

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 16: One Sword Determines Life and Death!

In the night, the boy was driving a carriage quickly. On the carriage, the girl hugged the boy's arm tightly, leaned her head on the boy's shoulder, her eyes were slightly closed, and she had obviously fallen asleep.

From time to time, the boy glanced at the little girl beside him, his eyes full of doting.

"You dote on your sister!"

At this time, the voice of the mysterious woman suddenly sounded in Ye Xuan's mind.

Hearing the mysterious woman's voice, Ye Xuan was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "I'm her brother, if I don't pet her, who will pet her?"

The mysterious woman said: "You are a qualified brother."

Ye Xuan smiled, and then said: "Senior, I heard that there is a sword fairy who can cut mountains and rivers with one sword. Is it true?"

The mysterious woman said: "It's true!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan felt a little hopeful.

Sword Fairy!

Ye Xuan also thought about Yujian flying between the sky and the earth, seeing all the mountains and rivers.

At this time, the mysterious woman said: "As long as you work hard, you have a chance to become a sword fairy!"

Ye Xuan grinned, "Yes, when I can control the sword, I will take my sister to see the whole world."

The mysterious woman said: "Look at your promise!"

Ye Xuan laughed, and speeded up.

An hour later, the sky turned pale, and the sky was already bright, but it started to rain!

Ye Xuan looked up, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was no longer suitable for traveling!

Ye Xuan speeded up, and soon, in the middle of a mountain in the distance, he saw a mansion. From his position, the mansion was a bit dilapidated and even more desolate.

Seeing this mansion, Ye Xuan frowned slightly. How could there be a mansion in this deep mountain?

I didn't want to stay, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was accompanied by strong winds, so it was really not suitable for traveling!Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then he took out the map that Li Yu gave him. On the map, he found the current location, and this place was not marked as a dangerous place!

Ye Xuan felt relieved, and then stopped in front of the mansion with the carriage. The door of the mansion was wide open.

Ye Xuan took a look at the mansion in front of him. From a closer look, it was obvious that the mansion had been abandoned for a long time, and the surrounding walls were covered with weeds.

Seeing that the rain didn't stop, Ye Xuan carried Ye Ling into the deserted mansion, and the two brothers and sisters came to a lobby. There are two people in the lobby, an old man in gray robe and a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old. The two are next to each other, apparently together.

Seeing Ye Xuan brothers and sisters, the old man took a look and then looked away, while the young man smiled and nodded as a greeting.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and then sat aside with his sister.

Ye Xuan lit a fire by himself, then took out two turkeys and roasted them.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the young man on the side suddenly lit up, and then he ran in front of Ye Xuan, "Jiang Muqi, what is the name of this brother?"

Ye Xuan glanced at the boy, "Ye Xuan!"

Jiang Muqi chuckled, "Acquaintance is fate, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan pointed to the turkey on the fire in front of him, "Want to eat?"Jiang Muqi was slightly taken aback, then nodded sharply.

Ye Xuan handed the young man a turkey, "I'll give it to you!"

Jiang Muqi didn't refuse either, and took it over and roasted it slowly by himself.

Jiang Muqi glanced at Ye Xuan, and smiled, "Brother, although it's just Qi Changing Realm, but the solid foundation is not much worse than mine!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan paused slightly, but quickly returned to normal, "You are unfathomable!"

This is what the young man in front of him gave him!

In fact, he didn't know, the feeling he gave the boy was the same!

The boy raised his eyebrows slightly, "Two tricks?"

As if thinking of something, he said again: "Enough."

At this time, the old man not far away suddenly said: "Don't deceive others!"

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Ling who was next to Ye Xuan was a little unhappy. She glanced at the old man, "Old man, my brother is also very powerful, maybe it's my brother who bullied him!"

The old man glanced at Ye Ling, "Really?"

Ye Ling looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Then let's do two tricks!"

Ye Xuan and Jiang Muqi walked aside, Jiang Muqi smiled slightly, "Can we start?"

Ye Xuan nodded.Just as Ye Xuan nodded, Jiang Muqi disappeared in place. The next moment, a fist hit Ye Xuan's chest, but Ye Xuan's fist also hit Jiang Muqi's chest!

bang bang!

The two retreated violently at the same time, and after retreating about a dozen steps, the two stopped at almost the same moment!

Opposite Ye Xuan, Jiang Muqi sized Ye Xuan up and said in surprise, "Your physical body is stronger than I imagined!"

Ye Xuandao: "Your too."

His punch just now was like hitting an iron plate!

Jiang Muqi smiled and said: "Our Jiang country is really full of talents. After I came out of the palace, I saw"Well Well!"

At this time, the old man not far away suddenly made a sound.

Jiang Muqi looked at the old man helplessly, "Ge Lao, if you go out and travel, if you are scruples about everything, what's the point?"

The old man shook his head, "Outside, people's hearts are complicated."

Jiang Muqi smiled and said: "It's okay, this brother looks like a man of temperament, not like the kind of villain with deep thoughts."

As he said that, he looked at Ye Xuan and cupped his fists, "Brother Ye, I'm Jiang Muqi, the tenth prince of the Jiang Kingdom!"


Ye Xuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet a Prince Jiang in this place!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Xuan cupped his fists, "Ye Xuan, there is only one nobody!"

Hearing this, Jiang Muqi laughed, "Brother Ye, with your strength, becoming famous is only a matter of time!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and didn't speak. He never cared about false fame. This thing can kill people a lot of times!

At this time, the rain has gradually lightened.

The old man stood up, "Your Highness, it's time to go."

Jiang Muqi nodded slightly. He picked up the golden chicken that had already been roasted, and then looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, I have to go elsewhere, so I'm leaving!"

Speaking of this, as if thinking of something, he took out a token and handed it to Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, this is my token, it should be useful in the imperial capital, brother Ye, don't refuse, otherwise, you I dare not eat this roast chicken!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Jiang Muqi, then accepted the jade pendant.

Seeing Ye Xuan accepting the jade pendant, Jiang Muqi chuckled, "See you tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, the rest of the elders turned and disappeared at the entrance of the lobby.

Ye Xuan looked at the backs of the two of them, and said nothing for a long time.

Outside the mansion, the old man said in a deep voice, "Your Highness wants to win him over?"Jiang Muqi smiled slightly, "This person is a swordsman, but before, he was able to equalize with me without using the sword. If he used the sword, I'm afraid even I wouldn't be sure to win!"

As he said that, he turned his head and glanced at the deserted mansion, "He is indeed someone who can be valued by An Guoshi, and I have traveled thousands of miles to come here."

The old man hesitated for a while, and then said: "Although this person has a strong foundation and good combat power, he is a lonely family after all. He has no family or sect behind him. His future path is limited after all. Moreover, he has no family and background. Your Highness, your help is almost negligible. It may be because of this that His Highness and the Ninth Princess did not send anyone to Qingcheng."

Jiang Muqi chuckled, "Brother's mother is from the Yu family, the second family of our Jiang country, even my father and emperor should be afraid of three points; and my ninth younger sister is the commander of the three armies, in charge of almost 50% of my Jiang country's soldiers and horses. The two naturally look down on these ordinary geniuses."

The old man said: "Your Highness, did you come all the way here?"

Jiang Muqi said softly: "Compared to them, I have no advantage. They can be arrogant, but I can't. Maybe my friendship today will be exchanged for a super help in the future?"

The old man shook his head. Swordsmanship is indeed rare, but if it is just a swordsmanship, it doesn't make much sense, unless it is a master of swordsmanship. How difficult is it to become a master of swordsmanship?

Jiang Guo only has one!

And that person is already ninety years old!

Jiang Guo has not practiced kendo for nearly fifty yearsGrandmaster!


In the lobby.

"Brother, was that man really a prince?" Ye Ling asked curiously.

Ye Xuan nodded, "It should be true."

Ye Ling said softly: "He seems to be waiting here on purpose!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Ye Ling, and said with a smile: "In the aristocratic family, some people will form cliques to strengthen their power, let alone the royal family?"

As he said that, he gently rubbed Ye Ling's little head, "Brother now only wants to cure your typhoid fever, and I have no interest in fighting for power and profit."

Ye Ling hugged Ye Xuan gently, "Brother, can I practice in the future?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "I can definitely, of course, it doesn't matter if I can't, I will work hard to become stronger, and then protect you for the rest of my life!"

Ye Ling smiled sweetly, and then hugged Ye Xuan tightly, "Although I really want my brother to protect me, I want to protect my brother even more."

Ye Xuan was about to speak, when a voice came from the side, "It's really brother and sister love!"

As the voice fell, an old man walked in!

The person who came was Qin Yue, the elder of the Qin family.

Seeing this person, Ye Xuan slowly clenched his right hand, and he glanced at Ye Ling, "Go to the side!"

Ye Ling glanced at the old man, then said softly: "Brother, little one, be careful!"

After speaking, she obediently stepped aside.

Qin Yue took a look at Ye Xuan, "Hand over those spirit stones, and I'll keep you two brothers and sisters as a whole."

Ye Xuan clenched his fists tightly, his face was livid, and he didn't speak.

Qin Yue sneered, "What, do you want to do it? You are not in the Qi Transformation Realm, but this old man is already in the Sky Realm! Killing you will not even use one move!"

Even though he said so, he secretly guarded himself.

If you have lived to this extent, you are naturally not stupid, and you will not carelessly underestimate the enemy!Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "If I hand over that thing, can I give my brother and sister a way to survive?"

Qin Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, "A bargain?"

As he spoke, he slowly clenched his right hand. In an instant, his clothes bulged, and he looked like a lion ready to go.

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then took out a black bag and threw it at Qin Yue. Seeing the black bag, Qin Yue was overjoyed, he quickly caught the bag, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him in front of!

Qin Yue's face remained unchanged, he sneered, "I knew you would play tricks!"

As he spoke, he flipped his right hand upwards, and then suddenly pressed downwards.


A gas explosion sounded in the field.


As soon as Ye Xuan's fist was released, he was directly hit by a wall several meters away.

The old man repelled Ye Xuan with one blow, but he didn't give up. Instead, he bullied himself and rushed towards Ye Xuan. Not far away, Ye Ling's face changed drastically, "Brother!"

She threw herself in front of Ye Xuan, and hugged Ye Xuan tightly!

But the old man didn't stop his palm, but slapped towards the siblings, to be precise, Ye Ling!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan's eyes were tearing apart, and at this moment, his mind was blank.

Soon, the old man's palm got closer and closer.

At this time, Ye Xuan violently pulled Ye Ling behind him, and the next moment, the Lingxiao Sword appeared in his hand, and in an instant, a deep sword sound resounded in the field.

For this sword, he has only one idea!

A sword is life and death!

At the same time, the mysterious woman's voice suddenly resounded in the Jie Prison Tower, "This guy... who touches his sister, he has a strong desire to fight..."