
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 26

Juugo dropped from the branch, landing quietly as he shifted behind the wide trunk.

He closed his eyes, trying again to sense his Sensei as she hid nearby, having introduced his current troubles.

They'd met at a café, a small one tucked down a quant alley that Juugo had never seen before. It was Fumiko's favourite place apparently, serving a good breakfast which Juugo had also yet to try.

She promised to treat him, as Juugo opened his eyes, looking up as a bird fluttered into view.

"I see you!" it said, landing on a branch that barely took its weight. "Better run! She'ssss comiiiiiing."

Juugo growled, wishing he had a stone to toss as he bolted towards it, ignoring its laughter as he dived between the trees.

He ran.

Having run for hours as he chose to climb, grappling his way up the trunk of an enormous tree while Fumiko continued to hunt him. She liked to swoop down on him, sneaking up under her shadowy guise before pulling his hair, like a brat.

Then she'd retreat, vanishing in a drifting swirl of leaves.

Juugo reached for a branch, latching onto it with a hand as he swung himself up. He was towards the top now, high into the branches as sunlight shone through patches just above him.

She couldn't get him up here as he perched like a bird, settling in as he looked around out at the forest he'd come to. They were far from Konoha, yet still within the barrier as things appeared in Juugo's sight.

A river, flowing with frothing water just a few miles down, running deep through the forest. Juugo followed it within eyes, leaning out for a better view as the noise tickled his ears.

He focused, reaching out as his mind followed its route, trying to see its end.

It was too far as he leaned back in… his predicament weighed on him, still unchanged from his time in the lake.

6 months. 6 months and he'd be right back to the bottom of it if he didn't sort this out, and sort it he would, as he gripped the tree.

There had to be something here. Something to help him amongst this mass of useless forest, which was always busy with people.

Why, not even a mile away Juugo felt them moving about, training with chakra as they seemed to spar with one another. Their chakra was small too, running dry as Juugo felt even more, dotted like crumbs all around him.

Not one of them was Fumiko, nor had any been since parting from the café. She'd even raced him here, forcing him to free run through alleys of dirt, while she observed from the cleanly rooftops.

Juugo's feet were still dirty, grimy in a way that clung to his skin as he peered at them, wrinkling his nose as his eyes flickered to something below. One of the people had come, causing him to frown as he glimpsed their silhouette below. They were running, their chakra low and muted as Juugo felt it.

He blinked, recognising his Sensei's chakra.


Where was he going?

Juugo watched as he swept past his tree, paying it no mind as something gleamed in the trickling sunlight.

It was a shuriken, large and pointy as Mizuki passed. He was heading for the river, down and down as Juugo felt his feet traverse the uneven descent.

Juugo hadn't been that way as he looked, feeling his tree on the hill as the wind swayed the branches, ruffling Juugo's hair too.

Mizuki was still moving, yet quickly edging out of range… Juugo moved, dropping with agile leaps as he headed down. He snuffed his chakra, deeming it wise as the ground compressed beneath his feet.

Fumiko didn't know he could hide like this, nor did he want her too as he followed Mizuki, his gut telling him something was wrong.

He saw the tracks easily enough, slowing at the first as recalled something he'd read.

Don't follow their tracks. Beware of traps.

Juugo looked to the side.

Circle around. Find a parallel route.

Wise words, as Juugo hopped away from Mizuki's path, choosing his own route as he headed down to the river.

It was near now, the water's tumbling noise much louder as Mizuki slowed about a mile ahead.

Juugo crept from the forest by a grassy ledge, quickly dropping to a crawl as the moist grass dampened his clothes.

He came near the edge, seeing how it overlooked the river, the water wide and winding as it carved through sections of smooth stone.

Mizuki landed below, choosing a spot near the cliff Juugo was atop as he searched with haste, sparing but a single glance at his surroundings.

Juugo waited with his head pressed down, hiding behind the familiar grass as the spray from the river carried through the air, nourishing the banks around. There were all sorts of plants here, with some very pretty as he glimpsed a blooming blue.

He stilled. Mizuki touched the cliff below.

Something shifted, groaning through the earth while Juugo felt beneath him, his eyes widening as an expanse appeared in his mind.

It was a cave.

Hidden until Mizuki had touched the stone, doing something to it as he hurried inside. Juugo heard the entrance close, grinding with stone.

There was a door then, as Juugo felt the expanse fall absent like before.

How odd, it was a light switch; one moment the cave was there, then the next it was gone.

Juugo decided to stand, sensing no-one as an idea came to him.

Mizuki had a secret cave?

Ha. He shook his head.

No, not Mizuki's. Unless he had a habit of forgetting where his own secret hideout was, then it was definitely someone else's as Juugo debated what to do.

He turned around, knowing he'd have to come later when Mizuki was elsewhere, and Fumiko. As he felt for her shadow, getting better at least as Juugo set a path back to the café, thinking as he went what could possibly be down there.


Fumiko had grown tired of waiting, searching and otherwise feeling annoyed at her missing student as she flicked a branch from her path, appearing with a huff from the forest.

The alley wasn't far now, a little way down as Yoyomaru flapped overhead. "Yoyomaru!" she called, waving her plump little friend down.


He landed with a squeak on her arm, fluffing his feathers as they walked the grassy banks. "When did you last see him?" she probed, looking at the bird with a frown. "I lost him near the river."

She'd tried to get Yoyomaru to usher him back, wanting to avoid the other groups that trained nearby.

"Oh!" said Yoyomaru, remembering now. "Juugo climbed a tree, a big one!"


She knew that.


"Yoyomaru," she warned, giving the worried bird a look as they arrived at the café. "Did you get distracted again?"

It wouldn't be the first time as her little friend worried cutely, still unsure before - "Ah! I know."

He flapped happily, getting a happy smile from Fumiko.

"Juugo disappeared! Poof."

Yoyomaru fluttered from her arm, bubbly again as his summoner sighed. "Go back," she said tiredly. "I'll wait for Juugo here."

Yoyomaru nodded, disappearing with a happy wave as Fumiko headed in.

"Evening Tami," she said, smiling as she approached the bustling matron. "Where is everyone?"

Fumiko indicated the room and its empty tables, wondering why it was so as Tami wiped the counter. "I don't know," she worried, knocking a jar accidently. "It's been so slow recently."

She set the jar back, feeling melancholy as she plucked a biscuit from inside. "Biscuit?"

Fumiko took one. "Thanks."

She munched, wondering if they were meant to be stale. "It's good."

Tami beamed, already scoffing another before folding the cloth in her hands. "You here for supper?" she said, smiling as Fumiko nodded.

"The special," she confirmed. "Is it still that chicken with bread thingy?"

Which was delicious.

"Of course!"

"I'll take two then," smiled Fumiko. "The other for my wayward student."

She chuckled, then laughed as Tami appeared terribly confused. "Student?" she said, never having heard this before. "Are you a Jonin now?"

Fumiko quickly shook her head. "No way," she said, she was too young for that. "That's a way off."

Tami understood, having been a shinobi herself. "Well?" she said, looking expectantly at her oldest friend. "Who is it?"

Fumiko rubbed her cheek. "Secret," she teased. "But you can see him, he'll be along soon."

That she didn't doubt as Tami accepted it, beginning to hum as she turned away. "I'll get them ready now," she called, disappearing to the kitchens through the back.

Fumiko took another biscuit, waiting as things began to clang in the distance. Poor Tami, she thought as she headed outside to wait. It wasn't the best spot for a café, what with the tourists so far from this little alley.

It was more for the locals, the Shinobi as she raised her hand, forming the Ram in search.

Juugo couldn't be far as her mind flicked through the trees, searching for the boy and his enormous chakra. It was hard to miss, at least for her as she felt it moving with speed, dodging and diving straight towards her.

She grinned, amazed at Juugo's physical strength and endurance. For a 6-year-old, who was granted big for his age, to be so fit was highly unusual as she found her seat. It harped back to an era long past, the warring states when children would be trained to fight from the moment they could walk.

It must have been awful, reminding her of her sister and the loss they'd endured as Juugo landed on a branch at the edge of the forest.

Fumiko waited, still watching with her fingers raised as Juugo hopped to the grass, then appeared with a bob from behind the fence. "Fumiko?" he said, peering over. "Sorry."

He climbed up, hopping over and to the floor as she crossed her arms. "Nice of you to return," she commented, staying seated as he shuffled over. "Where were you?"

It didn't make sense, as she watched him settle in the chair beside her.

He looked about.

"By the river," he said absently, meeting her eye for a moment. "I swam."

She looked at his clothes. "Really," she said, seeing the damp that lingered. "Yoyomaru said you disappeared."

Juugo shrugged, not his problem as Fumiko propped her arms on the table. "He may be fat, and a little slow," she said, leading up to something. "But," she emphasised. "He's an excellent Sensor. That's why he's my Summon."


"So where were you?"

Fumiko wouldn't accept him lying to her, not when he'd clearly done something more than just swimming.

It was easy to see, especially on a child as Juugo touched his hair.

"Sorry about that," she added, indicating his hair in apology. "I know I got some."

She had.

"You did," he bit, touching it again. "You could have just tagged me."

Fumiko agreed, looking sheepish as he smoothed it down.

He hadn't answered, making it difficult as Fumiko waited.

The food would be here soon, not soon enough as Juugo looked idly at the trees.

"I know," she began slowly, leaning forwards. "I imagine. That things were difficult before coming to Konoha."

Fumiko had looked into him, naturally as she recalled his footnote of a history.

"I suppose," he said, slightly confused at the change of topic. "But it wasn't all bad."

She nodded, before wondering how a boy became so wise. "Things are rarely all bad, even if they seem to be at the time," she said, thinking of her own struggles. "Life is like that, sometimes."

"Mm," agreed Juugo, looking back at the woman he hardly knew. "Were you born here?" he asked, watching as her sympathy changed, falling into guilt.

"Yes," she whispered after a moment, feeling her hands touch her sleeve. "My family, we've lived here since the founding. Mostly civilian, some shinobi."

It was like that for a lot of families, a mix. "But that all changed," she said, looking back at Juugo's listening eyes.

They were touched with his own grief, long left to wither as she told him the truth. "They died 6 years ago."

Her voice quivered, trying to smile to suppress the tears. "It's just me now. And Yoyomaru," she sighed exasperatingly. "Silly bird."

Juugo quite agreed. "He is rather. But birds are my favourite animal," he'd never told anyone that, even Hana who seemed to take his paintings of crows at face value.

"Me too," smiled Fumiko, before the pair glanced to their side.

"Here we are," said Tami, placing the plates down. "Oh! Hello there."

She looked at Juugo. He glanced back.

What did she want?

"This is Juugo," offered Fumiko, sharing a hushed smile with her friend. "He loves birds, so has been helping with Yoyomaru." She rolled her eyes. "Iruka."

Tami sighed ruefully, the two knowing how persistent he could be as she bowed politely. "It's nice to meet you!" she said, giggling as she noticed his arms. "My, you're a strong one. Look at those muscles!"

She was teasing, poking fun as Juugo checked his exposed arms. He flexed, pleased with his continued progress as Tami leaned to Fumiko, whispering something about sticks and beating while Juugo looked at his food, curious.

It was wrapped in bread, yet was thin like pastry as he poked it, smelling the chicken inside.

He picked it up, taking a bite as Tami stepped away. "Bye Juugo!" she waved, walking in as Juugo ignored her, knowing it was rude to talk with his mouth full.

He swallowed.

"Thank you for buying me dinner," he said, looking at Fumiko.

No one had bought him dinner before. Well, except Suzi. But that was her job as Fumiko waved it off. "It's my treat."

She didn't mind, not in the least as Juugo made a cute munchy face.

They finished quickly, knowing it was getting late. "I'll walk you home," she declared, feeling protective as Juugo rose with his plate.

He indicated hers. "Shall I take them in?"

"Oh," she hadn't thought of it. "Thank you Juugo."

He didn't dally, retrieving her plate before carrying them inside. Fumiko leaned subtly, wanting to see as Tami gushed at his kindness, then offered him a biscuit which he declined with a run.

He appeared by her side, before leading the way without a word back through the alley.

She giggled.

"Juugo…" she prompted, delicate as the rubbish thinned around them. "You didn't answer my question."

"Fine," sighed Juugo, going with the plan he'd come up with.

Fumiko bit her lip, staying quiet as he explained. "I copied your technique," he began, speaking simply as they arrived on the main street. "The Shadow Guise."

He glanced at the lights around them, their warmth dwindling as they passed on by. The shops were closed now, shut tight as Fumiko straightened.

She stopped, staring at Juugo's back as turned with a frown. "Show me," she stated, not believing.


His chakra vanished, but not like before as he covered it loosely, like the haze he'd missed on their first meeting.

She formed the Ram, closing her eyes as the street echoed emptily…

… she opened them, looking at first with a frown, then changed as she smiled beautifully. "Juugo, do you know how long it took me to learn that?"

He shook his head, feeling tired as Fumiko walked to his side. "You're a prodigy. I always knew," she remarked, lost in thought. "I could barely feel you."

Juugo hummed, agreeing inside that the technique was sub-standard at best, and far below his natural ability. "Thanks."

It was curious actually, as the pair continued their walk. Juugo felt that the haze and shadow was just a mimic of his own, like someone had tried to teach it long ago.

Amazing, as they finally arrived at the Orphanage. "Goodnight," said Juugo, ringing the bell. "Do we meet tomorrow?"

They couldn't train every day, since Fumiko had other responsibilities. "No," she said, looking sorry as the door groaned. "It won't be till next week. The Hokage has us all busy."

Juugo didn't mind.

"Alright, a week then."

He stepped through the opening door, meeting Suzi who lingered inside.

"Goodnight Juugo."

He waved, disappearing as Fumiko lingered by the doors as they closed behind him.

She was proud of him.


I liked the mood of this chapter, with Juugo and Fumiko enjoying their ninja burrito.

And Mizuki.

It's gonna be good :)

Latest chapter is up on Pa – treon / bactum too.

Till next time!