
Ken to mahō no tatsujin. TSUIN GOD HUNTERS

Please! I don't want to die, save me! imagine just coming out a a bad situation that made u loose everything except one family that ur close to. but just as things started to get better, they died, right in front of you.

Jwolf1224 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

[2]. Memories

As the sun slowly rose from behind they mountains a pair of dark blue eyes opened with it. With a groan the ower sat up holding his head.

"Yesterday my head was killing me, but now it feels like its just torturing me." They said rubbing the bridge of their nose. "I bet its cause of that freaking weird dream I had last night."

{Notice. Body alteration completed successfully. Host can now use skills that require a lean body structure can now be used. Host physical appearance has also been changed. Would you like to see?}

"Wait... If I'm hearing you now, then that means all of that of that last night wasn't a dream, and if that wasn't a dream then that means...! Weird head voice thingy, show me how I look."

{Please refer to me as Ākaibu.}

"Ok?... Ākaibu, please show me my reflection."

{I cannot show you your reflection. Please proceed to the stream eight meters away directly infront of you.}

"How is it you can do all that last night but you can't provide a simple reflection?"

{Host mind has developed a mental block that prevents me from accessing what i need to provide an astral projection of host's body. Please proceed to the stream to see your reflection.}

"Mental block??, I guess that means i'm preventing or rather something is blocking access to a part of my mind. That probably has something to do with why I can't remember anything. Anyway there's nothing I can do for now so lets go take a look at how I look. I swear if this thing made me a giant freaking overly muscular man i'm gonna rip it from out of my consciousness."

With his final words he got up and walk out of the tent the girls alowed him to use. They only had two but allowed him to use one while all three of them shared the other. Walking over to the stream he looked at his reflection but soon realized he didn't know what to look for. Since he didn't remember what he looked like before he didn't know what changed. To him he has always looked like this.

Before he got a chance to ask ākaibu what changed he heard shuffling behind him. Turning around he saw arianna looking at him strangely.

"Whats wrong?" He asked her avoiding eye contact.

"You look a bit different from how you looked yesterday." She told him.

"Different how?" He asked

"Well for one your hair was black yesterday but now its somehow blacker, with traces of blue and white, its like you picked a few strands randomly and dyed them. Second thing you seem a bit tallker, like not by that much but its noticeable. Third its like you somehow grew you muscle over night since you look way leaner. And lastly your eyes, they were black but now they're blue."

"Thats all?" He asked after she was done.

"I mean yeah. Other than that you look the same" She replied.

"That means I more or less look the same." He thought to himself. Thinking on that something came to his mind. "How old do you think I am? He asked her getting a weird look from her.

"You don't look that much older than me so i'd say fourteen to fifteen since I'm fifteen." She answered him never the less.

{Notice. Host correct age is fifteen years old. Displaying host's profile information that's available to me.}

{Name: Jabari. Last name unknown}



{Race: hybrid. Still analyzing DNA to find out of what.}

{Mana: 18,000/18,000. Average mana of a normal person: 500/500. Mana of a normal mage:12,000/12,000}

{Physical strength: 800. Physical strength of a normal person: 120. Physical strength of bear: 590}

{Speed: 122. Speed of a normal person:34. Speed of a B ranked swordsman:122}

{Nickname: }


{Level: 15. Normal level needed to have current stats:58}

{Rank: A}

{Skills possessed: 9}

{Class: Beast}

{Nobility title: None}

{Royalty title:None}

{Mate: None}

{All that's has been stated can be changed, gained or increase depending on what it is. Skill through leveling up, titles and others through earning them.}

"Ok ignoring the high stats for my level and that class, Didn't you say you can't access my information, so how'd you get all of this." Jabari questioned the system after it interrupted his conversation with arianna.

{The part of host's mind that is preventing access to image of host is the part that stores past memories. Due to any image of ones self being part of their past memory it stored in this section.}

"Oh, so basically that mental block is still thereamd is still a problem I got. I should take a look at that later." He thought to him self.

"Jabari! Jabari! Jabarri!"

Looking around he realized he had zoned out for a minute. Turning back to face her he realized arianna was directly in front of him with a worried expression. The close contact made him extremely nervous for reasons he didn't understand. What also puluzed him was why his heart was beating so fast and why his cheeks felt warmer.

"Hey, you ok? You were out of it for a second. Were you having a flashback?" She asked him backing off.

"No, and yes, all i remember is my age, when you mentioned how old I was it just came to me." He lied quickly. He didn't want to tell them about ākaibu since to him it didn't seem normal or anything you should just tell anyone. Especially people you just met and couldn't trust.For all he knew they could be lying about everything and be the ones responsible for what happened to him. Although he thought this he didn't believe it one bit.

"Really, that's good if you remember that then it means you could remember everything else. We just gotta figure out how to make you remember " She said not realizing the lie.

"I'm gonna wake up the Bella and Ella, after we eat we'll head back out, we should reach our destination by late this evening or tonight."

She said walking away to do just that.

[Five hours later]

"Wait, I've been meaning to ask you guys. Why do you have tails and ears? That doesn't really seem right to me." Jabari asked out of no where. They had left to continue their journey about five hours ago and sitting their on the wagon was boring. So he decided to make small talk.

"You've never seen an ahito before? Oh wait, you probably have and just can't remember,sorry." Bella responded without thinking.

"Yeah but still how can you not know what ahito's are!? We're like the best race in the whole entire world." Ella joined in.

"Remind how you guys are thirteen again, cause you guys look way too small and act way too childish to be teens." Jabari asked with a chuckle. He found out that bella and ella were thirteen before they left and he still couldn't believe that someone as hyperactive them could be that old he had thought the were at least eight or ten.

Both girls started complaining about how they were thirteen and they look like it soon, but jabari wasn't listening, he wasn't paying attention to anything around, all he was seeing and hearing were flashes of what seemed to be memories. He tried to speak but he couldn't, trying to stand up he fell down passed out.

Seeing this the twins stopped arguing and arianna moved over to him to see what was going on. Realizing he was unconscious and fidgeting around their was nothing she could do but leave him be, hoping he did not die.

"Ākaibu, whats happening to me. Are you doing this?"

{Host mind is breaking through the mental block on its own. The stress is taking a toll on host body. After the mental block his gone host will experience excruciating pain before all memories that were locked floods your mind at once. Due to this having a 85% chance of killing you I will break the memories into sections. The pain of which has a 53% chance of killing you.}

"Wait! Don't I get a say in this?"

{Unfortunately host does not have a choice the process is happening on its own so I have to do what has the least possibility to kill you.}

"What if I.... F*****k!!, this is way freaking worse than the last time. Should you have given me some kind of warning, you mother f***er, Ahh!!!!. Why the heck haven't I passed our yet?"

{I was not aware when the pain would begin. Host must stay conscious in order for all memories to be transferred safely and unaltered. Memory incoming. Breaking into smaller sections, guiding to host consciousness, scanning memories..,}

"I don't want to die!, please don't let me die!, save me!, brother!, if you had just died when you were born then I wouldn't..."

"Son, you are special don't you forget that, and someday the whole world will know who you are"

"Jay!, don't run off too far, stay where I can see you ok?"

"Ok mom,"

"Your son is not normal. He's a danger those around him, you saw what he did, he needs to be taken care!"

"My son is just fine, nd I suggest you watch your tongue."

"Open your eyes, no child should have that much power, He's not human, and if he were to lose control again this place would not survive. The people have all come to an agreement, get rid of him by tonight or we will, taking you your wife and your other son with it if we must."

"Jay! Run, son run!! Run far away from here and don't look back, mommy loves you ok! Don't forget that, I'm always there with you no matter what. Go you must, you need to live. Go!!"

"Whats this, the demon is trying to escape, you think we'll let you leave to ruin another place, you'll die right hear and now, this will be your grave. Now die!!"


"Its not your time as yet little brother, go I'll hold them off."

"But how, your dying in my hands!, what can you do, just let them kill me, i'm what they want please."

"Jay listen to me, your my little brother, and i'm the one that helped raised you, no matter what this world sees you as you'll always be my little brother, and don't let them change that. I love you and i'm sorry, but you'll forgive me someday."

"I don't want to die!, please don't let me die!, save me!, brother!, if you had just died when you were born then I wouldn't have to die here, jay your a monster. That was your brother's last words before we killed him, I guess he realized that you weren't protecting after all. Now die demon!"

"Hey did you really have to tell the kid that before you killed him, you could have told him the truth you know how his brother was going about how he someday be the greatest thing this world has ever seen."

"I loved the looked in his eyes when he thought that all his brother told was a lie and that he hated him just like the rest of us, it just gave me a sense of pleasure."

"That's just messed up bro, I mean he's still a kid, you could have at least let him died peacefully, I feel kinda bad now."


{Memory recovery completed. Putting host to sleep to rest mind, schedule time to wake up... Two hours from now. System functions now available to host now at 50% to unlock the rest the second holder of system ākaibu must unlock theirs and make contact with host. Locating secondary holder,... Secondary holder found. State of system, one hour untill unlocked. System will now enter a state of rest untill host is awake.}