
Katakuri of Fairy Tail

Our MC Katakuri is born in Rosemary village (Erza's village) as an orphan, he eventually finds himself in Fairy Tail

Cainmiddy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


[In this one, some parts of the magic system are different from the original to make it easier to understand]

Days later, in the guild,

Katakuri eagerness hidden in the depths of his eyes, stood patiently near the short guild master, Erza edged up behind him with palpable excitement written on her face.

"I want to learn magic," Katakuri spoke indifferently, an upturned mouth betraying his true thoughts as Makarov let out a hearty, reminiscent smile.

"Follow me," Makarov lightly strolled out the guild pressing his small hands against the door comically as he forced it open.

With a slight nod to Erza, Katakuri followed out, wading his way through cobbled roads that over the course of several minutes began to become sparse, unfurling out to a rough dirt path, flanked by trees on either side.

Footsteps stopped a short ways as Makarov hopped up, perching himself on a neat stump raising his height as his brows furrowed to activate teacher mode.

"Let's start, first of all, what is magic?" Makarov's statement causing both Erza and Katakuri to be confused.

"Magic is the thing that people use to shoot out spells?" Erza said tentatively revealing a lack of confidence in her knowledge causing Makarov to slightly shake his head.

Katakuri looked on with a slight expression of confusion as Makarov refuted Erza.

"Yes it is used to shoot out spells but what is magic itself, what determines what magic people can use, why can't people just use every kind of magic, what determines the limit of magical capability, why can some items enable people to use different magics they themselves haven't learned?" Several quickfire questions caused the two to ponder only to realise, they simply didn't know.

"Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit of an organism, this is why everyone's innate magic is different"

Katakuri nodded slightly showing that he understood.

"A good example of this is my gigantification magic or Mira's take-over magic but that raises the question, why can people use several different kinds of magic that are not innate?" Makarovy continued on

"Innate magic can be taught however, innate magic is always more powerful than learned magic simply because innate magic is closer to the physical embodiment of spirit and learned magic requires conversion in the process of casting."

"This inherent weakness can be somewhat overcome with proficiency yet it will always remain."

Hand on his chin, Katakuri's eyes became slightly dazed as he soaked in the continuous flow of information.

"Now, what determines Magical power, that is far more simple, in every mage's body there is what is equivalent to a container that houses Ethernano or as we call it magic, your container determines the limits of your magical power.

"To increase this limit is very simple, just use magic," Makarov coughed lightly, taking a breath before diving back in.

"Most importantly, to use magic all you need to do is feel the flow of the Ethernano inside you and control that outwards for the first time, I will help you do this and then you will try it without assistance." Makarov then placed his hands on the backs of Katakuri and Erza as a light glow appeared on his palms

Seconds later a dazzling light appears in front of Erza as a nearby rock disappeared in a golden light.

Seeing this Erza let out a confused look "Huh, where'd the rock go?"

The same golden light lit up again casting a yellow hue onto nearby soil as the same rock emerged from the glow.

"Spatial magic or more specifically Requip magic, very good!" With a slight clap, Makarov spoke very happily.

"Requip magic allows you to swap armor and weapons at will, a very versatile magic which enables you to shine in a variety of different situations, the only drawbacks being the time to swap armor and the reliance on external equipment that can break in critical moments, these can be overcome by proficiency and backup sets."

Erza's confusion vanished giving a happy smile toward Katakuri who's magic had also began to materialize.

A softer, dough-like light sprinkled through the air.

Katakuri's arms turned a brown-whiteish colour drooping like a liquid onto the floor.

"Interesting! Let me see closer," Makarov jumped up like a doctor examining a patient, circling around.

"Mochi magic, your body can become mochi to avoid most attacks if you combine this with your innate sight, you could further use this evasively."

"Furthermore, you can also summon mochi and turn the surroundings into mochi, you could quickly end fights by burying your opponents in mochi or shape it more offensively"

"Brother Katakuri! You can now make doughnuts whenever you want!" Said Erza happily as Katakuri's eyes widened thinking of the possibilities.

"Yes you could also just do that," Makarov's tone became gloomy hoping another in his guild wouldn't waste his talent.


Days later, Katakuri began to organize a training regime for his magic:

In the morning, he'd strengthen his physique to better use armament haki which he had brief insights in during his time in the village but never had the physique to fully utilise it.

After dinner, he'd train his observation haki or innate sight as to make his mochi body more powerful, Makarov also theorised if trained to an extreme, it could allow brief glimpses into the future instead of predicting attacks simply as the came.

Magic reserves, proficency and observation haki could be jointly trained by blind folding himself like he did in the village and using his mochi body to avoid attacks, trying to conserve magic by warping his body as minimally as possible.

In the afternoon, any excess magic would be used by constantly shooting out large mochi constructs until his reserves ran dry, filling up before he woke up to repeat this process again.

Finally, he'd cook dinner to practice his cooking, a skill he'd began to find useful during long distance commissions.

Repeating this whilst doing various commissions, simple to more complex, a year had passed.

Okay so we're doing a time skip, partially because I want Katakuri to grow up and be cool katakuri and partially because I want to get onto the main plot sooner.

Edit: I've tried my best to fix the magic and Idk if the innate and learned magic is like that in the original but i'm running with it

Cainmiddycreators' thoughts