

Nathan_Walls · Fantasy
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The secret keys

The First Secret Key is an Information Key. The key will give you information about anything you touch it with. Secondly, the Storage Key. You can store anything into this key by inserting the key into whatever you want stored. It will be stored in an alternate dimension and in the greatest possible condition. It can also change materials inside the key, but the material has to stay the same. To get it back, all you have to do is think about the item and imagine grabbing it. You will get it back. This can also store keys. And the Third Key the Create key this can create any item as long as you have the required materials in the storage key or on your person. It can also create keys but the rarity of the material determines what you can create. If it's very common you can make very weak keys and very rare materials allow superb keys. And the fourth key is the Time key. This key allows you to manipulate all aspects of time itself. This key is owned by the deity wisdom. It bears a clock on the top of the key.