went to the river without even knowing how to fish and then you lied to me that I am the leader of this group and responsible for this mission."

With Jack saying that the other soldiers also agreed that he was right, the only things that all soldiers were required to know were about discipline and hierarchy, and these soldiers were rejecting these two things by arguing with Jack.

The envious soldiers realized that all the other soldiers thought that Jack was right, so they decided to give up going to the river the next day, they were angry that their plan to challenge Jack's authority had not worked.

In addition, the other soldiers who went to the river and had to bring fish for everyone were also irritated by them who were selfish and ate the fish themselves, Jack was showing all the soldiers that he could be a good leader.