
The argument

It's the morning after I was stabbed. I wake up and Luca is right next to me and Maxon is still sleeping and holding my hand. "Mommy?" Luca says. "Shhh...what is it, Luca?" I say. "I love you, " he says. "I love you too sweetie, " I reply. Anne comes to get Luca to get him to his butler to get him ready for the day. He reluctantly leaves. Maxon wakes up. "Morning honey, " I say. "Good morning darling, " he says. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "A lot better, " I say. "We are going to find who did this okay, " he says. I nod. "When can I get up Maxon?" I plea. "...I guess now." He helps me up and we go up to my room. "You know my staying here might not be permanent, " I say. "Why!" he says scared. "Well if you never propose how could I, " I shrug. He rolls his eyes, " I can't just propose in the middle of the hallway and you've only been here for a couple of days." "Excuses excuses, " I joke. He smiles. We get to my room and he leaves to find out what happened and to let me get dressed. I simply put on a shirt and jeans. Maxon comes back an hour later. "Turns out there was a rebel in the palace disguised as a guard, " he says. I nod. "Not the guard who brought me to-" I start. "No not him."  Maxon walks over to me. I wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my waist. We stare into each other's eyes. He kisses me. We kiss for a few minutes before Luca burst in. "Yes, Luca?" I ask. "Dad said I could ride a pony today!" he exclaims. "Maybe another day Luca. I mean I did say that before your mom got hurt, " Maxon says. Luca's face falls and he looks at the ground and starts to walk away. "No go take him for a ride, Maxon, " I say. "Really?" he asks. "Go how could I keep my handsome boys inside all-day, " I say. Luca perks up. "Thank you, Mommy!" Luca says. Maxon smiles at me. Not only did I know this was exciting for Luca but I know that Maxon wants to really be his dad. "Be careful and have fun, " I yell as they hurry downstairs. A few hours later there is a pounding at my door. Mary opens it to see King Clarkson standing there. "Your son is distracting mine from his duties!" he yells. "He wants to be a dad so I'm not going to stop him!" I snap back. We bicker for a few minutes. "Office now!" he bellows. He canes me 30 times. "Do not tell Maxon or anyone else what has happened!" he instructs. I nod and rush away. I'm about to get to the door to my room when I see Maxon down the hall. He sees me. I rush in and shut the door and lock it. "Do not let him in!" I order my maids. "Who?" they ask. "Maxon!" I yell from the bathroom. A knock comes at my door. I'm rinsing off my bloody arms. They don't answer the door as I asked. "America?" he calls. Mary opens the door. "I'm sorry sir but you can't come in, " Mary says. "Why not I know America is here, " he says. I start putting ointment on my arms. "What is she doing in there that I can't come in...I know she isn't taking a bath I just saw her in the hall." "You just can't come in your highness, " Mary says. "Let me in Mary." "I'm sorry-" "That's an order." I start bandaging one of my arms. Maxon walks in to see my bloody torn arms. I put my head in my hands. "America!" he exclaims. "What happened?" he asks. "I'm not supposed to tell you, " I say beginning to cry. "America tell me, " he says. "Your dad was trying to stop you from being a dad and I-I couldn't let that happen, Maxon. It's my fault you weren't there for his birth and to see him for two years, " I cry. "America...no it's not your fault. And more importantly, you didn't have to do this, " he says. I just continue to cry. "Let my dad say whatever he wants to me about that okay. I don't want you getting hurt...again, " he says. He finished wrapping up my arms. "But Maxon I know how much being a real dad means to you and I couldn't let him get in the way, " I cry. "America you are the most wonderful person I've ever met, but please don't get yourself hurt on what should be on me okay?" he says. "But you would do this for me Maxon, " I cry. He's silent. "I'm going to go speak to my dad, " Maxon says. "No Maxon he told me I couldn't tell you, " I cry. "America look at me, " he says holding my arms. "I need to make this right and everything will be okay, " he says. "But-" I start. He gives me a look. "Okay just be careful, please, " I beg. "I will darling. I love you, " he says. "I love you too, " I respond. He quickly kisses me and walks out the door and then out of my room. I make myself look presentable and throw on a jacket to cover my arms. I walk over to Luca's room to make sure he is okay. "Hey Luca, " I say opening the door. "Hi mom!" he exclaims. He's playing with blocks with the butler. "You okay?" I ask. He nods excitedly. "Ok have fun, " I say. I mouth, "Thank you, " to the butler, Teddy. He nods. I close the door and head to the hospital wing to get pain meds. After I take some medicine I walk almost right by the king's office. There is yelling and books and papers being thrown which are flying out the door. "I will do what I want father!" Maxon yells. "But why must you choose that tramp and her son!" the king yells back. "Do not speak of her that way! And he is my son too!" Maxon yells. "You have been neglecting your duties!" the king yells. "Father I have gotten everything done and if you haven't noticed I know how to be a dad!" "You seemed to turn out pretty good except for your taste in women so I would say I did a pretty good job!" "I learned all that from mother, not you!" "Get out you ingrate!" Books fly out the door along with Maxon walking out of the room. The door slams shut. I just stare at him sympathetically. "Maxon I'm sorry, " I whisper. He looks up from the ground. "How much did you hear?" he asks. "Everything from me being a tramp to now, " I say. "I'm sorry America. My father doesn't understand why I didn't pick a girl with economic advantages but he doesn't see that the people love you as do I, " he says. "Will it always be like this?" I ask. "I'm afraid I don't know darling, "he says. I can't stay here at the palace if this is what he will have to go through. I have to take Luca and leave.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote it makes my day! Love y'all! Stay tuned for the next chapter!