
Kaladin of Lemuria

//This takes place in the comic book storyline that follows Dark Knights of Steel. There will be changes, one of which will be adding a new kingdom and giving power boasts to others\\ The world was without gods and goddesses, individuals who did not see the perspective of mortals. Then came those from across the stars, the Kryptonians. With the Kryptonian's arrival, so too did their rise of their kingdom. Wars were fought, lives were lost, until eventually peace was found. Unfortunately, it was a fragile peace...a peace so fragile that only a bit of motion could break it. Thus, here we are today to hear the story of a kingdom that was thought to be gone. This is the story of Lemuria, this is the story of Kaladin.

HectorX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"It's quiet..." Bruce stated as he stood at attention upon the balcony of the provided chambers by Emperor Kaladin. The man was almost an enigma to him, at one moment Kaladin could be a carrying uncle, the next a ferocious animal ready to strike. His words on Kal weren't baseless but even so it was humiliation to both the prince and his father in extention. That said, it could he used as a learning experience but Bruce knew that Kal would never understand that. He was too simple minded to understand such things, which was why he was silently going through a temper tantrum while drinking wine behind Bruce. "What right does he have to talk about respect?" Kal could be heard questioning to himself. Bruce looked back to find Kal seating in a lounge area, with a scowl on his face. He felt for the man, but he could say nothing to get his mind off of such issues. Not long after, Jor-El had returned back into their temporary quarters and entered with a solemn look upon him. Kal jumped to his feet after setting his chalice on the table in front of him. "Father!", He called, "What did the Sea King wished to speak about? Was he declaring war?" Jor looked to his son before shaking his head. "My son if he would he doing such a thing then why would he have King Jeffery here as well?" Jor questioned, causing Kal to furrow his brows a bit. Bruce stepped away from the balcony and entered the conversation with a blank expression. "My King, I assume Emperor Kaladin wanted to speak about current world events?" Bruce intelligently asked, causing Jor-El to nod his head as he walked over to a seat nearby.

Once Jor was seated he stroked a hand through his graying hair and sighed. "He wishes to avoid war, for he fears that we will destroy it if we were to war with the Kingdom of Storms", Jor reiterated, "I share his fears as well...though his next words were quite insulting but true as well." Kal sat down across from his father while Bruce remained standing. "He wishes for us to pay closer attention to our own country, he does not ask of us to change, but to change on how we deal with individuals capable of magic." Those words put a sour taste in Kal's mouth, as for Bruce he felt a brow raising not sure as to why he Kaladin would speak of that. "So he is ordering us to release prisoners who are dangerous?" Kal questioned with a hint of malice, though Bruce corrected him. "No, he's telling us to reconsider on what we think is a threat and what's not a threat." Bruce stated, causing Jor to nod slowly. "Some of the man's words holds truth, we have imprisoned every individual who had the capacity to harm me and my family even if they be child...", Jor uttered the last word with sadness enticed with it, "He also issued a warning to us, one that I believe that he will deliver." This got Bruce and Kal to tense up and listen closely to what Jor was about to say. "If we are to go to war with the Kingdom of the Storms, then Lemuria will remain neutral throughout the conflict", he reiterated Kaladin's words, "Buf if we were to spill blood of his people...the both we and the Kingdom of the Storms will face the entire might of Lemuria." Kal snorted finding the warning as a bluff, though a warning glare from Jor told him to silence himself. "Be mindful my son, Lemuria is the only nation with the largest navy and most powerful of magic users. They could do more harm than King Jeffery could do, and he only has the remains who flex from our kingdom." Jor warned, causing Kal to frown.

Bruce however understood the threat that Lemuria posed, they could attack both sides and still fight the war. Not to mention their champion being said to being as godly as his king and prince. If the rumors were true, then war with Lemuria would could lead to the damnation of them all. Meaning that he had his work cut out for him to keep their own forces from doing anything drastic. Jor shared a look with Bruce, and nodded his head towards him, silently ordering the Bat Knight to leave the room. Once Bruce was gone, Jor addressed his son as he leaned forward with hands clasped together. "Kal, do you know why we did not fly here?" He asked slowly and gently. Kal raised a brow and imitated Kaladin's words. "Because it wouldn't be for respect." Kal answered, causing Jor to give his son a slight smile. "The reason that we did not fly here is because the Lemurians would take it as an act of aggression", Jor answered with the voice of wisdom, "The rest of the world are not entirely cordial with us..they are not as powerful as us. If we wish for them to understand us and join hands with us then we must understand them. Emperor Kaladin was gracious enough to allow us entry to his kingdom, even offer us a ride into their borders. So tell me, would it be rude if we arrived unannounced here before King Jeffery and his retinue?" This got Kal's gears turn as he pondered on those questions. He thought upon his father's words, finding reason behind them before slowly nodding. "I understand father, but to call me out to ask such a simple question?" He pointed out causing a deep breathe to leave Jor. "The fault is mine, I raised you as mostly a sheltered child with only your sister being able to leave the kingdom more adversely." Jor said with a tone of apology.

Kal frowned at his father beginning to speak though Jor held his hand up for silence. "I want what is best for you son, but to do so you must understand the role of King", he began to explain, "A king does not question the whys and hows of other nations unless the question is valid. Flying into another nation without forewarning is rude, and dangerous. Imagine if we had arrived eithout even allowing Emperor Kaladin to know of our arrival. He would treat us as a threat and possibly close all borders with us and open more to King Jeffery." Kal's eyes widened and went to speak but stopped himself. The reasoning made sense as he pondered more upon it. Then looked down now realizing his error in judgement. When he laid his eyes upon his father, he found the man smiling warmly back at him. "Being king isn't easy, isn't it?" Kal finally asked, causing a hearty laugh to leave Jor. "No my son, if is not." Jor stated after getting his laughs out.

King Jeffery sat at his son's bedside, watching the boy sleep peacefully. He held a fond smile upon his face as he placed a hand over the boy's head to caress it. Kaladin's stuck with him, he had originally thought it to be an insult but there was truth in the Emperor's words. Jeffery knew full well that he was not a good man, he would do whatever he needed to do to ensure his family's safety and as well as his kingdom. But he did not wish such a fate for his son, a boy who hadn't even spilt blood. He wanted his son's safety, but that did not mean making him become just like himself. So he would consider Kaladin's words more so than he thought, believing that he could try to to bring his son into becoming a good man. A better man who did not need to resort to his own ways. That said, the threat that Kaladin issued to both he and Jor-El was troubling. He knew that Lemuria posed a greater threat than the Kryptonians. They had the power to fight a war on two fronts, so he would have to keep his ranks from crossing paths with Lemurians at all. He feared what would happen if he ever had to see the man who truly controls the Storms. The man whom they called Black Adam..

{The Next Day}

The two delegations were walking together into the same chambers as before. They were heading to be treated for breakfast before they would leave. As they entered, seated at either side of Kaladin was Orm and Orin who both wore a mixture of pearl like attire. It showed off the wealth of prestige of Lemuria, as well as the Princes who watch over it. Kaladin gave the group entering the chamber a smile before gesturing for them to be seated. "I hope that you all had a wonderful night." Kaladin said, sounding benevolent now. As he said that, he furrowed his brows and felt that he had heard something. It sounded an awful like more than a dozen footsteps heading their way. Orm and Orin noticed the look that their uncle had, and both exchanged expressions. Suddenly Kaladin rose to his feet, his armor gleaming when the sun's light touched it. "Orm, Orin, the door!" Kaladin ordered, immediately the two prince drew swords and charged forward. What came next was an explosion that sent both prince's backwards but still standing. On the other side was someone whom all who sat at the table knew all too well. "Circe....were you and your kingdom not to be remaining exiled?" Kaladin questioned, sending a glance at Jor-El who shook his head. This told Jor-El was as much in the dark as Kaladin was, an elegant giggle left Morgan as she placed a hand over her heart. "Great Emperor Kaladin, you wound me with such a question", she said as her scarlet red hair hung over the violet cape that adorned her back, "I have xome to take your had in marriage, with your forces and my magic we will be unstoppable." Kaladin raised a brow as he did subtle taps onto the floor. Something that Bruce noticed as he got ready to brandish his sheathe daggers. "I am sorry to say this, but I am not in the market for an Empress." Kaladin stated plainly causing a wicked grin to grow on Circe's lips. "Oh but my dear...that was not a request, take him!" She ordered and a host of armored beasts of all shapes and sized charge through the smoke to attack. Bruce and his Robins got between then to protect their king and prince. Jeffery did the same to protect his son with his retinue surrounding them protectively. Orm and Orin let out battle cries as they charged forth, being the first to slay an armored beast of Circe. Next was Kaladin, using his fists and fins on his bracers as weapons. He held up his bracer to block a blow from a rhinoceros warrior. The blow did not push the Emperor back, only caused him to smirk before sending a devastating fist into the rhino's chest. His fist exited out of the back of the rhino, then he used the corpse of it as a battering ram, plowing his way through the small army. Bruce caught up on this and charged forth with his Robins, understanding that Kaladin was trying to make way for the delegations to get out of this enclosed area.

"Prince Kal, stay close to his masjesty!" Bruce ordered and gestured for them to follow. King Jeffery followed soon after as Orm and Orin held off the group of armored animals. Circe seemed to have withdrawn from the engagement, however Kaladin knew that she was somewhere else. Spectating the skirmish like an audience given something to entertain them. "Orm, rally the Kingsguard!", Kaladin ordered before he turned his gaze towards Orin, "Orin, go and call for the Sirens, we will need them to rid this infestation out of our palace!" With the orders issued, Orm and Orin quickly dove out of the window sils and landed onto the pavement below. Together they cut their way through a hooded of Circe's minions, heading to complete their task. "The rest of you are with me, we make for the city!" Kaladin gestured to the delegations just as Kal sent a bone crushing fist into a lion armored warrior, protecting his father. "The city?!", Kal exclaimed, "Why there?!" Bruce answered for Kaladin as the Emperor rushed forward and took point for the delegations. "Because the Garrison will be there to meet us and join the fray", Bruce explained, "Reinforcements in other words, my Prince." Jor and Jeffery nodded to this and followed with their retinue taking up the rear guard duty. Kaladin showed off his mastery of Lemurian and Atlantean martial arts, his fists and the fins on his bracers either cutting or sending Circe's minions away with calculated punches.

Kaladin then brandished two scimitar swords from fallen Kingsguard. He closed his eyes, giving them a silent prayer for having died doing their duty. "Your Majesty!" Called Murk who came bolting down the hall with at least 50 bloodied Kingsguard behind him. "Captain Murk, what is the situation?" Kaladin questioned, causing the Captain of the Guard to stand at attention. "So far we have pushed the enemy back, but I believe that was the first wave." Murk reported, getting a nod from Kaladin who twirled the two blades in his hands a bit. Then he turned to the two delegations and eyed them for a moment. Honestly, he was eyeing King Jeffery and King Jor-El. The three of them knew that this was obviously an assassination attempt. One meant to kill at least one of them, or to break the fragile peace that they have. "Murk, I want you to find Orm", Kaladin ordered, "He is rallying what remains of them inside the palace, strategize with him on how best to rid ourselves of Circe's pets." Murk nodded and bolted off down the hall once more, distant fighting could be heard as the group looked to each other. Jeffery checked his son, and Jor-El closed his eyes pondering something. "Kingsguard, defend the delegation for as long as you can, we make for the armory." Kaladin ordered, then began to escort the retinues of the two kings down the hall. As they drew near, Kaladin caught the scent of blood staining the air. He scowled then held up a sword to halt the group. "I had been expecting his majesty to be a fool", called a sadistic and lusty feminine voice, "I'm glad to be wrong, the hunt would be quite boring if what he said was true." Kaladin raised a brow at her, knowing exactly who this woman was. "Lady Cheetah, charmed..." He dryly greeted then prepared for battle. A feline humanoid like woman bounded the corner, her fur covered in blood not her own, even her lips. She had a crooked grin on her lips, licking ghem to savior the taste of Lemurian blood. She went into a stance, as if ready to pounce on the group. It seemed as if she were going to attack. Except she simply dove out of the nearest window escaping any skirmish with the group.

"Enemies of the Amazonians attacking Lemuria with their Emperor present...this is no coincidence." Jeffery slowly said, finding this entire situation to be odd. "I agree, the Amazonians had imprisoned Cheetah long ago, as well as exiled Circe even further than that." Jor-El nodded, gaining an uncertain look from Kal-El. "Are you saying that the Amazonians are trying to kill us?" The prince questioned, but Kaladin this time answered in the place of his father. "No boy, he is saying that we are being used to spark a war with all of our kingdoms", Kaladin answered, "Lemuria has not taken action in any other nation's conflicts unless it had our interests involved. We are the largest superpower on the world currently, who would dare to strike at us so foolishly? Lemurians and Amazonians are more respectful to each other than anything. Which means only one thing...someone wants us to fight, and they are willing to make us all die to make it happen." Jor-El and Jeffery both gained serious looks on their faces while Kal looked to Bruce who subtly nodded while standing guard. "Then, that means we're all targets of the mysterious enemy", Kal began to say, "Whomever they are they probably weren't expecting us to join forces and fight them off." Kaladin shook his head then pointed at the window. "Look outside boy, they have prepared for us quite well..." Kaladin stated bluntly. Kal-El as well as the rest of the delegation looked outside to find a violet dome surrounding the palace. Each gained a solemn, serious, or scowl of a look upon their faces. "I assume that your nephews will be returning with reinforcements?" Jeffery questioned, sending a look to Kaladin's way. For a moment Kaladin didn't answer, he was hoping that the boy who he raised would not be behind this travesty. Yet, a part of him felt that Orm may have played a role in this...only time would tell if they survived to live through this. "We will have to see, King Jeffery..." Kaladin finally said, "We will have to see.."