

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 42 : Eyes


*Knock knock*

Batuhan knocked at the door to Jun's room . He was about to knock again but instead of the door his fist landed on Jun's head.

"Ah sorry..." Batuhan said.

"I'd say that one was my fault ..for not knowing how impatient you are.." Jun made a comeback with a sarcastic reply.

"Can I come in ?" Batuhan said , not replying to Jun like he would usually. Jun sensed the change and let him in.

Batuhan walked into a room , as simple as it could possibly be , a bed , a side table with a lamp ,a small cupboard, a window and a study table. That's pretty much what it was.

Batuhan sat on Jun's bed , who himself sat on the chair of his study table , resting his head on the back of it , in a confident pose.

"What's up..."Jun asked .

"I... I am not so sure ...about us being in the tournament..."

"Why not?"

"All we have ever done our whole lives is take out trash people ...so I didn't think much about cutting them up...but these ..these are real and possibly good people.."


"And I dont want to end up taking any innocent life...." Batuhan said as he stared at Jun for a reply.

But even Jun had been struggling over this issue, so he really couldn't say anything except,

"I am sorry...for pulling you into this.... Batuhan.." Jun said.

"Wh..what..no no that's not how its supposed to go ... you are supposed to motivate me "

"How can I motivate you to enter a kill or be killed tournament..."

"B..but you can't go back now....I followed you...like I always have....you have guided me all the time and now you have suddenly decided to leave me alone?" Batuhan got up from the bed emotionally.

"The tournament can have six participants too...I am not leaving you... I am giving you an option to consider..." Jun said with a worried look. He didn't like where this was going.

" Khhh.... "

"You came here for affirmation but instead I gave you advice...I am sorry... I am not the most perfect brother.... I am only learning my way aswell.."

"It's not...so simple....." Batuhan grit his teeth but his tone had lowered , "Never mind.... "

Batuhan left the room and closed the door behind him quietly.

Jun sighed to himself , and muttered , "We are only an year apart you idiot.. What do you expect from me.."


*Killer Academy-same time- library*

Zakiyye sat there reading his book but he could hardly focus , as his gaze kept getting averted towards a Samuel who was happily busy sifting through pages.

"Tch.." He muttered to himself.

"Hmmm...Am I annoying you?" Samuel , however, immediately caught on as if he was waiting for Zak to crack.

"Isn't that why you are here in the first place?" Zak threw back , as he closed his book to look at Sam , who did the same.

"No I am here to help ,MY FRIEND, in his research..."

"On your precious day off ?"

"On my precious day off.."

"You ...have no intention of leaving do you..."

"Absolutely none"

"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....." Zak dropped his head on the table.

"Yeah I know I am torture to your introvert soul..." Samuel laid back on his chair, with his hands on the back of his head, hardly bothered by Zakiyye's cries. "But you must know you are only wasting your time reading these books....they aren't going to get you anywhere....because ! For starters..."Samuel held a book in air and waved it , "You can't trust whatever's written in them , I mean I have found two books contradicting each other in just one sitting."

"So what do you suggest I do..." Zakiyye said, still annoyed.

"Talk to people" Samuel said, "And before your introvert soul screams , I will do all the talking , all you gotta do is listen."

"What...do you even get from all of this?"

"Hey I am just as interested in the red night as you are....our reasons , unknown to each other , might be different but we have one target ... "

"Is that so..." Zakiyye said.

"Wait are you disappointed I didn't say 'cause you are my friend'?" Samuel said , mercilessly smiling at a blushing Zak , "Ow." His smile disappeared as he received a hit on the head from a book Zak threw at him.

This time ,it was Zak who was mercilessly smiling.

"Hmph" He said,

"Very mature.." Samuel said as he rubbed his forehead.




Bow walked around , in simple clothing , looking at various stalls, she held up a necklace , but when she looked at it , her eyes saw beyond it , Batuhan sitting inside a café , looking extremely depressed.

"Hey!" Batuhan turned around to a familiar voice which he recognized almost immediately. It was Bow.

" What are you having?" Bow said in a joyful tone as she sat across the table to him.

"Just coffee... " Batuhan smiled back awkwardly. Bow noticed.

"I'll get one too then ..." She raised her hand to call over the waiter and placed her order.

After a few minutes they both were walking outside , holding their coffees.

"Takeout is much better don't you think?" Bow said.

" I don't know...I usually like having coffee while sitting in comfort.."

"Wha!! Sorry! You didn't tell me when I asked the waiter to pack them..."

"You...didn't give me a chance to say a word though..."

"Uhh.." Bow held up her coffee cup infront of her face to hide her embarassment.

"Hahahaha!" Batuhan laughed whole-heartedly and Bow chuckled along .

"Haaaa!!!" Batuhan let out a sigh as he finally stopped laughing.

Bow and he sat down on a fountain in the middle of the market. They finished their cups of coffee.

"See? I told you take-out was a good option." Bow said.

"Ahan.." Batuhan stared at the empty cup in his hand . A faint smile that almost disappeared but,

"I ..." Bow tried to speak but she was cut off by Batuhan,

"It's ok Bow... you don't have to try so hard... " Batuhan said , looking at her with a gentlemanly smile , but his eyes...

"How can you say that...with such a sad look in your eyes...and expect me to stop.." Bow said.

Bow's words made Batuhan's mind unlock a long forgotten memory as it flashed before his eyes,

"You can try acting tough all you want but your eyes will always give you away."

"Uhhh" little Batuhan , with a body of a five year old , mumbled as his mother squeezed his cheeks between her hands. His mother , a red haired woman that spread across her shoulders like a lioness. He couldn't remember her face but just her figment was enough, to

"Batuhan..are you okay..I am so sorry." Bow's voice brought back Batuhan to the world.

"Huh..." He muttered.

Bow offered him a tissue , not knowing he was unaware of the tear falling down his eyes.

When he failed to take it , Bow rubbed the tissue on his cheek and wiped off the tear ,and that is when he realized its presence. Bow's warmth melted the ice surrounding his emotions , so he felt the trickle down his face and the agony in his heart.

He grabbed his chest..

"Oh my god are you having a heart attack now!!!" Bow almost lost her mind from guilt.

"Wh..what...n..NO! Bow! Hahahahaha!!!" Batuhan's sadness was replaced by Bow's concern and the agony he felt slowly settled as he laughed it off.

"And now you are laughing....I don't understand you."

"Hahahaha...haa ... I wouldn't say that.." Batuhan looked at Bow with a soft smile and his eyes shining , "I think you understand me perfectly"

"....." Bow taken aback went silent for a while , then her lips curved up into a smile , "I see" she said.

Jun , standing in a distance , covered by his hoodie saw the two of them laughing and smiled , leaving the area before Batuhan caught on to his presence.

"Would you look at that..." Jun bumped into the person whose voice said the sentence.

"Oh sorry...Oh hey Jun!!" It was Samuel , with Zakiyye standing right next to him.

"Hey.." Jun replied rubbing his shoulder.

"Fancy meeting you here....I'd say this was ..destiny...fate!! Actuall-"

"Samuel...you are not getting the crystal...." Jun replied back .

"Well.. aren't you smart..read my mind like a book..." Samuel said, "But! You didn't read far enough!"

"What do..you...man I am afraid to ask..." Jun said with a worried look.

"Heh heh...even if you don't give us the crystal....me and Zak are going to visit the Yoseis!"

"And there it is....." Jun shook his head.


Takeout coffee still no.1 for me :)

RedHeart_Lioncreators' thoughts