
Kaladin of Lemuria

//This takes place in the comic book storyline that follows Dark Knights of Steel. There will be changes, one of which will be adding a new kingdom and giving power boasts to others\\ The world was without gods and goddesses, individuals who did not see the perspective of mortals. Then came those from across the stars, the Kryptonians. With the Kryptonian's arrival, so too did their rise of their kingdom. Wars were fought, lives were lost, until eventually peace was found. Unfortunately, it was a fragile peace...a peace so fragile that only a bit of motion could break it. Thus, here we are today to hear the story of a kingdom that was thought to be gone. This is the story of Lemuria, this is the story of Kaladin.

HectorX · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

{80 Years Ago}

Wails of a woman could be heard close by as a blonde haired man swam quickly through large halls. It wouldn't be long before he nearly bust the doors off their hinges as he entered. His piercing blue eyes landed on a woman with midnight black hair and looked to be in pain. He swam over to her and got to her side as doctors and nurses did their jobs. "Once more my queen, I can see the child's head!" shouted the doctor as he held a towel in hand. The woman gazed up at the man who came to her side, he had long blonde hair, trimmed golden beard, and wearing a crown to match his features. She held a hand out to him, allowing him to grasp with both of his firm and rough hands. He gave her a concerned look as he knelt beside her, caressing her hand gently as she gripped his palm. Another wail left her as she put as much effort as she could into making sure that their child escaped her womb. After having used up what energy remaining within her, wails could be heard leaving from a babe. Not long after, both of them looked to find the doctor wrapping up their child after having quickly clean off the bodily fluids on it's skin. "Your highness!", the doctor exclaimed, "It's a boy, a healthy boy!"

The doctor gently and slowly swam over and placed the newborn child in the arms of his king. The king gazed down at his son, eyes widening as he took in the child's features. With as gently as he could, he moved over to show his wife their child. "Calypso, he has your face..." The king pointed out with a soft and quiet tone. Calypso gave her husband a tired smile before holding her hands out to hold the boy. The king slowly handed the boy over, allowing her to gaze down at the child as she bore a loving smile down at him. "Oh my sweet child..", She slowly uttered with a soft soothing voice, "He has your eyes Atlan...his little peach fuzz shows that he shares my hair." Calypso giggled before stroking her son's chubby cheeks. The child's eyes gazed up at her, his blue eyes locking onto her's as if mesmerized. Atlan seated himself beside his wife, his arm wrapping around her shoulder as he reached an index finger out to his son. The child stared at it before gently reaching out with it's smaller hands to touch it. "Kaladin..." She suddenly said, naming their child. Atlan looked over at her, raising a brow as a smirk came to his lips. "The Bold One?", he translated from Atlantean, "He does not seem as bold as you think, why Kaladin?" Calypso looked to Atlan before giving him and soft smile. "Because I believe that one day, he will be bold enough to do what we could not..." She uttered.

{Present Day, Lemurian Capital, Atlanna}

"My Emperor", called a Lemurian who knelt down onto one knee before a much older and robust Kaladin, "The delegation from the Kingdom of Storms and the Kingdom of Krypton will be arriving soon." Kaladin had his eyes closed, reminiscing of old times, when he was younger and more free spirited. When he opened his eyes, they landed on a tall buff man who was adorned with heavy Lemurian armor. His skin was pale, showing his complexion of being an old Atlantean descendant. "Captain Murk, thank you for your report", Kaladin thanked, "What else is there that I should know?" Kaladin's voice came out almost deep and calm as the Ocean floor, yet held potential to lash out as fierce as a thunderstorm. "Besides being wary of these men your majesty, nothing more to add." Murk responded. Kaladin nodded his head before slowly rising from his throne. He was easily over 6 feet, being possibly 6"11. His armor was that of ancient Atlantean in design, but hued with mysical power. He held no crown, for he had no need of it. To Kaladin, crowns were for those who wished to display authority by words. Kaladin does the opposite, he displays authority through deeds and actions. So that if one were to cross him, they would know the consequences once he arrived.

Kaladin floated downwards to Murk and gave the man a slight smile. "Rise old friend, long have you served my family, and long has it been since we last fought together", Kaladin reminisced, "One would think that I would miss those days more than ever now. When it was simpler than the days that we now live in." Murk rose to his feet, finding himself standing at chin level of Kaladin. He gave his Emperor a smirk before showing him his missing hand. It had reinforced coral reef growing upon the stub where his hand use to be. "My missing hand would beg to differ, you majesty." Murk joked, before Kaladin began floating out of the throneroom. Murk followed after him, and was soon followed by more than 30 Lemurian Kingsguard. They all had sea blue skin, pearl coral armor, armed with spears with sheathed scimitar like swords at their hips. They floated after their emperor while remaining on guard as well. Their helmets resembled that of ancient Troy when it still existed at least. Eventually, the assembled group arrived at a large pearl shaped lift that took others to the surface. Murk, Kaladin, and at least 15 of the Kingsguard boarded the lift. Not long afterwards, they were flung upwards towards the surface.

"I forgot to ask Murk", Kaladin turned to his old friend, "How goes Upper Lemuria? I heard that there is a movement of sorts wishing to return to the Atlantean way of life, and another who wishes for our borders to remain open for any and all who seek refuge." Murk subtly nodded as he faced forward, confirming his emperor's words. "Yes, the first group are preferably the more violent of the lot", Murk began to explain, "They call themselves the Soul of Atlantis, what they want is not exactly the same as what they preach. These radicals wish for the Old Atlantean ways to return immediately, as well as for you to abdicate the throne to another", Murk paused to collect his thoughts on the other group, "As for the second? Honestly your majesty they seem more cordial in what they preach. They wish for open borders to all kingdoms both small and big. To expand Lemuria's knowledge to all others, as well as for you to have a more active role in leading." That last sentence caused a slight chuckle to leave from Kaladin's lips. He found it amusing that these group had these views of what he should do and must do. "Well then, I am glad that our people think that ruling a kingdom appears easy to them", Kaladin mocked, "That said these Soul of Atlantis lot sound quite troubling, are the Serpentine already-" Just as Kaladin was about to finish his question, a look from Murk told him all he needed to know. "Right yes, of course they are. Kaldrr'am does not miss a beat."

The lift that they had been traveling in came to a halt, then drained the water inside. The Lemurians around them marched forward as their feet touched the solid floor beneath them. Once the door opened, the afternoon sun's rays came down upon them. Kaladin could feel the warmth of it touch his skin as he walked out with Murk behind him. The group were arrived at a grand port city, the walls rising up to keep invaders out or worse. hundreds of ships both above the sea and below patrolled the waters. Each ship ranging in size and shape of one another. In the distance, Kaladin could make out two smaller ships in the far distance approaching the city. "Ah, there they are", Kaladin pointed out, "I wonder if they brought him along as well." Murk glanced at his king, already knowing of who he refers to. "You speak of the prince, your majesty?" Murk questioned, but found silence as Kaladin's answer until he let out a deep breathe. "I speak of the other one..." Kaladin finally said beneath his breathe before making his way towards the platform to which the ships would dock at.

As Kaladin and Murk arrived, hundreds of Lemurians stood guard and at the ready. They were tense, they should be, they have heard rumors of what the Kryptonians were capable of. The approaching ships came to a halt and dropped anchor not long after docking. Then a ramp came downwards for the passengers to disembark. The first faces that Kaladin saw was that of his nephews, Orm and Orin. He gave them both a warm smile before holding his hands out to hug them. "My boys, welcome back home." He greeted, and gave both Orin and Orm a hug as they returner their own in kind. The two princes of Lemuria bowed their heads before moving to the side to reveal their passengers. On the left was King Jeffrey Pierce of the Kingdom of Storms, his retinue of a dozen knights, and his only son. On the right was King Jor-El of Krypton, his retinue which consisted of the Bat Knight, 3 of his Robins, and his son Kal-El. "Welcome kings from afar, I am Emperor Kaladin", Kaladin greeted with a more firmer and professional tone, "Come, we will show you to your quarters for the time being. Then later this evening we shall feast." Kaladin turned and began to lead the assembled group down the docks and onto the solid pavement beyond. His ears were able to pick up idle chatter from behind him, hearing the young Kal-El speaking. "We could have arrived her first if he just let us fly here", Kal whispered, "What's the point of sailing here?" That was when Kaladin glanced back at the man with a risen brow. "The point is to show respect boy, one that you lack in astonishingly enough", Kaladin called out, "You would do well to follow both your father's and bodyguards example of remaining silent or asking reasonable questions." This reprimand had not gone unnoticed, Kaladin knew that he didn't have to respond. Even so he did to make sure that no words went without his notice, no matter how silent they appeared. A glare was directed his way from the young prince, while a grin was sent his way from King Jeffery.

"I am quite surprise that you would open your borders to foreign kingdoms after so long, Emperor Kaladin", Jeffery stated, "If I may be so bold to ask, why did you wish to hold a conference on your lands?" The question was shared by all others, do as they reached the city gates, Kaladin turned to those who he will be hosting tonight. "To avoid war." He answered.

{Later That Evening}

Kaladin walked into a large chamber, one that had a large table for those whom he will be hosting to feast on. All those arriving came wearing their best attire, to show off their prestige. Though the Bat Knight failed to hide his hidden weapons, Kaladin could make out a dagger hidden in a sheathe inside the man's sleeves. As they all sat, Kaladin rose a chalice for them. "To the betterment of our kingdoms!" He shouted for all to hear, finding the rest toasting to that was well. His words still rung in only a few of their ears, Kaladin was already aware of the tensions between Jeffery and Jor. One spoke of peace yet imprisoned those with power who could rival him. The other showed grace but hid his darker machinations behind the scenes, fearing for his own kingdom. Both men were hypocrites in their own right, that said they were two kings who boasted enough power to ravage the world. This feast played a secondary role, one to have a secret conference between the kings. Jor and Jeffery were most likely aware that fact, with the Bat Knight coming second. Kaladin turned his gaze go find the man still standing with arms folded over his chest. Bruce Wayne, the loyal lapdog and estranged brother to Kal-El. They may not be true brothers, but it was obvious that the two shared a connection.

Kaladin ate slowly, watching those who he was hosting, only noticing the two kings glancing once in a while at either him or each other as they ate. Once the feast had been finished, Kaladin remained seated while the rest of the delegation left for their quarters. He closed his eyes and remained silent for a time, minutes would pass, hours even. Until the doors to the chamber was opened once more, revealing Jeffery and Jor walking through with stoic expressions. Kaladin opened his eyes and gestured for them to sit at the empty table. Jor and Jeffery seated themselves at Kaladin's left and right as he placed both of his hands on the table. "As you are aware, we have much to discuss", Kaladin said in that firm tone but held a warning as well, "Both of your kingdoms are on the verge of open war, regardless of your best efforts." Jor-El was the first to speak, looking to Kaladin. "We do not want war, we only wish for peace with all others." He stated his stance, causing Jeffery to raise a brow and almost glare at Jor. "Peace?", he questioned, "You cage away those with the potential to use magic based off the fact that they could harm you and your family rather than employ them." Jor sent a stern glare Jeffery's way before voicing his own accusations towards the dark skinned king. "We do not cage them, they knew the risks before entering our kingdom", he reaffirmed his kingdom's law, "That said, do not speak as if you yourself are not without treachery. You may look like a dignified man but we all know your words are both half truths and lies." Before the both of them could send accusations at one another, Kaladin decided to intervene. "This is precisely why we are having this discussion", Kaladin raised his voice to gain their attention back to him, "War cannot be avoided no matter what we do, however we can avoid further bloodshed by bettering what problems that our kingdoms suffer."

Kaladin paused, looking between Jor and Jeffery finding that neither do not understand his reasoning. "King Jor-El", he addressed, "What will you do with the imprisoned individuals capable of magic? What becomes of them when you have passed away and your son ascends the throne? The boy is already a man and lacks respect, maturity, and grace. You are souly responsible for him, and must act accordingly, or he will do something irreversible. This holds true to your daughter as well.." Jor-El remained silent, frowning at Kaladin before the Emperor turned his dominating gaze upon Jeffery. "You King Jeffery are a cautious king, one who hides his secrets and machinations well. That said they are not as hidden as you may think. You must make sure that your son becomes a better king, a better man. A King who is not you..." Those words made Jeffery ball his fists up, finding those words to be both an insult and the truth. The two looked at each other, before looking back at Kaladin with curious gleams in their eyes. "And what if...war between our kingdoms begins regardless of what we do?" Jor asked, with Jeffery leaning forward anxious to what Kaladin would say. "If war begins between you two then do whatever you wish, my people and I will not join on neither side", Kaladin stated his stance between the two as a neutral party though his voice began to grow dark and malicious, "That being said....if either one of you were to draw blood from my own kind, from my people, from my nephews....then the entire might of the Seven Seas were fall upon you. This is no warning, it is a promise I guarantee to you, I assure you."

Understanding the threat as well as the message being sent to them, Jor-El and Jeffery stood from their seats and bowed their heads towards Kaladin. The Emperor of Lemuria watched as the two kings walked out of the chambers and let out a silent sigh. "Kaldrr'am, what have you to report?" He called, and out of the shadows came a young man masked in slim but efficient black pearl like armor. He knelt behind his Emperor before speaking. "I have found the leadership of the Soul of Atlantis rioters, your majesty", Kaldrr'am reported, "Though, I had wished it not true..." This caused Kaladin to slowly turn in his seat to look back at his Spymaster with a cautious glare. He too was a bit worried by those words that Kaldrr'am was speaking in. "Who is it?" Kaladin asked, his lips going thin as Kaldrr'am opened his mouth to speak. "Prince Orm, your majesty", the Spy answered, "Prince Orm means to dethrone you and replace you as the Emperor." Those words stung like a dagger piercing his heart, as if everything that he had done meant nothing. He raised Orm and Orin as if they were his own despite knowing that they were his brother's sons. Technically speaking if he could not produce an heir then the eldest was heir to Lemuria. However, he could not wrap his mind around why Orm would do this. So he did the only thing that an Emperor should do. He held back his building emotions of frustration, sadness, and anger. "Kaldrr'am, I want you to personally investigate Orm's so called 'hobbies' and find evidence of his treachery...if he is to be ousted we will need to do the proper procedures." Kaladin ordered, causing Kaldrr'am to nod but before he left, Kaladin added an additional order. "Do the same for Orin, and speak of this to no one...not even your family." The Spymaster nodded then proceeded to leave the way he came in, through the secret passage ways.

Kaladin faced forward, then held his hands up for his face to lay into them. Silently he weeped knowing what he must do if Orm truly wishes to dethrone him. He had hoped that by raising the children of his brother, it would deter them from keep them from becoming their father. He had thought that he did enough, that he had successfully avoid bloodshed among kin. Not only must he worry of the world catching fire, now he is hardpressed to face his own kingdom and hope that a civil war may not begin. With his tears having been shed, he began to compose himself and rise to his feet. He could worry about Orm or Orin now, at this time war could be around the corner and he would have to keep Lemuria's borders secured. He studied under the ancient and long forgotten Romans, they had one word for this type of circumstance when it came to peace and war. A single word that explained it all when one understood the meaning behind it. "Parabellum.."