
Chapter 10

It's seven.

The next thirty minutes were spent in a sluggish rush to get ready. From showering to eating breakfast to rummaging through the closet trying to not wake Akali. If I even closed my eyes for longer than a few seconds I would be done for.

Grabbing my laptop and headphones I stuff them in a bag. Looking back at her still asleep, I am pretty jealous, fuck me I guess. Noticing the two cups on the table I pour the remains down the sink. I open one of the cupboards and take a clock and set the alarm to wake her up by eleven.

Rubbing out my eyes I leave my apartment, stepping into the elevator heading for the underground parking floor.

I can feel the tiredness inside me like a worm, slowly but deliberately draining my life. Most of today will probably consist out of 'I hear, but I'm not really listening. Everything seems to move so slowly.

I should have just slept. But I couldn't. I must work; I must finish this now, or I will end up spending the rest of the night tossing and turning and stressing over it.

I can't wait for the comments.

"Why do you look so tired?"

"Get some sleep."

"You look like you hate life."

I chuckle to myself. Oh, how cruel I am to myself.

The elevator comes to a still rocking my body side to side. With a sigh I step out, dragging myself to my car tossing my bag into the passenger seat. Shaking my head I force my senses into focus just to get to the venue without killing myself.

With the roar of the vehicle's engine, I drive out into the streets, the dark grimmy skies hanging above almost kills my spirits. Driving a bit further past the buildings I could see most of the grey clouds have already disappeared.

"I was worried it would rain today."

The venue was already busy, with all the commotion I can only assume that it's filled to the brim already. Checking my phone a yawn escapes my lips as I see the time. I have an hour to set up and get the music going, the most difficult task of the day is not falling asleep.

Parking in the staff reserved space I grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder. I jog through the cars to the entrance, as I leave the parking area one of the staff members spots me gesturing for me to come to him.

As I reach him he chuckles, "I almost thought you weren't going to show up. Thank God, knowing that you are here is enough to ease the stress."

"Goodmorning, any changes to the times and or the program?"

He straightens himself, "Ah, sorry. Nothing was communicated to us so you should good to start when you can."

I nod, "Thank you."

He follows me as we walk to the stage, "Is there anything you need? I was asked to help you out with anything that you may need."

"The name's (Y/N)," I turn to shake his hand.

Grabbing it he shakes it firmly, "Toby."

I pull out my wallet from the bag handing him some cash, "If it isn't too much of a problem would you be able to get me something to drink. Anything caffeinated that isn't coffee."

He nods, "Will do," turning around he runs in the opposite direction.

Not long after I reach the stage I notice a few people looking my way. I climb the steps walking to the back of the large stage. I start setting up my laptop with the equipment they offered. Nothing too spectacular but enough to get the job done without any hassle.

After everything is plugged in, I do a simple sound check playing a mix of popular songs. Stretching my arms I look out onto the stage. I am seated at the far back of the stage. It arches into the crowd, enough place for them all to dance and throw whatever moves they feel like throwing. The artists will all be right in front of me, so if I fuck up at least they know who to mob on.

Dropping the headphones I stretch my legs. Before I leave my booth, Toby rushes to me with a bag. Handing it to me with a smile.

"Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day," I say with a smile as I grab a can from the bag.

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent."

Taking my drink I jog off the stage inspecting the speakers around the venue. Making sure they are all playing the music. After inspecting almost every speaker I can relax a bit, strolling back to my workstation I down the remains of the energy drink tossing it into a nearby bin.

"(Y/N)!" two very familiar voices call out to me.

They both almost tackle me to the floor, "Hey you two. I am pretty sure the two of you aren't performing today... here to see the show?"

"Obviously! Heard from the group that you are going to be in charge of music for the day," Angel says excitedly.

Luis nods, "Couldn't have picked anyone better."

Before I could say anything Angel squeals, "Oh! We forgot to let you know! We are performing on Saturday as an opener for the day."

"I am proud of both of you. I told you that you will be able to go far without me."

"K/DA really helped. We got some pretty decent advice from them," Luis states. His gaze narrows onto me, "Nevermind us... you look like you haven't slept in days."

"That easy to tell?"

Angel almost bursts into laughter, "WIth you it is always easy to tell." Her tone now serious, "You should get some rest though... do you need us to handle some of the work while you get at least some rest?"

I glance at the stage pondering the thought.

She then grabs my hand pulling me, "We helped set up some of the things around here so we might as well use our passes to help out."

At a loss for words, I just follow them both to the workstation.

As we near the station Luis rummages in the bag, "There are almost enough energy drinks in here to kill you."

"Or keep me awake."

He laughs at my response, "We will hold down your fort for the first three hours then you should have gotten enough rest from that power nap to keep you from passing out on stage."

"I don't think I should."

Angel then sighs, "Shut up and go to sleep."

Luis then states, "Well show us what to do before you do though."

Thinking about it the first performance doesn't start for another two hours. I am here to mostly maintain the music to ensure it doesn't get repetitive and anybody can basically do it.

"Okay fine. Wake me up at exactly Eleven. One performance will happen I clearly labeled the tracks that need to be played. It is super straightforward and if you need to swap the mixes you can do it every hour."

Luis raises his eyebrow, "Look at this man. Thinking that we have never done this before. I am almost offended."

I rub my temples in frustration, "Please just tell me you got this?"

"Yes sir!"

I roll my eyes, checking my phone quickly to see if I got any messages.

None. Well it should be normal is awfully early for any of them to be awake yet but that is just that.

I lay down on the floor using my bag as a pillow. Managing to pass out pretty easily despite the raging music around me. The sleep that I received was incredibly short but enough to keep me going for the entire day without breaking down.

Shaking me awake I could still hear the music. They both wave me goodbye as they leave the stage from behind. I ready myself jumping to my feet with newfound energy, not risking it I open another drink.

Checking the schedule they woke me up before I asked but the little sleep I got to rest is enough and all I could ask for. I cut the music in a slow fade and grab the headphones previewing the track for any distortions. Satisfied I play the intro to the first performance.

I look over to the crowd. There must have been at least thousands of people watching the stage, bathing in the dim lights of the stage, I clutch to the beverage in my hand downing it. My nerves pricking at my skin. My heart feeling as if it was beating with the rhythm of the music.

As it fades I give the artists a thumbs up and the curtains close and the light changes to fit their green aesthetic. They all rush to the stage in unison as if they even practiced getting on stage without wasting time.

I don't know any of these groups. Hell, I didn't even know K/DA existed. I chuckle to myself, as the curtains open the crowd cheers screaming at the top of their lungs. I could only imagine the adrenaline rushing through them as they stand on the stage.

Time passes fleetingly as I work and watch the performances of all these artists. All unique which once again reminds me of why I love music and further deepening my passion for it.

I look up from my workstation looking at the name of the next performance. My heart skips a beat and I look up towards the sides seeing the four of them grouped up. As their intro plays, I find it almost impossible to tear my gaze away from them. As the intro slowly comes to an end the music fades as if the volume was progressively lowered.

Our eyes meet each other I flash them all a smile and give them a thumbs up. They respond with equally wide smiles. The lights fade leaving the stage pitch black, I gaze out towards the crowd seeing them all stare and watch in silence.

The lights light up in pure white putting each of them in the spotlight making everyone go insane.

The music finally plays the very track that made them so popular. The very first time I hear it in person, in its purest form. The performance almost ended way too quickly for my own taste leaving me craving more.

As they leave the stage I play the outro. Looking at the floor it was covered in cans; my breath probably reeks of these things.

Moments later someone walks up to me whispering that I can leave now and that they will take over for the late-night events.

I pack up my things walking backstage. Walking around I try to find where we wanted to meet as if the massive glowing K/DA sign didn't give it away.

Walking slowly a small group of people run up from behind me, listening in on their conversation.

"I can't believe we are actually going to meet them face to face!"

"I am more surprised that we won a one out of a million chance prize."

I chuckle, yeah fucking lucky.

"I wonder what it will be like?"

"Hey! Maybe we can somehow befriend them to meet them later? Or ya' know work for them?"

I roll my eyes at the question. Now much closer to the tent I enter it dropping my bag on the floor. I sit down on one of the chairs rubbing my temples.

They enter slowly looking at me, "Is this... the K/DA-"

"Yeah, you are in the right place. They told me they were going to take a while so just wait around for a bit."

I look at all of them as they slowly enter the tent standing in a group. It looks they are all close friends, or they became friends as they met each other having to sit next to each other the entire day. Two girls and three dudes.

One of the dudes asks, "Who are you?"

Rubbing the back of my neck, "I work with the people here. I DJ'd for everyone."

A girl speaks up," The music was super hype!"

"Yeah, man! I'd say you are great at what you do!"

I just took music that everyone definitely knew and mixed it. The only original work was the intro and outro's for everyone and I took their melodies to sculpt it together, ah whatever no reason to be sour.

I smile at them, "I appreciate the compliment."

The guys walk to me almost bombarding me with questions, "Do you work with K/DA? How are they like? Are there any good secrets you know about them?"

"Nothing that I can share sorry. I have worked a bit with them."

The little bit is this. I am not lying but it isn't completely accurate.

"Oh, that's a bummer-"

Then Akali walks into the tent my eyes locking onto hers instantly. They all follow my gaze, some of the squealings at the sight of her. Surrounding her I just watch as they bombard her with questions and compliments.

It was a refreshing sight to see her talk to her fans in such a manner. I guess you have to be super friendly or they might just write a bad article about you and those that hate you will suddenly appear as if they were called. Not the case with her obviously but it still works in this scenario.

Leaning back into the equipment I shut my eyes for a bit as their voices echo in my mind.

Not long after they squeal again, opening my eyes I see the rest of them enter the tent. As they went to them Akali just laughed then lock onto me. Walking to me she wraps her arms around me, sharing a kiss I notice the gaze of others. Ignoring it I smile at her.

"Good job out there! It was awesome to experience you, girls, doing what you do best!"

She then slightly blushes, "WE should thank you for going out of your way to help us. You must be totally drained."

I shrug, "I am fine. I got some rest and you could probably taste the energy drink in my breath."

She shakes her head with a giggle, "You going to stay and hang with us a bit?"

"I am tired. Like dreadfully tired."

Her smile fades in almost a frown, "Ah I expected that much. You sure though?"

I think a bit about it, sighing to myself. I am really going to regret this but my future self is just going to have to be strong.

"Fuck it, why not?"

She lights up hugging me tightly, "I just have to get some stuff at home and I bet you want to freshen up as well?"

"That would be awesome. What about your fans?"

"The three of them will keep them busy. You have been napping over there for quite a while."

I then hear Ahri come closer, throwing her arm around my neck, "Happy to see you again, (Y/N)."

Returning her hug I chuckle, "You too, Ahri."

"Aren't you supposed to hang out with the fans?"

She retorts, "I could ask the same. I just heard he is leaving so I just wanted to greet him before he leaves us."

Akali shakes her head, "He will be joining us tonight."

Ahri then smirks, "So easily persuaded. I would imagine you being at least a little bit tired."

Evelynn then joins with a scoff, "If you two just didn't forget to tell him he wouldn't be running around 48 hours without any sleep."

"Good to see you, Eve."

She smiles, "Nice work out there. I might just use you again in the future."

Kai'Sa calls out behind Eve, "We are super impressed with the work you did on such short notice!"

"I really appreciate hearing you four saying that of all people."

Looking at each of them I see them all smiling, it felt super genuine, and smiles that I have seen on some of them for the first time. I am just happy I could do what I do best.

Eve then states, "Go get your ass ready. We will meet you at our apartment." As I pass her she grabs Akali, "And you?"

"How else is he going to get into the apartment? Would be super rude if he just stood outside."

She lets her go smiling mischievously, she then glances between the two of us, "We will then keep busy here. We should be there within the hour so try to keep decent."

Her words send a shiver down my spine, Akali rolls her eyes as he grabs them all dragging them to their winners.

"Let's take a photo with our winners before I disappear."

As they take the photo, they all break apart into the conversation and Akali finds me grabbing me by the hand. Leading me out of the tent. I greet them all with a hug one last time.

"See you in a bit, (Y/n)," Ahri sings.

Eve only smiles at me, "Later."

In turn, Kai'Sa turns to me with a smile, "Look forward to meeting up later."

It felt incredibly out of place for her to say that but I think it is just that she is trying to get more comfortable around me.

She sighs; if I was dense I wouldn't have picked up her getting a little bit jealous.

"Okay, I'll walk you to your car. Meet you at our place in like 10?"


"Thank you for the Alarm by the way... and trying to not wake me up."

"You woke up didn't you?"

"Well my senses are quite enhanced so it wouldn't have mattered, but you did try your best," she leans over kissing my cheek. "I did clean up a bit for you at least."

"The two cups and the bed? I doubt that it was that filthy."

She scoffs, "If only you knew."

"Okay listen-"

"Calm down," she breaks into laughter, "I appreciate you letting me stay the night."

"What I wouldn't do for you."

"You had the perfect opportunity to make your move on me."

"I am not that scummy. You were obviously in a very delicate mood." She then smiles raising her brow, "Yeah yeah I probably wouldn't have made a move even if the situation were different."

She attaches to my side as we approach the car, "Drive safe okay? Don't want to lose you this quickly."

"I promise."

I place my hand on her hips, pushing her into the car I lower myself into her soft and warm lips. As we parted I saw her eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile and I couldn't help but smile back. Pulling her closer.

"I didn't expect that."

"A pleasant surprise I imagine?"

She chuckles, "With you it always is." We break apart and she turns around, "Go and get ready. I will be waiting for you."

I nod jumping into the car. I rush past the traffic as if time was limited and my life depended on being there on time. Parking outside my apartment I run through the hallways almost stumbling over my feet.

Jumping into the shower I quickly rinse myself, brushing my teeth I jump into some fresh clothes. On a whim, I grab a change of clothes and stuff it in a bag. Rushing back down I make one last stop before driving to their apartment.