

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 159: You are so stupid!

Such a familiar voice!

Long lost voice!

An Lanxiu!


Ye Xuan himself was shocked when he heard this voice! Because he really didn't expect that An Lanxiu would appear here at this critical moment!

In front of Ye Xuan was An Lanxiu, she was still wearing a white dress, she was spotless, she was still so beautiful, it was breathtaking!

An Lanxiu, the most evil person in Jiang country ever!

Why is she here?

Ye Xuan didn't think about it because he had more important things to do now.


Many times, you have to grasp the inspiration as soon as it comes, otherwise, once it disappears, you don't know when it will come next time! And this time the inspiration came suddenly, and entering this state was undoubtedly a godsend opportunity for him.

do not miss it!

Soon, Ye Xuan completely calmed down.

In front of Ye Xuan, An Lanxiu looked at the group of people rushing towards her with a blank expression. In her hand was a spear.

Seeing the man in gray and others rushing forward together, she looked very calm, and there was not even the slightest wave in her eyes.

The leader was the man in gray. While running, the man in gray had already gathered a powerful momentum. Every time he landed, the ground would instantly crack open, which was extremely terrifying!

When the man in gray was about three feet away from An Lanxiu, An Lanxiu rushed forward with a spear in his hand. The next moment, a spear came down in front of the man in gray without any warning.

The eyes of the man in gray shrank suddenly, because the speed of An Lanxiu's shot had greatly exceeded his expectations, so he could only subconsciously block it with his arms.


In the eyes of countless people, the man in gray retreated hundreds of feet in an instant. As soon as he stopped, he knelt down on the ground, and the ground exploded instantly. At the same time, the iron rings on his arms instantly The room turned into a pile of fragments, not only that, but his arms were directly smashed into a pile of dust.

The man in gray looked blankly at An Lanxiu in the distance, but he couldn't even catch a single shot?

Not far away, after An Lanxiu fired a shot, she didn't stop. She pointed the spear obliquely at the ground, and the next moment, she swiped with the gun. At this moment, the space around her became illusory.

The space is unreal!

Seeing this scene, the face of the white-robed old man not far away changed greatly, and he lost his voice: "The gun master! You have reached the gun master! You..."

not far away.

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless figures retreated back again and again, and this retreat was a full distance of a hundred feet. Among them, the man with a broken arm was directly swept off his left arm by this gun, and now he has become an armless man! He looked at An Lanxiu with horror in his eyes!

"Gun owner!"

In the distance, the middle-aged man looked at An Lanxiu in horror, "Who are you!"

At this moment, his heart was already so shocked that there was no such thing as a gun owner in Shenzhou, but such a young gun owner... it was the first time he had seen it!

An Lanxiu glanced at the middle-aged man, did not answer, but retreated not far in front of Ye Xuan, and she just stood there like a god of war!

In the arena, no one dared to make a move!

This is horrible!

On the other side, the old man in white robe stared at An Lanxiu, "Who is your Excellency! Why do you want to meddle in the affairs of Cangmu College and the Dark Realm!"

An Lanxiu glanced at the old man in white robe, "Not convinced?"

The old man in white robe narrowed his eyes slightly, "Your Excellency, do you know the consequences?"

Naturally, he didn't dare to do anything casually. He wouldn't believe in killing the genius in front of him if there was no one behind him.

An Lanxiu walked up to the white-robed old man with a gun in her hand. She looked straight at the white-robed old man, "Do you want to fight alone, or fight in groups?"

Singled out or gang fights!

The arena was silent!

But the white-robed old man's expression instantly turned ferocious. This was simply too much deception, how could he bear it? He was about to do it right away, but at this moment, several powerful auras suddenly enveloped him!

They are all above the peak of ten thousand dharma!

Realizing this scene, the white-robed old man's expression changed again!

At this time, an old man appeared next to An Lanxiu. The old man was wearing a black dress, his hands were hidden in his sleeves, and his eyes were as sharp as arrows. He just stared at the white robed old man with no emotion in his eyes.

The white-robed old man glanced at An Lanxiu and the black-clothed old man, "Where are you guys from!" He was naturally shocked at this moment, because it is impossible for ordinary forces to cultivate such a genius, and it is impossible to casually Just brought out several strong men above the peak of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm.

The old man in black glanced at the old man in white robe, and said hoarsely, "Hurry up and get out."

The sound is very unpleasant, a little harsh.

Hearing this, the white-robed old man's face turned livid and he was about to have an attack. At this moment, a voice suddenly entered his mind. Soon, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he took a deep look at An Lanxiu ,"install..."Speaking of this, he didn't dare to say it.

After a while, the white-robed old man turned around and left, leaving with him was the 100,000 cavalry army from Chu State!

Return quickly!

An Lanxiu!

No one in the entire Middle-earth China does not know this name!

Because of this name, he is now ranked sixth on the monster list! And it only took her one day to go from 30th to sixth!

The power behind this kind of person is a mystery, even to Cangmu Academy, this is the scariest thing! You must know that Cangmu Academy is considered a big force in Middle-earth China. The intelligence system in Middle-earth China cannot be said to be top-notch, but it is definitely not bad!

As for An Lanxiu's origin, even Cangmu College did not find any information!

The white-robed old man didn't dare to threaten him with death, because he didn't dare. If he dared to threaten like this, maybe he would really die with Cangmu Academy! Because people are really not afraid...

Therefore, the old man in white robe retreated decisively.

After the old man in white robe and others retreated, An Lanxiu turned around. At this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly put away the Lingxiu sword, and then came to her.

An Lanxiu was slightly taken aback, "Did you get interrupted?"

Ye Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "It seems so!"

An Lanxiu shook her head slightly, "Be serious!"

Ye Xuan chuckled, and said seriously, "Xiao An, why are you here?"


An Lanxiu was taken aback, she obviously didn't expect that Ye Xuan would call her by her nickname, which can only be called by her closest two or three people!

The old man in black frowned immediately when he heard Ye Xuan call An Lanxiu by his nickname, but when he saw that An Lanxiu was not angry, his expression darkened instantly, and he just stared at Looking at Ye Xuan, his face was very gloomy.

An Lanxiu took a look at Ye Xuan, and then said softly, "Follow me!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and just like that, the two walked not far away.The old man in black had a dark face all the time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At first, neither of them spoke, they just walked like that.

Finally, Ye Xuan broke the silence, "Xiao An, why are you here?"

An Lanxiu gently stroked her hair beside her ears, "The incidents of Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm against you have caused quite a stir in Shenzhou."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "So you're here!"

An Lanxiu stopped, she turned and looked at Ye Xuan, "I don't want to come!"

Ye Xuan was stunned.

An Lanxiu shook her head, "As soon as I come, I will bring you right and wrong. This right and wrong is no less than what Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm have brought to you, or even more!"

Speaking of this, she walked slowly towards not far away, "This time I meet you, a lot of troubles will follow one after another, you can't bear it now, and I don't want you to get involved These, however, now you have to be involved if not involved."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Is it your family?"

An Lanxiu nodded, "Besides mine, there are other people's."

Speaking of this, she turned and looked at Ye Xuan, "I will leave immediately. After I leave, I will try my best to restrain the people in my family, but I can't restrain others. And you choose to befriend me, some things and trouble, you can't avoid it. Do you understand?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood!"An Lanxiu shook her head, "You don't understand, some real aristocratic families attach great importance to background and background, as well as blood talent, these are very complicated, I..."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Do you want to break up with me?"

An Lanxiu looked at Ye Xuan, "If I promise my family that I won't see you again, Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm will disappear from this world tomorrow, and if I choose to befriend you, your enemies will not be limited to Cangmu... The Academy and the Dark Realm will have one more powerful than them."

Ye Xuan was silent.

An Lanxiu turned around and walked towards the old man in black. She looked very calm.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's voice suddenly came from behind her, "I choose the latter!"

An Lanxiu stopped.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Xiao An, I know that choosing the latter will have to face many things, and I may even die, but I don't regret it. I don't know what liking or love is. You are my happiest thing, for you, for the friendship between us, I am willing to protect with my life."

Speaking of this, he walked up behind An Lanxiu, "I'm not afraid of Cangmu College, nor your family, and I'm not afraid of death, but I'm really afraid of becoming a stranger with you from now on, very afraid!"

An Lanxiu was silent for a long time, and finally, she said softly: "You are so stupid!"

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the distance.

No one saw that the corners of her mouth curled into an undetectable arc.

On the side, the old man in black gave Ye Xuan a cold look, and Ye Xuan smiled at the old man in black, "Actually, I'm not bad, really, I'm already a master of swordsmanship or martial arts, although I'm only a master of seclusion. environment, but killing gods is like cutting vegetables, Qingzhou can't find a man who is better than me."

As he said that, he became very serious, "Really, don't be prejudiced against me, get to know me well, I believe, you will accept me! I am really really really good!"

The old man in black: "..."