

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 34: Shut Up!

Canglan Academy!

Ye Xuan glanced at the corpse of the man in front of him, feeling quite emotional in his heart. In Qingcheng, the aristocratic families used extremely cruel means to fight for interests, but he did not expect that in the imperial capital, the struggle between these big forces would be even more serious. It's cruel, and it doesn't spare any sympathy.

At this time, Lu Xiaoran suddenly pointed to a round platform not far from the path, "Little friend, do you know what this is?"

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked, there was a round platform not far away, the width of the round platform was about forty feet, and on the round platform, there were nine wooden figures holding long wooden swords.

Nine wooden figures stood side by side in a row, neatly standing!

"This is?" Ye Xuan asked curiously.

Lu Xiaoran said in a small way: "This is the famous Nine Palace Formation of Cangmu College. It is said that this formation was created by the founder of Cangmu College. Among the hundreds of countries in Qingzhou, all those who have Cangmu College have this formation. And the purpose of this formation , It is said that it is a test, a special test, anyone who can break through this formation under the age of 20, the head of Cangmu College must accept this person as a personal student, which is equivalent to being the head's disciple."

As he spoke, he shook his head and smiled, "Unfortunately, no one has broken through this formation for nearly fifty years."

Nine Palaces Formation!

Ye Xuan took a look at the nine wooden figures, "Is this formation very powerful?"

Lu Xiaoran smiled wryly, "It's not ordinary. There was once a volleying-level expert who wanted to try it, but unfortunately, that person was killed before he could last ten breaths. And those who can reach the volleying level before the age of twenty, That's very little!"

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and said again: "It is rumored that Cangmu College invited An Guoshi to break the formation, but no one knows whether she came or not."

Ye Xuan was about to speak, at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from above, "The assessment begins!"

As the sound fell, the people gathered in front of the path rushed out...Ye Xuan turned his head and touched Ye Ling's little head, then he looked at Lu Xiaoran, "Senior Lu, please take care of my sister!"

Lu Xiaoran smiled and said, "Naturally!"

Ye Ling gently hugged Ye Xuan, "Brother, come on!"

Ye Xuan chuckled, then turned and joined the crowd.

Looking at Ye Xuan who disappeared into the crowd, Ye Ling smiled slightly, but soon, her whole body trembled, her whole body felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and the cold air overflowed from her body, like a block of ice.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xiaoran was shocked, he quickly said: "Go, let's go back first!"

Ye Ling shook his head, "Uncle Lu, it's okay, I'm..."

As she said that, she took out the piece of heavenly fire warm jade, "With this, I, I'm fine!"

Lu Xiaoran wanted to say something else, but Ye Ling looked up into the distance, and said softly: "Only seeing my brother join Cangmu Academy, I, I, I can feel at ease!"

Lu Xiaoran sighed in a low voice, he patted Lu Ming lightly, "Go and get two long fleece leathers for Sister Ling, hurry up!"

Fatty Lu Ming nodded quickly, then turned and ran away.

In the distance, Ye Xuan had disappeared into the crowd. Like everyone else, Ye Xuan was a little excited because Cangmu College was right in front of him. Once he joined Cangmu College, his sister's illness would be hopeful!Among the crowd, Ye Xuan looked up at the mountainside, he took a deep breath, "Fight it! For my sister, but also for myself!"

After speaking, he quickened his pace.

At the beginning, everyone rushed very fast, but after walking for about ten miles, almost 90% of them slowed down, and it was getting slower and slower!

Because everyone was walking, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared on their bodies, and every time they took a step up, the pressure would increase. So, when the person in the front walked for about twenty miles, someone behind him was gradually eliminated!

However, the speed of the leaders is still very fast!

Obviously, there are very watery people, but there are also very powerful ones.

Ye Xuan walked in a leisurely manner. As for the invisible pressure, it had no effect on him at all!

Because of his current muscles, bones and physical body, even a strong man in the volley realm may not be able to match him.

Hidden realm!

At this time, the advantages and strengths of his hidden realm can be reflected!

Time passed little by little, and the more people went up, the fewer and fewer people were there. After an hour, there were less than one hundred people left who were still walking! And most of them are still walking extremely hard!When he was about to reach the finish line, he stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at a wooden stake beside the path, and a man was nailed to the wooden stake. Judging from his appearance, he was about twenty years old, and the man was quite miserable. No hands, no feet, not even eyes, just two empty black holes.

Needless to say, this should also be a student of Canglan College, and, judging from the body, it may not have been long since he died.

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed, needless to say, Canglan College and Cangmu College should have some blood feud.

Without stopping, Ye Xuan quickly reached the finish line.

After the forty-two people reached the finish line, a crane flew over the heads of the crowd. Above the crane, Cang Zhong looked down at the crowd. Finally, his eyes fell on Ye Xuan. became quite cold.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan frowned, because he already felt the other party's hostility.

It's just that what he doesn't understand is that he hasn't had any grievances with the other party, and he hasn't even met him before, so why does the other party have any grievances against him?

"You come out!"

On the back of the crane, Cang Zhong looked down at Ye Xuan, his voice was cold, without any emotion.

Ye Xuan glanced at Cang Zhong, then walked out of the crowd.

Cang Zhong looked down at Ye Xuan, "The minimum requirement for my Cangmu Academy is to reach the Qi-controlling state before the age of 18, and you haven't reached the Qi-controlling state, right?"

Haven't reached the imperial realm yet!As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the field was stunned, and soon, everyone turned their attention to Ye Xuan.

You must know that Cangmu Academy's minimum requirement for admission is to reach the Qi control state before the age of 18, and Ye Xuan has not reached the Qi control state. To be more serious, this is deceiving.

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Elder Cang, although I haven't reached the Qi Yu realm, I have already passed the first level! I..."

"so what?"

On the back of the crane, Cang Zhong said coldly: "The rules of my Cangmu Academy are that you cannot take part in the assessment if you have not reached the state of controlling energy before the age of eighteen. Even if you pass the first level, it is meaningless. Therefore, I declare that this This time, you are not qualified for the examination, according to the rules, you should punish one hundred poisonous sticks and drive you down Cangshan immediately."

As Cang Zhong's voice fell, two volley-level powerhouses came to Ye Xuan.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly looked directly at Cang Zhong, "Elder Cang, you and I have never met before, but this time you and I met for the first time, you are targeting me so much, I have offended you before!"

He is not stupid, so he naturally knows that the elder in front of him is targeting him!

A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Cang Zhong's mouth, "Aiming at you? Humph, if I knew this earlier, why bother?"


Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he suddenly thought of something. At the banquet last night, he hit a man, and that man was named Cang Qi. At this moment, he took a closer look and found that the elder Cang Zhong had a scar on his chest. There is a printed badge, and Cang Qi also has a badge of this kind on his chest that day.

This kind of badge is generally a family crest, and it is also a kind of identity representative. There is no doubt that the person in front of him must be the elder of Cang Qi!

Ye Xuan was about to speak, when a man suddenly stood up beside him, "Ye Xuan, you are so stupid!"

Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at the man, who looked quite familiar. Soon, he remembered. This person was the man who had always stood up for Mo Suiqing at the banquet that day, named Li Feng.Li Feng sneered, "Do you think you can disregard anyone with the protection of An Guoshi? Today, let you see the strength of us people!"

As he said that, he bowed slightly to Cang Zhong in the air, "Elder Cang, this person has not reached the Qi-controlling state, but he wants to participate in this assessment. This is obviously not taking Cangmu College seriously. The academy is majestic, and I ask Elder Cang to punish this person severely."

As Li Feng's voice fell, another seven or eight men stood up beside Ye Xuan, and then bowed deeply, saying in unison: "I also ask Elder Cang Zhong to punish this person severely!"

Cang Zhong sneered coldly, "That's right, the old man actually forgot about this, someone came, drag him down and kill him with sticks, just to make an example to others."

The two volley-level experts were about to make a move when Ye Xuan suddenly took out a jade pendant. He looked straight at Cang Zhong, "This is the An Guoshi jade pendant. I was recommended by her to come to Cangmu Academy!"

Hearing this, everyone in the field was shocked.

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This portion is not small!

Even the man in brocade who took the lead before couldn't help but glance sideways at Ye Xuan, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

An Guoshi, this is the idol of everyone in Jiang Guo's younger generation!

In the air, Cang Zhong's face was also extremely ugly. He didn't expect Ye Xuan to have An Lanxiu's jade pendant.

This An Guoshi's face must be given!

Seeing Cang Zhong's silence, Li Feng who was on the side was anxious, without thinking at all, he pointed at Ye Xuan angrily, "Presumptuous, how can you be recommended by An Guoshi, a petty waste who changes circumstances, this jade pendant must be fake Yes, you..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Li Feng, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan slapped Li Feng directly on the face, "Can you just shut up?  …"


Li Feng was sent flying by this slap.

Everyone was stunned.
