

Nathan_Walls · Fantaisie
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There are 12 magical keys and 4 secret keys each has a different purpose and power. In this magical world, there are 6 keymasters who hold 7 of the 12 keys.

The Keymasters include The Imbuing Keymaster, Ellia she and her disciples can imbue items with magical abilities which can be sold and transported to dungeons in chests, loot areas, or rarely boss drops.,The Hercules Keymaster, Jonas he and his disciples have extremely powerful strength which can be used in sword fighting brawling, and more., The agility keymaster, Tyler this key allows you to be very agile and the disciples of this keymaster will be quite agile as well., The elemental keymaster, Maria the heir to the royal family of the elves she and her disciples can control magic of the base 4 fire water air earth magic after her disciples master 2 magic schools they can learn Advanced magic .,The Advanced magic/ Discipline Keymaster, Allison she has the ability to control all of the advanced magic aka beyond the base 4 masters of two of the base elements can learn advanced magic from Allison and can discipline those she chooses with any punishment as long as it is worthy of the punishment.,The Artificer keymaster, Thermir he and his disciples have the ability to create things with magical abilities far greater than Ellia imbuing already made items because Thermir creates items with their magical purpose like if Ellia imbued a backpack with flight it would be weaker than if Thermir Created a flight backpack with flight intertwined into the fabric that the backpack.