
Chapter 12 – Midgard (2)

(Midgard – Norway - 10th Century)

Lagertha was currently staring at a god, it was a strange thought but that is what she was currently doing. She and the two small children she had saved were standing just a little distance away as the god Kal was standing on a ridge staring out seemingly at nothing.

It was morning now and the fires of the previous night had been quelled by rain that Thor had summoned, she surveyed the damage, it was extensive but not unrepairable.

The dragon Fafnir's corpse had been removed by the same blinding rainbow she had seen in the heavens when the gods had arrived and currently the gods minus Loki and Kal were helping clear up the damage.

However, the true cost had been the lives lost, the village once had over a dozen families, now it barely had 12 people including the 2 children by her side. It caused her to lament, the survivors would likely have to move as there was not enough of them to rebuild with winter approaching. The survivors had already asked her to take the 2 children with her, which she had agreed to as leaving them there would likely result in them starving.

She caught the eye of the goddess Sif who gave her a respectful smile and a slight nod of her head, which Lagertha awkwardly returned, the whole experience thus far was more than a little surreal.

"What is he doing?" The voice belonged to the boy she had saved who she had learnt was called Harald.

"He is searching for dragons little one." The reply came from the massive Æsir warrior called Volstagg, who was currently carrying a log on his shoulder, like it was a stick, as he helped clear rubble.

"He is just standing there." Lagertha could not help herself but make the statement, which caused a sigh from behind her.

Lagertha turned around to see the sigh had come from the God Loki who whilst the others help clear the damage was just lounging on his back his helmet resting next to him.

Currently, Loki was the only one of the strange beings that Lagertha felt uneasy around, the rest exuded kindness and or trustworthiness but with Loki, something about him which made her want to push the children behind her whenever he was around.

"My brother senses are beyond your comprehension; now please mortal be quiet I am trying to rest," Loki replied not even bothering to open his eyes to look at her.

Sif was about to respond to Loki's rude behaviour but found that Lagertha did not need a defender, as she just gave Loki a look of confusion and offence before she quipped back.

"Rest? From what I can tell you've done the least out of anyone even Aslaug has done more than you." Lagertha pointed to the small girl she had saved, who was currently bringing her steed water to drink.

Her barb at the god of mischief caused Sif, Thor and the Warriors Three to laugh, which made Loki spring up into a seated position and glare at Lagertha, he was about to respond when Kal's voice sounded.

"You know it's difficult to focus if you are all going to start arguing right behind me." Kal's voice was calm and measured, however, his eyes were still scanning the horizon.

Loki just sneered at Lagertha and rolled his eyes raising to his feet and stretched a little whilst rolling his head causing his neck to crack.

"Kal you've been at it for an hour now if there were more you would have found them. Dragons are not exactly easy to miss, the mortal was clearly mistaken." Loki called out a look of boredom on his face.

"Although I am loathed to agree, I believe Loki is right brother," Thor called as picked up Mjolnir having finished removing the last rubble from a nearby house, giving Lagertha an apologetic look.

"The Shieldmaiden Lagertha is not mistaken, there is at least one more Dragon," Kal stated calmly he turned to face the group and started descending down the ridge back to them.

Lagertha was about to ask how Kal knew her name but Thor's voice sounded before she could ask the question.

"So, you've spotted them?" Thor asked excitedly eager for another battle, gripping Mjolnir tightly.

"No, it's strange something is hiding them. I can tell that there is at least one more, but I cannot see nor hear them." Kal said with a look of concertation on his face.

"You think magic is at play?" Loki asked now interested as it was rare for something to be hidden from his brother's remarkable senses.

"That would be my guess, Dragons have a deep connection to magic, so it's either a natural ability or whatever brought them here is camouflaging them." Kal offered his opinion, unsure which was the case.

"So, you think something brought them here?" Siff asked the question to Kal.

"Possibly, Fafnir said something about a price, and I cannot sense any natural portals, dimensional tears or the like in the region. So, I am leaning towards them being brought here." Kal stated with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Sorry, if you cannot see or hear them, then how do you know there are more?" Lagertha although happy she was being believed, was still confused by how Kal knew there were more.

Her question caused Thor to chuckle and Loki to roll his eyes, evidently, both of them found her question to be a ridiculous one. Kal however just smiled at her his piercing blue eyes connecting with her own emerald ones.

"I can taste it in the wind and smell it too," Kal explained and when he could see that Lagertha was still looking confused explained further.

"It is the wind coming from the northeast. It's a metallic taste like a mix of Kree Iron and dry ash, along with the smell of burning charcoal. Fafnir was the same, however, I cannot pinpoint exactly where it's coming from." Kal stated pointing towards the Northeast, a mountain range visible in the distance.

"You can taste and smell all that on the wind?" Lagertha queried looking at Kal with curiosity.

"Of course, he can, it's dammed useful for when we go hunting!" Thor declared slapping Kal on the back, causing a sound like thunder to echo across the destroyed village.

Lagertha watched the gods interact, they were now discussing what to do next and Lagertha stepped back slightly feeling she was a little out of her depth.

Despite her prior scepticism about their existence, there was no denying the people in front of her were gods. They radiated power and confidence, their abilities were beyond anything she could understand and just to hammer the point home they were all beautiful to behold, Kal and Thor especially were marvels of men.

However, they did not act like she thought they would, in truth she knew little of the gods and very few of her people's stories, up until Kal stood before her she just thought they were stories made to comfort children.

Thor was the closest to what she had imagined, with him wanting to fight all the time and constantly laughing, but the rest seemed more like people than gods. The Warriors Three joked like the warriors she knew, Sif rolled her eyes as Lagertha did when her brothers were stupid and Loki reminded her of Sigurd always lurking and sneering.

Kal reminded her of her father when she was little, when he was still strong and powerful, he was controlled, measured, certain about whatever decision he made and not afraid to ask for others' opinions. He also reminded her of her eldest brother, in the way he seemed to play peacemaker between Thor and Loki from what she had seen and seemed to pull Thor back from impulsive decisions.

In all pretty human from what she could tell.

"Well, we should head towards the mountains then and hunt the beasts down." Volstagg declared after the gods had been discussing for a while.

"If Kal cannot see them then it's pointless going wandering around the mountains, as we could pass right by them or worse be ambushed, the mortal stated the others were larger. So, we should be cautious" Siff pointed out.

"Bah, we will force them out. Let me summon a storm and I'll batter the mountains until the beasts come running out." Thor offered whilst spinning Mjolnir in his hand.

"Thor if you do that you could cause an avalanche or rockslide that would destroy the entire basin we are in," Kal stated to Thor who just looked at him wondering what the issue was. "It would kill all the Midgardians living here."

"Oh yeah, forgot about them." Thor chuckled causing Kal to shake his head slightly at his brother's forgetfulness.

"Well, whatever we do we cannot stay here, we will need a place to sleep that is better than this burnt-out hovel," Loki said whilst gesturing to their surroundings.

"You can stay at my father's hall, it's not far from here." Lagertha offered, stepping back in causing everyone to look at her.

"Oh, great a Midgardian Hall" Loki stated in mock enthusiasm, earning him a nudge from Kal.

"Would this Hall be in a large settlement in that direction" Kal spoke kindly pointing in the exact direction of Lakstad.

"Yes, it is" Lagertha stated no longer wondering how Kal knew the things he did, chalking it up to him being a god.

Kal's pupils suddenly constricted, and he squinted a little and then a look of concern passed over his face, he grimaced slightly.

"Kal what is it?" Loki asked having seen his brothers face.

"I'm not sure. Something is wrong though, it's like there is a black mist hovering over the land and centred around that Hall. There is also that noise as well." Kal's voice was still calm but had become hard and forthright.

"I don't see a cloud." The little blonde girl Aslaug asked having edged forward to stand by Lagertha's leg.

"Well, it's beyond your sight little one, but I can see it because I have special eyes." Kal knelt down to be level with Aslaug and tapped the corner of his eyes, causing the girl to giggle.

"You mentioned a noise brother?" Thor asked a seriousness entered his voice for the first time.

"Yes, it's a strange one, it's reverberating through a few dimensions same as the mist. Sounds like ink being scratched on parchment but there is whispering as well like a thousand little voices. It's not natural" Kal rose and whispered his response just loud enough for Thor to hear.

Lagertha overhead Kal's statement as well, whilst she had no idea what a dimension was she could tell that whatever Kal was talking it was not good.

Kal was glancing at Aslaug and Harald, clearly not wanting to alarm the children about the strange noise that apparently only Kal could hear, he gave both a reassuring smile. Thor looked serious and nodded at Kal's statement before his usual demeanour returned.

"Well, I am never one to turn down an invitation." Thor grinned. "Let us head to his Hall and grace the mortals with our presence."

"Oh joy. Are we walking then?" Loki asked, causing Thor to frown a little at Loki's unenthusiastic response.

"Heimdall, if you would not mind" It was Sif that called to the heavens, causing Lagertha and the children to glance up.

It took a few moments but the brilliant hues of the Bifrost illuminated the sky and crashed next to them when it dissipated a small gathering of steeds stood in its place. Lagertha stood in wonder as she observed the magnificent beasts, they were larger than any steed she had seen, and like the gods before her radiated sheer power.

Kal approached one and gently stroked its mane, the creature stood easily a foot taller than him and was a brilliant golden colour its coat seemed to shine like it was made of sunlight.

"You and the little ones can ride on Gullfaxi, it will be much faster than your steed" Kal gestured for Lagertha to approach, which she did, attempting to show no hesitation or fear, whilst Harald and Aslaug just stared in wonder at the creature.

"What about my steed?" Lagertha asked loathed to leave her equine companion, that had aided her escape from Sigurd's clutches.

"I'll bring it back later but for now we must make a move," Kal promised as he smiled, causing Lagertha to nod somehow knowing Kal would keep his word.

As she approached Kal lifted her before she could protest and placed her on Gullfaxi's saddle, she was slightly thankful for the assistance as she doubted, she could have mounted the steed alone. She also tried not to blush as whilst lifting her Kal had brought her close to him and she accidentally pressed up against him for a moment, feeling the mass of pre muscles beneath his clothes.

Kal then placed the children in front of her, the steed was so massive that even with all three of them on its back there was still plenty of room.

"There are only 5 horses?" Lagertha asked as she suddenly realised that everyone had mounted a horse expect, Kal and Thor.

The question made Kal smile. "My brother and I have no need of steeds."

As if to prove his brother's point Thor simply whirled Mjolnir in his hand and then proceeded to take to the skies, his departure caused Fandral to rear his horse back and then started galloping off causing the group's journey to begin.

Lagertha had ridden horses all her life and even been on longships on the roughest of seas, but Gullfaxi's speed made her nauseous, the world suddenly started blurring past her. It took a while for her to get used to the new sensation, and even then, she still felt sick.

The children, however, loved it, they were laughing with delight and Lagertha was more clutching them to keep them on the horse than really directing Gullfaxi who seemed to be acting on its own accord anyway.

"Are you doing, okay? We can slow if you need to." Kal asked as he was keeping pace with the horse, his feet gently bounding along the earth as he moved fast as the divine horses.

"No, we're fine," Lagertha stated not wanting to appear weak before the gods and trying not to stare at Kal.

Kal smiled and shook his head slightly then let out a whistle that shook the trees, it caused the other gods to slow down to a more manageable yet still rapid pace that Lagertha could better handle, Gullfaxi was still bounding faster than any horse she had ever ridden.

"Better?" Kal asked with a grin.

"I was quite capable of handling the pace," Lagertha replied trying to look calm whilst being jostled slightly on the steed.

"I did not say you could not." Kal gave her his best smile that cause Lagertha to smile in spite of herself.

They rode for a little while, mostly in silence only with Aslaug occasional question to Kal breaking the quiet ride. Eventually, Lagertha felt compelled to ask questions of her own.

"So, you are a god, like a real live god from Asgard?" Lagertha asked Kal.

"We are indeed the Æsir from Asgard, except for Hogun he is a Vanir." Kal gestured to the grimed face warrior.

"Although we try not to hold that against him!" Volstagg joked riding next to Hogun causing a ripple of laughter from the group.

"This is insane, I thought you were just stories" Lagertha shook head in disbelief "So what are you the god of? How come the dragon fire did not hurt you? How did you know my name?" Lagertha was suddenly an avalanche of questions.

Kal just chuckled and gave her another brilliant smile "Well I'm not really a god of anything, Secondly I am impervious to nearly all forms of harm and as to your name I overheard you talking to the villagers."

"BUT your Kal God of the sun, truth, justice and protection!" Aslaug declared in awe for a position in front of Lagertha.

Kal just looked very confused at where the little girl was getting her information from, looking to Lagertha, who just shrugged.

"I was never one for religion, I barely know about Thor and Odin," Lagertha stated honestly clearing knowing little of her people's myths about him.

Kal suddenly realised that although he had never been to Midgard before someone he knew very well had been.

"LOKI! What have you been telling the Midgardians about me?" Kal questioned his brother who was trying to look innocent.

"Me? Dear, brother. Oh, I may have just told a few tales about you, like your, honest noble nature and the times you save people from Thor's unjust wrath, completely innocent stories" Loki spoke in his usual deviously charming voice.

Kal rolled his at his brother and was dreading finding out what tales Loki had made up about him. "Right, I'm sure completely innocent stories."

"Is it true that Frigga made you invincible, by getting everything in the universe promise not harm you? And that you feel no pain?" Harald asked a little sheepishly glancing at Kal.

"Um I am very difficult to injure, as to feeling no pain, it has been a while since anything has really hurt me," Kal said

He was unsure how to tell a child that his beliefs were not true and gave Loki a glare guessing the whole mother protecting him was his idea of a joke.

"So, what can the god of the sun do?" Lagertha asked in curiosity.

"Many things my lady, but largely everything a mortal man can just better," Kal stated modestly and turned to look at the road ahead of them.

"Huh, so can you fly?" Lagertha asked looking at Thor who was soaring overhead.

She never received a reply as Kal's was squinting off to the distance and suddenly he leapt forward the earth exploding beneath him.

"Thor, what is it?" Sif called up to Thor as she pulled out her sword ready for a fight.

"It appears the mortals are burning something?" Thor called before he too rocketed off.

Sigurd was standing tall on the steps of Lakstad looking down to the centre of the town where a large pile of wood and stake had been raised. A girl clad in white was being tied to the stake, her protests had been silenced by a concoction a priest had fed to her.

'First the girl. Then when the dragon's attack again I can convince them that the old fool needs to be sacrificed and then it will all be mine.' Sigurd smiled to himself as he commanded the pyre to be ignited.

The people had been hesitant and doubtful about the need for sacrifices, especially a human one but those doubts had been banished when that morning frightened villages had arrived smelling of soot and ash screaming about a dragon attack.

The fear that had spread was all Sigurd needed to make people obey him. He declared they need to sacrifice a virgin girl to appease the gods, in truth the girl was dying just as a test to see if people would really do it and he was ecstatic that his orders were being obeyed without question.

The pyre was beginning to burn truly now, and the fire was starting to spread to the maiden's clothes even in her drugged state she was clearly in pain. Sigurd licked his lip enjoying the taste of his newfound power.

However, suddenly there was a sound like thunder and a figure falling from the sky that crashed into the square causing the earth to shake. Sigurd himself was toppled over and witnessed an armoured man wearing the Sowilo rune on his chest walk into the flames.

The crowd was silent as the man unaffected by the flames tore the ropes from the maidens and lifted her up carrying her from the burning inferno. There was a second sound of Thunder and as Sigurd looked up, he saw clear skies become stormy and a figure looming above holding a hammer.

The heavens opened up and a deluge poured forth extinguishing the pyre and then as quickly as they came the clouds started to clear, the flying figure then landed next to the fireproof warrior.

It suddenly clicked in Sigurd's head and everyone else's who these people must be, as everyone just stood in awe staring at them.

The gods had appeared in Lakstad and the gathered crowd that had been stunned at their arrival suddenly burst into cheers and praises, some fell to their knees openly weeping. Whilst the sacrificial girl's family rushed forward, they fell to their knees before the god that had saved her, started praising him and thanking him.

Sigurd was inwardly panicking trying to figure out how to recover from what was happening. This had not been the plan, the gods were not supposed to show up and save them, it was supposed to be him that saved everyone.

Just as he was about to address the crowd and greet the gods two things occurred; one was the arrival of the old fool Jarl Regin who despite being sickly had risen from his bed and exited the hall roused by the god's arrival, and secondly his stubborn daughter rode into the settlement with a number of people Sigurd did not recognise on massive steeds.

"This woman needs a healer." Kal declared gently placing her in the care of her family.

"Peace good people I am Thor! We are here to save you." Thor declared raising his arms to the awestruck crowd, causing one man to actually faint.

Thor's announcement caused an excited murmur to explode from the crowd, one Sigurd did not like and caused him to step forward.

"How do we know you are not impostors in league with the dragons?" Sigurd asked loudly hoping to win control back.

"Sigurd shut up!" Lagertha shouted as she awkwardly got off Gullfaxi, her insult to Sigurd caused the crowd to laugh slightly.

"I take it you are the one trying to burn people?" Kal asked his eyes focusing on Sigurd.

Sigurd swallowed slightly and gave a small nod "I did not want to do it. It was necessary, the priests stated we needed a sacrif-"

"I would stop talking now" Kal stated bluntly, causing Sigurd to take another gulp.

"My people, these are the Gods of Asgard come to aid us. I have seen them in battle and they have already slain one of the dragons!" Lagertha had walked up the steps and turned to address the crowd.

"Really and how do we know you are not also an impostu-" Sigurd tried to again reassert control but suddenly stopped as a green glow flashed over him and suddenly a small frog was in his place.

"Much better." Loki grinned as he lowered his can from the spell, he had cast.

A few people laughed including Aslaug but many seemed scared at the sudden transformation having never witnessed magic before.

"Loki," Kal said glaring at his brother half-heartedly, causing Loki to roll his eyes and snap his fingers changing Sigurd back.

With his body restored Sigurd tried to speak but gave a frog-like croak instead, causing the crowd to break out into laughter. Despite the humiliation, Sigurd simply grimaced and stayed where he was.

"My people," Jarl Regin spoke drawing every eye to him as the crowd fell silent "WE are saved, the gods have seen our sacrifices and have come to deliver us."

The jarl's announcement caused another wave of cheering from the crowd, the jarl watched as his people praised the gods and he privately thanked the Allfather for his mercy.

"Now, we must-" Jarl Regin coughed up some blood before recomposing himself "WE must honour the gods, let us dispel our fear with feasting and joy, tonight we celebrate!"

The crowd cheered loudly but none more so than Thor who looked gleeful at a chance to drink and regal others about the tale of their slaying of the dragon Fafnir. He started shaking hands and greeting the swarm of people that came up to him, loving the attention.

Kal meanwhile was gently trying to push his way over to his steed to retrieve Harald and Aslaug who were still sitting on Gullfaxi's back. He like the others were being swarmed and to his eye, the crowd gathering around him was greater than Thor, who had been joined by Sif who was gently trying to keep people off his brother.

Whilst Thor was surrounded by all sorts, Kal seemed to be swarmed by young boys or mothers with small children, all of whom seemingly wanted to touch him and some even asked for a blessing. Kal was a little uncomfortable, to say the least, and was really wondering what stories Loki had been telling about him.

Kal collected Harald and Aslaug placing one on each shoulder gently caring them over towards Lagertha who had moved to wait by the doors of the great hall. He gently placed the children on the ground and nodded towards the people that were still swarming him, Lagertha seeing his predicament interceded.

"Lord Kal and I need to speak of defending Lakstad, he will join you in the hall shortly," Lagertha stated placing herself between the crowd and Kal.

There were a few low mumbles, but everyone moved away most going into the hall where Thor had already started the celebrations, drinking a flagon of mead to cheering crowds.

"Thank you," Kal said gave Lagertha a grateful smile.

"It is the least I could do. You did save my life." Lagertha smiled, her comment making Kal chuckle.

However, before he could respond Sif approached both of them with a reserved and strained look upon her face, clearly caused by Thor's actions.

"Well, Thor is already ingratiating himself with the local populace. However, we need to create a plan to deal with these dragons or at least find them." Sif spoke in her usual nonsense and stoic tone.

"True, I'll get Loki to see if he can find them with magic, as well as determine what this black mist is that I am seeing," Kal stated his eyes contracting again clearly looking at the strange mist only he could see.

"Very well and the rest of us?" Sif asked standing to attention as she received her orders.

"Volstagg and Fandral will secure the town and see what supplies we have, Hogun will keep watch he has the best eyes after me and you Lady Sif get the glorious task of making sure our beloved Thor does not destroy the town." Kal gave his instructions with a smile.

Sif eyes darted over to Thor who was currently showing off Mjolnir to a number of Midgardian maidens, causing small sparks of lighting to run across its surface to impress them. Sif just sighed at her near-impossible task but gave a bow of her head and accepted the task, moving off to stand by Thor.

"So, are you the oldest?" Lagertha asked Kal, who just looked at her with a little confusion.

"No, I am the youngest actually. Why would think I'm the oldest?" Kal responded looking down at Lagertha.

"Well you seem the most sensible, you often take the lead and I do not wish to be rude but Thor does not strike me as the most…." Lagertha pointed to Thor who was now challenging people to pick up Mjolnir and was drinking from his special flask getting clearly drunk. "…. Responsible person of your group."

Kal winced at the not entirely untrue observation and caught Sif's eye nodding for her to try and settle Thor down a little.

"Thor is a great man and there is no finer warrior. He is just more a battle leader than a strategist and is also still young. BUT there is no else you would have rather have at your side than Thor." Kal spoke earnestly as he tried to convince Lagertha.

"Of course, and what Loki, does he not help plan?" Lagertha gestured to Loki who was sitting in a dark corner of the room drinking alone, his eyes darting across the room.

"Loki is…. More a…well he is…... Loki is a good person to have, there is no one greater at magic than him and he is fun too great sense of humour." Kal frowned slightly as he spoke about Loki.

Lagertha had a funny feeling that this was not the first time Kal had to address concerns about his brother's unique behaviours. She could see by the frown on his face that he was trying to convince himself as much as her, so she decided to drop the matter for the moment.

"So what are you going to be doing then, whilst everyone else is busy?" Lagertha asked placing a smile on her face.

"Oh, well first I need to retrieve your steed and secondly I want to have a look around the region see if I am missing anything." Kal's face became a grin again dispelling the frown that had formed.

'He looks better when he smiles' Lagertha thought to herself quickly pushing that thought from her head.

"Thank you, it's very kind of you." Lagertha smiled at Kal placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I did make a promise and a prince should always keep his word especially to a beautiful lady." Kal placed his hand on top of hers.

Lagertha suddenly felt flustered heat was rising in her chest and she turned slightly to prevent Kal from seeing her blush. On Kal's part, he was a little astonished at his brazen flirt and was wincing a little at how bad it was.

The two looked at each other and awkwardly pulled apart, Kal clearing his throat and Lagertha looking at the floor trying to clear the heat from her cheeks.

"Soooo, I take it you will be out for a couple of days? Looking around the region." Lagertha asked not meeting Kal's eye.

"Oh uh no. Should take a couple of hours at most should be back before it gets dark. You'll see me before the feast ends I'm sure" Kal stated trying to sound confident, he's throat had suddenly got dry and his palms were sweaty.

"Great," Lagertha stated a little too quickly with a broad smile and attempted to backpedal "I mean it's great that you will um …. have done such a vital task so quickly."

"Yes, it is," Kal stated awkwardly.

"So…" Lagertha responded.

"So, I'll be off then, and I'll see you later, I mean I'll be here later, back here later I mean" Kal started walking backwards down the steps as he suddenly started speaking like an idiot.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' Kal asked himself, facepalming himself when he was out of sight. 'First girl you actually like and you're an idiot around her, some god you are.'

Kal took off sprinting over the land with blinding speed leaving behind an equally flustered Lagertha who proceeded to cool the heat in her chest by drowning a flagon of mead within the hall.

Kal's survey took longer than he initially believed it would, the region Lakstad controlled was not vastly extensive but the terrain of Midgard resulted in numerous places for things to hide. The land was rocky, very undulating and for Kal who was used to Asgard it was more than a little filthy, everything was drab colours and bleak.

'Unlike Lagertha, she's warm, fearless and has hair like spun golden.' Kal smiled to himself before he blinked at the stray thought that had entered his mind.

Kal was unsure where these thoughts were coming from, he suspected it was because Lagertha was not like any girl he had met. Asgardian women were fearless true, but they were either cold and grim like Sif, overtly proper like Sigyn or schemers like Amora, none of which appealed to Kal.

Lagertha though she seemed honest and friendly, spoke her mind which Kal liked and despite being a fragile being had charged in to fight a dragon by herself, not for glory but to protect people, which Kal greatly admired.

He would also admit that it did help that Lagertha was incredibly beautiful too, not as stunning as Sigyn, Amora or Sif but they were all too perfect to Kal's mind. Lagertha's mortal imperfections made her seem more real to Kal, not the simple embodiment of perfection but a real person.

Kal forced Lagertha out of his mind for the moment focusing on the task at hand, he spent the next few hours crisscrossing the land trying to pick up anything he could but found frustratingly little. There were no tracks due to the dragon's airborne nature and the few attacks sites he found revealed nothing but death and destruction.

The only thing Kal did confirm was that the beasts were defiantly being hidden from him by magic, he followed their scent for a while but just as he was closing in on a location, he found it scattered by an unseen force.

However, Kal growing up with Loki was very familiar with concealment enchantments so could easily recognise one when he encountered it.

Kal eventually returned to Lakstad and discovered that Thor had decided that the celebrations required a more Asgardian touch namely he had shared his flask of Asgardian liquor with a few people.

Kal just shook his head and moved over towards Loki who was still quietly sitting in the corner a bored expression on his face, he took a swig of the drink before him then grimaced at the taste.

"I have no idea how anyone can drink this swill." Loki pushed the cup of Midgardian ale away from him.

"Father's cellars have ruined your pallet bother." Kal chuckled as he stood before Loki.

"Then I thank him for saving me from this swill," Loki stated as he looked over to Thor who was regaling a group of Midgardians with a tale.

"I am sorry to ruin your celebrations but I need you to -" Kal was about to ask his request but Loki beat him to it.

"Already doing it, Sif told me. I have a number of spells and enchantments working, should have something in the morning. You still hear that noise?" Loki asked curiosity now showing on his face.

"Yes, it's louder when I am in the town but cannot tell where it is coming from, we will deal with it later for now the dragons. Thank you, brother have a good evening." Kal thanked Loki and made a move to go back outside.

"She is over by the fire," Loki stated with a grin as Kal turned.

"Who is?" Kal turned to face his brother again.

"Your mortal." Loki gave a bawdy grin that Kal just shook his head at and departed.

Kal however found himself walking over towards the fire and quickly spotted Lagertha who was still wearing her leather armour but was drinking and laughing now as she talked to other maidens around her age.

As they laughed Lagertha caught his eye and gave him a smile, which caused Kal to move forward towards Lagertha and grab a drink of his own on the way.

Duty could wait for one night, as he sat down the other maidens quickly made excuses and departed each giving Lagertha a knowing look which she glared at them for.

"So, I've heard some stories about you?" Lagertha smirked with mischief.

"I can likely grantee you that they are all false." Kal smiled as drank from the cup in his hand, he could taste that Thor had placed Asgardian spirits within the cup.

"Really, so it's not true that you have slept with 100 elven maidens?" Lagertha asked grinning as Kal spluttered from coughing.

"Um no!" Kal stated, after he was done coughing, his cheeks had gone red.

"I am going to kill Loki" He muttered casting a glance at Loki's dark corner.

Lagertha chuckled at Kal's response, liking that despite being a god she could still make him blush. Her own cheeks had become flush a result of more than a few cups of ale she had consumed making her more confident and less controlled than she normally was.

"So, tell me then what is Asgard like?" Lagertha leaned forward placing her hand elbows on her knees looking up at Kal.

Kal smiled and drained his own cup and began regaling her with tales of the Realm Eternal and a few modest stories about himself, he really wanted Lagertha to like him.


(Author's Note)

So, hope everyone is still enjoying the story!

Officially splitting this Arc into 4 parts, as otherwise, this chapter would be super long and unreadable. I try to make each chapter at least around 6,000 to 6,500 words as it's a good readable block.

The next chapter will have more action, and deal with the remaining Dragons.

So just to be clear Lagertha is going to a very minor part of the story and is only appearing for this Arc, and exists as I wanted to give Kal a minor romance when he was young to add to character and also to see if I can actually write decent romance.

As always please follow, favourite, and review as you desire.

Luke5921creators' thoughts