

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 292: You know!

Since the woman took the first bite, Ye Xuan knew that there would be a second bite. Sure enough, after the second time he prepared the meal, the woman tasted a few more bites. As the saying goes, she has a short hand and a soft mouth. Ever since the woman opened her mouth to eat, she has never gotten over Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan, who cooks different meals every day, and is a home-cooked side dish. Although it is not as luxurious as a restaurant, it is very suitable for dinner. That's it, another few days. There is less and less time limit for the battle iron, but during this period, Ye Xuan did not mention the formation. Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, it's time for the battle iron limited time. At noon, after the woman finished eating, Ye Xuan was about to leave. At this moment, the woman suddenly said, "I'm going to go out tomorrow, I don't know when I will come back!" Ye Xuan was stunned, then nodded and said with a smile: "Okay!" After he finished speaking, he was about to leave. At this time, the woman suddenly said, "Why don't you mention the formation method!" Ye Xuan stopped, and he smiled bitterly: "From the heart, I naturally hope that the uncle can help me, and I will not hide it from my uncle. After so many days of hospitality, it is also for the formation. However, I do not force it. I have worked hard, as for whether it is successful or not, it doesn't matter. I have no regrets in my heart!" This is his true words. For him, he must hope that the woman will arrange a formation for him, but if it really doesn't work, he will not force it! There are many things in life that may not be as satisfactory, but as long as you work hard and struggle, even if there is no result, don't worry! No regrets in your heart! After finishing speaking, Ye Xuan smiled, "Uncle Gu, if you want to eat in the future, you can come to our Yunjianfeng ha..." Yan Luo, he turned around and left. Walking very dashingly. In the hall, the woman continued to embroider things with a expressionless face. Ye Xuan did not return to Yun Jianfeng, but went to inquire about a current situation. Now, Cangjianzong and the protector alliance are still fighting in secret! At the foot of Cangjianzong Mountain, there are increasing coffins every day. Not only that, but now Cangjianzong's industries in some places have disappeared silently. The disciples of Cangjian Sect outside were also called back. It is the senior brother who can fight the best at Cang Jianzong, and he has not come back. In addition, there is another thing that the spiritual energy of many parts of the entire Middle-earth Shenzhou has begun to gradually disappear. Although it disappeared very slowly, and it was all remote places, it was still discovered by people with a heart. Many forces have already smelled the crisis. As for Qingzhou, the current situation of Qingzhou is very unbearable, but fortunately, whether it is the Great Cloud Empire or Ning Guo, it is still safe and sound. Because the Demon Sect and the Blood Sect did not attack these two countries, not only did they not start, but they were still secretly protected in many cases. And those Middle-earth Chinese cultivators who went to Qingzhou did not dare to attack Ningguo and Dayun Empire because they were afraid of him. As for Mo Yunqi and the others, they are still hidden in the dark and ascetic. For Ye Xuan, as long as Qingzhou is fine. However, Ye Xuan also knows that Qingzhou will become more and more difficult to survive. For this, he had plans in mind. After a while, Ye Xuan came to the belly of Zhuqifeng Mountain, he found Zhan Tie, and smiled bitterly, "Uncle Zhan, you will give me whatever you want!" Zhan Tie glanced at Ye Xuan, "Why?" Ye Xuan shrugged, "I can't, Uncle Gu is busy, so I can't help. She..." At this moment, a woman came out of the secret room behind Zhan Tie's side. Come on, it's Uncle Gu! Seeing the woman, Ye Xuan was stunned. The woman walked up to Ye Xuan, "If there is nothing to do in the future, come to my hall more, you understand!" After speaking, she turned around and glanced at Zhan Tie, "You don't know anything about the formation method!" In place, Zhan Tie glanced at Ye Xuan, "What did you say to her!" Ye Xuan hurriedly shook his head, "I, I have not said anything!" Ye Xuan's expression was very innocent, "I, I don't know! I really don't know!" Zhan Tie glared at Ye Xuan, "This Xiao Qi is also, what kind of thing he got!" After speaking, he turned and left. Ye Xuan: "..." In the next time, Ye Xuan is waiting! Wait for that Heavenly Step Sword Box to be born! Heaven Sword Box! If there is a Heavenly Step Sword Box, his flying sword can come in handy again! The Tianjie sword, plus the Tianjie sword box, and it is still the top grade of the sky rank, he is a little excited when he thinks about it. Ye Xuan was sitting under a round platform, and he was quite bored. He seemed to think of something. He suddenly said, "Great God on the second floor, come out and chat!" No response on the second floor! Ye Xuan didn't care either, and said, "God on the second floor, tell me, did you do something bad, so you were locked up in it?" Boom! Suddenly, the entire second floor suddenly trembled violently, and Ye Xuan suddenly felt dizzy, and he hurriedly said, "Don't! If you have something to say, say it well!" Mysterious woman! Ye Xuan knew that the great god on the second floor must be a mysterious woman. When it comes to the mysterious woman, Ye Xuan suddenly missed her a little! For a long time, the mysterious woman has helped him so much. At this time, the great god on the second floor suddenly said, "Looking for the Tao!" Ye Xuan hurriedly said, "Look, don't worry, I will definitely be looking for this second Tao." Now he finds that this thing is more useful than a heaven-level spiritual weapon. In particular, if it is not this space path, it will take at least two or three years for him to reach the imperial state! With this spatial rule, he comprehend the power of space in advance, and this is the realm of the imperial law in a short period of time! Of course, it is also indispensable to devour those swords... In fact, he still wants to devour it! In that sword tomb, there are many excellent swords! As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "God on the second floor, after knowing each other for so long, I still don't know what to call it!" There was no answer on the second floor. Ye Xuan shook his head, this guy, it's a bit difficult to get along with! I don't know what the ninth floor is being held in custody! Ye Xuan was suddenly a little curious, he sensed the ninth floor, but he couldn't feel anything! Now, he can only feel the third layer at most! The fourth floor can't even feel it! At this moment, the great god on the second floor suddenly said, "If she doesn't come back, you can die! Wait to die! Wait for death, wait to die! Wait for death! Wait for death..." This time, he said dozens of times to die! Ye Xuan snorted coldly, thinking that he was afraid of a hammer. The big deal is that he committed suicide. At this moment, Zhan Tie suddenly came out, "Come in!" Ye Xuan got up quickly, and then followed Zhan Tie into the secret room. As soon as he entered the secret room, Ye Xuan felt a powerful sword energy. The source of that sword qi is exactly that 10,000-air tripod! Are you going to succeed! Ye Xuan was a little excited. Zhan Tie suddenly said, "Blood!" Ye Xuan nodded quickly, a little bit of essence and blood flew out from his fingertips, and finally fell firmly into the 10,000-air tripod. Soon, all the vessels trembled violently, and a sword light flashed from it. Ye Xuan is getting more and more excited. Judging from this sign, this is definitely a good baby! After an unknown amount of time, Zhan Tie said again, "Blood!" Ye Xuan hurriedly put another drop of essence and blood in. In this way, after about an hour, the entire Wanqi Ding suddenly trembled violently, but the next moment, the Wanqi Ding returned to calm! There is no movement! Not far away, Zhan Tie's face was expressionless. Ye Xuan was stunned, and then said, "What does this mean?" Zhan Tie said in a low voice, "What do you mean, it means failure!" Failed! Ye Xuan jumped up, "What? Failed? Did you make a mistake?" Zhan Tie looked at Ye Xuan provocatively, "I'm not happy, come and hit me!" Ye Xuan: "..." ..