
Ken to mahō no tatsujin. TSUIN GOD HUNTERS

Please! I don't want to die, save me! imagine just coming out a a bad situation that made u loose everything except one family that ur close to. but just as things started to get better, they died, right in front of you.

Jwolf1224 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

[4]. Unexpected encounter ({[1]})

"What is happening to him?"

"I don't know he's been like this since this morning."

"It's like his body is fighting against him."

"Uncle, that's not even the worst part. When I checked his pulse, it was so faint it's like he didn't have any. And his heart is beating so slow h should be dead! I tired healing spells, but nothing works."

"I'm sorry arianna, but there's just nothing I can do for him. We'll just have to hope he makes it through on his own."

"What about the lake of purity? Couldn't that help him?"

"I cannot take him there arianna. You know that outsiders or forbidden. Plus the lake only works on ahito's. It would do nothing for a human."

"Please at least try uncle. I'm begging you. You can't let him die without even trying everything. It won't be the end of the world if one outsider uses the lake."

"I said I cannot arianna, and thats final. My word is law in this place. What I say goes, whether you likw it or not."

"Mother would be disappointed to see you right now."

"You forget your place young lady. Don't you dear bring my sister into this. Or I'll have you sent back to your father."

"My head is killing me again. Is this gonna be like a normal thing for me now?, pass out and wake up with a headache. If so I don't think I want it."

As jabari slowly regained consciousness he heard what sounded like arianna and a man arguing. He had been up since a few minutes after they had begun and heard most of their conversation.

"Who ever her uncle is he sounds like a total d**k. Who ever this dying guy is I feel bad for him. Imagine suffering because some guy refused to help you. I'd probably kill him before I died. Anyway I just probably let arianna and the twins know that i'm ok."

Getting out of bed he exited the room following her voice unaware that the conversation was about him and he was that poor dying guy. Getting to where they were he saw that the argument me was still going on. Not know what else to do he cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Ehem!... Ah, sorry to interrupt I just wanted to let you know I'm awake. So... Yeah I guess... Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Speak of the devil an he shall appear." Was the only response he got from the man arianna was arguing with. Just from that it should have rejestered what the man met but he was still a bit confused and didn't pay it any attention.

"Jabari! Your awake." She said running over to him.

"Yup, but I kinda overheard you talking about some guy who's dying and your uncle I think doesn't what to save him? Whats that about?" He questioned with a puzzled expression.

"Don't worry about it. Come on lets go outside. The fresh air might do you some good. Add I can check how your doing." She said walking away giving her uncle a frown with he returned. Her uncle was a tall man standing at a soldier six feet. He had fading red hair that looked almost pink with small specks of gray. He had a pair of fox like ears on his head and a long fox tail wrapped around his waist, both matching the color of his hair.

Outside arianna had taken jabari on top of the roof where they could see the entire town. The the lights from the streets and the stars in the night sky made the view even more beautiful. Unfortunately the moon was being hidden by clouds so they missed out on that.

"That's amazing!, your healed already, your hear is back to normal, and all signs of injuries that was on your brain is gone." She explained looking at him. Apparently she was using a type of healing skill similar appraisal.

"That's not really a surprise. Ever since I was a kid i've always healed fast." He said shocking her.

"Wait!, so that means you got your memories back?" She asked earning a nod form him.

"So what happened? If its ok for me to asked."

"It's fine you can ask. And was gonna tell you either way. Right now your the only person I can trust. But what I tell you stay between us. If anyone ask, only thing I remember is my name. Nothing major about my past ok." He told her with a straight face, Arianna was the person who saved him and he felt she deserved to know what happened. She just nodded showing she understood.

"Where to begin. Well first my real name is Jay. So i guess it was a big coincidence that you guys decided to call me Jabari. The reason you found me basically dead on the side of the road was because my home was attacked. I was the second son of a knight protecting the village of rosa. But according to the people I wasn't normal I guess it was because of my birthmark, incredible strength and I had so much mana I didn't seem human. That and when I lost control my eyes changed. Eventually the people got tired of me existing, disregarding the fact my father was the one protecting their home they came to him asking for my death, giving my father eight hours to make up him mind. Obviously he refused, and so did my mother and older brother. My sister wasn't home at the time so she wasn't involved."

"The town folks broke into our home destroying everything around them looking for me. My father should have been able to fight back, even kill all of them with ease, but they were getting some type of boost. And eventually the got him, my mom told me to run while she held them back. But unfortunately she couldn't and I saw her die, all the time telling be she loved me."

"I had gotten a bit away from the conflict, but they found me and like the great adults they were decided to gang up on a child. Thankfully by brother came and held them back while I ran. But as you can imagine it didn't buy me much time. The worst part was before they killed, they decided it would be fun to torture me, my ears, tounge, and thumbs were cut off and my eyes removed from their sockets. As I was laying there to die they said some that broke me at first. They said how my brother had begged them to kill me, and as he was dying he was screaming how if i wasn't born he could have lived, and how he wished he could kill me with his own hands."

"But right before my world went black I heard them saying they only said to break my before ending me. And how my brother was saying how I would one day be the greatest thing this world had ever seen. Of course when they said this they thought I was dead. They just left my body their by the road."

"Arianna. All this happened when I was eleven, somehow I was their for four years. The group covering me up. When you found me most of it must have washed away. So my family has been dead for four years, and all this time I was in a coma in the ground, how I survived I don't even know." He finished tears escaping his eyes while he sobbed. Arianna had moved closer to him and hugged him, trying her best to comfort him. She found it hard to believe that he had been in a coma for four years, but nevertheless she felt that no one should experience what he went through at his age.

"When you found me and we were camping near that stream. That night I had a weird dream. After I woke up I had a voice in my head and I looked different. The voice was called Ākaibu, a system something of the sort, apparently its basically like a info card, only it can talk and do way more than a normal card. Like give me skills, but only eight. I still don't get it but whatever. If its gonna help me get strong i'm gonna take it. It's also how i got my memories back along with how old I am." He told her. Telling her about ākaibu took a huge weight off his shoulders.

"Wait so basically you have a voice this like a info card only more advanced, only you can hear or see it. And it gives you skills?" She asked looking at him with a disbelieving look.

"Yup, basically. I'll show you tomorrow ok. But for now I'm really tired." He answered with a yawn.

"Ok then I'll show a room to stay in." She said getting up.

"No need. I'm gonna stay up here. It's much more peaceful under the night sky." He told her relaxing.

"Ok, then I'll stay with you i guess. Only to make sure your safe I mean, nothing more!" She said panicking a bit. Looking over at him, she saw that he had already fallen I sleep. Moving closer to him she kissed him on his forehead telling him good night before drifting off to sleep herself. Both drawing closer to each other throughout the night, the moon shining approvingly at them.

As the sun began its journey across the sky a pair of dark blue eyes opened in perfect sync with it. Trying to get up he found that something, or rather someone was pinning him down. Looking closer his face began to take on a red shade upon realizing who it was. Right there with her legs wrapped around his was arianna fast asleep. Looking at her peacefully and beautiful face he couldn't bring him self to wake her. Fortunately for him she untangled herself turning to the next side still deep in sleep.

With a sigh of relief he decided to quickly make himself scarce before she decided it was cuddling time again. Jumping off the roof he decided it would be best to take a shower. But he didn't want to use the one inside the house, he didn't trust her uncle and would prefer to stay as far from him as he could.

"Ākaibu!, you said you had a world map feature right. Could you find a inn somewhere close to hear, also a place for me to get some new clothes and food."

{Location of a inn found. This inn is rather close to your current location aa well as to the market. Unfortunately to acquire new clothes you will have to travel quite a distance.}

"That won't be a problem, thanks Ākaibu."

{Displaying map marked with destination to hosts visual perception senses. Closest destination. Inn.}

"Ākaibu I got a few questions. I know that no one else has anything thing like you,so why do I, and what exactly can you do, and what am I to do with, you I mean the power that I have from you is just unbelievable."

{Host is not the only holder of such a system. You are the first of two. The other person possesses my counter part, the system toshokan with does the exact same thing as me. The person is currently heading in your direction and should arrive in seven to eight months. Unfortunately you misunderstand, the power that you both wield is not mine nor toshokan's but rather both your own. We are simple here as guides and a way to help control this power. Unfortunately all other information cannot be given until rest of system's features have been unlocked. To unlock these features host must make contact with toshokan's host.}

"I see. Little information is better than no information I guess. All I can do now is train untill I meet this person, and get the information I need. Lets hurry to than inn. There's so much I gotta do."

"Hello their welcome to the magic life inn. What can I do for you today?" Finally making it to the inn jabari entered where he was greeted by the inn keeper. On his way there he noticed that some ahitos (demi-humans) were lacking in animal features. Ākaibu informed him that some ahitos had the ability to hide their animal features, while some have ahito blood but not appearance. Hearing this he wondered if arianna or the twins could hide theirs.

"Hi, i'm looking to rent a room. How much would it cost?"

He asked the inn keeper.

"Well that depends on how big of a room and how long you'll be staying." She told him politely.

"Ok lets see, i'm gonna stay for a while so maybe six months, and as for size, I think one for two would do, minus the extra bed of course. Yeah thats all, so how much will that cost?" He asked her after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"Lets see, That's a room two minus the extra bed, for six months. All tht comes up 25 sliver coins. To include food and room service that would be a extra 2 copper coins." Replied the inn keeper.

"How much to make sure that no one disturbs me during my stay."

"That will cost half a copper."

"Good. Please add that to everything except for the food and room service."

"No problem. Now please just provided payment and sign here."

The inn keeper said passing him a piece of paper to sign.

"I got this. Ākaibu said I should have money that I share with that other guy. All I gotta do is think of the amount and close my hands and bam, money." Jabari thought sweating a bit. Putting his hand in his pocket and closing his fist. "Systematic bank. Amount, 25 sliver coin and half a copper coin. Reason, Inn room rental." Without thinking it those were the words that appeared in his mind. Feeling his pocket he realized that he did actually have the money needed. Paying her he took his keys and went to his room.

Looking around he saw that the room was actually a decent space. Looking around he began planning were to put what. He planned to make this a perfect place for him to stay while he trained. After fifteen minutes of planning he left to buy a few things.

[[Somewhere In the world]]

"The f**k this guy think he is!?, 37 gold coins, 127 silver coins and 80 f**king copper in one f**king day?. What does he think this is, a f**king take everything you want?. When I finally meet him i'm gonna run a f**king sword through his greedy little hands." Came the voice of a man riding a horse through the forest. He had been sitting peacefully eating in the forest when toshokan alerted him that money was taken from the what he and this other guy was supposed to share. Seeing the amount spent in one day, two hours to be exact he was shocked and pissed off. His thoughts was that jabari was probably spending money on girls or nice things while he was here training and on his way to meet him.

Back with jabari, what he had actually spent the money on was things he needed, a four part rune stove,lots of blank scrolls, quills and blank books, at least twelve magic books on all the elements including sub elements, books and scrolls on magic circles, runes, swordplay, a medium sized table for him to use, three large closets to store everything, and finally materials to craft.

His plan was simple learn all he could in seven months, a month or two to different things. He wanted to learn both combat and practical skills. He needed to know how government work etc.

After two hours of organizing everything perfectly he was done. He was about leave an explore when he remembered he still didn't thank arianna for taking care of him while he was unconscious, that and he didn't tell her that he wouldn't stay at her house and instead a inn.

Deciding to take care of that now he left to find her.

Hey guys, sorry for some of the grammar mistakes that might have been showing up. i'm using a tablet to type so sometimes I make mistakes, going over it to edit it my take a while since I have other works on other platforms plus school and exams so really sorry. and other things i write because I enjoy and my friends enjoy it so if you don't like it thats ok. just don't bring your negative here. another thing is I believe in god and don't care if you don't thats your choices, and somethings in my books you might disapprove of because your like oh you can't write that because its not like someone wgo believes in god. again keep that to yourself cause I don't see where it says i can't add curse words to my books or certain scenes. bye and thanks for reading :) ~^••^~

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