
Chapter 11 – Midgard (1)

(Midgard - Norway - 10th century)

The vale was aflame.

Soot and ash filled the air so thick and heavy that it created seemingly endless grey cliffs that rose high into the sky blocking out the last light of twilight.

Even as the light of day left, the vale was washed in glorious golden rays, these rays, however, did not come from the heavens but the gaping maw that opened before the gathered warriors. The maw before them glowed hotter and brighter until it appeared the sun was before them.

Then there was only ash.

Lagertha ducked behind a boulder, closing her eyes as she felt the heat wash over her, her stone protector started to crack behind her as even with her eyes closed, she was blinded by the flames nipping at her.

Then it was over, she opened her eyes and saw the only piece of untouched land ended at the tips of her toes the rest had been scorched black by the flames. She twisted herself to peer over the rock to see if anyone else was still alive.

She saw scorched shadows that had once been her father's bravest warriors, strewn across the field creating blacken shapes on the earth and boulders like the one she was currently hiding behind.

Lagertha was no coward, far from it she was a proud shieldmaiden that had been on many raids and fought in many battles despite her youth, no man was her equal in battle but even her great courage faltered here.

Men she had no fear of nor any creature that stalked the earth but the monster before her struck terror into her heart. As a little girl, her father had told her stories of fire drakes and fearsome Lindworms, but she had counted them nothing more than stories.

Yet, before her in all its terrible majesty was the stories made flesh, a real live dragon. Which was currently decimating not only the vale that her people kept their cattle but also the warriors that had been sent to stop it.

Originally when she heard reports Lagertha had believed that it was a large raid from another jarldom which the common folk in their fear had exaggerated into the beast of legends.

As she peered from the safety of her position, she spotted the creature that had moved to feast on the brunt flesh of the cattle that it had slaughtered before her arrival, sicking crunches echoing across the vale as it feasted.

Despite her fear she admitted the creature was beautiful, it was over 100 feet long with deep blood red scales, massive wings that were tucked upon its back, a tail as thick as an oak tree and its head was a beautiful sculpture of scales and horns with large yellow eyes.

"Come on, come on you can do this," Lagertha whispered to herself as she steadied herself to attack the foul beast.

Just as she was about to charge the creature, a large roar caused her to fix in place the roar was a vile shriek and hurt her ears, that red dragon before her had made such a sound when they first attacked it. However, this roar came not from the feasting beast but another one that was cresting the ridge of the vale to her left, this one even larger than the first.

The one that had decimated her warriors gave its own shrill shriek in reply and then began to lumber its way up the side of the vale where it snapped slightly at the large dragon before it spread its wings and flew off. The large creature stayed for a moment staring at her boulder and Lagertha feared it had spotted her, but a few moments passed, and the larger dragon merely turned and flew away.

Lagertha released a deep breath she had not realised she had been holding and surveyed what was left of the vale. The once luscious valley was now blackened soot and ash that still rained down whilst small burning fires illuminated the carnage.

She wondered for a while searching in vain for any signs of life, calling out names and darting towards figures she believed she saw in the ash, but she found nothing.

"Lagertha!" the voice was one she knew, it belonged to Ulf her father's chief warrior.

She could see riders that had entered the destroyed valley from the south, all wore armour, and one held the banner of her father.

"I'm here Ulf," Lagertha called as she approached them.

"Thank the Allfather." Ulf declared he got off his horse and wrapped Lagertha in a deep hug. "What in the name of Odin happened here?"

Ulf gestured to the decimated valley that was becoming more visible as the great clouds of ash and soot began to settle, adding to the devastation that lay before them.

"The reports were right Ulf," Lagertha stated as they surveyed the destroyed field.

"By the gods, dragons." Ulf face went pale as he looked upon the destruction.

Lagertha turned and stroud over to a spare horse that the riders had brought and mounted it. "Yes dragons, we must return to Lakstad and warn my father. We must prepare."

"Prepare? We must leave, we are no match for such monsters." Ulf argued.

"Leave? This is our home, we have held it against raids, invasions and everything else for generations. We cannot just abandon Lakstad, we have to fight for it." Lagertha's voice was horrified at Ulf's proposal.

"Lagertha, you rode here with 50 men, and they are now ash. The rest of the warriors, including your brothers, have gone a Viking and will not be back for months, we have no one to fight these creatures." Ulf argued as he mounted his own steed, bringing it next to Lagertha's.

"We have allies, friends who will come to our aid. My father -" Lagertha began to argue.

"Your father is old, and even our closest allies will not send men to be slaughtered. WE MUST LEAVE" Ulf punctuated his point by pointing to the valley around them.

Lagertha opened her mouth to respond but held her tongue for a moment as her face became one of anger and rage, she took a deep breath and then forced herself to reply in a calm yet strained voice. "We shall see what my father has to say."

With that, she turned her steed and galloped off towards Lakstad and her father's hall, forcing Ulf to curse and quickly to follow her, racing to catch up to the headstrong shieldmaiden.

The town of Lakstad was a prosperous and well-defended settlement, it was located on the western coast, controlled fertile lands and commanded a fjord that provided both protection from seaborn invaders whilst also being a natural harbour easily suited for a large number of ships. Making it a favourite port of call for sailors and raiders all across Scandinavia.

Ulf had managed to catch up to Lagertha but had not been able to prevent her from storming straight into the great hall up to her father and start trying to prepare their people for a battle they could not win.

A point Ulf had raised but instead of listening to their most able warrior and accepting that they had to leave the hall had exploded into shouting arguments into what they should do.

"We will not run," Lagertha stated proudly, her voice cutting across the others within the hall.

"Lagertha we would need the gods to come to our aid, staying here is folly," Ulf argued, causing a murmur of support to raise from the hall that was now packed.

"Perhaps, there are other options than simply fighting or fleeing." That opinion was raised by Sigurd, a young man Lagertha's age who had wormed his way into a position as the Jarl's advisor.

"AND what would that be?" Lagertha spat out.

Neither Lagertha nor Ulf much liked Sigurd, he was slippery and deceptive having schemed his way into power rather than earned it through hard work. Lagertha also hated him as it was no secret that he had constantly tried to get the Jarl to marry her to him.

"All I am saying is that we should look into the creature, perhaps the beasts can be bought off with food or maybe even a sacrifice," Sigurd stated in his usual friendly tone.

"A sacrifice, are you volunteering?" Ulf mockery caused an explosion of laughter in the hall.

"WE are obviously being punished, the gods are upset with us and have sent these beasts. A sacrifice is needed." Sigurd presented his argument to the hall at large, causing a few people to shout their agreement.

The hall once again exploded into arguments, and violence threatened to break out as tensions began to raise, it was prevented by the intervention of Jarl Regin, Lagertha's father.

"Silence!" The jarl's voice boomed across the hall as he partly rose from his seat.

The jarl however was old, the act of simply raising and shouting caused him to begin spluttering coughing up some blood and collapsing into his great seat once again.

"We will have order; Sigurd is right we must discover what we need to do to appease the gods." Jarl Regin declared, causing Sigurd to smile in triumph.

"Father we must -" Lagertha began only to be silenced by her father's harsh stare.

"Enough! I have spoken, we will make sacrifices to the gods for our deliverance. Sigurd you will lead the sacrifice in my place, I must rest. Ask the priests what is needed to lift this curse." The Jarl commanded as he coughed, flecks of blood staining his hand.

"As you desire my Jarl." Sigurd bowed slightly.

With that, the hall began to empty as people left to obey Jarl's command and begin gathering whatever they could for sacrifices. None departed the hall swifter than Lagertha who instead of heading for her room, went straight to the stables.

She started packing supplies once inside and began to saddle a horse when she was interrupted by a strong hand that gripped her wrist, she pulled from the grip and snarled at the intruder.

"And where do you think you are going?" Sigurd asked with a sneer.

"Out" Lagertha curtly replied, trying to move around Sigurd to gather her supplies.

"Why would such a beauty want to ride out when there are monsters about." Sigurd stopped her and even gripped her chin slightly a glint in his eye that Lagertha did not care for.

She knocked away his hand and pushed him away from her, causing him to fall to the floor slightly and took the supplies she had gathered, swiftly mounting her horse before Sigurd could prevent her.

"Because someone has to be out tracking those creatures." Lagertha spat from her high position, she was prevented from leaving by Sigurd who gripped the horse's bridle as he stood up.

"Now my dear, that is no task for a woman, and besides your father has ordered that no one leave." Sigurd sneered.

"My father or you?" Lagertha glared down at Sigurd, whilst gripping the reins tightly.

"You are not going, and that is final," Sigurd ordered ignoring her question. "Besides if you leave you might miss Who the priest says must be the sacrifice, and your father is very lonely with you brothers gone."

Lagertha did not reply instead she pulled back the reins causing the horse to raise its front legs knocking Sigurd onto his back once more, and with that, she forced her steed to sprint out of the stables.

Her swift departure caught everyone by surprise, and she was already out through the gate by the time Sigurd was up yelling for someone to stop her.

She forced her steed to set a rapid pace and only stopped once the light of Lakstad were far in the distance, leaving her alone except for her steed and the stars above.

"Where to a now, old friend?" Lagertha asked her trusted steed petting her mare for her aid in her escape.

'Where to indeed, I'll have to track the dragons but without aid, I will not be able to stop them.' Lagertha thought to herself.

She looked to the heavens as a few stars streaked across the sky, the gods would be no help despite Sigurd's claims.

Whilst she respected their beliefs Lagertha herself held no stock in the gods, believing them just stories, however, the arrival of dragons was making her question her beliefs, but only a little. Dragons or not, if the gods existed, they had never answered her prays so she doubted they would aid her now.

'Gods, I trust steel and my senses. If they were real and dragons were about surely they would be here, right. If so where were they?' Lagertha mused to herself as she decided to head east first.

(Knowhere – Deep Space)

"Come on! You have got this!" Loki cheered at the side of the ring.

Kal's fist struck the side of Kronan's head sending pieces of rock flying, the strike caused the mammoth living rock fighter to collapse with a resounding thud. The crowd erupted into cheers and groans at the result, with currency of all forms changing hands.

Kal was fully grown now and looked to Loki's eye every inch a god and prince of Asgard. His little brother was still cleanshaven disliking a beard unlike Thor who had grown a short one and unlike both of his elder brother's Kal's hair was cut quite short, the natural curl at its front made it very elegant in Loki's opinion.

His little brother also towered over most men, standing well over 6 feet, with wide broad shoulders and possessed a lean rugged physique that contrasted slightly with Loki's slender frame and Thor's burliness.

Kal had also grown into his looks as well, gone was slight roundness of his cheeks and idle flesh of his youth, instead, he possessed a strong powerful square jawline and combined with his impossibly sapphire blue eyes, gave Kal what only could be described as noble features.

"The winner and still undefeated challenger of the ring, after 39 consecutive fights is Baldur!" The ringmaster announced as he entered the ring.

He attempted to lift up Kal's hand, but Kal merely shook out of the man's grasp and gave him a pointed look not to attempt such an act.

Kal merely shook his head and glared up at Loki who was surrounded by a group of people that were evidently paying Loki his winnings from the wagers his brother had been placing. Kal also sighed as he noticed the two exotic and barely dressed women that were standing next to Loki, both looked bored but gave Loki clearly fake smiles and giggles when he looked at them.

"Can this titan of the ring be defeated! Who here is brave enough to be his 40th opponent!" The Ringmaster declared his hand sweeping across the gathered spectators.

"No, fights are over." Kal declared simply as he moved to exit the ring.

"Hey wait! You can't just leave we still have challengers" Ringmaster declared running after Kal.

He even tried to stop Kal, but it was like an insect trying to stop well a god, and Kal gently but forcefully pushed the man to the side as lifted up the rings gate with one hand allowing him to leave.

Despite verbal protests, no one actually tried to stop him, as he then proceeded to collect his sword and personal effects, then went to get his brother Loki.

Loki was busy drinking and had his arms wrapped around the two women Kal had seen before, one of whom was holding the cup Loki was drinking from whilst the other was holding a bag containing Loki's winnings.

"BROTHER! That was fun, we should go gambling next. These fine ladies have told me about a wonderful place nearby." Loki declared as Kal approached.

Kal released a deep sigh, shaking his head and all but pulled his brother from the women's grasp.

"Brother we are going now." Kal declared as he started moving Loki along.

"HEY! We haven't been paid." One of the women declared dropping her fake friendly persona.

"Take whatever is in that, should be more than enough," Kal stated pointing to the bag the other woman was still holding.

"Fair enough." The first one looked at the bag then shrugged, she then departed with her companion as Loki dragged Loki to the docks.

"What in the name of Helheim are you doing! Do you know how much that was? We could have bought a thousand girls from what was in that bag" Loki stated more clearly, starting to sober up as he pulled himself free from Kal's grasp.

"OH, don't you start. We were here to drop off one thing and head straight back." Kal rounded on his brother.

"HEY, you said you wanted to fight." Loki pointed out his usual sly tone returning.

"NO, no. I said a drink, I said let us get a DRINK. Why is it every time I go with you, I end up fighting, and you end up cheating people out of their money." Kal threw up his hands in disbelief.

"Firstly, you agreed to the fight and secondly, I did not cheat anyone, they were fair bets. I just failed to mention my little brother is invincible." Loki gave a smile that always defused Kal.

Kal sighed and started to chuckle. "Loki what am I going to do with you. I still don't know how you talk me into things like this."

"Skill, little brother. Skill and charm." Loki quipped.

Kal rolled his eyes and gave Loki a little push on the shoulder for all the trouble he had caused. The pair walked to the end of Knowhere's docks, a deserted spot and after Kal checked no one was watching spoke softly.

"Heimdall, take us home," Kal whispered into the void before them.

No sooner had he finished, than did the vibrant colours of the Bifrost wash over them, sweeping them upwards and with near blinding speed they suddenly found themselves once again in the realm eternal. Heimdall standing tall before them a sentinel on his raised platform, as he lift his greatsword causing the Bifrost to cease.

"It's good to be home. Now let's grab a drink" Loki declared stretching slightly and patting Kal on the shoulder.

"Not so quickly, my prince. Odin has instructed that you are to wait here." Heimdall informed them in his usual deep stoic voice.

"Why, what has happened?" Kal asked with alarm.

"Trouble on Midgard, you two along with Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three are to leave immediately," Heimdall stated.

"What can possibly be on Midgard that requires all seven of us?" Loki asked cynically.

"DRAGONS!" Thor's voice boomed as he entered the hall, accompanied by Sif and the Warriors Three.

"Dragons?" Kal asked looking at Thor who was dressed for battle in his usual armour along with his winged helmet.

"Yes, Heimdall spotted them, they've attacked some mortals. So, father wants us to go slay the foul beasts. It shall be glorious." Thor declared smiling as he looked off into the distance.

"I take it we are to leave immediately before they cause more harm," Kal asked looking more to Sif than Thor who was still clearly daydreaming about the upcoming fight.

"At once, so you best prepare Heimdall will be placing us almost on top of one of the creatures which are attacking a village as we speak," Sif replied with a usual certainty.

Kal nodded and withdrew Gram from its scabbard a blinding ray of light enveloped him as he summoned his armour just as Thor and Loki were able to do.

His travel clothes were replaced by the enchanted Uru armour similar to Thor's including a crimson cloak, but instead of black and silver, Kal's was sleek blue leather with the metal fixtures painted red and golden scales covering his arms instead of plain grey like Thor's. The other notable difference was that Kal did not wear a helmet like Thor and emblazoned on Kal's chest was a golden diamond crested S rune that Kal had taken a liking to for the past few years.

Whilst Loki who had crossed his arms merely sighed then lifted one hand to snap his fingers to summon his gold and green leather armour, including his horned helmet. Whilst Thor looked excited and Kal ready, Loki just looked bored.

"It would have been nice if father had told us himself, we only just got back," Loki stated in a surly tone he often took with Thor.

Thor open his mouth to reply but Sif beat him to it.

"He was going to, but you two took hours longer than you should have and the beast is now attacking," Sif answered Loki's sullen statement.

Kal gave Loki a look after Sif's statement, but Loki just rolled his eyes and readied himself for departure. Heimdall taking Loki's lack of reply to mean they were ready started to activate the Bifrost.

"No Haldor?" Kal asked Sif who took her place beside him.

"No, my love has other duties. Besides, he'd likely just get in the way." Sif made a rare joke and smiled at Kal, who chuckled at her response.

Before he could reply the Bifrost pulled forward and again Kal was hurtling through the majesty of the cosmos surrounded by vibrant colours until it suddenly stopped and they were all standing on a ridge overlooking a small village.

It was night on Midgard, yet the valley was clear bellow them, the result of it being mostly on fire. The village below them was largely still there but nearly all the buildings were on fire and multiple mortals were running around screaming.

The cause of their panic and the fires was clear a very large blood-red scaled dragon was spewing fire all over the place, in truth Kal had expected more given the apparent urgency and did not see why all 7 of them were needed.

The creature below them was only about 50 feet long and whilst it was clearly too much for Midgardians to handle, he doubted any one of their number would need help to fight the beast.

"Let us strike now," Thor stated gleefully starting to swing his hammer to take off.

"Peace brother, we should try talking first." Kal declared he sheathed Gram back into the scabbard on his waist.

"TALK! It's a monster Kal." Thor baulked.

"Dragons are highly intelligent creatures, Thor, capable of speech," Loki stated with a sigh at Thor's lack of knowledge.

"It's likely this one is just confused, brother. Dragons live in other dimensions or on other realms, this one likely stumbled through a portal by accident. Let me talk to it, then we can see if we need to fight." Kal offered before Thor could respond to Loki's criticism.

"How would you even speak to it?" Thor asked not happy at being overwhelmed by his brother's arguments.

"We can speak the draconic tongues," Kal said giving a little shrug.

"What?" Thor asked baffled at Kal's statement.

"The Allspeak Thor, the unique enchantment that allows everyone to understand us in their native tongue". Kal looked at Thor who just blinked at Kal in return causing Kal to sigh. "You really need to pay attention to mother's lessons more."

"FINE, you can talk to it." Thor agreed.

"Thank you," Kal gave his eldest brother an appreciative nod of his head.

"BUT whilst you talk, me, Sif and Loki will move to the north, whilst the warriors three-move south so we can encircle the beast when talking fails." Thor declared a glint in his eye that appeared like it always did when fighting was possible.

Kal just nodded ignoring Thor's obvious disregard for diplomacy and quickly moved down into the village below hoping that he could end this attack by talking instead of just rushing in swinging.

Kal's speed let him get into the village quickly and he positioned himself just off the centre of the village where the was an open square area, where the dragon had placed itself. Kal did not immediately speed in as his sudden presence would just spook the creature and cause it to attack.

Kal ensured that Gram was clearly sheathed and took a deep steadying breath before he moved out into the square, keeping his hands clearly out next to him to show that he was not a threat.

"PEACE, noble drake, I am Kal son of Odin, I wish you no harm, but by command of Odin the Allfather you must cease these attacks," Kal spoke confidently and calmly.

The dragon immediately whirled its head to face Kal, its mouth was dripping with blood as it swallowed what appeared to be a mortal's limb. It choked its head to one side and gave a grin that Kal did not like.

"Why should I son of Odin. The price is not yet paid." The dragon replied its voice was venomous and it chuckled darkly.

"You speak of a price, these people have nothing of value," Kal stated gesturing to the merger positions the Midgardians possessed, all of which was now on fire and even if they weren't nothing here could interest a dragon.

"Oh, but they do, their flesh is so satisfying, and I will gladly take it as payment" The dragon declared a dark glint entered the creature's eyes.

"You are commanded to stop, they are under my father's protection, and I will not ask a second time." Kal's voice was hard now and dropped all pretence of formality, he squared his shoulders and readied himself.

"And what will you do if I refuse? Little son of Odin" The dragon mocked Kal, raising himself to his full height towering over Kal and the village.

"I will stop you," Kal stated simply showing no fear not even reaching for Gram at his side.

Kal always believed in talking first, it was something his father had drilled into him, but he could tell where this was heading, as the creature before him was clearly just humouring itself. The Dragon's whole posture told Kal what was going to happen next.

'I really hate it when Thor is right, he is going to loud this over me for centuries.' Kal lamented to himself as he readied as best, he could for what the dragon was about to do.

"You need not ask again; Son of Odin for I Fafnir am your DOOM" The now named dragon Fafnir roared.

Fafnir bent forward so his mouth was right in front of Kal and he spewed hot molten fire that engulfed Kal in a world of fire.

Lagertha could not believe what she was seeing and that was after fighting a dragon earlier in the day.

She had ridden all night after leaving Lakstad and had chanced upon a fleeing family, who had informed her that a dragon had attacked their farm and was heading for a nearby village.

She had immediately ridden to the village in question to find herself too late to warn them, as the dragon had already started burning buildings. She had wasted no time however and ridden straight into the village to try to do what she could.

She was thankful that the beast attacking her was only half the size of the one she had previously faced but renewed her curses on Sigurd and Ulf for preventing her from gathering people to fight. If she just had a few men, she could fight the beast and most likely slay it, but as she was on her own all she could do was try to keep the villagers safe.

Lagertha had currently been shielding a pair of small children she had pulled from the burning house they were next to, the ghastly sight of the children's parents still fresh in her mind.

She was debating what exactly to do. She could either make a run for it carrying the children then try to return for more, or else face the beast and although she would surely fall her battle might distract the beast long enough for most of the survivors to flee.

"Allfather, Heimdall, Frigga and all of Asgard please come save us." She could hear the little girl next to her praying, whilst her brother had just gone pale and silent.

Just as she was about to make a decision, she heard a strange booming noise come from above and the sky was suddenly alive with a rainbow that quickly dissipated. Lagertha was slightly stunned, not knowing what to make of the strange event.

"It's the Bifrost, the gods have come to save us!" The little girl's relief was almost palpable as she tugged on Lagertha's arm.

Lagertha bit her lip, she did not want to dampen the girl's spirit, but she was sure whatever had occurred that no magical savoir was about to appear and save them, the world did not work like that.

However, she was again distracted as she caught sight of bizarre sight, a man in blue armour had walked out in front of the dragon without his weapon drawn and his hand outstretched.

"Idiot" Lagertha cursed. "You two run for the woods." She ordered as she moved forward towards the man.

The man was either brave or crazy, the latter she guessed as he was trying to talk to the best, and to her surprise, the creature perched on top of a destroyed house seemingly replied, in a strange tongue she had never heard before.

She just reached the edge of the square when she felt a presence behind her, she turned around, raising her sword to strike when she realised it was the children she had saved that followed her.

"What are you doing I told you to run?" Lagertha seethed at their disobedience.

"We want to hel-" The little girl's reply was drowned out by a roar behind them.

As Lagertha turned around she was almost blinded as a torrent of fire engulfed the man in blue armour, she moved to shield the children not wanting them to witness anymore horror. The torrent seemed to last forever and became hotter each second until despite being still some distance away Lagertha felt as if she was being boiled alive.

It eventually ended and Lagertha lowered her hand to see what if anything remained of the insane man that had approached the dragon.

She stood in shock as there standing completely unaffected was the man, he merely shook his head in disappointment and unsheathed the golden hilted blade that was at his side. The only damage the dragon's fire had done was to the buildings behind the man and it had singed a little bit of the man's cloak.

"Okay then, I guess that ends negotiations." The man declared.

Lagertha's shock was exemplified when out of nowhere a hammer flew through the air and struck the dragon hard from behind, it then hovered for a few seconds then suddenly soared back the direction it had come.

A blonde-haired warrior suddenly was holding the hammer laughing like a child at yule as he spun the hammer by its strap so fast it became a blur, lightning started crackling above and then suddenly the warrior was flying forward pulled by the hammer.

He struck the dragon hard as lightning descended from above striking the dragon at the same time, causing the creature to writhe with pain. The blonde-haired warrior followed through with a series of strikes lightning electrifying his hammer as he chipped scales off the dragon.

The dragon, however, was not finished and in its writhing knocked the blonde warrior back causing him to crash through buildings, Lagertha could swear she heard the man laughing as he went.

The dragon's reprieve was brief as the blue-clad warrior suddenly burst forward at blinding speed, he leapt like a shooting star and began hacking the creature with his gleaming blade that glowed brighter than the moon, His strikes were so fast and elegant, that they appeared to Lagertha's eye almost like strikes of sunlight cutting through the night air.

The dragon reared back and then slammed forward, the man, however, did not move instead he just lifted a hand shifting his weight slightly he threw the creature of his head onto its back, causing the earth to shake.

The creature crashed into the square where the man had been standing and appeared stunned, the warrior then leapt again twisting his blade in his hand to deliver a strike to the creature belly from above. The dragon however suddenly sprung back to life and grasped the man as he was leaping, holding him firmly in one of his claws.

From Kal's perspective, the fight was going well and when Thor had opened up with a salvo of blows that were clearly hurting the creature was content to let Thor handle the situation, he only step in to keep the creature occupied to prevent it from causing further damage.

Kal was unconcerned with his current predicament, as the creature moved to try to bite his head off, as he could easily break the creatures grasp on him and was about to do so when the strangest thing occurred.

Suddenly a sword flew through the air and struck the dragon straight in the eye, the blade must have been travelling at some force as it went straight up to the hilt before it stopped. Fafnir roared in pain and dropped Kal who expertly landed on his feet.

He turned in the direction of the through expecting Sif or one of the Warriors Three, instead, there was a blonde maiden protecting two small children, she then drew out a short sword hefted her shield and charged forward.

The maiden was stunning, she had golden hair done up in a crown braid with hair that reached her shoulders, she was nimble and lithely, moved like water despite wearing a leather tunic over a heavy mail, and she was fearless.

Kal just watched for a few moments as the maiden, no Warrioress he corrected himself started attacking the injured creature, striking and attempting to hack at the tenants within its legs.

He was sure if she was Asgardian or simply armed with a weapon not made of Midgardian iron, the beast would stand no chance. However, her short blade despite impressive strikes made no dent in the creature scaled hide.

"DAM you, fall dam you." The warrioress cursed as she glided over the creature's leg.

Fafnir had recovered from his blinding and was now seething with rage, he noticed the small insect trying to harm him below and decided fire would be his answer he then blasted the mortal with fire.

Kal sprinted forward faster than the eye could see and easily enveloped the golden-haired warrior in his arms. Allowing Fafnir's meagre strike to glance off his back protecting the women below him.

The strike lasted less than a few seconds, Kal then stood erect towering over the woman who even at full height barely reached his chest.

"What are you?" She looked up in a mixture of awe and curiosity

Kal was about to respond when suddenly the whirl of his brother's hammer returned, he looked up and watched Mjolnir rocket through the sky, this time with such force and aimed at the Fafnir's eye that it went through the dragon's head.

Showers of dragon's blood and brain matter rained down as Fafnir fell, Kal swiftly lifted the warrioress before him and moved her back over to the children she had been protecting. The woman whirled around in shock as to her mind they had just teleported over 100 meters.

"Thor watch it! You almost crushed the mortal," Kal called as his brother landed nearby.

"Sorry, got caught up in the heat of battle. Well, that was brief but glorious." Thor grinned, as he surveyed the fallen corpse of Fafnir.

Kal returned his brother smile, clasping Thor on the shoulder briefly and then turned back towards the mortals he had just saved, the woman was looking at them with a strange look it was a mixture of awe, disbelief and a hint of hope.

"Ah yes, greeting good people we are- " Kal started to introduce himself but was cut off by the little girl.

"You are the Æsir! The sons of Odin. Look brother it's the Gods of Asgard, I told you they would come!" The little girl was ecstatic despite standing in the burning ruins of her home.

"We are Æsir of Asgard, little one. My name is -" Kal tried to speak again but this time the boy responded.

"YOUR Kal and your Thor." The boy spoke in awe as he looked up at them.

"Your real" The woman stated in disbelief, she reached out and touched Kal gently as if he was a dream or phantom that would be dispelled by a simple touch

"Um yes, I am, on both accounts. Wait how do you know my name?" Kal asked he had never been to Midgard before that he could remember.

"Oh, Loki tells stories when he visits, also I think father tells people about us when he visits… It could be me when I start talking after I get really drunk." Thor shrugged his shoulders.

"Great a whole people and their knowledge about me either come from your drunk ramblings or Loki's tall tales." Kal shook his head, then returned his attention to the mortals before him.

"Apologies, we regret we could not arrive sooner, but the beast is slain, we will remove its corpse and be out of your way shortly," Kal stated trying to sound friendly and giving them his best smile.

"Wait you're leaving?" The woman stated pulling herself out of her ruminations and removing her hand that had been touching Kal, staring up both of them.

"Yes?" Kal said confused as to why they wouldn't.

Thor, however, was smiling he stepped in wrapping Kal in a half hug briefly deciding to inform Kal what he had learnt about Midgardian culture.

"Midgardians like to honour us with a feast and drinks. We should stay for a bit, you know to reassure them, also Volstagg loves Midgardian food. The women are also very appreciative" Thor declared grinning at Kal nudging his brother slightly.

He also gave the woman before him a smile and a look that Kal had seen his brother use on maidens all across the cosmos that never failed, until now.

"What no! I mean you're not going to stay and help with other ones?" The woman baulked.

Kal was smiling as she rejected his brother's advances properly the first woman he had ever seen to do so, but suddenly realised what she had just said.

"Wait what do you mean the other ones?" Kal rounded on her looking concerned.

(Authors Notes)

Please check out the POLL on my profile if you haven't voted please consider as its currently a very tight race.

Sort of a mid-week update, as I have found some extra time to write and wanted to get something posted as I might be away this Friday and not able to get to a computer.

So here it is the first part of the Midgard Arc, I plan for it to be at least 3 chapters long, but we will see how it goes, most likely going to 4.

I am using a combination of actual locations from the Marvel universe along with characters from a few Norse myths and a few minor OC's to create this arc.

Hope you all enjoyed it, please review, follow, favourite, and share as you desire.

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