

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 118: You are so stupid!


The four of Ye Xuan naturally knew the main campus of Canglan College, and the four of them looked at each other. Finally, Mo Yunqi said in a deep voice, "What are they here for?"

Lord Jiu shook his head, "I'm afraid the visitor is not kind."

The visitor is not good!

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Let's go and have a look!"

After speaking, he took Mo Yunqi and the three of them towards Canglan Palace.

Behind him, Jiuzhuzhu looked at the backs of the four people, he hesitated for a while, but still followed.

Although he doesn't want to meddle in the internal affairs of Canglan College, but if possible, he still wants to help!

Now, he is not trying to win over Ye Xuan deliberately, he is also very grateful for the mysterious woman's suggestion to him, it is the grace of reinvention after all!

Canglan Hall.

In front of Ye Xuan and the others, stood three young men!

They are all teenagers!

This surprised the four of Ye Xuan, after all, they didn't expect that the people who came this time were all so young!

Among the three men, the leader was a man in a brocade robe. The man was straight, his eyes were cold, and he had an aura of repelling others thousands of miles away.

The two men next to him were both wearing ink-white robes, which were the school uniforms of Canglan College!

At this time, the man on the left of the man in the brocade robe suddenly came out. He glanced at Ye Xuan and the others, and finally, his eyes fell on Ye Xuan, and said coldly: "Where is Ji Yun? Let him come out and answer, I...  …"

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place.


A clear and crisp slap suddenly resounded in the field, and the man who spoke flew out instantly!Seeing this scene, the man in brocade robe narrowed his eyes slightly, the next moment, a powerful breath suddenly swept out from his body, and at this moment, Bai Ze suddenly stomped his right foot.


The ground instantly cracked, and Bai Ze shot towards the man in brocade robe like an arrow off the string!

The man in brocade robe narrowed his pupils slightly, and then slapped forward with a sudden palm. This palm carried a sharp palm force!


As soon as the palm of the brocade-robed man fell, his whole body was directly shaken to the outside of the main hall entrance, and just as he stopped, the ground behind him cracked, and at the same time, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The brocade robed man looked at his red palm, then looked at Bai Ze who was not far away, his eyes were full of disbelief, "The power of a monster... you actually have the blood of a monster!"

Bai Ze didn't answer the man in the brocade robe, but looked at Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and then Bai Ze let go of his hand and retreated to Ye Xuan's side.

Ye Xuan faced the brocade robed man, "I don't like nonsense, you are not welcome here, you guys, either get out, or I will send you out!"

The brocade-robed man stared at Ye Xuan, "The three of us are from Central China Divine State General Hospital, how dare you wait for me like this!"

Ye Xuan walked slowly in front of the three men in the brocade robe, while the man on the left of the man in the brocade robe was staring at Ye Xuan with murderous intent in his eyes. This person was the one who had been slapped by Ye Xuan before. That man!

Seeing the murderous intent in the man's eyes, Bai Ze and Mo Yun frowned and were about to strike again, but Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don't do anything, we must convince people with virtue!"

Convince people with virtue!

The corners of Mo Yunqi's mouth twitched slightly, convinced, who doesn't know that you Ye Bandit is a violent maniac?

Ye Xuan turned to the man in the brocade robe, "Tell me why you are here."The man in the brocade robe stared at Ye Xuan, "I came here this time to let you know that you are not allowed to open a college with the four words Canglan College. Not only that, all the students of your Canglan College are not allowed to practice The skills and martial arts of my Canglan Academy... In short, my Canglan Academy does not allow a Canglan Academy to appear in Qingzhou."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I understand. You guys go back."

The brocade robed man frowned, "You are perfunctory to us? Let Ji Yun come out to speak, he..."

Ye Xuan slapped him when he turned around.

The brocade robed man's face changed drastically, and he raised his arm to block it.


Ye Xuan's slap directly slapped the man in brocade robe on the arm, and the man's whole body trembled violently. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped up, and suddenly pressed his knee against the man's abdomen in brocade robe.


The man in the brocade robe flew out instantly, and finally hit the ground heavily.

Seeing Ye Xuan make a sudden move, the remaining two students of Canglan College wanted to do it. However, Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze were faster than them, and Bai Ze rushed directly towards one of the colleges. However, Mo Yunqi Clouds rise faster...

Bang bang bang!

After a few breaths, the two students of Canglan College flew out heavily.


Crushing without any suspense!The current Bai Ze and Mo Yunqi, after Ye Xuan crazily provided them with cultivation resources, their strength is much stronger than before. The strength of the physical body can completely resist the strong in the divine realm!

Although Mo Yunqi is still close to reaching the Netherworld, his speed has already surpassed the Netherworld. In terms of speed, even Ye Xuan can't catch up!

In the face of Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze, if Ye Xuan didn't use the powerful sword skill of determining life and death with a single sword, he wouldn't be sure of winning!

In the arena, Ye Xuan walked in front of the three of them. The three of them looked apprehensive. The strength of Ye Xuan and the others completely exceeded their expectations!

Ye Xuan leaned over slightly, his eyes still closed, "Go back and tell Canglan General Hospital that we don't need any help from the general hospital, and we don't want you to come here to point fingers, you are you, we are us, do you understand?"

The man in brocade robe stared at Ye Xuan, "You are using the words Canglan College!"

Ye Xuan said in a low voice: "This academy was left by Mr. Ji, and I will not change it. Now, you three, get out of here immediately, and go back and tell Canglan Academy that the four of us will soon be I will go to the General Campus of Canglan College to ask you for advice."

The corner of the brocade robed man's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, "Just the four of you?"

Ye Xuan didn't answer, but turned and left.

The brocade robed man was about to say something, but Mo Yunqi said suddenly, "Brother, I beg you.Don't babble, keep talking, bandit Ye is afraid that he will kill you with a sword. In the end, it doesn't matter to you, what I'm afraid of is that there will be someone behind you bastards, and then they will come to bully the small with the big, and there will be no more games, it's too fucking annoying. Listen to my advice, hurry up and get out, brother is for your own good! "

After finishing speaking, he, Bai Ze and Ji Anzhi turned and left.

The faces of the three brocade robed men were extremely ugly!

What a shame!

After a while, the man in brocade robe said fiercely, "Let's go back!"

After speaking, the three turned and left.

Not far away, the fifth floor owner looked at the backs of the three men in brocade robes, and sighed in a low voice, "Canglan General Hospital is also a bunch of idiots..."

As he said that, he glanced at the Canglan Hall, "If you have this kind of student, why don't you... have your head caught by the door!"

Canglan General Hospital did not come to help, so he naturally knew a thing or two.

The Canglan College in Qingzhou has been in decline for too long. Of course, that was before, but now, with these four little guys here, it is not difficult to rise here! Even if the Canglan College here does not rise, the future of Ye Xuan and the others is boundless.Before, Ye Xuan was more dazzling, but from his point of view just now, in fact, Mo Yunqi, Bai Ze, and Ji Anzhi are not bad, it should be said to be very good, not to mention in this Jiang country, even in the whole Qingzhou. of!

It's a pity that Canglan General Hospital's impression of this place is still in the past.

The ninth master shook his head and sighed, then turned and left. This kind of matter can be regarded as an internal matter of Canglan College, and it is really difficult for outsiders to interfere!

Inside Canglan Hall.

Four people sit around a table.

Mo Yunqi said in a deep voice: "Those guys go back... I'm afraid that the Canglan College General Hospital will come to trouble us soon!"

Ye Xuan said softly: "It can't be avoided. What we want to think about is not whether they will come to trouble us, but how to become stronger. The four of us are strong enough, so we are not afraid of anyone coming to trouble us!"

Bai Ze nodded, "That's the reason."

Ye Xuan turned to Mo Yunqi, "When will you arrive at Tongyou?"

Mo Yunqi was silent for a moment, then said: "One month!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Half a month, within half a month, if you don't reach Tongyou, half of your food will go to Bai Ze!"

Hearing this, Bai Ze nodded quickly, "Okay, this is good!"

Mo Yunqi gave Bai Ze a hard look, "Half a month is half a month!"

Ye Xuan nodded, then turned to Ji Anzhi, "What about you?"Ji Anzhi hesitated for a while, and then said, "One month!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Add a roast chicken and a roast leg of lamb every day!"

Ji Anzhi thought for a while, and then said, "Half a month!"

Speaking of this, she raised a finger, "Adding a pig's trotter, ten days to Tongyou!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Deal!"

Ji Anzhi nodded, "Deal!"

On the side, Mo Yunqi suddenly stood up, and said angrily: "Bandit Ye, it's not fair, why! You..."

At this time, Ji Anzhi suddenly looked at Mo Yunqi, and she didn't know when there was a knife in her hand.

The corner of Mo Yunqi's mouth twitched, "Sister Ji, I, I have no other intentions, I just have a problem with Bandits Ye, I..."

Ye Xuan stood up, and he faced Mo Yunqi, "Although I am the dean, I don't engage in individualism. Our Canglan College is very democratic, and everything can be decided by voting."

As he spoke, he turned to Ji Anzhi, "Who are you voting for?"

Ji Anzhi said seriously: "You!"

Mo Yunqi: "..."

Ye Xuan nodded, then turned to Bai Ze, "What about you?"

Bai Ze hesitated for a while, but at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Add vegetables!"

Bai Ze hurriedly said, "You!"

Ye Xuan turned to face Mo Yunqi, "Three against one, you lose. Therefore, any opinions you have are invalid."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Ji Anzhi glanced at Mo Yunqi with a bad look on her face. She took a bite of the steamed bun, then turned and left.

Bai Ze patted Mo Yunqi's shoulder lightly, shook his head and sighed, "You are so stupid!"

Mo Yunqi: "..."