
Ken to mahō no tatsujin. TSUIN GOD HUNTERS

Please! I don't want to die, save me! imagine just coming out a a bad situation that made u loose everything except one family that ur close to. but just as things started to get better, they died, right in front of you.

Jwolf1224 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

[1]. Awakening!

"What is he?"

"What happened to him"

"What's that on his shoulder?"

"Be quiet!, he's waking up.

"Agh, the heck happened to me, my head is freaking killing. Last thing I remember was... Actually I can't remember a single thing, I don't even know my own name!

With a panic expression he sat up looking around him. There were three girls around him all looking at him strangely. Before he was able to say anything the older looking girl placed a finger on his lip to silence him. Looking around he saw that they were on a wagon beinng pulled by horses at first glance there appeared to be nothing wrong, but he could somehow feel they were being watched, and the feeling he got was not very comforting.

Looking back at the three girls he noticed that they looked like humans with animal ears and tail. Looking at the two youngest he figured they were twin or regular siblings due to how much they resembled each other. The other girl, the one that interacted with him first looked to be as old as him.

"Where am I? Who are you? Whats going on? Where are you taking me? And why can't I remember anything!?

He blurted. He wanted to know what was going on and why he he couldn't remember anything. Looking at them he saw a flash of fear on their faces for a quick second before returning to normal. For a moment a wondered if it had to do with the reason he was silenced when he had first woken up, for second he contemplated whether he should continue or wait.

"Be quite, we're in a forest filled with dangerous creatures, all your questions will be answered as soon as we make it out. But for now please be patient." Warned the oldest of the girls.

Not having much of a choice he sat in a corner of the wagon observing all three of the girls waiting to get the answers he need.

After two hours of traveling through the forest, they finally left and entered a wide field.

"Now. To answer your questions. First let me introduce my self. I'm Arianna, the girls next me are twins Bella and Ella. Bella is the one with black hair and ella the one with white. As for where you are you're on your way to Ahito country. Unfortunately we don't know who you are, we were kinda hoping you would. We found you in the middle of the road unconscious two days ago. But it looks like you don't remember anything for some reason.

Explained arinna. He looked at her and for a moment got lost admiring her beauty. Her long red hair, emerald green eyes, smooth creamy skin, red lips, two fox like ears on top of her head and a long red tail wrapped around her waist like a bleat. realizing he was starring he looked a way with a slight blush on his cheek.

Looking at the twins he realized that now that he's getting a better look they looked much more alike, with the exception of the hair, ears, and tail. Bella has long black hair, a pair of black wolf like ears, and a long back tail wrapped around her waist just like Arianna. Ella is the exact same except her features are white. Both girls looked no older than nine to ten years old.

"I don't know what to tell you. I guess thanks for helping me, but I don't even know my own name. As far I know you guys are the only persons I know. It just feels weird not knowing who you are." He said looking at his hands.

"We can't do anything much for you until we get back to our home. Maybe our chief will know what to do." Arianna told him looking up in the sky.

"What should we do about his name situation?, it doesn't feel right call him it, him, they or whatever else." Bella asked with a thoughtful look ella mimicking her.

"I know! Jabari! We'll just call you jabari." They both shouted at the same time.

"Jabari?" He asked confused.

"Yeah! It's the name of our favorite character from our favorite book." The twins said with excitement.

Repeating the name over in his head he looked at his hands and smiled. With a nod he accepted it as his name for the time being.

"Lets stop here and camp for the night." Arianna interrupted his thoughts. They had stopped in the middle of a field with a very small stream close to it. The sun was going down and they all need some rest. A hour after later and every one had falled asleep.

{ Ākaibu awaken. Host detected. Beginning transfer... transfer completed. Plz select skills. }

"What's going on? Whats ākaibu? Pick skills? I don't understand.

{ Host must choose skills...}

"Skills, aren't those like magic or sword abilities.?"

{ Host has a maximum of eight skills he can choose. Host can then go on to learn other skills in the future. Please choose your skills. Choice's will be displayed in host's mind. Host has over fifty thousand that he can choose from. Now please make choices to move on to next stage.}

"Ok so basically I have a weird sounding voice in my heading tell me to choose skills, no biggie right?. The heck, its like I can see all these skills but I can't at the same time... Lets see... Holy shit, it was kidding when it said over a fifty thousand. But why are they separated by color like that?"

{Skills are separated by the class, this was done so host would have a easier time choosing skills. The main classes and their corresponding colors are as follows, common white, uncommon green, rare blue, epic purple, heroic gold, mythical red, legendary orange and heavenly sliver.}

"Ok so by class right. Let's see, I can only choose eight and and any other skills I would have to learn. Since I'm limited to only eight and their eight classes I'll just take one from each then. Lets see, for common... Survivors instinct or S.T. for short. This allows the user to detect monsters or any hostile threats within a three hundred meter radius. Now for uncommon... Appraisal sounds nice. Lets see, gives the user the ability gain certain information about someone a lower level than them or two levels higher. I'll take this it sounds really help full and maybe I could use it on myself. Next is rare. For rare I'll choose the skill language adaptation, this should let me understand most if not all languages."

"Now for epic... I want something that has to do with fighting... Yes this will do, master of martial arts, this grants the user quick reflexes, heightened speed, strength, hand to hand combat skills and the ability to quickly learn almost any type of martial art skills in less than half the time it would take. Only a few more left to go. Lets do heroic then. Master of elements. Grants user the ability to use magic of all the elements. This would learning magic easy."

"Mythical. Mythical skills are the real deal. Just look at these. If i could take all of these I would. Domain? No wait what about... No that won't work. Domain it is. This allows the user to cast a spell that envelopes a area taking anything in its rage with it. In this area user's abilities gets amplified by 80%, ally abilities by 65% and enemie abilities decrease by 45%. User also has the ability to chage the shape or terrain of the domain. Domain size increases with user level. With this who knows what I would be able to do, it might just be the best skill I'll get."

"Legendary. This makes mythical look a child's toy. For legendary i'm going with... Wait this says that this skill comes in pair. Soul reap and divine intervention. Soul reap. Drains the life force of foes replenishing users health, this later evolves into soul harvest. This takes the soul of fallen foes to increase users own powers, and once every three months can bring back any three persons that have been dead for less than two years. Divine intervention. This the user the ability to intervene in dire situations saving allies for harm this later evolves into divine law, which allows the user to create a set of rules on a certain area that cannot be disobeyed no matter what. This skill however has a limitted range and can only be used once every month. When user reaches a certain level this limit will drop to once every week. The tings I can do with these skills are just not natural, not to mention I basically just got a two for one deal, so know i'll end up with a extra skill and both of these skills evolve into something even more powerful. I'm kinda scared to see what heavenly does."

"For heavenly... Oh, my freaking, god!!! I don't even have to think twice for this. Magic creation. Grants the user the ability to create any magic skill they can imagine, limited, imagination, this can be done as long as mana needed to cast spell does not exceed users own. Look, I don't know what kind of dream this is but it sure as hell is the best one I've ever had or even remember."

{Host has chosen skills. Transfer of skills to users mind completed. Notice! Some skills that the user choose require physical and genetic change. Beginning body alterations. User must choose appearance. User won't be able to change race do to having a mix of different races in genetic map already. Host only needs to imagine appearance.}

"Imagine how I want to look. Lets see."before he could get a clear picture a image popped into his head.

{Host has made its choice. Now beginning body modification. Host might feel a bit of discomfort.}

"A bit of discomfort is not really anything to worry abou..." Before he could finish speaking a wave of immense pain flooded his entire body, he tried to scream but not even a squeak escaped his lips. Before he knew it he had passed out from the pain while the system ākaibu rewrote his genetic structure.