

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 165: Black Flame Army, who will fight?

In the dark night, Ye Xuan ran wildly with Lu Jiuge in his arms.

Black Flame Army!

Ye Xuan was naturally shocked when he got the news.

The Black Flame Army is one of the trump cards of the Dayun Empire. It is a cavalry army fully cultivated by the Dayun Empire. These people are all elites selected from various military camps. After being selected, the Dayun Empire will secretly train them!

It can be said that the combat power of these soldiers is not ordinary terror!

There is a saying in Qingzhou, once the Black Flame Army comes out, who will fight?

But now, the Dayun Empire dispatched the Black Flame Army. Obviously, this is already blatantly trying to destroy the Jiang Kingdom!

Ye Xuan speeded up, and after a while, he brought Lu Jiuge to Canglan College. After handing Lu Jiuge to Ji An, he immediately summoned the students of Canglan College.

In front of Ye Xuan, besides forty Canglan students, there were also thirty monsters! The monsters he brought from Mang Mountain, these monsters got along well with these students under Bai Ze's training, after all, these monsters already had their own spiritual wisdom.

In front of everyone, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "This trip may never come back, are you ready?"

"Get ready!"

In the arena, more than forty people roared in unison.

Ye Xuan nodded, "Let's go!"

Soon, Ye Xuan and his party rushed down from Jiyun Mountain, and disappeared in the vast mountain after a while.

In the Jiang Kingdom Palace.

Jiang Yuan, the lord of the Jiang Kingdom, stood in front of the main hall. He was wearing a golden armor and a long knife on his waist. In front of him were three thousand Imperial Forest Army ready to go.

Jiang Yuan glanced at all the soldiers in the field, "I have received news that the Black Flame Army of the Dayun Empire has rushed to Kaiyang City, what are you waiting for?"

Black Flame Army!Hearing these three words, everyone in the field looked at each other in blank dismay.

Who knows this army in the entire Qingzhou territory?

Back then, with only a hundred people, a country was wiped out!

At this time, Jiang Yuan said again: "Ye Guoshi has led all the students of Canglan College to Kaiyang City!"

Ye Guoshi!

Hearing these three words, the field suddenly boiled!

A soldier suddenly roared, "With Ye Guoshi here, why should I be afraid of the Black Flame Army? We are willing to go to Kaiyang City to fight side by side with Ye Guoshi!"

"I am willing to go to Kaiyang City!"

In the arena, thousands of elite imperial guards roared in unison, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the sky.

At this time, a cloud boat suddenly came over Jiang Guo's palace, and soon, the cloud boat slowly descended and landed not far from the crowd.

Jiang Yuan pulled out the knife from his waist, "Board the ship!"

Thousands of soldiers boarded the cloud boat, and Jiang Yuan also boarded the cloud boat.

After a while, the cloud boat rose, and on the cloud boat, Jiang Yuan looked down, looking at the familiar palace in front of him, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Because this may be the last time he sees the palace where he has lived for decades...

Soon, the cloud boat disappeared into the distant night.

Jiang Guo Imperial Palace, inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Jiang Yue sat on the ground, beside him, lay a black puppy, and in front of him was the fifth floor owner of Zuixian Tower.

Jiang Yue gently stroked the little black dog beside him, "What is the chance of winning this battle?"

The fifth master was silent.

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Please speak up!"

The fifth floor said: "Less than 20%."

Jiang Yue said softly: "What if the senior sword fairy goes to fight?"

The fifth master turned his head to look outside the hall, with a trace of complexity in his eyes, "If she goes out to fight, things will become more complicated."Now, it is still a matter between the younger generation. Although it is already a national war, there are still no powerful people from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

And if that sword fairy makes a move, it means that this is no longer a struggle of the younger generation. At that time, it will not be ordinary people who will die, but the powerful people in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm.

Qingzhou will be disrupted!

And if they don't fight, can Ye Xuan and others stop it?


Both Jiang Yue and the Fifth Master had deep sorrow in their eyes.


The news that all the students of Canglan College and Jiang Yuan and other imperial palace guards went to Kaiyang City quickly spread throughout Jiang Country!

Even the king himself went to battle!

At this moment, everyone in Jiang Country has realized the seriousness of the matter.

It can be said that Kaiyang City was destroyed and Jiang State was destroyed!

All of a sudden, countless Jiang Guo warriors rushed to Kaiyang City spontaneously.

There are those who are afraid of death, but there are also those who are not afraid of death; there are those who are not patriotic, and there are those who are patriotic...


In a distant mountain range, a group of cavalry rushed all the way. Wherever they passed, the ground would burn with black flames!This team was small in number, only about a hundred. These cavalrymen were all wearing dark gold armor and dark gold helmets. They couldn't see their faces because they all wore grimace masks.

They all hold dark golden spears, which are much longer than ordinary spears, with extremely sharp tips and extremely thin tips, shining with cold flames. And on their shoulders, there is a dark golden longbow slung across their shoulders. Behind each of them is a quiver. Inside the quiver, there are only ten arrows. And backticks.

In addition, on the left and right sides of each of their waists, there were two short knives, which were shorter than ordinary knives but slightly longer than daggers.

These equipments are all low-grade Ming ranks!

All are low-grade Ming ranks!

In other words, everyone's equipment alone is worth at least one billion gold coins!

The most conspicuous thing is the horses under them. These are not ordinary horses. These horses are much larger than ordinary horses. They are all black, with a thick layer of dark black scales on their feet. Dark golden horse armor!

When they run, a black flame will burn on the ground under their feet.

This is because the speed is too fast!

Black flame horse!

This is a kind of monster. There is no such monster in Qingzhou. It is a monster bought by the Dayun Empire from the Middle-earth Shenzhou with a lot of money. This kind of monster is currently the fastest monster in Qingzhou. Once you start running, even the peak gods can't catch up!

Black Flame Army!The Dayun Empire has spent countless costs to cultivate an army. So far, it has never had a single defeat on the land of Qingzhou!

But this time, what they want to conquer is Jiang Country!


Kaiyang City.

At this time, the entire Kaiyang City has entered a state of emergency. Fortunately, the hearts of the people are still stable. After all, the nine princesses of Jiang Guo are here, which means that Jiang Guo does not want to give up this city, nor can he give up this city , because once this city is broken, Chu's 100,000 troops can attack Jiang's imperial capital in less than half a day!

This is Jiang Guo's last line of defense!

On the city wall, Jiang Jiuyi was wearing silver armor, still so heroic, but his eyes could not hide the look of exhaustion.

After coming to Kaiyang City, she didn't rest much.

Looking at the Chu army at the end of his line of sight in the distance, Jiang Jiu's eyes were icy cold.

She knew that the time for the decisive battle had come!

This battle is related to her life and death, and it is even more related to the life and death of countless people in Jiang Country.

At this moment, Jiang Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly, because the Chu cavalry at the end of his sight suddenly moved.


Countless soldiers stood on guard on the city wall!

The Chu cavalry did not charge, but slowly pressed towards Kaiyang City. Hundreds of thousands of cavalry came together, and the whole earth began to tremble.

Looking at the dark army, the atmosphere on the entire city wall became solemn.

Soon, the cavalry of Chu State came a thousand feet outside Kaiyang City. They stopped and did not send siege infantry to attack the city, as if they were waiting for something.

In front of this group of cavalry are Li Mu of Cangmu College and the Dark Lord of the Dark Realm.

Looking at Kaiyang City in the distance, Li Mu said in a low voice: "The Black Flame Army will arrive in half an hour at most. At that time, a hundred thousand troops will come together, and you, the Dark Realm Dao Soldiers, will take this city." , should be an easy task."The dark master said in a deep voice: "Then who will deal with Ye Xuan?"

Li Mu sneered, "Don't worry, besides Li Mulin and the archer, there is another person who has come to Shenzhou. When the time comes, the three of them will attack together, plus you Dark Realm Daoist, it should not be difficult to kill him! Even Not enough, isn't there still a hundred thousand troops and the Black Flame Army? With so many people, can he still go to heaven?"

The dark master shook his head, "What if he escapes?"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, he won't run away!"

The Dark Lord looked at Li Mu, and Li Mu sneered, "Although this person is my enemy of Cangmu Academy, he is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and this person is extremely affectionate, he will not run away! Absolutely not!" will escape!"

The words are full of confidence.

The dark master said again: "What if that sword fairy makes a move?"

Sword Immortal shot?

Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly clenched his hands.

Sword Immortal shot!

Li Mu sneered, "If she makes a move, it's because she broke the rules first..."

Speaking of this, a hint of ferocity appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Then even kill her. It's nothing more than paying a certain price!"

The Dark Lord was silent.


The reason why Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm didn't fight with the sword fairy was actually because they wanted to stay on the front line, because once the fish died and the net broke, everyone would be very hurt, the root of the injury. Don't look at the fact that some people in Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm have died, but this is just a small loss for them!

Because the core existence of the Ten Thousand Laws Realm didn't die much.

As long as the powerhouses of this level don't die too much, they won't hurt the root! This is why they are willing to abide by the rules set by the mysterious woman!

For Dark Realm and Cangmu Academy, today's battle is also the last battle!

In the field, the two armies confronted each other, but it was very quiet, both sides were very quiet.On the walls of Kaiyang City, countless soldiers are waiting in battle. Their eyes are dignified, but more decisive!

There is no way out!

Since there is no retreat, it is naturally a war!

Jiang Jiu's expression was very calm. At this moment, she had already thought about all the consequences, and the worst outcome was nothing more than death!

At this moment, Li Mu suddenly looked to the right in the distance, and after a while, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "They are coming soon! They can attack now!"

As the voice fell, an angry shout suddenly sounded from among the hundred thousand cavalry, "Attack!"


In an instant, countless infantry rushed out from both sides of the cavalry and went straight to Kaiyang City.

On Kaiyang City, Jiang Jiu's eyes slowly closed