

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 60: There is a great god behind me!

I believe him!

An Lanxiu's voice was soft, but firm.

Ninth Princess leaned against the wall and said softly, "Xiao An, make a bet?"

An Lanxiu turned her head to look at Princess Jiu, who smiled and said, "Just bet on whether he is that kind of person. If he is, Xiao An, you stay for one more year and leave after one year."

An Lanxiu asked back, "What if not?"

Princess Jiu smiled and said: "That's why I blamed him wrongly. I would like to apologize to him personally and give him a golden sword as a gift!"

Golden knife gift!

An Lanxiu was slightly taken aback.

The corner of Princess Jiu's mouth curled up a bit narrowly, "Why, you're not jealous, are you?"

An Lanxiu turned her head to look at the distant mountains, "I usually don't put vinegar in my food!"

Ninth Princess: "..."

Among the deep mountains.

Ye Xuan is still running wildly. His current goal is the City of Two Realms, because there is Jiang Guo's stronghold, and when he gets there, those bosses above will definitely not dare to break the rules of the game so recklessly!

Soon, he came to a dense forest, and through this dense forest, he could see the City of Two Realms!

The corner of Ye Xuan's mouth slightly raised, and his speed increased, and at this moment, a middle-aged man appeared in front of him without any warning.

Ye Xuan stop!

The middle-aged man was wearing a gorgeous white robe, long hair shawl, and his right hand was behind his back. He just looked at Ye Xuan, "Hand over that thing, and I will save your life!"

Ye Xuan's face darkened, the person in front of him must be one of the bosses above!

Apparently, the other party was already prepared to ignore everything for the sake of this earth-level martial skill.

Ye Xuan clenched his right hand slowly, and in the distance, the middle-aged man had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Want to do it?"Ye Xuan said calmly: "Even if I give you that thing, you won't let me go, you will kill people to silence me, won't you?"

The middle-aged man chuckled, "You are smart, but even if you don't hand it over, can't I kill you to take that thing?"

After saying that, he was about to make a move, but Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly smiled, "Do you really think I will take that thing with me?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned, "I underestimated your intelligence. But it doesn't matter, after I capture you, I have plenty of ways to let you tell the location of that thing!"

The voice fell, and he took a step forward.

Stepping out with one step, the ground in front of him cracked instantly, and spread to Ye Xuan at an extremely fast speed!

Ye Xuan's face changed drastically, he didn't dare to be careless, and punched out.

This punch can be said to have done its best!

Because the middle-aged man in front of him is at least one who is in the Netherworld, he naturally dare not underestimate such a strong person.

With a punch, a powerful punch and fighting spirit came out.


With a muffled sound, Ye Xuan was thrown tens of feet away.

On the ground, Ye Xuan slowly got up, and his entire right arm was completely shattered!In the distance, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, "You have such a strong body, you can withstand my blow with force, but I underestimate you!"

As the voice fell, he stomped his right foot lightly. A fist-sized stone suddenly flew up from under his feet, and shot at Ye Xuan like an arrow off the string. Extremely fast, smashing the air directly!

Facing the middle-aged man, Ye Xuan's eyes shrank slightly, he opened his palm, and a sword appeared in his palm, and the next moment, a sword light flashed across the field.


There is the sound of swords! Immediately afterwards, the gravel was directly divided into two by the sword light, and in an instant, the sword light came in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man sneered and shook his sleeves.


The sword light exploded in an instant, and Ye Xuan was directly shocked more than ten feet away!

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Sure enough, he is a swordsman and martial artist!"

As he said that, he glanced around, "It seems that there is really no one behind you. Otherwise, from the beginning to the present, it is impossible not to take action!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Ye Xuan slowly.

The reason why he didn't act rashly before was obviously because he was concerned about whether there was anyone behind Ye Xuan. Usually, the geniuses and evildoers who can come to this place must have a force behind them. But so far, especially now that Ye Xuan is in a desperate situation, and there is no movement behind Ye Xuan, which makes him sure that the person in front of him is most likely a casual cultivator.Since he is a casual cultivator, he naturally won't have any scruples!

In the distance, Ye Xuan stared at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was getting closer and closer to him. When he was still a few feet away, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped forward.

Seeing that Ye Xuan wanted to make a move, the middle-aged man sneered. Ye Xuan was only in Qi Changing Realm, and he was two full realms behind him. How could he be his opponent?

Thinking of this, he actually felt a little contemptuous, but this is normal, after all, the gap between the realms of the two is really too big!

And at this moment, a sword suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan's left hand, Ye Xuan's hands snapped together, and the two swords directly fused into one sword!

The moment it merged into a sword, Ye Xuan's arms split open, and blood spilled out!

When the two swords merged into one, it was instantly elevated to the Bright Sword above the Spiritual Sword!

And at this moment, Ye Xuan drew out his sword!

A sword is life and death!

This sword greatly exceeded the strength Ye Xuan should have at this moment!

The moment Ye Xuan drew out his sword, the pupils of the middle-aged man suddenly shrank into needlepoints, "How is it possible..."

The power of this sword completely exceeded his imagination!

Before he had time to think about it, the middle-aged man turned his right hand lightly, and then he was shocked upwards. In the palm of his hand, a whirlpool instantly drowned Ye Xuan's sword!

Silence for a moment!


The cyclone vortex shattered, and the middle-aged man was directly pushed back by more than twenty feet. Just as he stopped, the sleeve of his right arm was instantly shattered into pieces. At this moment, he The entire right arm has been cracked into a spider web, and blood is constantly overflowing from those tiny cracks!

The middle-aged man glanced at his arm, and then looked at Ye Xuan who was not far away. For the first time, there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, "Ming Jian... What a domineering sword skill..."

At this moment, he is a little scared!Because if the young man in front of him was at a higher level, the strike just now would most likely kill him!

This sword is really a bit terrifying, and it makes him feel a little palpitating now!

In the distance, Ye Xuan's eyes slowly closed, still not working!

The realm gap is still too big, and he still can't do it if he wants to challenge the opponent two steps up. Unless he reaches the volley state, if he reaches the volley state, he may be able to fight the opponent! But what now?


Can't beat it!


Certainly can't escape!

Call someone?


Ye Xuan's thoughts flashed, and soon, his eyes lit up, and he looked coldly at the middle-aged man in the distance, "I advise you to retreat now, otherwise, you won't be able to leave later even if you want to!"

The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth slightly raised, "You want to tell me that there is someone behind you, right?"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Of course, let me tell you, there is a very, very powerful god in my body..."


The middle-aged man chuckled, "Your body? Young man, didn't you get a concussion from the beating?"

As he said that, he walked towards Ye Xuan slowly, "If there is a great master, please come out and let me have a look?"

On the right hand hidden behind him, there was a green light soliciting, and with the soliciting of these green lights, his right hand began to recover slowly. He knew that Ye Xuan was delaying time, and he was also delaying time! You know, in this area, there are other strong men who are not weaker than him. He must keep himself in good condition, otherwise, if people know that he is injured, he himself will not be able to guarantee that no accident will happen!

Ye Xuan backed away slowly, "You are too weak, the Great God is not interested in you!"

The middle-aged man sneered, "Not interested in me? Just kidding, I think the great god you mentioned is probably scared and afraid to come out, right? I..."

at this time.

Snapped!With a loud slap on the face, the middle-aged man flew out directly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan's eyelids twitched, he turned and ran.

Behind Ye Xuan, after the middle-aged man got up, there was a small red paw print on his right face.

The middle-aged man touched his cheek with a dazed look on his face, who hit him?

He glanced around, but found no one. Gradually, the middle-aged man's expression became serious, and he looked around cautiously, "Which expert is here..."

No one answered.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, had already run out of the dense forest.

The middle-aged man was still on the spot looking around warily.

After Ye Xuan ran out of the dense forest, he saw Two Realms City, he speeded up, and the corner of his mouth, blood kept overflowing, not only that, his arms were also constantly overflowing with blood... Besides, The wound on his chest that had almost healed opened at this moment, and as the blood overflowed, the clothes on his chest quickly turned blood red.

seriously injured!

In the battle with the middle-aged man, he was already seriously injured. In the end, he forcibly fused the sword, and then used a sword to determine life and death. If it is abnormally strong, he is finished!

At the gate of Liangjie City, the woman in white suddenly raised her head and looked into the distance. When she saw a figure in embarrassment in the distance, the woman in white trembled slightly.

Behind the woman in white, Princess Nine also looked up at the figure in the distance, and she was stunned.

Soon, Ye Xuan ran in front of the two women. When he saw the woman in white, Ye Xuan was stunned. The next moment, he casually tossed the volume of ground-level high-grade martial arts in front of the nine princesses like trash. , while he himself walked slowly in front of the woman in white, grinning, "Why are you here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a smear of blood overflowed from his mouth, and then he fell down.The woman in white subconsciously caught Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan lay in the woman's arms like a puddle of mud, very soft... He subconsciously wrapped his arms around the woman's waist, and buried his head in the woman's arms chest.

The woman in white froze, but she didn't push Ye Xuan away.

In a certain corner of the city wall, an old man stomped his feet, "Miss, push him away, push that little bastard away..."

However, the woman in white never pushed Ye Xuan away.