
Chapter 2

I am tired as hell, weary with the burden of long-closed eyes; I could have easily pulled off being a walking zombie, dead on the inside but subconsciously awake. Somehow managing to make my way around the apartment.

Washing my face I could clearly see my features, others might disagree but I looked like I wanted to look like. Almost managing a smile I make my down almost sliding down the stairs. Hitting up the cafe across the street, I fuel my lack of energy with copious amounts of caffeine. One cup in hand I start making my way to the park near the club.

Not much later and I already found myself in the park, it seemed much cleaner than what one would expect from last night's commotion. Dropping into one of the benches a familiar voice starts talking behind me.

"Was starting to think none of you are actually going to show."

Dropping my head, I see a hooded figure behind me. I wouldn't be able to forget the face even if I ever wanted to.

"Depends on what you consider to be morning. Sup?"

"Tired of waiting. Let's get going to this studio of yours."

Launching myself from the seat, I gesture to the street and start walking. She seems a tad bit younger than me, though she doesn't look like she was raised on the streets.

"I imagine you are quite busy."

"Yes and no, I just don't want to get caught at the crime scene," she laughs to herself. Pointing to the walls, "I spraypainted most of them, can only really see it at night."

Chuckling, "You must be popular among the authorities."

Shrugging, "That among other things. Tell me about your little group, I have met those two a while back and they kept talking about you as if you are the only one with talent."

Rubbing my brow I think to myself before finally speaking, "We run by the name Absolute Zero. We do editing and from time to time ghostwrite for some people with a talent to sing but no real grip on lyrics."

"I don't like that. Lyrics are what makes the song if you can't do that much then it would be stupid to try and become an artist."

"I agree but we try to cater to their tastes... well money does provide to be a good motivator."

Glancing at her I see her eyes roll, "In it for the money then?"

Laughing to myself, "I have money but I don't need it nor do I do it for the sake of money. When we started out we needed equipment and they paid well. Most of our clients grew a backbone and decided to tackle the industry on their own initiative."

"And now? The both of them told me they were trying out to test their vocal ability."

"That they are. They are transitioning out of their old role and now wanting to become artists themselves. I won't deny their ability to become great just their motivation."

"Doesn't really explain where you come in."

"Of course, knew them from when they still didn't know they wanted each other. I just work with tables and the sounds. Music is a great passion of mine and I wanted to do this professionally. Though I am not so sure now."

"You feel like there's more you can do?"

"In a sense yes. But there's a roof and I am not so sure when I will reach it."

Nudging me with her shoulder, "If you reach it tell me. I will help you breakthrough. I love music and I will help anyone to get out there to prove their worth, that's if they have what it takes that it."

"I will keep that in mind."

Glancing at her, "Enough about me. What about you? Do you always just run around rapping on the streets and spraypaint walls."

"Wouldn't exactly say it's my hobby but it does blow off steam. I am not so sure if you are fucking with me or not but do you really not know who I am?" she faintly laughs

Raising my brow, "I suddenly feel like I should."

"I don't know I think I prefer this over you knowing about me."

Suddenly intrigued, "Then I would like to know more about you."

"You will. For now, I will at least say I have my own group that I work with. We have gotten to get ourselves known quite a bit but we are only just getting started."

She says plainly but I can sense her determination. It wouldn't hurt to adopt her ideals. We weren't too far from the building now. It wasn't much to look at it, if anything it looked as if someone was using it for storage and it fitted us.

Unlocking the door I hold open, "Welcome to our studio."

"Why thank you, " she steps inside.

Locking behind us we step inside, both Luis and Angel sitting at the table. They greet us with a large smile and Angel jumps to greet both of us.

"You guys are finally here!"

Cutting the greeting short, "I think we should get to it then. Show her what you have been working on."

"We (y/n). We." She winks at me and tears Luis from the chair into the booth.

Handing a headset to Akali I load the track that still needs some perfecting and gives them the signal. The track starts playing and I let them do their thing. Hearing every sound clearly I could identify each and every instrument used and the pain to make it synchronize and making the sound it did. But the creation in itself I am proud of, I just hope for their sake that whoever this Akali is that she does like their song.

Right now my focus is solely on Akali, gently bopping her head to the rhythm of the song I see her lips mouthing some of the words after. Who is she and her group? If they were rappers I would know as we work the streets and clubs with them but I doubt that she is part of any of them.

Leaning back in my chair a smile spreads across her face; it can only mean good news. Not long after Akali jumps up from the chair meddling with the table, activating the intercom.

"I will be with the two of you now. I have an... proposal." She quickly turns to me tilting her head she hums a bit to herself before nodding.

"I hope only good news?"

"I love the lyrics. It rather suits the two of them don't you think? But as for the track is beautifully composed. Well, I love it at least and I can see them growing to become stars and maybe open for some concerts... I can link them up with a studio we are on good terms with then maybe you can also do what you want to do."

"If I knew what I wanted to do."

"One thing at a time," she winks at me and goes for the booth door, "You sure you are okay with letting them go on their own."

"It would be best for the two of them," I nod. I might be wrong but that's at least how I feel.

In the booth, I couldn't exactly place their expressions. It seemed as if they delirious. I hope that they are proud of themselves. We all have gotten far from trying out for different bands than just simply creating our own. Akali likes their sound so I guess that is enough for them.

The exact moment she started to talk about the proposal their heads panned to me as if they wanted my blessing. I give her time to finish her talk with them before the three of them leave the booth.

"(Y/n) are you okay... with this?" Angel asked, "Akali says this was your idea?"

I stare at her blankly for a while before flashing her a smile, "I have been producing this song for the two of you and well I can only bring you this far. My thoughts were just it would be better if you registered to a studio that would promote you a thousand times more than what I would be able to do."

Luis then sighs, his face skewed, "That would mean someone else will be producing our songs."

Angel adds, "This is an opportunity to grow but what about you? What if our music changes?"

I look at Akali then back at them, "This is YOUR work. If it changes make sure it changes for the better. Besides, you will still see me around."

"What will you do then?"

I chuckle, "We got some work we still need to finish up with. After that, you two should aim to become better."

Akali adds, "With what I heard I know you can get better. All I need is for you to say the word then I will make the calls and get the two of you set."

They both nod with a smile, Angel makes her way to the exit with Akali close behind her.

Luis turns to me, "Are you sure about this?"

"I have probably never been so sure about something in my life," I say with a smile.

Offering his hand he pulls me up hugging me, "You are a lot better than you give yourself credit. Thank you for everything... you are a real brother! Good luck out there okay."

"Good luck to you to Luis."

As he leaves I turn to shut down the building's power. Great now I have to find a place in my apartment for all of this shit. I'll come to pick it up later... maybe keep it in the car. Shutting off the lights unplugging the equipment I stack it near the entrance. Stepping outside I hear a loud sigh.

"I was starting to think you were going to stay the night."

"I thought you would have left with them by now?"

"Scared I was just going to leave without saying goodbye?" she smirks.

Shrugging, "You can say that, so what's up?"

"I pretty much set them up. Going to take them to meet up with the studio in a few days. Now I still have you on my hands. So let's get your equipment home, toss them in the back."

"The back of what?" I ask as she walks to a car nearby. Obviously stating it's hers but I never thought she would own something of that caliber, the car looks like it costs more than my apartment building.

Carrying the equipment I put it in the back of the car. Once everything was loaded I jump into the passenger seat. After barking directions and a few wrong turns, we managed to make it to my apartment.

She looks over to me, "Let's help you get all this inside."

"Sure." A few trips into the elevator and back we drop it in front of the door. I stare silently as she drops the last box of wires and microphone equipment at my feet. I wait for her to say something, as our eyes connect I blurt out, "Come in?"

She laughs, "Almost sounds like a threat."

I am an idiot. Opening the door she enters the apartment. It wasn't something to be proud of but it is enough to live comfortably enough without having to pay my soul and a box of milk.

"Didn't peg you for the person to live so frugally."

"Well I didn't really need much so for me this is almost perfect."

She sits at the base of my bed staring at the board next to it, "This where you work late at night?"

"If I ever have energy. Working late nights recently and running on fumes as is."

"Maybe you should take some time to ease the tension," biting her lip she smiles, "A little break from everything wouldn't kill you."

Staring blankly at her I only nod, "Haven't thought of taking a break in a while. I won't say it isn't deserved." I trail off to the kitchen.

"So what's up? I can't imagine you invited me in to talk about business."

"Uhhh," I don't even know myself. I just wanted to see her a bit longer, I didn't plan for this at all.


I turn to her meeting her face, her eyebrow raised, "Yeah, did you want something to drink?"

She shakes her head almost bursting into laughter. Jumping to her feet swiftly she sides next to me, "Phone." Giving it to her I scratch the back of the neck, "I added my number. I will call you tomorrow."

Nudging me with her shoulder I turn to walk her out, the studio equipment almost blocking the hallway. I can see her muttering under her breath then smiling shortly after.

"Thanks for the insight today and I do hope this helped all of you," she says as she turns to me, "After we catch some breakfast then we will get down to business. Goodbye."

I wave at her, "Goodbye... enjoy the rest of your day."

As she disappears down the hallway I turn almost stumbling into all the cases. I drag myself across the room and planting myself in the bed.

Why didn't I say anything? We could have maybe done something or actually get to know her better. I sigh calming down, why am I like this? I freeze up when I want to talk to her... yet I can speak to anyone perfectly fine.

I'm an idiot... but it's obvious I like her.