
Chapter 19

*Flashback, a few days before.*

Overhaul and Tomura were in negotiations for an alliance. After recounting his plan, Overhaul decided to choose his conditions in turn.

"Black Mist or Himiko and the new person who joined you recently (Important OC) will join my clan. It suits me to keep an eye on them." Overhaul was saying with a Shogi pawn in his hands.

"Only useful members. You want to chain us.

They are essential to the Allaince. I cannot accept." Tomura replied boredly.

"Let's build a bond of trust. There is still animosity between us. I told you my whole plan. It's up to you to make a gesture. There is a strong spirit of camaraderie in you." Overhaul watched Tomura intently, awaiting his response.

After having thought for a few minutes, Tomura decides to speak again.

"Alright. I'll give you Himiko and the new person who joined us. I'll also send her to you to test her abilities. Don't come and complain if she's not what you expected."

"Market concludes. You will explain to them how it goes. We'll see each other in a few days. Your new recruit will surely be interesting." Overhaul ended, watching Tomura's figure leave.

* Back to the present, to the group of NighEye. *

Two people had appeared in front of the group of Heroes.

One was a very tall, muscular, red-haired man with a black mask hiding his face.

While the other, was a woman of height 1m75 with sleek and shiny white hair that went down to her hips. At her young age, she also had curves that could make any man in the country drool. She is a woman who could become a national beauty if she wanted to. She wore opaque glasses which left no glimpse on her eyes.

* Girl's POV *

'I joined the villain alliance for no particular reason, I was just bored but I also needed some information... So this Tomura sent me here to help these Yakuza. I find myself with a <mate> weaker than me and in front of a clerk man and men who keep looking at me with disgusting eyes... * sigh *,

I should have just stayed home quietly. instead of meet up with these people. I wonder what Sukuna's reaction would be if he saw me Fufufufu ~ again.' thought the woman with a smile.

"Kendo, take care of these people. I don't want to fight today." she said casually.

He had already rushed at him before his words, but the great man had already been thrown on the wall to which they had appeared.

The police were shocked at NightEye's show of force.

"Oh? You're doing better than I thought." the woman said, looking at the left hand that sent the teammate with whom it was assigned to waltz.

"Ultra-dense tampons, my combat accessories. They weigh around 5kg. Referring to my bureaucratic look. It's kind of funny, isn't it? Predict actions and take the initiative. I Scanned so many futures that I learned to react faster than others. What I hadn't foreseen was that the Villain Alliance would team up with a vulgar Yakuza clan. " NightEye was saying, looking at the woman in front of him.

"I'm okay with having you. Tomura is a fool for this one..." Before she finished, NightEye didn't let her finish. He tossed his combat props at her face, but she manages to dodge him with ease.

"It's nasty to interrupt a woman when she's talking ! Good, we'll see you again ! See you later~!" She was swinging her hand with a smile before disappearing behind a wall that just appeared.

"Thanks Wall-san~ You keep me from taking care of these people, they're not my goal." she said as she walked down the hall as she noticed Himiko.

"Oh ! Himiko-chan ! Nice to see you again !" She squeezed it between her breasts which were suffocating her.

'Life is unfai...' thought Toga, looking at the massive balls in front of her.

"Say, Himiko. Why work with these Yakuza when it's not getting us anything?"

"I don't know but let's do whatever we wanna do, Emi-chan ! They're really good-for-nothing more !

I bet their bedridden boss didn't even know what to do with them!" This sentence angered the Yakuza who is in the walls. He twisted the whole maze and then created a hole on the ground for each group including Sukuna's to take them to another location. They all ended up in the same place.

'So I'm going to see Sukuna again after a millennium... Fufufufu, at least I hope he remembers my face when he sees me again. Even my last present before being sealed didn't affect him I bet... He's not my rival and the man who won me over for nothing hehe.' Emi thought, looking at the Yakuza controlling the wall.

"Mr. Yakuza, your Yakuza group is really useless, right? You get defeated by these heroes and even by kids so easily. You are weak~" The Yakuza went furiously angry when he saw her sarcastic smile and therefore revealed his position momentarily.

Deku took advantage of this moment to spot him and broke the wall he was on, revealing his position. Izuku also saw the faces of Toga and Emi looking at him. He stunned the Alliance at that moment.

Aizawa had already deactivated his Quirk, allowing his control over the environment to be stopped. NightEye threw one of his tampons at him, then Deku took the opportunity to immobilize him.

Toga and Emi were about to leave the venue, but the white haired girl wanted to see Sukuna face to face before that.

"You can go ahead, Himiko. I have to do something before that fufufufu." Emi left Toga behind and teleported in front of the group about ten meters away.

"So the Alliance betrayed them…" Aizawa looked at Emi's face in front of them. "I've never seen you here, I guess you're one of their new members." He had his Quirk activated to erase her, but to his surprise, he couldn't.

'Like Sukuna, I can't turn off her Quirk ... By any chance, are they related?' thought Aizawa.

"Sorry for the intrusion! I'm not here to fight. I was just curious about the heroes and came to see~" she said with a smile.

"Bullshit. You're a member of the Alliance. Tell us your true intentions, we're going to arrest you anyway." NightEye looked at him warily.

"Stop staring intently at me like that, I'm going to blush~" she said dramatically before looking at Sukuna's face which had her eyes closed.

"You could say at least two or three words, Su-tan ~" She lowered her glasses, showing her eyes which are roughly the same as Sukuna. Her left eye, it was red while the other was a brilliant blue with clouds in it.

Sukuna didn't say anything, but took off his blindfold that covered his left eye. Thus revealing a pure red eye containing clouds with a light blue outline.

He was staring intently at Emi, releasing his pressure as well. Their pressure collided, the ground they were in cracked just to their aura and created a tremor in the place.

"Hahahaha. Looks like you're still in good shape, Su-tan~. Your look has changed too ! To say that the great King of Curses is in this appearance, you look like you enjoyed my gift hahahahaha." Emi had tears in her eyes from laughing.

"Don't call me so colloquially with that pathetic nickname, fucking female exorcist. After you fought 'him' you were sealed by this guy. Tch, the seal must have aged and so let you out... I don't want to fight you now in this tight place, we risk destroying the whole city even if I don't care about these humans, I will have heroes in my ass and it's boring." Sukuna looked at her coldly while keeping his pressure on.

"Fufufufu~ Still as cold as before, my little Sukuna-kun~. I still transferred my left eye to you as a gift so you can defeat it by being sealed. Looks like you didn't succeed either. From what I see, he's big, isn't he ? He had been inflicted great damage, he shouldn't be unharmed... Fine ! We'll talk later ! Don't cheat on me with a woman between time, bye~ !" she was going to disappear but Deku called her out.

"Wait! Why do you stay with villains when your eyes are pure and unhindered ? Who are you ?" Deku asked the villain curiously.

"Hmm... I don't know, for no particular reason. I can join the heroes anytime very well, but the mood is not bad !

'Especially to find information on "him"...' she thought. And then me, it's Gojo Emi ! Also Sukuna's wife and rival !" Then she disappears.

"Ehhhhhhhh, S-Sukuna's girlfriend? !!" Deku's jaw dropped when he heard of this.

"Tch, I'm not interested in her. She just has some fighting skills, nothing more. Anyway, let's move on. Finish this mission, I want to go home." after these words, they went to look for Eri ...

I'll put my OC here. Not much is known about Sukuna's past, so I'll make a story with a stronger enemy in the past than him to make the story more interesting. I don't know exactly where the Gojo family story begins other than information about Gojo's ancestor (which I didn't understand) so I put the female OC here. The enemy will be an OC so don't be surprised at how strong it is. I will relate the past in another chapter. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask ! Bye !

TrueDarkincreators' thoughts