
Keys To My Heart

One night I was walking home a call diverted my attention. It was from home. Apparently they need more money which I don't have right now. I didn't notice I stopped in front of a musician. He is more like a dirty homeless guy with overgrown beard with a guitar. His music didn't really attracted me. But still it looks like I disrupted his business by standing right in front of him so I searched for some coins on my pocket and dropped it on his guitar holder. I continued walking while talking on the phone I live close to that place. When I get home I can't find my keys. Shit where is it. That's the turning point of my life when a homeless guy appeared in front of me holding my keys. With that favor this man had given me. He asked so much more in return.

Harljane · Urban
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29 Chs


I'm back to my normal routine, work to house then house to work. It feels like there is a shadow following everytime I go home at night. That's scary, good thing I don't understand the news everytime I watch tv. The reporters talked really fast plus I'm still not used to the language they are using. My coworkers warned me to be careful with the rapist and exibitionist on my way home. There are alot of homeless on the street they can follow me home. So I try so hard to be aware of somebody is following me. I'm walking in a dim lit street right now. I actually want to run already.

"I'm brave, I'm not really afraid." I told myself repeatedly. I doubled my pace, half running already. When somebody jump in front of me.

"Haah" Arman appeared out of nowhere almost giving me a heart attack. I can't help but scream, "Aaah!" When I realise it was Arman. I fixed my posture and confront him. I gave him a punch on his arm. I tried kicking his leg but he manage to dodge it. "Are you crazy, I'm already scared walking here then you will do this. Kill me with heart attack out of a joke." I'm so mad at him, I threw sharp glares directly towards him but he continue laughing.

"You should have seen your face, I would pay to 1 million dollars just to see that face again." He said with face already red for laughing unceisingly. I kicked him him on his but when he turn around then walk away.

"Hey wait for me." He shouted. "Let me walk with you."

"No need I'm more scared with you around." Grace respond still trying to walk as fast as she can with her short legs. Arman manage to catch up right away.

"Ok! I'm sorry. Forgive me please!" He stated trying to hold his smile.

"You know what you have no right to do that. What you deserve is a kick. And besides you don't have a million dollars. So don't you dare do that again." Grace again tried to punch and kick Arman but since the latter is now aware of what she's about to do he easily move away from it.

"You look like an angry bird you know, so just forgive me already.