
Keys To My Heart

One night I was walking home a call diverted my attention. It was from home. Apparently they need more money which I don't have right now. I didn't notice I stopped in front of a musician. He is more like a dirty homeless guy with overgrown beard with a guitar. His music didn't really attracted me. But still it looks like I disrupted his business by standing right in front of him so I searched for some coins on my pocket and dropped it on his guitar holder. I continued walking while talking on the phone I live close to that place. When I get home I can't find my keys. Shit where is it. That's the turning point of my life when a homeless guy appeared in front of me holding my keys. With that favor this man had given me. He asked so much more in return.

Harljane · Urbain
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29 Chs

After a long trip.

We traveled for three hours now I am carrying heavy luggage plus my carry on full of food for give aways and souvineers. I saw the boys are out so I started to unpack my stuff then take a rest they will knock the door for sure if they see my light is on. I'm used to Tristan just knocking at my front door when he feels like doing so. He does that when he needs something or he just wanna say something important or some funny jokes that just came to his head. After I rested a little bit I cleaned the house since I rushed leaving for my trip, now I realised how messy the leaving room is. I heard a knock from the front door. For sure that's Tristan my mind told me. I hurriedly walk towards the door and check who's behind it. I can see it's Arman instead of Tristan. I opened the door still using the double lock chain.

"Hey, how are you. I'm back." I told him like behind the slightly opened door.

"We missed you so much. I missed you. So I rushed here the moment I saw your light is on." His smile is full of excitement but being on the other side of the door, my vision of him is not so clear. I have no plan of letting him in. Maybe I will just hand him some give aways so he won't feel bad leaving. I told him to way so I could check which one to give him. When I get back to hand Arman something, I heard Tristan's voice calling my name. I immediately open the door to welcome him.

"Girl, I missed you so much. How was your trip? Did you buy the things I asked you to bring me." We happily exchange our excitement to each other we already forgotten about Arman. Tristan suggested to grill that night he brought in some meat with him. While Arman is carrying veggies for salad which I didn't even noticed. We quickly set up a grill outside. But ofcourse beer will never be forgotten. I brought out the cheese and the pine tree syrup that Tristan especially asked. Right on the table he taught me how to prepare them. He combined fizzy water with the syrup and made me try it myself after mixing it. It is so aromatic. I can believe it's from a pine tree. I can letterally taste the scent of the pine tree from it. How can that be possible. Never in my wildest imagination that you can eat something from the pine tree. I wonder how they did it. Tristan definitely explained it to me. He talks so much as usual. Arman is being out of place he found himself useful by flipping the meat.

"How is this place with out me? Please be honest." I asked Tristan jokingly.

"You know what it's so silent on this place without you. And this house looks melancholic with out your light. And I know someone who is sad everyday since you are not around. He keeps on asking when are you coming back even though I already told him a lot of times when exactly is the day of your arrival." He said trying to throw a shade on Arman. While the other guy just smile shyly.

"I just noticed that, Arman changed so much for just 10 days. I remember him bolder the first time I met him. Now he shred some skin." I laughed after saying that. I'm trying to tease Arman but instead of responding the usual borld Arman he serve me some meat on my plate sweetly. Maybe he indeed missed me for him to act this way. He grew finesse, he is acting so gentle. He is not the same Arman I remembered.

"So who did you missed more me or Arman?" Asked Tristan directly. "I need an honest answer from you."

"I missed you both equally." I answered safely. We ate and laugh that night until we can't anymore. We separated with a good night!